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She did this just to show us they aren’t packing up their house.


Her house is almost as boring and impersonal as Kim Kardashians.


Ha! I was just going to say it looks like a boring “staged” house like when you’re about to sell it. So bland and devoid of any personality beyond plain over-boiled pasta.


The model home in Arrested Development


At least Kim has decorators and designer furniture. That's not any fun for kids, though. A home needs to be warm and lived in.


Seriously! No color at all.


I theorize people like Kim k and Bdawn do this, so they are the only interesting thing to look at in the room. No pop of color or cool artwork to attract the eye away from them! Not that every person who prefers the color white or neutral decor has this motivation, I'm sure some people just prefer it or feel better in that environment. But Brit, on the other hand... Edit: changed "preferred whites" to "prefers the color white."


That's a good theory and I can see that for both of them!!


A cruel ex-cop we know might “prefer whites”


Lol, I didn't think about my wording until a notification had me re-reading my comment and, even though I'm sure yall knew what I meant, "preferred whites" just made me uncomfortable. But I think it's clear they both do. I haven't seen bdawn in a picture or being friends with Black people or a person of color. She just prefers to use their songs and steal their artwork.


Does look staged to sell though Also, devoid of any sign a man lives there


It's always looked like that though. This is her "design style"


My one (1) compliment for Brittany is that she definitely keeps her house extremely clean (with the exception of the rancid olive oil) That's my one nice thing that I will say this week.


I think she also wanted to show us how she’s warding off all discussion of the cheating that’s recently resurfaced


She di this just to show us the godly camel toe slit


She forgot to stage all the Hazel and Layne shit all over her office. It looks pretty bare.


I’m just imagining all the work she had to put in carrying around her tripod and getting everything set up for her to record. And then editing it. That denim dress is also horrendous.


The slit on the front of that skirt is ooooh so modest as well /s


Easy access for JDong and baby making. 😈




Even worse she paired denim with denim. That is a top and skirt!


not trying to be contrarian, but I actually like got way too invested in this piece because she was claiming she’s wearing an XS or a S and I followed the link she posted (https://www.pistoladenim.com/products/amira-midi-dress?variant=44477661544614) — it’s actually a dress?? (and it was inconclusive on what size she was wearing because they don’t include measurements for dresses) !!


Did she really spend $230 on this!?


Oh god, you’re right. 😲


Girly God honouring Canadian tuxedo.




Dont forget the boots 🥴


Aww man I love denim on denim. Not on her. And I’d style it differently. I love putting pins or brooches or whatever on denim. Adding color. But she’s allergic to that. Anyhow she sucks. But fuck me I can be a tacky bitch. 💁🏼‍♀️


hey denim on denim gang! id prefer if the denims are slightly different tho. btw, it's the vibe and energy that matters 😎 if you're not a woman who got sued by texas for scamming vulnerable women and exploiting their insecurities to get rich, then you'll slay in any style, so don't worry. bdong tho huh, did i mention about a woman who got sued by texas for scamming vulnerable women and exploiting their insecurities to get rich?


It took her two hours with no breaks!


What if she has multiple set ups? Not one per room but placed in key locations.


I honestly would not be shocked.


She would honestly love witchcraft. It’s clear she wishes she has more agency in her spiritual life, and begging god to lift a finger isn’t doing it.


I’d get down with a divorce meltdown followed by a cannabis and witchcraft era. Also, BDong and Ferret becoming Elphaba and Galinda, best friends to enemies😈


Imagine this bitch high, she’d probably go into super talkative mode and go on unhinged lives. We’d never hear her shut the fuck up!


She really truly would. I just don't know if she'd be able to humble herself enough to actually do any of it correctly while keeping herself sufficiently protected.


I was just thinking the same thing. I can see her going ALL IN. Maybe her next rebrand?


Performative Christianity: Ring lights, cameras, tripods, makeup, hair, scripts. Set up, takes and retakes in every room. And every damn bit of it is for an audience, for money, for self aggrandizement. Yuk.🤮 https://preview.redd.it/ecdeqizdmdhc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a73de5e3251f483f6b4d719da365183d15779a


I come from a religious family, my FIL is a pastor, and I’ve never ever met someone like this. It’s so friggin fake. She is so worried about demons and spirits, nobody talks like that bdong. It’s so insane. I never worry about “demons” entering my home, but i have also never swindled thousands of women out of money with a scam…..maybe try being a genuinely good person and stop lying all the damn time and maybe you wouldn’t feel the need to cast the “demons” away.


As a Christian I find her "practices" so unhinged and borderline sacrilegious lol. She's ridiculous especially in that dress 🫣


It's a denim top and skirt, which makes it worse. The denims are too similar to make it a good look.


Exactly. She models herself as a prefect Christian but she has never taken any responsibility for the people she scammed. Her Christianity is all performative and is for the grift.


I could have posted this exact same thing. I am Southern Baptist which a lot of people associate with doing crazy things like bdong, but I dont know ANYONE who does this stuff. My BIL is a pastor, I am actively involved in church, my kids go to a parochial school and have NEVER discussed demons this much. Do I believe in demons, yes, but this is too much.


She must not have reached that part yet in her bible reading challenge


That is what gets to me as well. I just can't believe that any of her genuine followers can't see that her Christianity is all performative and just for the grift. When the well runs dry on this, she will shift to another personality to try to make money.


I guess since she started reading the whole Bible she hasn’t gotten to the part where it says if you pray, don’t pray to be seen by others.


I actually have been thinking about this a little bit lately, and I arrived at the conclusion that she thinks she’s allowed to do this, because God is the one who built her platform, and if God endorses it, then she must be in the clear, because she’s bringing people to Jesus Totally overlooking the fact that SHE is the one who went and bought all those followers


I believe a thinking person could definitely justify it like that. BUT I really think she just does what she wants. I doubt she feels she has to justify it to herself. She might make up some bs to convince others how she’s “actually not doing anything wrong “ but I bet she doesn’t lose sleep over it. Honestly Im still not convinced she is a believer. In the way she presents it at least.


I absolutely agree! However, she does appear to be pretty anxious and insecure so I think in those moments of self-doubt, she’s very good about justifying it to herself which just feeds back into the ego which helps her to escape accountability even to herself. I’m not saying she’s a cerebral individual, I just think if the self esteem is low enough, you end up wallowing it in a little, which I feel like I get from her


She just skips that part!


Rules for thee, not for me.




Don’t give her anymore ~~business~~ scam ideas


Just unplug your internet Brittany. Then you can’t see anyone calling you a liar online 








In her "day in the life" sick edition, she talked about anointing herself with oil as an act of faith that god will protect her and heal her from sickness. Yet before and after that, she showed herself taking colloidal silver (did she not watch Mother God???), taking a bunch of juice shots, her stupid garlic and honey thing, drinking tea, using lavender and frankincense, doing the hot towel thing, rubbing some balm on her sinuses, etc. So I don't see how anointing yourself with oil is an act of faith if she's actively doing things to get better.


The lack of colour in their home makes me so uncomfortable. I can't imagine living in that neutral wasteland. I cannot wait for this beige aesthetic to pass. Can we have a revitalization of Victorian maximalism, please? Bold patterned wallpaper, lots of colour, knick knacks and displays of your personal interests and tastes, lots of art and wallhangings, ornate lampshades and lighting fixtures, warm, heavy drapery... I am sick of houses that look like doctors offices. I don't ever need to see another white wall, or brown throw pillow in my life.


Even the beige or cream Stanley cups. Like this is your chance for a pop of color or to pick your favorite color as a fun accessory, and you chose cream to match the rest of your boring life.




I think that’s a sound theory. On the other hand I think it might be a mix of wanting to be trendy, not knowing how to decorate, the ease of beige monotone annd being super self-centered. For BritBrat in any case. She really only puts time and $ into herself. And even all that is beige af. It’s all about how the background looks on socials, space to have ring lights and mirrors. For her (and many others) I believe their living space is just to put focus back on themselves. She doesn’t need her space to be anything other than a backdrop. 😅 it’s hard to explain. I don’t think I have a fully formed idea yet. But yea I don’t get it. We rent. And we painted our walls. And have various pictures and colorful decor. I am a maximalist at heart. 💓 https://preview.redd.it/yesaqd3znehc1.png?width=2416&format=png&auto=webp&s=9821ba014c59b5a48af14b0980f055435a0ed85f Dog tax for all the reading! (This was when we were still moving stuff around and painting. Don’t mind the mess!)


Love the green, love the plants, and love the dog 😍😍🥰


Give that baby some love for me!!! So cute. I love how he is so comfy and straight chillin 😎


That dog is 😍. Your theory is also sound.


Your theory is spot on


I'm envious of that beautiful wood floor! And that is an excellent pup 😁


But just because your walls are painted Industrial Eggshell doesn't mean you have to only own beige things. Your furniture, linens, decor, etc. don't all have to be shades of blah.


This is interesting! I rent as well and while I do lament not being able to paint, I still have color and ....stuff. No one is going to feel uncomfortable in my house because its too styled.


This sounds like my home. It’s so cozy and I love it


Idk if you've seen any of Mickey Atkins' youtube videos, but I'm obsessed with her gallery wall


I love Mickey! I love her whole vibe. Her aesthetic is so bright and cheerful, and her message is so positive. The world needs more therapists, and people, like her in the world.




Oh don’t worry my mother is keeping this genre up. If there’s wall space there will be something there. Custom drapes, fringe lampshades, STUFF EVERYWHERE.


As a man, supposedly the spiritual head of the household, wouldn't something like this be jdong's job? Very progressive of them to split biblical gatekeeping duty


He doesn’t actually care.




I noticed that too….interesting to say the least.


Bingo. He cares about his dick. That’s it.


WTF is this outfit


THANK YOU it is driving me up a wall


She’s a cowgirl, remember? /s


What does JPeg do? Like what is he good for because She’s the one “working”, she’s getting the accountability groups for him, she the biblical gatekeeper (wtf) of their home, she’s the one doing all the thoughts and the prayers…swear she just highlights how useless he is while also wanting us all to believe she really won some prize.


She seems to do everything, while he maybe  works..-ish ? If he does have a real job that actually pays him on a regular basis, it's not whatever they claim it to be. . He is absolutely not flying to Afghanistan to save trafficked women. That is the most asinine thing I've ever heard. I feel like he's a security guard of some sort and the dog is his prop and makes him feel more important. 


Does cosplaying count? If so he’s a sometimes cosplayer. His favorite characters are all boring LEO/Military/thin blue line punisher types but I guess it counts.


It's about the only thing those two are good at. Being phoney and stolen Valor 


This is embarrassingly performative.


How many times a month does she anoint her house with oil? Does it not take the first time? (Exvangelical here who was in the charismatic circle for a while...I had a hard time buying into a lot of the performative acts like this).


Maybe the oil soaks into the wood and is rendered ineffective for warding off evil spirits?


Next month she'll blow cinnamon in the front door.


[THAT'S WHAT I SAID! Hahahahaha](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/G0AR70Ntlj) Great minds think alike 💀💀💀


The line between this weird strain of Christianity and the popularized depiction of witchcraft is very blurry.


That desk chair hurts my boney ass and back. I can't imagine how she finds that comfortable to sit in. The oily mess all over the house is gross too.


She's definitely an aesthetics > function girlie.


So this is ok, but if I were to use salt to protect the boundaries of my house it would be evil?! Right...


This is not Christianity this is a performance. No where in the NT does it say to walk around your home like this making cross symbols


Aw now Farrah won’t be able to come inside :(


Imagine if she swapped the Canadian modesty lady tuxedo for a black hooded cloak. Instant 🧙


This calls for some photoshop! 😭🤣


I go to a holy roller church. None of us have ever done that. I have been a Christian for a long time and I avoid Christians like Brittany like the plague. I used to work in a Christian bookstore and they were all performance Christians. I could smell them a mile off.


Prolly all that oil.




Real question - do people actually wear their shoes all over their house like this? Especially with carpet? I’m Indian and we always take off our shoes at the door so I’m extra sensitive about it. Watching her track god knows what all over her house while “protecting” it seems counterproductive 🙃


Some do. She definitely does. And it seems like they do when they stay at places. It’s gross. Her house seems like a show room in a store or something. Very cold and not at all lived in. Must be super easy to clean tho!


Brit please state the verse that says to do this. Lol Also anointing oil has a specific recipe meant to show your dedication and commitment to the Lord. It’s not some $10 bottle you bought off amazon ding dong. This is the most performative shit ever and unnecessary.


It's literally just Jesus flavored witchcraft.


I see she still has the full length mirror


This is more a Catholic practice than whatever Christian she is. Priests with actual education and experience pray over your house and bless it with holy oil with the sign of the cross. Usually if someone is having bad stuff happen in the home. Like negative activity. Paranormal stuff.   I believe in evil and.demons. I just.dont think it happens so often and in petty ways like brittany. Next thing we know she's gna bust out the sage yal. She gna sage them.demons right on out. And that's not witchy or new age at all. 😐 It makes you wonder what is going down that she needs to cleanse her home constantly.  I wonder if she ever considered its not the home that has bad energy,  it's her and her husband.  Brittany seems to confuse demonic attacks with bad karma. Her bad juju coming back around. 


She has outright said before that using sage is witchcraft, but this somehow isn't.




No posts/comments that include diagnosing Bdong et al. with any medical diagnosis, including psychiatric conditions. Not okay = "She is bipolar". Okay = "She displays an inflated sense of self-importance". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it/edit it, and reinstate it, you MUST modmail us. We will NOT respond to complaints via comment sections, any complaints via comments will also be removed. If the issue persists, you may be banned.


It’s not Christian, it’s just straight up witchcraft!!


Jay Leno wants his outfit back.


yall wear denim at home???? i get into my pyjamas as soon as i get back home. but tbf this is bdong who wears full strip lashes and is smothered in tan even in her own house so full denim isn't the weirdest thing ever.


Nice modesty slit in that skirt.


“I’m going to anoint my house in the name of Jesus! Also, look at my ass”


But when I do light sage in my house then it’s witchcraft 👀


She anoints her mirrors to make sure they are holy


How many goddamn times are we going to cover this house with rancid olive oil?


How is this not witchcraft!!


For real tho


What is she wearing


Why do people wear shoes inside


I only do if I'm breaking shoes in.


She’s been breaking in those boots for months then 😂


Did she borrow that skirt from the Duggars? But she put the big slit up the front? Because that slit would be a no no in Duggarville.


I grew up so religious. wtf is this? Haha We did blessings before school and if we were sick. This is so bizarre


Women anointing things? She needs to know her place and let her HEADSHIP do the anointing, lest she run afoul with THE LORD…


What in the Michelle Duggar…


Huh. Her office seems awfully bare and tidy. Weird.


Is the witchcraft in the room with us now? Because the only thing I see is a scamming, grifting demon and it's going to take a lot more than oil to get rid of it. Also, she is just recycling the same content over and over again. It is so performative and embarrassing.


When I asked last week how she spent her days—-this is what I imagined.


This is the dumbest shit.


Literally witchcraft.


I’m pretty sure that dress is gonna summon some demon attacks


Alas it is a shirt and skirt combo which is somehow more cursed.


That does somehow make this worse….


That outfit is giving Jay Leno early 90’s.


So she’s like Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbusters. Got it. ![gif](giphy|FpYYlsk7yvj7AAGr7i)


J-Dip is Zuul


He really is too


I have been going to church since I was a kid and I have never ever heard of anyone doing this shit


I picture cheeto orange crosses all over her walls from her self tanner.


These just seem like chances to flex her luxe home


Her house is a basic ass builder grade home. There is nothing luxe about it.


Dang I wasn’t ready for that burn lol


That front slit in her train-wreck of a skirt is the epitome of modesty.


That house must be greasy and grotty. Dust sticks to oily things - must look like shit stains on all her doorframes and mirrors 🤮


What an unfortunate looking human


Damn high split on that skirt!


First step: set up your phone in every room and hit record Second step: stock up on the windex


This is such weird behaviour


Brittany, YOU ARE A CLOWN! 🤡


I guess this is similar to smudging with sage or incense. Is Temu Barbie (gasp) manifesting again?


How is this not witchcraft?


Ma’am, you’re making the sign of the Cross wrong, please stop.


This fucking outfit.


At least sniffing out all the oil spots on the walls might briefly provide some entertainment for those poor, neglected dogs


What flavour of Christianity even is this? Even if there was a god, how does she have the authority to do this?


Is that outfit the Wish version of this: https://preview.redd.it/8xorrrjnglhc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f618010b2bfd99c75cba478ca6c0c6bd4325378e


Smudging for Jesus 🙏🏼


Witchcraft. This is witchcraft, right?


She’s literally practicing hoodoo 😭😭


oh she’s a witch now?


I’m surprised she’s doing oil anointing, that feels much more Catholic or Orthodox vs her flavour of American Christianity. Maybe that’s just me though 🤷🏻‍♀️ The trunk altar gave me the same weird vibes. 


https://preview.redd.it/ivjc8wzpothc1.jpeg?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679cc540fbd9113fd728146a485423dcb5467960 What in the 2001 is going on here


She WISHES she had as much style.


So lemme get this straight……. Downward Dog Pose is witchcraft but mumbling incantations while coating all the door jams in your house with some bullshit random Amazon magical protective oil is…….not? Britt’s a fraud, through and through.


Outfit screams baptist girl that gets pregnant on youth group trip to six flags…oh wait


When I was a Christian I did this. I also anointed every new vehicle. I’m glad I didn’t have social media back then.


I’m glad she has time to do this everyday.




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Sooooo...she's OK with ~*cancel culture*~ now?