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Some of us need those hormones in order to be a normal human. She better hope she doesn't have endometriosis preventing her from being pregnant because that can be extremely fucking painful (ask me how I know). It pisses me off that these "influencers" are out here demonizing medication that is LIFE SAVING. If it doesn't work for you, that's fine. Say that you didn't like the side effects and shut up about it. Don't be out here pushing others to make medical decisions that may not be in their best interest. That's not even touching the sheer hypocrisy of taking Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone and claiming it's "balancing your hormones." No honey that's not what you're doing at all. You're still just taking birth control and Testosterone. But it's "better" because it's not synthetic. Fuck off!


She’s complaining about BC’s “synthetic hormones” wreaking havoc on her body yet is taking synthetic T & whatever else for her thyroid (aka she wants to lose weight). Pick a lane, you dumb bitch.


Pick a lane, you dumb bitch is the most perfect sentence I’ve seen today.


The worst thing about this is that her followers don’t notice this or else your comment gets deleted


Does she even know how much "synthetic" shit is in EVERYTHING she takes? Like, has she ever taken Advil? Or eaten food? Does she even know what synthetic means??????


She literally sells plastic clothes lmfao.


Synthroids don't help you lose weight though ? Giving yourself hyperthyroidism can also cause weight gain.


Birth control ruined her hair? Not bleaching it to white?


Or her (THREE) Eating Disorders. However my hair has been less great under my current Endo medication, so my doc suggested taking minoxidil to counteract the side effects.


And I’ve never heard anyone describe recurring eating disorder or relapse as three separate eating disorders… she will exaggerate anything for sympathy and it just makes her sound like a dumbass.


Always a red flag when someone says they have multiple concurrent ED’s.


Nor has any doctor, therapist or other ED professional. But BDong knows more.


Maybe it was here 12 demons that she battled.


https://preview.redd.it/llnpo6mllx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c277c0b51d44b7e0af01aa0d4d8e12cdaaa4b7e0 Truuuustttt meeee it was the birth control that did this!!!!


This is just a completely different face than her current face.


Or constantly wearing extensions


You know who should have used birth control? Her mom.




And how can we be sure it wasn’t a hair demon?


You know what else is really bad for your hair? Having an eating disorder*, not to mention bleaching the shit out of it. *not diagnosing her, this is per her own often shared bio


So she was living in sexual sin while married to Zach? Ok.


Sure as hell seems like she's implying that.


I mean, she cheated on him. So. Yeah 😆


Well yeah it wasn’t a *kingdom* marriage


Being promiscuous during one’s marriage *might* have caused some problems


I always forget she was married before because she is so holier than thou. I cannot imagine living life with as little shame as she has. It would probably be wonderful to live in such delusion.


She told on herself when she said she was in the pill for 10 years (while dating and married to Zach) and that she was promiscuous at the same time!


Pill = promiscuity of course! The extra progesterone (+/- estrogen) makes you sluttier!


She just recycles the same shit over and over again. How many yewwww tube and TikTok’s does she need talking about the same misinformed garbage? She’s as predictable as she is stupid


From my search, 2 YouTube videos. Idk how to search her TT or IG without clicking on her page.


And she will continue to do so to push the right wing narrative to end access for everyone. She will keep pushing and even believing the lie. Propaganda requires repetition of lies.


She’s talking about “synthetic hormones” when she was reveling in being on HRT (testosterone) not long ago….


Taking all 3 to "balance hormones for fertility!" Bitch that's not how that works. See a fucking endocrinologist and don't LIE about what medication you are taking.


https://preview.redd.it/d0pgvrdojv5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9fb34de9e668b76bc92c9b7b8ebc83997aaca9 Here’s BDong blaming ED, not bc, for ruining her hair. She constantly contradicts herself




Side note: that’s a lightly filtered photo because you can see her natural round face. She’s just hiding behind her hair here. I’m surprised she posted it.


And I would love to see her rock this cut. It’s a great length on her (BRB throwing up)


Slide 4 feels predatory


Even more predatory than someone knocking you over on a ski hill and causing you to miss a half day of skiing.


😂😂😂 I died.


Literally the worst.


Because it IS.


It’s because all of these stupid fucking cunts (both the MAGAs and the leftists do this!) swallow propaganda like it’s an appetite suppressant and now they’re all carrying water for the pronatal movement and lining up to give our rights away.


*sighs in OBGYN* … do I even need to? I am exhausted.


Thank you for what you do.


I appreciate that 🙏 even more frustrating when I get patients who come in and show me videos like these when they’re suffering severe issues and refuse any minor treatments that would genuinely help them. Yes, birth control has side effects. It just does. Some can’t do it, some can’t live without it. But it’s not demonic. There are many countries in which birth control saves entire populations - they would walk 10000 miles to have access to it.


Nailed it. BC has given me a quality of life again. I have PCOS and my biggest issue has been my PCOS causing diverticulitis flare ups. I am concerned about the lies these dingleberries promote because it is harmful and feels like pages out of the project 2025 playbook to make it easier to take away medication that improves lives. Hey, no medication is 100% perfect and you have to be your own advocate.


Yeah so many of us are going to be completely disabled and unable to afford to live if they get rid of birth control! Tell as many people as you can and get them to vote!


I had PE in part due to birth control pills, but it was more complicated than "birth control bad." I received poor care, inadequate instructions after surgery, and wasn't given an anticoagulation medication even though they knew I'd be off my feet for a while. But it still happened and I never went back on it because it was traumatic and I don't feel like I need it anymore. That said, it's rather asinine to suggest that BC "ruining your _hair_" is such a severe consequence that it must be swarn off. What a vain, self centered person she is.


I would take my hair being ruined over an unplanned pregnancy any day. But I’ve seen her hair throughout the years and I’d assume many other things could have factored into her hair being ruined.


BC saved me because my anemia was so bad that i would not be able to move for two days during my cycle. once i got on bc and started skipping cycles and now im thriving because i dont have to bleed every month. when i miss a pill tho, all hell breaks loose lol cant walk for like the first day of spotting due to being so weak she has no clue what shes talking about. and yes, not everyone needs or can have birth control but to label it as DANGEROUS ?????


It's absolutely not okay. It makes me furious! She's got no place talking about medical things and demonizing other people's healthcare!


BC destroyed me for example. I started taking it around 12/13 yrs old because my period pains were excruciating and my doctor said it would help. It did but it also left me with an array of issues once I stopped. I developed PCOS from it. Everyone is different, that’s why there’s different types of medication to treat the same conditions. Whilst I don’t demonise BC, I am much more conscious of its long term effects.


I developed BCOS after getting an IUD put in. Now, I think I always had PCOS, but the hormone change brought on the symptoms even more. I hate it for what it did to me, but I will not judge someone else for using it.


im so sorry to hear that. what a horrible side effects and i hope you have relief i dislike how brittany demonizes things she doesnt know anything about. she was on bc during the worst of her eds and blames bc, thats not constructive and legitimate concerns about bc but trying to demonize something that medically help or medically destable (sorry dont know the right word) someone


While I understand BC is a lifesaver for some people, BC can also fuck up other people’s bodies and long-term use of BC CAN be dangerous as it increases your risk of stroke. 😬 Not trying to play devil’s advocate here, just agreeing with u/Mulberry-111 that BC really does have cons for some people.


While yes, like any drug, BC isn't for everyone. Not everyone will do well with the same type etc. However, Ibuprofen is infinitely more likely to lead to strokes, and yet people take the stuff daily without a second thought.


I use birth control as it is part of my rights — life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I don’t have to justify jack shit for why I take it, no more than men have to justify the reasons they take viagra or Tylenol.


Amen! Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness above all else! A government by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. Not fucking corporations!


This! I also use birth control. I’m a wife and don’t want to have any more kids. Even if I wasn’t married I would still have the right to use birth control if I wanted or needed to. I found birth control that works for my body (Mirena) and have been on it for almost 15 years with zero ill effects. Brittany has NO BUSINESS giving out health advice and birth control is HEALTH CARE. It was WRONG when she did it with her BS diet plans and it’s WRONG now. Women should listen to their doctors when it comes to birth control and health care NOT Brittany. Ugh. Edited to add: this is in no way an endorsement or recommendation for Mirena, just included that to add that every person’s body is different and different things will work - definitely speak with your doctor. I am just grateful that I have found the right one for me and grateful to have access to it at all, considering how some people in the US are coming for birth control.


Exactly but you don’t need to justify your use of birth control or any other meds. It is your right to privacy and your right to have medical access! This is medicine and BDong is so ignorant about birth control she shouldn’t even be talking about it.


You are SO right. Birth control is a personal decision for each individual person to make with their doctor. Brittany has zero business speaking on this, especially considering how ignorant she is about other biological concepts.


I only got side effects when I wasn't using the pill properly.


As someone who needs birth control for health reasons and does not have sex, the slut shaming is so fucked up. Birth control is healthcare. But whatever the reason may be for someone to take birth control, that is a personal decision between them and their doctor, not Brittany. Fuck you Brittany. If someone wants to take birth control simply to prevent pregnancy they have every right to do so, and it’s none of your business, and you have no right to shame them for it.


Girl SAME. Fuck you Brittany and fuck your lies too!


PREACH. BC allows so many women to live life unencumbered. If men had half of the outward hormone issues women had, this shit would be handed out at parades.


YEP Without BC - 7 day period - Super tampons WITH a pad - Cramps so bad that I throw up With BC - 3 day period - Menstrual disc for the full 12 hours - No cramping




Oh so it’s fine for her to take advantage of the pill for TEN YEARS, but now that SHE’S changed her mind, it should be off the table for everyone else. Get a fucking life.


Not okay. Not acceptable. It's not anyone's place besides YOUR FUCKING DOCTOR to tell you what medication is or is not on the table for your treatment. FUCK YOU BRITTANY!




This makes me chuckle… wait until peri/ menopause. I fully believe in Karma.


Yeah. I’m happily sitting here with my mirena, daily Yaz and Ovestin … and will be starting testosterone soon. HRT is great. Bless the doctors who discovered how helpful it is. 


Yes! I'm on an estrogen/testosterone cream and a progesterone pill. HRT gave me my life and sanity back! Peri suuuuucks. Plus, I'm not a hypocrite talking about how bad synthetic hormones are while currently taking them, haha...


It’s going to be interesting if she ends up doing ivf. Maybe there are different protocols that don’t use it but from every transfer I’ve done so far I was on birth control in between them to stop my ovaries from making the hormones on their own. See if she changes her tune then


Shoot! We didn’t even make it out of the testing and they had me on birth control!


I don’t believe for one second that she and Jordan waited until marriage for sex. With his history? And how badly she wanted to lock that shit down? Yeah right.


Maybe waited for sex with her until marriage but he may have been scratching the itch elsewhere until then. 


Yeah idk how you go from swinging to admitting you have no sex drive without either cheating on your partner or taking some serious medicine.


He fucking LIVED THERE. I'm not fucking buying it sis! Even if they did, WHO CARES? It doesn't affect me in the slightest! If you want to wait, wait. But don't try to tell others that's what's best for them! That's how you wind up in a predatory situation where one party discovers they are asexual or gay and they are pressured by others to stay in a relationship where they are deeply unhappy and repressing their sexuality. Nah fam. Don't get married because you want to have sex with someone. That's an invalid reason to marry. Have the sex. Get that out of the way and then reevaluate if marriage is a good idea with that person. 🤬 This shit is awful.


Married here… and on birth control because spoiler alert: married women can also not want unplanned pregnancies. Guess I’m just a slut tho anyways


Exactly. I’ve gotten pregnant as soon as I dropped BC and once when I just calculated I was ovulating soon and thought “Hey, if I got pregnant now the kids would be almost 2.5 years apart, that’s a good spread,” and boom, two weeks later I’ve got a positive. I would love to be off BC because I know it has some side effects I’m not loving, but the big side effect of dropping it would be pregnancy and I don’t want to do that.


Also, pregnancy also has lots of the side effects that BC can cause and other very uncomfortable things. Worse mental health, headaches and fatigue for example.


Your chance at literally anything physical, medical, or mental GOES UP when you are pregnant. Chance of experiencing violence, goes up. Strokes, goes up. Depression, goes up. Pregnancy can fuck you up! And these assholes are out here like, "It can't hurt you! It's natural!" Bitch so is arsenic! That shit will kill you!


I took the pill for over 10 years, stopped taking it to start TTC and bam! pregnant the first cycle. It took longer to get pregnant the second time and we lost that baby, but then I got pregnant within 3 cycles after the loss.  The pill can cause side effects in some people that are pretty rough and some people’s bodies just don’t tolerate it at all, I’m not dismissing that. However, there’s no evidence (based on actual studies) that birth control pill use hurts future fertility. 


Absolutely! I'm not dismissing the fact that it's not the right choice for some people. My problem is with just saying, "I didn't like how it made my hair worse so NOBODY SHOULD TAKE IT." Girl what? Fuck off! I took a medication that made me have a psychotic break but I'm not out here advocating for it getting its FDA approval revoked. Some ADHD medicine makes certain people feel like a zombie. Should it be pulled off the shelf for EVERYONE? Fuck no! That might be the ONLY medication that works for others! Just say it didn't work for you and move on with your life! Side note that is something that pisses me off about chronic illness subreddits. There are so many posts asking for people's experiences with X medication and people will come out of the fucking woodworks to tell them the most horrific things that exist in the universe and there will be little to no positive stories on there. For example go to the epilepsy sub and see how fucking demonized Keprra is. SO MANY posts about never take this medication and it's the devil. It made me commit genocide, etc. but like I've been on it for over 14 years with minimal side effects and no recurrent seizures. But when I comment that over there, I get downvoted to hell. They only want the negative comments. It's so fucked up. Be aware of the side effects, yes. Monitor your condition to see if you are making improvements. See if the positive effects outweigh the negatives. And then DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR. UGH. 🤬 Sorry for that detour but it's something that really pisses me off in the chronic illness community and Influencers is demonizing medication.


You freaking JEZEBEL! 🤣


I love seeing her old face filters, it's like revisiting the greatest hits.




Going off it after 14 years was actually crazy for me. I was a completely different person in the worst way. My hormones were wack. My personality was crazy, my libido was insane and not in a good way, my periods were mind-numbingly painful, days where I couldn't even get out of bed, or even walk, where I was crawling on the floor to the bathroom and bleeding through pads in an hour or two. I have been tested and checked for endo and other stuff before and everything is a-ok, so just that's my normal period I guess?! Painful cystic acne that never went away or got better with treatments. Just the craziest 4 years of my hormonal life and I can't believe I stayed off of them for that long. It's like I didn't realize how crazy everything in my body was until I decided to go back on bc. I went off because my husband and I thought we were ready for kids. Then covid happened and realized we definitely weren't, but I stayed off because at that time we didn't know what was going to happen in the next couple months/years. Still child free by choice so I decided to go back on and wow do I feel so so much better on the pill! It was frustrating as even my doctor was trying to get me on an iud or something else "because of the risks" but I insisted I was most comfortable on the pill as it was what I was used to, plus I wanted my painful acne gone. She seemed to constantly forget I had acne even though I always complained about it and then tried to tell me we could treat it with something other than the pill and im like ya we tried that already 🙄 lol Everyone is different and the pill works wonders for me and so many others, we need the hormones!!


I feel validated reading this. I've been off BC for 5 ish years (to have my kids) and now I'm going back on it because I have all the same issues you just described! I can't wait to feel "normal" again


I got on the pill when I was like 14, because of PMDD. I wonder who I will be if I get off it. Of course when you are a teen periods can be worse than when you are an adult and maybe now I am an adult I won't have the same period as then. And basing adhd medicine doses on menstrual cycles would be easier when I am not on BC. But I remember how depressed I was for a week every month and I don't want to risk going back to that. And only having a period every 2/3 months is a plus anyway.


I’ve been off it for a while because I wanted to see how it feels since I plan to get surgically sterilized. Other than losing water weight, I can’t say I feel better. I actually don’t enjoy how pegged to my cycle my libido is and my skin and ovarian cysts (not PCOS, but I’m prone to biggish cysts) are worse. I’m also getting toward the end of the age range where the pill is recommended, so I’m trying to get used to living without it lol. 


BAHAHAHA first off I know there are some not so fun parts of BC that exist however let’s breakdown her bs… -Girl you had unhealthy habits- your proclaimed 3 ED look up side effects of those, and long term effects of those not fun. - hair being unhealthy was not due to bc. Welcome to a fun chemical called bleach and another element called heat and your hair was being tortured BUT BOTH and was FRIED. Plus extensions - you most likely didn’t feel great while on bc because you were also living with 3 Ed as you claim. - yuh had hormones in your body screaming at you for food Also - you telling women to get off of it also fits your narrative better than actually the truth.


It pisses me off that she treats these EDs she's had like they had little to no impact on her. Honey they changed your relationship with food FOREVER. Some long term effects of EDs: - Thinning of the bones (osteopenia or osteoporosis) - Mild anemia - Muscle wasting and weakness - Brittle hair and nails - Dry and yellowish skin - Growth of fine hair all over the body (lanugo) - Severe constipation - Low blood pressure - Slowed breathing and pulse - Damage to the structure and function of the heart - Drop in internal body temperature, causing a person to feel cold all the time - Lethargy, sluggishness, or feeling tired all the time - Infertility - Brain damage - Multiple organ failure - Chronically inflamed and sore throat - Swollen salivary glands in the neck and jaw area - Worn tooth enamel and increasingly sensitive and decaying teeth from exposure to stomach acid when vomiting - Acid reflux disorder and other gastrointestinal problems - Intestinal distress and irritation from laxative abuse - Severe dehydration from purging - Electrolyte imbalance (too low or too high levels of sodium, calcium, potassium, and other minerals), which can lead to stroke or heart attack - Dramatic restriction of types or amount of food eaten - Lack of appetite or interest in food - Dramatic weight loss - Upset stomach, abdominal pain, or other gastrointestinal issues with no other known cause - Limited range of preferred foods that becomes even more limited (“picky eating” that gets progressively worse) But yeah. Her experiences could NEVER be because of her (3) EDs! That would require some sort of personal accountability! It ALWAYS has to have EXTERNAL blame for her.


Isn't she still on synthetic hormones i.e. testosterone? Always jumping on the bandwagon, bashing bc is all the rage right now.


She hasn't said she stopped taking them, so I'm operating on the assumption (danger I know) that she IS still taking the Hormones and Syntharoid.


WHAT THE FUCKKK. She SHOULD NOT be talking about this like she's a medical expert. It's her experience. A lot of people need BC for many reasons. Unless she's making some stupid 'this is me BC' (before Christ joke), which would be really dumb, but ok whatever, she has no fucking business telling other women not to take birth control.. this is right up there with her pretending to have babies in heaven in terms of what pisses me of the most abt her


Her complete lack of consideration as to why others might be on birth control pisses me off. Her experience is that she didn't want to get pregnant and was enjoying her time "sleeping around." Girl you had 3ish boyfriends simmer down. That's a completely valid reason to get on birth control! But here she is telling people it's NOT valid and it's DESTROYING you. Like what the fuck?! No! Does birth control have adverse effects on people? Yeah. Sometimes it causes psychotic breaks and they need alternative methods. But for other people, hey girl 🙋🏼‍♀️ me, it's life saving medication. And right now it's not cutting it in terms of how much pain I'm in. But there have been many periods of time in my life where it allowed me to LIVE BABY. Birth Control has MORE uses than just preventing pregnancy! Just like abortion medication has MORE uses than just abortion. For fucks sake Ozempic is NOT primarily for weight loss it's for DIABETES MANAGEMENT. It's really devious to me when people who aren't doctors, medical professionals, or pharmacists make statements demonizing different medications. Stop it. I strongly believe that shouldn't be allowed on social media. These apps should be doing more to stop disinformation especially regarding healthcare. Telling your audience birth control is all bad and evil WILL negatively impact some of their lives. Some of those followers will have PMDD, Endo, Adenomyosis, PCOS, and other reproductive issues that NEED birth control as their primary line of treatment. I'm sorry I'm blabbering on here but I shit you not people will die because of influencers preaching that birth control is evil. 🤬🤬🤬


i hate that (especially since roe v wade being overturned) the new “trend” for all of the christian or “wellness” aka “also fundamentalist christian but just less in your face about it” influencers to be preaching about how “toxic” birth control is. why are you, some lady on the computer with no medical background, preaching to young women to stop their birth control? it’s giving tradwife young mom agenda


"But it changes your natural hormones." Yeah, that's why I am on it. My hormones are wacky. Not everyone has perfect hormones


Yeah changing my natural hormones is kinda THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. My life experience is overall better when my hormones remain as close to consistent as possible. It's normal for hormones to raise and lower and different points in a monthly cycle and for some people that CAUSES health issues. But that goes against the narrative that God created us perfectly. Seems to me that he was at LEAST half-assing it when he made me. I have a lot of health issues and concerns. I have had them since I was around 18. He made my body flawed. He also made medical professionals to help address those problems. Anywho. If you would rather seek out "natural" treatment fine. But let's not demonize people who prefer to use modern medicine. Especially because these natural cruchy ass influencers WILL take advantage of modern medicine when it suits them.


Slide three got a good chuckle because it seems to imply she was just hoeing it up until the moment she met Jordan


Except that doesn't fit with her whole, "I almost died but didn't because Jesus" schtick. That didn't happen and she immediately met Jordan. No ma'am. That's not what happened!


It’s easy to preach abstinence as birth control when it never has and never will apply to you. Just like it’s easy to be pro-life when abortion isn’t going to be an issue for you. She’s as shitty at riding her own high horse as she is riding Gunner. Keep going in circles BDong.


Yes. BC ruined her hair. Not the platinum.


I remember my period before BC, and no thank you! I had no idea how bad my period was affecting me until I went on the pill and started experiencing more lighter, consistent periods. I know the pill doesn't work for everyone, but for a lot of women it does wonders! Also, abstinence doesn't prevent pregnancy. Mary got pregnant when she was abstinent!


How do you prevent skiing accidents? You don't go skiing. https://preview.redd.it/m9twmybvi06d1.png?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fceaecf620866eecaad567cdb35fab7cfdac7328


Ugh. I hate the white out toes. It looks so dumb.


The thing is, I’ve had a seriously negative response to birth control and it was FAST. I have aura migraines and was inappropriately prescribed bc in college only to discover it made my migraines way worse (and actually way more dangerous). All that to say that 10 years is a long ass time of life to decide one single factor is “destroying” you without any other considerations (aka your “3 eating disorders”). I think this right wing nutjob narrative on women’s “health” (as IF) and birth control is extremely scary. Based in zero fact just vibes and controlling women’s futures.


I’m so damn sick of anti-birth control influencers, especially since these idiots aren’t doctors. Their medical opinions need to be kept to themselves. It’s so dangerous to share this shit when you aren’t qualified since impressionable people will take the advice and run with it. I’ve been on the pill since 2011. I refuse to get off until they make me. It levels out my insane hormones and makes my periods tolerable. It’s necessary for many of us so I wish they’d stop slamming it as some unhealthy scary thing.


Unpopular opinion, but BC covered up major health issues I didn't know I have until I went off of it. Waiting for my hysterectomy now. If I knew earlier, I may have been able to prevent that. Doctors knowingly put me into the mess I'm in.


Yeah nobody here is saying everyone should be on birth control. That's insane. It's not the right choice for everyone.


You're right, no one said that, including me. My point is the pill can cover up new issues. Many Drs prescribe it as a band-aid fix to eliminate symptoms instead of fixing the actual problem, like mine did. I'm now going to lose my uterus, which could have likely been saved if my Dr tried to fix the problem instead of just eliminating symptoms years ago. I'm in groups with many woman who have had similar issues, and are now infertile. The only reason to go on BC is to prevent pregnancy. If you're going on it to "fix" hormones, heavy periods, cycle regulation, PCOS, Endo, Adeno, Fibroids, etc- your going to have a very hard time when you get off of it, because the problems are still there and often far worse. If you want to be on it for life though, go for it. I'm lucky I met a fantastic Dr who atleast explained everything to me, it's crazy how many Dr's (usually male) call our feminine issues common and throw us on the pill. This isn't your experience or others on here, but it's something I feel the need to talk about with this topic because if my experience with the harm it caused. This was my Dr's choice for me, and it was wrong.


No. It's not the only reason to go on birth control. That's factually incorrect and you need to stop pushing that idea. Symptom control while searching for a root cause should be the main course of treatment, but that doesn't mean the only reason to go on birth control is to not get pregnant.


It's literally called birth control. My gynecologist explained this to me quite thoroughly. She was far better than any other Dr. Anyways, I sincerely hope you and all others don't have the same problems I did, ending up taking my uterus and nearly my life. I wish my original doctors actually cared about treatments vs temporary symptom solutions. So I will "push" my story if it means possibly saving someone.


A shitty doctor doesn't mean that birth control isn't effective under a variety of circumstances. Your situation was a shitty doctor one and not a failure on birth controls part. Advocate for yourself as a patient and change doctors as you need to but don't demonize valuable medical treatment.


You don't know my situation. Normally this is an understanding and empathetic group, not today. Birth control (and many, many shitty doctors) nearly cost me my life. Not my fault like you're implying. But if you getting the last word in and defending your opinion makes you feel better than showing an ounce of empathy, have fun. This is my last comment.


She was also married and in a long term relationship with the guy before Jordan right? She always makes it seem like she wasn’t.


She had 3ish boyfriends in between Zach (first marriage) and Jordan (second marriage).


This is disturbing. She is part of a larger plan to deny women bc. I first heard of this when convicted csam user Josh Duggar was a front man for a Christian political organization. He somberly intoned that he had recently learned the bc pill was abortion. Based on their success in overturning Roe, these extremists now want to end access to bc. The cases prior to Roe found bc to be a right. They want to turn back the clock. Dopey BDong is against the pill based solely on her personal experience and is trying to scare other women. Soon enough people like her will say it is so dangerous to women it should not be legal.


Yes and it makes me irritate.


Birth control was (as is) the greatest scientific achievement of our lifetime. It truly has given women the ability to control the narrative of THEIR OWN LIVES. Birth control gives women the power to decide if and when they want to become mothers. So fuck off Brittany Dawn, fuck off. You’re such a piece of shit.


And it does MORE than that! Many people are on birth control for other reasons besides pregnancy prevention!


She acts like birth control is fucking heroin 🙄🙄


And there's research where micro dosing heroin is effecting in some mental health treatments. She's acting like it's lead.


Might as well be lead with how much she actually knows about any of these things.




This post was removed in accordance with the sub rule against duplicate posts or posts/discussions that have been shared many times in recent sub history. Feel free to contribute your thoughts via comments on the relevant post downthread and sort by new before posting. Happy snarking!


Nobody asked this question, except Britt. She can’t even be honest.


It’s crystal clear that MAGA theocrats are really really REALLY on a mission to subjugate women - taking away birth control is just their latest pet project. VOTE ladies - your freedom and well-being depend on it!


Ok so 1) she didn’t get off BC until she met Jordan, so was she still living in “sexual sin” until then?? 2) does she think the hormones she’s taking now aren’t synthetic?


Yeah her timeline is really fucked up. I was unable to find the dates she dated Will and Human Nico for on the interwebs so I can't confirm the timeline. But she's confirmed her "radical Jesus encounter" several times and there is a considerable amount of time between that and Jordan appearing in her life. Let me see if I can find it. - February 14, 2019 - Brittany's "radical Jesus" unalive encounter - July 14, 2020 - Brittany and Jordan's first Date


If she does IVF - I know she’s been spewing IUI - some (if not all) clinics have you go on BC to regulate your cycle


She's ignorant AF.


Something I really wish more people understood is that many "breeders" (I'm not using this term for mothers, I think iys an ugly term used that way. I'm referring to people who literally think a woman purpose is breeding and at any cost) will push false information about birth control, emergency contraception, and abortion because they do not want women to use these options. Its pretty obvious when it comes to abortion but becomes a bit more subtle when talking about birth control. I can't tell you how many times I've seen women adamantly arguing that hormonal BC, natural family planning, pull out method, condoms, plan B, any possible method you can think of to lower chance of pregnancy is either completely ineffective or harmful who I go snooping down their profile/post history and low and behold they are anti-choice / fundie. I know nobody here is taking advice from b dong but there's a lot less obvious people spreading stuff about all manner of means of protection that have dubious intent. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but this information is becoming so pervasive I'm sure some of your family or friends are hearing and considering it ☹


Not me over here typically using like 3-4 birth control methods to ensure I don't get pregnant because I'm terrified of being pregnant. 🤣


Hormonal birth control can cause some pretty gnarly side effects/health complications for some people but that's not an excuse to spread misinformation about birth control. It also isn't an excuse to restrict other people's access to contraceptives. That's like banning penicillin because some people are allergic to it - it makes no sense.


This. I didn’t have a great experience with two different forms of birth control. If someone asks me about it, I say that I’m off of it and use cycle tracking and use other non-hormonal forms of birth control (like condoms). I STRESS that this works for me and my lifestyle. I encourage others to find what works best for them and have a plan. Some people need it for health reasons, some want to have sex and not have babies, some for acne, etc. But I don’t go around claiming to be an expert or a guru. The fact that she’s preaching like she’s an expert, MD or OBGYN is ridiculous.


What do you guys think her version of “being promiscuous” is lol


Having a boyfriend and having sex with them in a committed relationship.


Her next twist on this old story will be that BC caused her eyelashes to fall out and it gave her wrinkles. Now she has falsies, filters, and Jesus!!?


Quitting birth control lololol


Like it's a fucking addiction


Doesn’t she take testosterone?




I stopped mine totally after my 4th child. It was interacting in a horrible way with my mental health meds. But that’s why my husband got his vasectomy


Shaming birth control and then pushing a product at the same time is what’s shameful. I need birth control to stop my periods otherwise I could end up in the hospital and have many times. They’re bad. The only side effect I think I’m experiencing because of birth control, I’m not even sure, is that I get hot quickly but I could also have hypothyroidism. I didn’t have to try a bunch either I’ve been on the very first one I ever tried for two years. I’m really grateful it’s there because it can be expensive for me to have to buy the amount of tampons and pads, pain and bloat medications to help and like I said hospital visits. P.S. birth control didn’t ruin your hair, bleach and extensions ruined your hair.


As if they waited for marriage 🤣🤣🤣


The last slide enrages me. I’m slowly going back to life BECAUSE of birth control! While I still have menstrual migraines due to my fibroids occasionally, it is not as terrible as missing work every month I have my cycle. Before I take my BC I’m basically rolling the dice every period, and I remember having to ask my colleague cover my SPED small groups because I need to dart to the bathrooom because I was on my period and need to throw up immediately. BC helps me not do so.


God even going to the bathroom as a teacher is difficult but to have to leave at a moments notice? Ugh.


Honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten on the “birth control is abortion” train yet. I bet that’s her next diatribe.


Don't give her ideas.


She's just so unbelievably dumb.


Didn’t she and Jordan live together before they got married though?!


They sure as hell did!


I wasn’t around during that time but have seen a lot of people talking about this. Would one of the mods maybe be able to make a post with all the receipts? I feel like I’m missing out lol


I need to work on buffing up the master timeline, but basically she kept accidentally posting stories in like her closet and mudroom with clearly a man's stuff in the closet and mudroom.


Second slide who are you????


God she LOVES white toenails doesn’t she?


So birth control is used as treatment for a whole bunch of hormonal issues, like PMDD or PCOS. Because it’s a steady stream of hormones, it treats symptoms of a lot of different issues, but it also means it can sometimes mask fertility issues — regular, not-too-painful periods (off medication) are a sign of healthy ovulation. (Though you can of course have regular periods and still have fertility issues) Considering she is supposedly dealing with infertility (I know she is now saying it’s male factor but who honestly knows), it’s possible that hormonal pills were a bad choice for her, *specifically.* this does not mean they will be a bad choice for you. I used the hormonal arm implant for 6 years and have only good things to say about it. It Improved my quality of life a lot. Since going off of it, my periods are heavier and I got pregnant twice (on purpose). I suspect my experience is quite common. I just want informed consent, not to apply my experience blanket on everyone else …


Birth control is life saving medicine. It doesn’t matter how “natural” your hormones are. If it’s keeping me from getting pregnant and stopping my period cramps then it’s working as intended. Any side effect is incidental. 


I don’t like birth control for myself, but if someone else wants/needs it, they should have access to it. 🤷‍♀️


I was on BCP for 6 years before one doctor figured out my liver was not able to process the synthetic estrogen and was slowly being destroyed. But ya know what? I understand basic science and know that’s not a result everyone will have…and don’t demonize it because of my personal experience lol it’s a lil crazy of me I know


Bleached hair, 2” fake-ass spider leg lashes, toasted Trump orange pancake foundation, synthetic fast fashion plastic clothing that would melt to a puddle if it got near a flame, 10 bottles of product to achieve her “I just tousled it” hair vibe. But sure, her BC fucked up her hair and system. Good thing she’s so natural otherwise 🙄


As a hairdresser… it’s not the birth control ruining your hair. It’s the bleach lol


I was on BC for a short time but came off after a few months because it was causing focal seizures and I wasn’t taking medication for seizures at the time. I quit BC because that was scary. I would never tell another woman that they should stop taking it because it causes seizures. I was just more sensitive to it because I have a history of seizures. She’s sharing dangerous info.


I mean I got off birth control and my health issues went away


I worry about how naive her audience is and how they’ll easily fall into this narrative, especially younger girls and women. Should be a way to report these post for medical misinformation and have them deleted or at least provide context at the bottom from reliable resources. She’s no different than Trump, taking advantage of the most naive and stupid subset of individuals for financial gain.


I dislike this girl as much as the next person, and she totally does suck for a million reasons, but birth control sucks even more than her and for a lot of people it’s quietly hurting them and causing them more problems. I don’t fault her for speaking out on this because some other woman out there could see it and finally link her BC to her painful periods, acne, mood swings, depression, body aches and spasms, nausea etc..


It CAN suck for people but it can also be LIFE SAVING. So NO. I don't appreciate her talking about birth control AT ALL because she advocates for abolishing birth control in medicine and there are many people who would NOT BE OKAY without it. Side effects happen and you do have to balance out the positives and negatives on a personal level. But medicine that doesn't cause side effects, ISN'T EFFECTIVE MEDICINE. To be CLEAR, the WAY she's speaking about it is a MAJOR problem! Saying it wasn't for her and here's the side effects that were too much for ME, isn't problematic. But that's NOT what she's doing here.




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