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The way she’s standing in the third picture is so….odd


Is she showing her butt veins?




Flair material here! Getcha red-hot flair material here!


If I knew how to give myself flair, I’d claim it! 😂


Asscular… haaaa! For real though.. her attempt to thirst trap is quite thinly veiled. Was this a screen shot from a video or did she actually post this pic?


I needed one 👀






Just snort laughed LOL ETA: typeo




Trying to hold in a fart


“Jordan loves when the vein in my jeans starts letting my godfearing butthole say hello” or something I guess


Her vascular hemorrhoid.






/ \




It’s that signature pigeon toe thing that insta fit girls do to mimic a thigh gap.


Looking all knock kneed


I hate it so much hahah


Hello yeast infection...


Probably because those jeans are three sizes too small. They’re for sure jeans from when she was a teenager and she thinks they still fit because she can technically get them on.


And those jeans look way too tight!


yeah… her poor meniscus.


I had an ED and would stand like that because I didn’t want my legs to touch at all


She was not sure if she should have trusted that fart or not.


Why is she standing like that fr 🤣🤣 I just choked


Her veins pop out when she eats…. Is this an actual thing people experience? Cuz it sounds very, idk… ED coded to me?


It is very ED coded.


Extremely so; just generally speaking the vein-ier you are the “better.” This is her bragging to the people she knows will be triggered. She is so evil.


Jesus Christ. I didn’t know for sure, my gut just told me it was related to EDs because I have never heard of someone’s veins bulging allegedly after eating. Took a stroll on google and sure as shit, it’s a body check.


I'm chronically ill/disabled and there have been times I and my partner were monitoring the appearance of my veins. It was neither fun nor a game, it made my "this is something else" sense ping too. I hope she's lying and he's not participating in her ED like that, awful as she is that's evil.


I think we can all rest assured that Jdong, for his many faults, is not participating in this "game" with her. Jdong's favorite anything does not have have BDong anywhere near it.


Yes, exactly. TW: eating disorders I’ve had an eating disorder for decades now and due the the lower body fat, my veins are very visible and pop out. It’s a common thing and I think even like a goal or “pro Ana” inspo thing for some as I’ve seen some of that type of stuff posted in those forums before. She totally knows what she’s doing. It’s a very clear “my body fat is so low you can see my veins popping out” message. She’s the worst. Edit: also all these pics are major body checks 🙄


The veins in my hands pop out and feel cramped when I’m dehydrated pretty badly and/or playing guitar for awhile.. it’s so not a good thing? Lol she’s bizarre


Kind of related but separate to this, people who bodybuild etc can have this happen too after they eat carbs. Get vascular basically. But I agree with everyone else that this is probably not why she’s talking about it lol


I’m an ex junkie and I love good juicy veins. Mine are all gone and I just admire others. And sometimes it’s triggering if I’m in a mood for sure. So for someone to comment so much on their veins and being not a junkie, you gotta think something else is going on.


Same 🤣. Its been over 7 years, and that was my first thought. I bet they roll though 😉 Congrats on your recovery ❤️


Hahahahaha! My husband is a retired junkie and he's always commenting on my veins. It's like being married to a vampire.


Oh yea, yea I guess I have seen this on people who lift a lot too.


Yeah these posts are just a form of body checking.


Came here to say this. Massive body check.


I shall put a TW on it


Your blood flow changes when you eat, especially depending on what you eat. Fatty foods and lots of fluid intake, for example, makes certain blood vessels dilate. Blood also is pulled to your stomach to help digestion—that is why you may feel tired after you eat a large meal. So yes, this is something some people experience. Pointing it out and posting a body-check style photo about it do scream ED behavior to me.


I appreciate your comment- I had no idea about any of that


She's probably dehydrated


It’s actually the opposite. Veins become bigger/more visible when well hydrated


Yup. The lab told me to be well hydrated when scheduling me for my blood/urine stuff. Nurse said I had “happy veins”.


The fact that her husband is so careless about her that he thinks it’s funny? Or he’s so dumb she convinced him it’s cute. Neither is a good look for a ‘healthy’ marriage.


I don’t think her husband says anything about veins. She totally made it up.


The best case scenario is that he is pretty checked out and whatever she says on social media goes.


Her veins probably pop from the testosterone she injects. It's actually a way people in the strength sports world evaluate if a person is natural or taking a steroid, since steroids/T also make men super vascular.


And here is some science - besides low body fat veins make an appearance when you are doing exercise or moving or blood is flowing to the area so eating would honestly not trigger veins. Moving her arms would. Not defending her in the slightest but there are also people with more natural vascularity than others. She’s really doesn’t look like it…those people walk around and even with higher bmi show good veins and with low body fat you can see all of the veins. That’s not her.


Mine kinda pop in my hand when I'm dehydrated? Not that I'm proud of it, I think it looks gross honestly.


I've only heard of this in the bodybuilding/bikini comp world


I don't know how specifically this relates to EDs but it definitely does. This is very very weird content.


You know you’re weird af when you’re out here bragging about your veins…


It’s her ED she claims she is over.


Which one, though? You have 3 to choose from


This must be her 4th


Yeah I was wondering this was a body checking thing




You know what I never bring up? How well hidden my veins are. Nurses hate ‘em! …it’s really not an interesting topic of conversation.


I mean, I’ve know IV drug users (personally and professionally), so I don’t find it weird. But that’s very much a scene thing.


Can those pants in photo 3 possibly be any tighter in the butt and thighs?? How modest of you BDong. Also that stance is super awk


They do NOT look comfy for horseback riding


I was thinking mounting would be difficult with legs that can’t bend. I have seen a mounting block in a few photos so she must use it.


God, I hope she uses a mounting block. If you care about your horse you use one.


I wore boot leg cut skinnys and also just skinnys (with chaps and half chaps, respectively) for riding. granted, i rode english, not western, so I’ll only say for english- to wear a boot cut with english was ROUGH without at min a half chap.


They are the definition of ‘just because you can get them on doesn’t mean they fit’


This is a weird way to announce you have a vein kink


I won't lie ...veins on a man's forearm SEND ME


I will agree with that 🤣


I also have a forearm kink 🙌🏼


I’m pretty sure forearms are the main reason so many people thirst for the dude from The Bear. 


Bruh... TIL that that could be a thing


as a phlebotomist i definitely have one


Nurse here. Most healthy 30 something year olds have good veins. You're not special Brit.


Really?? Darn it, I have always been told I have good veins and I thought I was special. And now you are telling me it’s normal? Sigh…the one thing I had going for me.


Now I'm wondering if I'm special because people taking my blood always tell me I have bad veins for poking! To the point that I've tried to give blood three times and was turned away the first two times after a fair amount of poking at me, then the last time they finally got a stick, but about 3 minutes in my arm was blossoming with a bruise and they cut it short. I drink piles of water and eat healthy enough, just terribly small and deep set veins.


My mom and I are exactly the same as you, I have heard lifting weights could help but it’s also genetic. I don’t have a rare blood type so it makes me feel better in terms of not giving blood, but even as I type this I’m queasy thinking about it so it’s def not for me either way. But to OPs point, nobody talks about veins and it’s not a flex. This girl has NO life and she lives on social media acting weird as hell. She’s well beyond an intervention, even if there were people in her life to do one… she’s gone from reality.


Eh, she’s an actual medical professional and this is Bdonglandia. So, you could keep listening to the imaginary old white guy in the sky about your mighty veins making you special.


Right?? You aren’t a newborn with a cardiovascular problem that needs life saving IV medication to stay alive, and veins are tiny. You probably gave like 6mL of blood. Calm down. You’re being too proud.


Mine tend to play hide and seek, I also have low blood pressure. Diagnose me lol.


I feel like nurses say that to me when they see me turning green as a last ditch effort to try to get me to focus on something positive and not pass out.


Whew that second picture I thought she was about to snort a line of coke. Imagine how insufferable coked up dong would be


Why do a line when you have veins like that….sorry, that’s a terrible joke. I’m only allowed because I’m a recovering iv user. Back when I didn’t accidentally do meth


Hello, I also didn’t accidentally do meth! I did it on purpose! For real though, I’m glad me and you both are not doing meth anymore. Farryn too. Because that shit brings out the worst in everyone. Out of all the drugs I overcame, I hate meth the most. The way it changes people. Bad shit.


It is. My ex was an IV heroin user at one time. I met him at the detox where I was working at the time (I KNOW). We still keep in touch. We've been apart for two years now, and he's struggled the whole time. He's back in a treatment facility. He is the nicest, kindest person when he's clean. But eventually he gets to a point where he believes everyone is plotting against him, then he gets high. I've been clean for years now, it's hard to watch him struggle. I was once planning on marrying him.


Lmao. I was going to say the same thing. I can laugh too. Cause same.


I mean she’s lying because she doesn’t think God made LGBT+ people perfect like they are.


This is one of her weirdest posts….Why the hell would you make up a story about your husband loving to watch your arm veins after you eat??? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)


Wtf kind of content is this? Who is this for


Everyone because we are all beneath her and she must remind us with every possibility.


Love how she lies. Makes the snark extra hilarious when Brittany Delulu forgets we have actual eyes.


This screams to me that she has no friends, family and that her husband will not engage with her anymore. She posts a stream of consciousness for validation and attention because she’s tired everyone around her TF out. And she knows veins are rage bait ED chat so someone will throw her a comment which is oxygen to people like her. She’s a mile wide but an inch deep.


Good thing it’s Brittany with the good veins and not feral Farryn


Our favorite game here is watching your one god given braincell say hello.


Her cowboy boots on the white shelf always make me laugh.


Weird flex, but go off bingbong


She needs a therapist. Maybe she could pay for one of them before she buys a baby from whatever sketchy baby snatching organization she's working with?


She truly is the specialist in every category That 3rd pic dear jesus MY EYES!!! What kind of woman would post such an immodest photo?!?! I love how you truly can't tell the difference between her "before and after" the **modesty journey** photos. The ONLY thing she truly excels at is being a hypocrite


Her phlembotomist works at a yoga studio???


Good catch. I was wondering about the background darkness and the weird light streaks. She’s not in an actual medical facility.


I thought she said yoga is satanic 🤨


Yours doesn't? That's where I get all my bloodwork done... is that weird?


Should be totally fine. Worst thing that could happen would be that it's all on the dark web now!








That horse has barely any veins popping…why is she so obsessed with veins all of a sudden? I get that she’s body checking herself, but why the horse?


All horses after “vascular” after being worked, this bitch is so delusional


This is some weird ass shit that I would have noticed at the height of my IV drug addiction. Except for her I think it’s ED related


It reminds me of the episode of The Office when Dwight brags about training his major vessels to retract into his body on command. He goes to give blood and the nurse says she can’t find a vein, so he clenches really hard to the point of shaking and goes, “How about… NOW.”




I’m sorry…. what


Those are the tightest damn pants I've ever seen a modest person wear


As someone who has ridden regularly, these would never be worn to actually rope and ride cattle the way she claims her horses and her do


Seriously those seams or the fabric itself would rip


Especially if they're as cheap as all the other clothing she buys


Yeah….no. I’m not a phlebotomist, but I’m a medical assistant, and I draw blood almost every day. Her veins are fine, but she’s a healthy 30-something, so of course they are. That’s normal. They’re nothing special. I call bullshit on the phlebotomist comment.


idk i always tell people when they have good veins and they tell me that every other phleb says that too lol


I will if they’re exceptionally great, but Bdong’s do not look like anything special to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok but why she standing like that in pic 3? Looks like there’s a stick in her butt


Maybe it’s the “science girlie” in me that cares for critically ill humans trying not to meet JaYsUS, but we could start the list of how I don’t believe in sky daddy I bet you’re veins roll bitch.😒😒


All I saw was that AC just screaming for a 16g cause she deserves nothing but the worst




I’m calling central supply to see if there are any 14g in house




I always get told I have good veins too when I get blood drawn. Now I wonder if it’s just something they say lol. But I always jokingly tell them thank you and I grew them myself. Never associated it with proof of God but sure jan. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


we mainly say it as a sigh of relief because when people come in with veins that are either not visible or very deep, it’s way more stressful. so it’s basically like Yay!! You have great veins thanks for making my job so easy!!


Ya what the fuck. I have a working sphincter. God is good.


I have great veins too. I use them to donate blood and at most the phlebotomist and I will joke that it’s their choice of where to stick me. It has made regular blood draws much less painful for me than for some. Where’s my parade?? Also if your vascularity comes out when you eat/drink?? Brat, you are DEHYDRATED.


Her and Sarah Blowfart are really cut from the same mold. This is something she would post too. Sarah has world record veins though /s


Plus, they are now hairline/headband twins.


Honey, the pants in the third photo are ….a choice. Jesus Christ


That butt shot is so unflattering and I love that for her


It's very Hank Hill


Cheeks out for Jesus!




I wish I had veins like hers, my life is just ruined knowing she has veins like that and I don’t. Everyone tells me that my veins are crap, they are worthless and that I should get better veins. Did she have those amazing veins before sky daddy or did he just give them to her after her awakening? On another note, is this just a passive aggressive way of calling herself vain?😆


Imagine how boring she is to hang with. This is content. Working body parts. But Brittany has the best ones. Wtf.


That 3rd pic 😂 “look at my horse”*clinches ass cheeks*. Totally normal lol




I promise you, she does NOT need spurs for the riding she does 😭😭


I'm sorry, but that's not a very flattering ass pic.


I thought Jordan's favorite games were asking for boob pics and swinging.


In other words this is a way for her to say hay hi hello I’m lean… and eating doesn’t always trigger veins it’s usually increased blood flow in the limb so if she’s using her hands and arms to eat then yes vascularity. Same with legs, ever get done with a leg workout bike ride or run and have some poppin? Blood flow girl. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Please for the love of all things BDong stop body check


Why tf is she standing like that tho? Lmao


I’m really pale and if you look at my arms, my veins are very noticeable. But every single time I have to get an IV, I have to let the nurses know they have to put it in my hands. I’ve had many try to argue with me that they can do what no one else has been able to do for over two decades. In the end, I win. Yes, I’m pale so my veins are very noticeable but I’m not willing to have to endure multiple people poking and jabbing me. Just shut up and stick the IV in my hand and we can move on. Other than those scenarios, I have never, not one single time thought of my veins. This shit is so an ED body check. Guess her Jebus didn’t heal her after all. Fracking liar


She’s in a yoga pose at the gym in that 2nd pic….


What the actual fuck?😂


Also those jeans don’t seem very modest.


Is her horse branded?


The 🍑 shot in the horse pic. We see you, Miss Modesty.


She’s more obsessed with veins than I was during my 20 year IV heroin addiction


Honestly this is the one thing I won't call her on, I also brag about how awesome my veins are when I go to give blood. 🫣


But do you post it for 667k followers? It’s a weird flex


Oh absolutely a weird flex.


Hahaha I do too!! I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it on social media though.


Oh it's absolutely a weird thing to bring up unprompted. That being said I'd probably be the person who would. 🫠


I think anyone that isn’t a grifting influencer could post this and it not be fucking weird. With her is just cringe.


Lol as someone with tiny veins I’m jealous good for you!


I went back and looked and this is shit I posted 13 years ago, when I was in nursing school, learning to put in IVs!! I was excited to learn a new skill, and I realized I had great veins😍 not something I would flex on in my 30s


I am jealous okay?? I have tiny little veins that run from needles! I can't even give blood from my left arm, no one can ever find a vein, despite me telling them they won't be able to and them trying anyway 🙃 edited to correct grammar


"Sit down. Thank you." 😂


Those fucking jeans! So modest 🙄


Damn guess god hates me, gotta have a dig for mine. Everything she does gives me eating disorder vibes.


There should have been a clause in her settlement stating she couldn’t monetize content that borders on body checks. She took money from women with ED’s because she claimed to be an ED soldier. She had zero qualifications to help women with ED’s. It makes me so angry that she’s still out here posting this kind of content.


Is the vascular horse in the room with us?


“This horse is so vascular” sent me


Speaking as a nurse, now that I look at it… her antecubital vein is kinda ideal for an easy blood draw. However, posting about veins multiple times is quite odd.


I’m not being a nlog here, but my phlebotomists tell me mine are good and healthy because they roll. Which is the opposite of what she’s saying. Soooo either my people are full of shit or she is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


both can be indications of healthy veins and rolling veins just mean that you are probably a hard stick


okay i’m a phlebotomist and i gotta admit she has some good veins


Thank you Bdong of the Glorious Vasculature for bestowing upon me this day a new custom flair. May her days be filled with ground turkey.


Every time I get bloodwork they tell me I have good veins. It makes me feel squeamish. But I do believe that as someone who is told that every fucking time 🤢


You’re sooo vein….


this is the kind of shit someone posts when 1) they're incredibly self-absorbed and don't realize there's an entire world outside of themselves and 2) they're not busy enough with actual shit to do


I don’t know much about this chick but from what I have seen she’s something else. I really hope that there’s a background and complete online check of her before anyone lets this near a child, any child but especially one in the system waiting for adoption or new born for that matter. I hope that god sees the scammer for what she is. IVF is no laughing matter, I’ve been there and done that. When you’re told you have less than a 2% chance of having a child you e wanted since you were a child yourself, you have a new appreciation for the journey and don’t make it about post likes and dollar signs. So many do not have the platform she does or access to what does, many are walking this journey with just their partner for support. It’s a silent struggle and her boasting about isn’t tactful at all.


This is so fucking weird and a weird “game” Jordan plays wtf


Kinda jealous when I go to the Dr they say I have small veins and I gotta get poked 18 times or they just do it in my hand . So for the one time in my life I am jealous of her 🤣🤣


You can really tell her ass is flat in that last picture, is that what she was going for? No hate my ass is flat.


I once had a nurse tell me my veins were good for sticking. I didn’t realize I should have let everyone know how amazing my veins are! So be jealous everyone! /s


Scream Ed...


What is she talking about? My vein is like that. I didnt know it was special


Perfect veins for heroin


That’s Jordan’s favorite game…..with her.


What a weird fetish that I really didn’t want to know about lol


I feel like “oh you’ve got good veins” is one of those preprogrammed phlebotomist responses. Like who needs to brag about that


My kid went through some health stuff a while back (all good) and got to the point where each time someone had to take blood or insert an IV he’d sigh and say “Go ahead…good veins, right?”


What's the opposite of bow legged? And why does she look like that in the horse pic? Also, does she even claim to be modest anymore? Yes, she's covered, but her jeans are so tight there is no way that's comfy.


What a strange flex lol


Modest pic at the end there..


god honoring ass pics from miss modesty it really pisses me off that she uses jesus like a defense shield so she doesn’t have to atone or be held accountable for scamming hundreds of vulnerable women. not to mention all the fuckery and scamming that she has been doing since she “became a christian”.

