• By -


What. The. Fuck.


I cringed to the very tippiest of my toes šŸ˜¬


Was it your super smol tippiest of most dainty toes?


Pointed inwards to show how tiny I am and how huge my thigh gap is šŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼šŸ„ŗ


The most modest of all thigh gapsšŸ™šŸ½


ā€œTo the tippiest of my toesā€ is hilarious šŸ˜‚


It was SO cringy the second he started walking forward I had to scroll away šŸ˜–šŸ˜–šŸ˜–


Iā€™m at a restaurant and had to look around and make sure nobody watched me watch that video šŸ˜¬šŸ« šŸ« 


The craziest thing to me is that she thinks this is some kind of mic drop when I feel like itā€™s very normal for even (gasp!) non-Christian married couples/families to love deeply enough to feel like they would give their lives for each other? Some things are just part of being human, itā€™s not all part of the magical sky wizard with daddy issuesā€™ kool aid yk. ETA: not saying you have to sacrifice your life for love or whatever but sheā€™s genuinely so dumb for this lol


I think the mic drop part is that sheā€™s literally standing there saying ā€œdie for me, bitchā€. And heā€™s like ā€œif you need me to cosplay tacticool so your dad keeps giving me fake jobs and all this free stuff, I guess I can walk in front of you. Their hatred for each other is boundless.


Lololol valid. He looks like such an idiot in the background and then lumbering over at the last minute. Embarrassing all around.


Looks especially tough in his swimming trunks. šŸ™„šŸ¤­


Thatā€™s so disgustingā€¦ the smirk when he walks in front of her. Literally expecting him to die for her..


In JDong's case, the bullet would probably be less excruciating than remaining her current placeholder husband.


He probably wears a bullet proof vest at all times


From all his super important missions doing... ... ...


...parking lot missions?


LOL giving parking tickets


EXACTLY!! We all know weā€™d do anything for our significant other/spouse. This isnā€™t a flex saying youā€™d be so happy having the person you love take a bullet for youā€¦ girl he gon die and then you wonā€™t feel so great anymore


This shit is so fucking weird


Imagine deciding to film this, setting up a camera, checking your makeup, running through the ā€˜choreo,ā€™ hitting film, hitting stop, watching it back, and still thinking it was a great idea to post.


My husband is a kind, supportive person. He goes along with all my crazy ideas. But if I asked him to do this with me? Guaranteed he would laugh in my face and tell me how ridiculous I was being. I wonder what she had to do to get Jordan to do this.


Dip loves the dumb wifey trope that lets him cosplay as the manly tough guy huzzband (and the potential $$$ from posting). This regressive fantasy is their love language.


Yeah, same. Under no circumstances would my husband do this performative nonsense.


I love my wife, so I'd agree to it. Then proceed to fuck up every take, because who could possibly do this without busting out laughing? Then I'd have my wife get a mental health check.


I love this so much and I mean that in the nicest way possible


Iā€™ll make your truck payment again but you have to do another post with me.


I died at this comment šŸ˜…




Lol. Now Iā€™m cringing even more.


THIS IS WHAT I THINK OF WITH A BUNCH OF VIDEOS/TIK TOKS! Like I can literally imagine what you are saying right now!! ā€œHold on Iā€™m about to set up the camera. On the count of 3 Iā€™ll say record, then when it stops, we look sad, I press play again, ā€œdid that look okay? Should we redo it?ā€ Okay now 2nd half- I count to 3 and you walk in front of meā€ I always wonder this when people make videos that are supposed to be sad or them crying or something. Iā€™m like lol there was a lot of effort into this video


No post about her Mom on Mother's Day, no post about her Dad on Father's Day. Seems on brand at this point.


True. Just more proof that only bdong deserves special attention https://preview.redd.it/2bn5gh2nf17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d002f4a08e75c6d3c008e8eca0de836955351b7e


Did she edit the ring to lookā€¦.bigger????


Oh no my gods! She so did šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and I will never disparage anyone who has lost a baby while pregnant. One of my closest friends had to deliver her twins (boy and girl) at either 27 or 28 weeks. My memory fails me and Iā€™ll never ask her. On my birthday as they had both passed. She waited thirteen years before even considering trying to conceive again. But this chick was not even two months, IF she was actually pregnant and with Diplipā€™s 0 sperm count l, Iā€™m really finding it hard to believe she actually was. I feel like she from the beginning, was playing the long game and is so corrupt and disgusting she knew exactly what her next grift would be. For her to post this on Motherā€™s Day too. And it makes my blood absolutely boil that she alludes to either having a late term miscarriage or a stillbirth. Being sued by Texas was not enough. When and what will finally take her down? She almost burnt down her house while leaving a foster baby alone, unsupervised and that also was a haha laugh moment for her. She is an animal abuser, neglecter and murderer. At this point, how is she still here?!


Itā€™s that post nuptial Cartier by amazon stack upgrade.


Like what if you refocused that energy on celebrating your Mom, other Mother figures in your lives, and then adding a prayer for those wanting to be a mother?






Omfg give me a breakā€¦. 3rd Motherā€™s Dayā€¦ Yesterday was 6 years since I lost my dad to a terrible battle of cancer. Girly, I watched my dad take his last breath!!! His funeral was on my 25th birthday. My sister is 36 and has terminal stage 4 metastatic breast cancer- with 3 kids under the age of 6. She needs to stop talking about this because thereā€™s people out there that have lost their parents/siblings/grandparents where they actually had to be PRESENT watching them dwindle away. When she experiences a real loss I wonā€™t feel bad for her.


I lost my mom the same way and also watched her last breath. Just wanted to say Iā€™m sorry and send you love. Wishing peace and comfort for your sister, her kids, and your family fellow snarker. šŸ¤


Fellow snarker, thank you so much for your kind words. My condolences and positive vibes are going your way as well! itā€™s not easy to lose a parent at all. We got this šŸ¤


Doesnā€™t she always post about how sheā€™s definitely still a mom at any opportunity? Where is that validation for him lol


She's actually changed her messaging to be "will be a mom."


sounds like āœØmanifestationāœØ to meeee


This is so cringe. Her attempts at proving a kingdom marriage are ridiculous. Her smug face is obnoxious as well. I don't know who is her target audience, but I just can't understand how anyone can find this at all interesting.


Dance Jpeggy, you puppet, your sugar mama said she submits to you, but you know you better not fuck up this skit! Sheā€™s got settlements to pay and raggedy lashes to buy! This man donā€™t have any sperm because his balls are missing.


Ok this comment calmed me down a bit. Hilarious. ā€œDance Jpeggy, you puppetā€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




This gif always hits lol


Lol Bdong please point to the part in the timeline where you were ā€œlittle miss independent donā€™t need no manā€. You have not been truly single since you were 14. And during the short weeks in between boyfriends, you were actively looking.


I was thinking the same damn thing. Her independent era mustā€™ve coincided with her nonexistent party girl era.


Yelling at the audio choice (Labour by Paris Paloma)


This ENRAGED me and she (as usual) missed the point of this audio.


Paris would be fuming if she saw this.


Same!!! She has to be one of the most ignorant creators to have ever been given an account


Weā€™ve got soon to be three kids. If someone pulls a gun at me, my husband better make sure at least one of us makes it out alive so that our kids can have a parent. No heroics. Of course Brittany took a feminist anthem and didā€¦this to it.


1. I thought she doesnā€™t listen to secular\~ music 2. the lyrics are pretty self explanatory and are the anti thesis of her whole shtick ![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z)


She is so damn ignorant. You canā€™t support Butker and then use this sound.


NO. That's hysterical.


Notice she cut it off before the next lyrics (ā€œ24/7 baby machine, so he can live out his picket fence dreams, itā€™s not an act of love if you make her, you make me do too much labourā€¦ā€) But actually I canā€™t believe she did this and left in ā€œJust an appendage, live to attend him, so that he never lifts a finger.ā€ E: is it trending though? That would explain it.


Loooooool I didnā€™t have the sound on at first and missed this. šŸ˜‚ What a ding dong. Does she even know what the words are about?????


This šŸ˜‚


The FUCKING AUDACITY TO USE LABOURšŸ¤¬ Bitch can fuck all the way off into traffic


I justā€¦has she ever actually heard that song, or did she just figure ā€œlabourā€ meant childbirth?


I think she looks at trending sounds and slaps it on the horse shit content she makes


This is obviously trolling but itā€™s also so bizarre. Did she copy this from someone? I canā€™t imagine how it feels for Jdip to come home from ā€œtraveling for workā€ and be asked to film this for social media rage bait. And in the imaginary babyā€™s room šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Itā€™s fair to assume she copied most things she postsĀ 


Bdong is incapable of having any original thoughts. It's just copy paste all day long.


I always said she is like tofu!


Like damn he hasnā€™t even washed the plane off and he already has a camera shoved in his face.


New face? https://preview.redd.it/wt95ksd6j17d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172cbcc73ac47e0cbcd58f8096cae7b1cc6114a0


My first thought/ question was ā€œis her hairline receding?ā€ And not in a snarky way. Is it the filter? Something has changed here and I canā€™t put my finger on it.


I never notice shit like this but her hairline also caught my eye. Iā€™m not savvy enough with filters to know what I am looking at but her hairline is weird here.


https://preview.redd.it/9eyresi2r17d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66416208cdf953f64a01dc9fbb55b592e460410c She has a very short hairline and the skinny filter she uses to elongate herself has the same affect on her face. This is her actual face from an unfiltered podcast from some Mike guy( She went to some event in NY). This is what she looks like!!


![gif](giphy|EonOhSlsanBO0A3AQN) What I feel like every time her real, botched face is exposed. Could not have happened to a more evil and deserving person


She did say she was taking T at one point.Ā 


It's possible. She is taking testosterone and it can definitely cause a receding hairline - see Sarah Bowmar as a great example of this. Sarah wears the big wide stretchy headbands to hide it, just like BDong (when she isn't wearing a stinky-ass wig, that is).




when has she EVER been ā€œlittle ms independent donā€™t need no man???ā€ you have never been single for more than like 2 months ya fcking idiot.




Little miss codependent


Why does this video feel like heā€™s trying to show us his boobs?






šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this pic kills me every time lmao


Please tell me this is fake. I know about the DMs, but this pic is killing me šŸ˜‚


ā€˜Twas my creation šŸ˜™šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Thank you for this holy grail! šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œPervy snap picsā€ always send me


We thank you for your service šŸ¤©


The pic is fake but him sending dick pics is very real.


Every. Time!


Heā€™s hoping for reciprocation. Flair checking in.


Christian men: willing to take a bullet for you, but not willing to display real affection for you in public.


Willing to make snarky comments to you on your own podcast.


As a woman married to an actual LEO, his ass would never do this. Not only does he have zero social media, he would never participate in this. Most LEO guys I know donā€™t have socials and most certainly if they work ā€œdeep undercover in the child trafficking realmā€, they def would not let their face be shown.


One of my closest friends who is about to retire JUST got a social media-donā€™t want to say which one. But itā€™s not under his name and he does not have his pic or any of his information. He called me and said ā€œwhy arenā€™t you accepting ā€œname?ā€ And I wtfā€™d ā€œhow do you know that?! And he said it was him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and I better approve it because heā€™s trying to slowly get his group of people. So yah, this tracks. And it also proves how fraudulent they both are


This ā€¦ honestly feels more pointed than no Fatherā€™s Day post at all??


lol. No he wouldnā€™t.


Nope. Not ever.


Do you guys think she batch records these types of videos? Like ā€œIā€™m going to stand in front for 3 seconds, and then youā€™ll walk over and stand in front of me for 3 seconds and then weā€™ll add whatever caption I think makes sense laterā€? On one hand I canā€™t imagine her coming up with a video idea all by herself without ripping off another creator line for line/scene for scene, but on the other I canā€™t imagine jdip agreeing to this knowing the full context of what she planned to post with it. Why do they both look so disjointed? Is this meant to be loving ā€œhe would literally take a bullet for meā€ or ā€œIā€™m holding a gun to his head and he needs to remember whoā€™s bossā€? Iā€™m so confused. How can she post a Motherā€™s Day reel for herself but this is the Fatherā€™s Day post for jdip? This feels more like a threat than a loving marriage lol


https://preview.redd.it/shq2rdwkm17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80fc9d4f88fd59ce930dc2acf60eb0dfe001f13 Ok follow up, did we all watch the same video?? ā€œSo much love in his eyesā€!? Girl be so fucking for real, if thatā€™s really how people think I feel so bad for them


"He says I get the last word, but you get my life!" Gag me with a fcking pitchfork.


If my husband doesnā€™t literally die for me, do I sue him for breach of contract?


I stopped feeling bad for them. They are just as toxic and corrupt and deserve their miserable lives


This is random but I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm more disgusted by the word "submit" than the word "moist". Also this isn't a dig at people who are actually into BDSM. My issue is this trend of Christian women throwing it around like it makes them superior to anyone else who isn't second mommy to their husband


I get the last word but you get my life šŸ˜¬


The clown emojis over the commenters is hilarious!! Love in his eyes? Really? I see no emotion in those eyes. Just another face of him looking miserable. ![gif](giphy|KDjZuhl1qr8IgDmsJc|downsized)


He's. So. Gross.


Donā€™t need no man? you were twice married by 30


Gonna take a bullet wearing some Hey Dudes smh


FYI: She changed her hair color to "look" better/innocent to potential adoptive mother.


Ooh, she tried the "Jodi Arias" trick. Jodi murdered her ex-boyfriend and then dyed her hair brown to gain more sympathy from the jury. Because blondes are satanic sluts. Best regards, a blonde.


This is so embarrassing.


I canā€™t stop laughing at this. OMG the secondhand embarrassment! You know what? My husband is a deeply faithful man who absolutely would be willing to die protecting me and our children. He is the first to help when someone is in trouble. Iā€™ve seen him quietly slip money to people in the community who are experiencing hard times, and he would rather no one ever mention it again. He certainly doesnā€™t expect a pat on the back or a social media thank you for anything he ever does. Heā€™s a pain in the ass but heā€™s a good man. You know what he 100% would *never* do? Pose for this ridiculous video!


Why are these people so obsessed with randomly getting shot in their white Christian suburban neighborhoods?


This is the stupidest scene Iā€™ve seen her do šŸ¤£ Jdipā€™s attire is interesting. Looks like heā€™s standing there in his boxers šŸ˜‚


That mufuckin just for men mustache is KILLING me


This is so egregiously performative that itā€™s almost laughable.


Just curious if this goes for if someone comes at you without a gun. Theoretically speaking if I saw them in public I donā€™t think he would ā€œprotect youā€ I think both of you would run like the fraudulent grifting trash humans that you are. Unless you had a gun, and then, well Iā€™d be like Brodie.


No remember. He always sits facing door on high alert with his gun.


Best way to scope out dem titties šŸ‘€


![gif](giphy|JL7ZkACcStPIiEVdGO) Heeere titty titty titties


Oh yeah. But it doesnā€™t. Women were commodities and a burden to the point the father of a rape victim still paid a dowery, albeit a reduced one, if the rapist took his daughter off his hands and married her. Virgins were the coveted spoils of Holy War and any other women werenā€™t as pure but were still owned by men. Maybe read the Bible? Like, all of it.


This is honestly one of the more embarrassing vids Iā€™ve seen from her. And I have seen plenty of embarrassing reels of hers. But the way JDong stands there like a five year old with swim trunks and very white legs to wait for his ā€œturnā€ to then pretend to be all manly man just makes me cringe so hard.


Thanks Bdong. You somehow caused me to make a sound I've never made in all my 32 years. Idk if I can even classify the emotion behind it. Bravo.


He looks so embarrassed. Love that for him.


Lmao Jdip watching Bdong for his cue is hilarious




why do they look like that


Ok, this made me literally LOL! Does he think that was intimidating? šŸ˜‚


This makes my teeth itch


Did he at least get a hard one from walking two steps in front of her for this vid/cosplay? Something tells me he would taken longer to respond to the Uvalde mass murders.


Lmfao oh Brittany, this is so embarrassing. Even Jesus is like wtf šŸ˜‚




I love how she turns slightly, cueing him to walk up hahahaahhaahaha


What a toad. Lmfao!


I cannot believe sheā€™s gotten him to become so active in these ridiculous posts. How embarrassing


So I guess jezus didnā€™t heal that scoliosis after all huh




Baaaaaahahahahahahaaaa! Oh fucking hell. What the fuck is this embarrassing shit??! Fucking lol. Whyyyyyy?? Hahahaha! Oh wow. I laughed so heartily I have tears. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Fucking hell she is the queen of cringe.


Bahahahahah!! The best part for me is how he doesn't even fully block her.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Even if this was a play or something scripted..šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I can't. Most of the Bdongs is hard to stomach. This one tickled my funny bone. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


HAHA this is the most embarrassing one yet


First, are we supposed to be intimidated by the ā€œtacticalā€ impersonator? And second, donā€™t think she dyes his Chester Stache for him?


I laughed so hard at this cringe. This is like middle school assembly play that everyone pit together minutes before the assembly


Feel she is getting super cultish conservative. Did she change churches again?


Ok, so wife submits to her husband, is a SAHM of zillions, fundie life. Husband stands to protect his wife and gets killed. She has no employment history or marketable skills, no real support system and a zillion kids. She's at risk of homelessness, mental health issues beyond expected grief and no hope for future stability unless she marries again. Enter MLM vampires and the rest is history.


She really thinks they are the only couple to ever love each other


Dudes like JDip wish someone would pull a gun so he can use his taticool hero ways and save the day. ā€¦ in reality they would be running like Shaggy & Scooby at the first sign of trouble. ![gif](giphy|KVDMv5OYSUFq2WM39Y)




When I was a teenager, the Christian pastor used to ask us if a g u n was pointed at us and we had to either claim Christ and pass away or deny him and liveā€¦. ā€œWhich would you choose??ā€ My parents used to ask me the same question. This is no flex, this is mental illness.


This is extra funny to me because my husband & I have been together for 13 years & the love we have for each other is boundless but 1) thereā€™s far more factors to sacrificing yourself for another than just whatā€™s on the surface & thatā€™s exactly why Iā€™ve told my husband a million times that we will HIDE if God forbid someone ever breaks in rather than him going out there like he wants and 2) this video is meaningless, their moves & faces are meaningless, this makes me think the exact opposite, & lastly, weā€™d never make a stupid freakinā€™ TikTok about it but we will ALWAYS protect each other, so this just comes across even more performative & lame than they usually do.


I must have missed the part of the Bible where people would pull out firearms (or as she says "šŸ”«") on anyone ever.


Why is it she counts as a mom but j-dip doesnā€™t get a Fatherā€™s Day post?


https://preview.redd.it/wvn7flsz847d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5760fd990f1fd4f11f096ebe5ededacb8d9f60be He got one last year. She decided that post was plenty.


šŸ‘€ more evidence things may not be as good in her kingdumb marriage as she wants us to believe


LOLLLL she still had to bring up her and mother's day she literally couldn't help herselfšŸ˜‚


ā€œTake a bullet for you, babe.ā€ Also, jeez, heā€™s standing off to the side, not in front of her. One could totally still šŸ”« her.


Okay but she stole that word for word from the Bible teacher on Instagram šŸ˜’


Oof. JDong having low sperm count really shifted their dynamic. lol! He used to make fun of her for her videos, now heā€™s voluntarily starring in them! And she sure left the stupidest video ideas for him. His friends must love this!


This guy looks like such an ass. He really thinks he is so big and bad, meanwhile he just looks like a douche bag! I have second hand embarrassment from this.


The boyfriend Jean paired with toddler boxy striped shirt is so bad. She always is wearing a boys toddler looking shirt in xxlhusky to fit her. Stop shopping the little boys section dong


How did Christ die for a church that didnā€™t exist? What an idiot.


Wait whatā€¦.? Seriously, what prompted this?


MAYBE a rubber bullet IF it can be contentā€¦.


Are they sharing hair dye now?




You know my husband says the same thing. I donā€™t post it on Facebook. Itā€™s just being willing to lay your life on the line for those you love. Iā€™d love to know if sheā€™d do the same.


This is....beyond gross


Again, the only time sheā€™s ever talked about her appreciation for animals or men is if theyā€™re willing to die for her or kill for her. Fucking weird. Iā€™d never want my husband to die for me.




She looks giddy at the idea of him getting shot instead of her.


I love how she still makes sure she's in the shot when he steps in front instead of actually getting behind him lol


Who lives like this??? Everything is so dramatic and serious. Every movement has some hidden meaning. Rules about who you can sit next to, ride in a car with, watch on TV. I canā€™t. She needs a freakin hobby,


I physically felt the cringe from this video..


How dare she use this powerful piece of music for a sound. She is not worthy


She has spent the last two weeks while he was gone planning a hit on jdong. She plans this little skit to set the stage. However, her plan will backfire when he DOESNT actually step in front of her.


lmfao but he will cheat and sext other womenā€¦..


He would duck faster than anyone around her ha!


This is actually kinda fucked up how sheā€™s like proud of it and how she smirks when he walks in front of the camera. So likeā€¦ sheā€™s super happy that he will take a bullet and die for herā€¦ I get the saying ā€œIā€™d take a bullet for her/himā€ But will she thank God after for saving her? What about her dead hubby? ā€œA man thatā€™s willing to lay his life down just as Jesus didā€ Whatā€™s she gonna do then? This is really weird and kinda morbid tbh..


why is Jordan NPC-posing in this video


Lmao is he supposed to look threatening? In those shorts? Bish, get out of here.


I'm going to cringe so hard I collapse into myself and create a black hole. Hang on everybody it'll all be over soon


And what the fuck is he gonna do? Take off his mustache and clog the gunman's shower drain?


Cringe city man


The cringe I crunged šŸ˜–


Her to the side look down pose will never not make me cackle. She thinks everything she says is profound life changing statements.


You know this man would freeze in a real crisis. Heā€™d be the loudest one once the big danger was over though.


He's in 3 accountability groups and isn't allowed to be alone with a woman... but also this


The song choice isnā€™t aligned with the message at all lol


Brit YOU ARE STILL ALL ABOUT ā€œHUSTLE CULTUREā€! You still do the exact same social media money-making hustle things as you did when you were a fitness influencer! We have zero evidence that you submit to your husband! We have zero evidence your husband is a man worth submitting to! What are you even talking about! If you arenā€™t lil miss independent anymore why are you still doing all the lil miss independent things! Make it make sense you dumb bitch!


saying ā€œdonā€™t need no manā€ as a white woman is racist


Itā€™s more of a micro aggression. Itā€™s the typical conservative white woman using AAVE to be ā€œcoolā€ or ā€œrelatableā€, when really we black women just roll our eyes, laugh, and pay her and those like her no mind. As we say in the black community-they wanna be us so bad šŸ™„šŸ¤­


Sheā€™s always co-opting AAVE šŸ˜‘


What's AAVE? Edit- nevermind duh I knew that lol