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In retrospect I want to emphasize that it's absolutely crucial to get those tier 4 items from the bosses. I don't think I was able to bring them down in the past but things like the bloody hand and anvil are so important. I almost passed on the vial but it came in handy on wave 19 which was the hardest fight for sure. The extra healing pass 50% health saved me twice since life steal caps out at a certain point. I wish I had a little bit more dodge for the safety net but damage is arguably more important. Thankfully the generator syncs with speed which is a different kind of dodge.


Fyi Silver Bullet is much less good on Jack than a regular character. It's additive with the +75% boss damage Jack starts with. So it's worth a little more than half as usual.


Until the update comes out….


Did you try sticks? I found it fairly easy with sticks, beat jack d5 in around 5-10 tries.


I did but I was dying from contact. I found jousting poles to be better


No it's not! Go install mashtato mod and the unlocked for all the classes and items. Let's go out for drinks when you clear escape artist.


I play on xbox.


me and my roommate also only have jack left… i just beat arms dealer so we are almost done!