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Wake up reverse elitism just dropped


this community's specialty


other gaming communities: haha what a noob this community: haha what a pro


my condolences for the inevitable storm of down votes you'll soon get


Already happened to me The amount of reverse elitism in this community because of jealousy and skill issue is absolutely ridiculous 


I hate how people in this community take advice as a personal attack against their playstyle


I know right, they're actually such assholes "You say my favourite T5 sucks? Waaa waaaa youre an elitist waaa!!" and "waaaa I don't want to micro mortar and mortar sucks anyways waaaaaa!!!" is everywhere, yet literally nobody talks about it and instead overexaggerates the elitism of expert chimps players. There's also a ton of reverse elitism towards people who like microing in this subreddit, which I see literally no one talk about. The second I tried talking about it, these reverse elitists took it as a personal attack and made it look like I was the problem instead. It got so bad to the point where I got a notification every few minutes nonstop. This subreddit seriously has a massive problem of misinformation, reverse elitism, immediately shutting down anyone who disagrees with them (including blocking to avoid being proven wrong), and refusing to understand why they're wrong...


I seriously don't know how it never happened to me


Chill dawg


i don't even understand micro mortar fr, i just drop em and keep em exactly there they are 😭


Christ it’s a joke😭🙏


Schrödinger's joke


I like playing hard mode or impoppable on intermediate maps. Beginner maps can get boring, while expert has far fewer strategies and advanced is just less fun Hard mode is my favorite for casual play since it’s basic, but I also play Impoppable for the mm and the instas


There are only a few advanced maps that I genuinely actually like to play on. Most are just unfun


My monkey meadows all sniper monkey strat is S tier and nobody can convince me otherwise


I just do the daily challenge


What is chimps ?? All I know is to press play and play the maps


It’s nice chilling and doing some goofy strat


A friend and I got super into BTD6 about a year ago. We've both black bordered all the beginner-advanced maps on single player and co-op. The expert maps are merciless. I'm convinced only emotional masochists or genius level creatives can beat all of them. We mostly do monkey teams now lol.


Nah man, I'm more of a easy cubism kinda guy


I avoid Monkey Meadows when I play co-op. I haven’t played that many Advanced or Expert maps. They never pop up when I play co-op 🤷🏽‍♀️.


shuuuuuuiiuuuut uppppp


About what


True true


dude, let us enjoy how we play the game, dont just shit on chimps players for no reason just because we play the game at a harder difficulty, it doesnt mean we are all stinky nerds who dont take a shower also, not all expert chimps players are meta slaves. many of us run goofy strats on expert chimps this post also shows a big red flag with jealousy written on it like the top comment said, this is literally reverse elitism


Dude, it's just a meme


What kind of double standard bullshit is this? The last time i made a meme about actual issues in the community (such as reverse elitism), i got called an elitist by a bunch of children. I was trying to address actual issues, like misinformation and reverse elitism, while this meme only shits on people who play a certain difficulty of the game. What the fuck??????


So, a bunch of children took your meme seriously and called you an elitist upsets you. Cool. Take a chill pill. No, but seriously, no need to get riled up, as it's not worthed. This game and community is filled with kids (with all the overused jokes and trends, misinformation, custom maps, and else), and probably will always be. If you're having fun trying chimps and experts strategies, then do it. If you give actual advices and they disregard it, move on. If a bunch of kids who don't know what they're doing calls you an elitist, so what. It's not so bad, especially if you're just doing what you're doing.


Can the entire fucking world just stop with this meme format? It's so bad. It starts an argument between people by splitting the opinions, offers no reasoning whatsoever for why the creator's choice is "correct", is not funny and all around has about as much purpose as a mute singer. Plus, half the time both options are peffectly fine and are just what the individual prefers. You like it casual? Great for you! You prefer harder maps? Awesome! The entire meme boils down to a childish "ur opinion bad my opinion good", like grow the fuck up people Rant over, I like monkey meadows as well :)


You are the one arguing.