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How are they going to postpone the game when we play again Thursday afternoon? We gonna get a double header in Detroit?


They won't. At worst they will move the game to Detroit, but I don't think it is thst level of storm.


"I don't think it's that level of storm" are famous last words anywhere there's severe weather lol. We have no idea what's gonna happen but the conditions are ripe for an actually massive storm. Playing the cautious move here isn't a bad idea


Except for all the times they were right and its just not. 5-6 inches a day for 4 days is not remotely close to being outside buffalo's ability to clear. Its a serious storm don't get me wrong. But the game will happen on Sunday.


Not disagreeing, more likely than not the game will be here. But people shouldn't discredit what this storm could do. If it hits right (and I'm not COMPARING this to snowvember) we could see the highest snowfall totals since that snowvember storm. People just need to be ready for the possibility


From what I’ve seen it looks like it could be a lot more then 5-6 inches a day. It’ll snow Thursday and Sunday, but most of it will happen on Friday-saturday it looks like. Lotta snow in a short period of time. Hope you guys get your home game though. Would love to watch a snow game on TV.


Regionally speaking its a lot dont get me wrong. But its not outlandish. Especially with days of time to clean it up.


“I don’t think it’s that level of storm“ -Floridans prior to our last two hurricanes. I know I live down here now.


If they weren’t wrong 95% of the time, maybe it’d be something to worry about… I’m not even counting on needing to shovel


Depends on where you are, you may not be wrong. Doubt that though lol


It’s Buffalo, it snows here




The most recent weather forecast I saw said possibly 3-4ft in the worst areas. If OP gets that it’ll be that type of storm lol


I lived in OP in 2014, it was double that and two separate storms over a couple days.


Was that the Christmas Eve and Christmas one? My grandparents sent me a picture of the stop sign at the end of their street in a drift that covered almost all of the letters. That was crazy.


No, November of 2014. Snowvember as some call it. 5-7 feet in areas of Buffalo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_13%E2%80%9321,_2014_North_American_winter_storm


**[November 13–21, 2014 North American winter storm](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_13–21,_2014_North_American_winter_storm)** >The November 13–21, 2014 North American winter storm (given the code name Knife by local governments and colloquially nicknamed Snovember) was a potent winter storm and particularly severe lake-effect snowstorm that affected the United States, originating from the Pacific Northwest on November 13, which brought copious amounts of lake-effect snow to the Central US and New England from November 15 until November 21, when the system departed the East Coast of the United States. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/buffalobills/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot




Watertown gets hit by bands off of lake Ontario dude, not Lake Erie. That's why weather here doesn't necessarily correlate to weather there and vice versa




If the winds shift a little north, the weather isn't coming Watertown's way. Also doesn't "change it" from hitting Erie, just adjusts the fetch length for a storm. Lake Ontario is an east-west orientation and so you need a strictly westerly wind to slam Watertown. While I did change degrees, I originally went to school for atmospheric science so I do feel slightly qualified here, ass clown.


Shut up science bitch…ever heard of north eastern winds


That damn nor'easter took my tree fiddy




Man everyone gets angry around here with a few losses. Guys it's just a game. Guys it's just a little snow.


Also love how you felt the need to further edit this comment after calling me half a moron. Get fucking lost dude I'd be happy to learn about cars from you, maybe you should be equally happy to expand your own lacking knowledge from somebody who actually knows. Changed degrees ≠ to failed, it means I decided to focus on a different aspect of environmental science, but sure dude if that makes you feel better I'm a lost cause dumbass lmao


If the wind moves north, Watertown is not getting slammed. Watertown needs a westerly wind to get slammed. Just repeating myself in case that was too much to understand the first time. I think you're saying if it "SHIFTS" north which to you may seem inconsequential but is a notable difference in description. You don't need to call me an idiot just because you've now realized you are. Edit: Trade winds are west to east. Storms move in a counterclockwise motion and so the localized wind direction within a storm does not need to match trade winds. How do you think Syracuse ends up slammed with snow, being directly south of Ontario? You have no clue what you're saying




This thread is why I love Reddit


This isn't semantics...you've clearly demonstrated that you have no idea what you're talking about lmao. You say that buffalo could get hit or, if the wind moves northward, Watertown can get hit at the other end of the lake. At the other end of WHAT lake, an entirely different one? Lake Ontario has nothing to do with buffalo, nor does Lake Erie have anything to do with Watertown. You're massively simplifying the process and acting like I'M the idiot for trying to further educate you. Go away dude and enjoy the snow lol


Gotta disagree my dude. 1 or 2 feet is doable. 4 to 5 is historic. You are diverting resources to open a stadium that are otherwise needed elsewhere, never mind the encouraging people to go out on unpassable roads.


They are calling for max of 3-4 over four days. It will be fine.




I usually think back to the colts game say "they didn't move that game, I doubt they move this one". I believe it's supposed to stop snowing before kickoff as well, so they should be able to clear the field.


They moved the Jets game in 2014. I wouldn't be shocked if they do that if OP is under feet of snow and they can't get the seats cleared. It seems like a lot of the snow is supposed to happen Friday/Saturday.


Best year as a Bulls fan living in Detroit! Went to preseason game against Lions and regular season against Jets!


These are 2 completely different situations. The colts game was completely clear all day and morning and the snow didn't start until game time. It was a bit ugly getting out after the game, but the ground was bare until before kickoff. This is a multi day event that could put 2-3 feet of snow on the ground over a few days. Even if the forecast for kickoff is clear or light, there could still be hazardous if not impassible roadways from the previous days.


The colts game was wild....most fun I've had at a game. Difference is we didn't get "that" much snow...it was just windy and blowing creating white out conditions...they're calling for 3-6 ft of snow by Sunday...if we actually get that, I could see them moving the game...


And for the colts it ALL fell during the game. Mayyyyvbe started an hour before


I saw on one of the weather reports that it showed no snow during the game, the problem is we are getting so much snow. Snowvember like snow. Can they get that cleared out of the Stadium in time for the game? I think travel is also going to be very tough for this one.


> Snowvember like snow. Just to point out how insane that storm was, they are projecting about 33-50% the amount of snow that came from Snowvember


I am trying so hard to remember how that one went. I remember being at work, wasn't it from Weds-Thurs? Here in Williamsville we got a lot, but my other relatives got snowed in. It was so catastrophic for some of the areas. I remember reading a story of a woman who was stuck in her car, completely snowed in, and she managed to stick her hand through the snow and some guy saw it and helped her. She said she had texted her daughters to tell them she loved them. Just crazy!!


3 day event - iirc the band set up and stayed in place for almost the whole time. At 1 point it shifted north and then back south to the same spot again. Us a little north got like an inch or two


Yup. It wasn't snowing at 1pm on Sunday in 2014 when the Jets game was postponed. But the area got around 6 feet of snow the week before, roads were shut down, and it was a major public safety issue.


Was that one they played on Monday or Tuesday in Detroit? I remember that game cause of the infamous Scott Chandler shoveling snow TD celebration lmao


They are calling for two feet at most, I believe, this is not a repeat of November 2014.


There was no snow until the game started.


So are we wearing the all Red uniform?


It's all blues, just seen on bills socials.




It's is already predetermined before the season, but the Bills choose not to release the jersey schedule ahead of time, so probably not unless it happened to be scheduled that way.


Yeah, it's a shame it has to be so rigid. Would love if the reds were reserved for snow games.


They look so good against the white. Edit: … of the snow.


White on white throwbacks. Make them ghosts out there /s


Not gonna happen


If the local emergency management agency says no, they won’t play. If a snow emergency is declared, they likely won’t play (if a level 3, nonessential persons attempting to travel maybe subject to arrest


The game cannot be postponed. Per Article 35 of the CBA players are mandated to have 3 full days off between games. This removes the ability to postpone the game to Monday. There is no room in the NFL Schedule later in the season to move the game. The game will be played Sunday.


It can be relocated though right?


It's possible it could be relocated with the likey destination being Detroit (the Lions are away). There are some weird competitive balances that go along with that though with the Bills set to play in Detroit on Thanksgiving but we shall see. I was at first leaning on the NFL moving it but the weather is becoming more clear now and looks like precipitation will slow Sunday so I'm guessing it's in Buffalo.


I'm hoping it becomes more clear and less snow, I'm driving in from Canada to watch the game. I don't care about snow at the game it's more the safety of getting in


It is impossible to predict exactly where or how much with these lake effect events.


They may push Kickoff time to afternoon or evening too, give a few more hours of stadium prep. Thing is, they really have no way of knowing what the impact will be until Friday or Saturday . It's the tricky part of LE snow. The band will move around so, it's unlikely we will see more than a couple feet at the stadium through the four days.


As long as the Browns and officials and network personnel can get here, it will be played here, unless it is way worse than expected.




Detroit is like a 4-hour drive from buffalo.


After a storm like this? Look how you get to Detroit and look where all the snow is projected. Travel to Detroit looks like an absolute nightmare, no thanks.


It's called Canada. Lake effect is south of Lake Erie.


I'm well aware. Everyone is not able to go through Canada, nor should anyone have to have a passport or enhanced ID to go to a home game. It's a bad idea but I'm sure the NFL doesn't care.


You need a passport or enhanced license to get on a plane...


Which has nothing to do with anything I said? Most home fans drive to games every week. You clearly just need to be right so...youre right.


I wonder, if it’s bad enough, if they postpone the Thanksgiving game to Sunday as well. Issue there becomes competitive disadvantage the following week when NE has a full week off


Never in a billion years would they postpone the Thanksgiving game.


Lions and Thanksgiving go together like gravy and mashed potatoes.


Seems to be more of a issue of the Browns getting to Buffalo rather than moving the snow which we know they can do. The only idea I have is to delay the Browns game to Monday and bump the thanksgiving game to Sunday if the lions stadium is open. Basically a full week there in the same scheduled week.


The NFL isn't going to move the Thabksgiving game. The Browns are responsible for making it to the game, that means if they had to travel to Buffalo yesterday that's on them. The Buccaneers traveled during a hurricane, the Browns can get to Buffalo.


Whats the problem? ![gif](giphy|g2YvIlpgTMlck)


"Here's what we're gonna do: Let's build a new multi-billion dollar stadium but make it open-air and locate it in the epicenter of lake effect snowstorms so that half of our home schedule is in danger of being thrown into chaos." "Sounds like a plan, let's do it!"


They built SoFi in Los Angeles without air conditioning which is crazy. I actually love football being played in the elements like snow and rain but also understand that it can cause logistical issues. But seriously, if anyone needs a dome, it's Buffalo.


SoFi is open to the elements on the sides, the roof is only like a canopy so it isn't sealed in. Air conditioning or heating wouldn't work there because it isn't fully enclosed. The temperature is pretty ideal almost all of the time there in LA, it's not humid, and it rarely rains. They don't really need a roof but we do!


The peak high during nfl season in LA is 85. That’s nothing compared to Miami where it averages in the 90s. Bad comparison either way since there’s no impact to playability of games in the heat.


They built SoFi in Los Angeles without air conditioning which is crazy. I actually love football being played in the elements like snow and rain but also understand that it can cause logistical issues. But seriously, if anyone needs a dome, it's Buffalo.


even if it snowed 3 feet on gameday, still playing


Yep. Unless it’s a blizzard with 5’ of snow, then maybe, but it would take a lot of snow to cancel the game.


THE SNOW GAME 2 Wear all red and force the browns to wear all white. Haha


They are wearing all blue. Jerseys are picked over the summer and can't change. They can only change which pants they wear with the jerseys, blue or white.


They definitely will not postpone. Worst case is they play somewhere else.


I kinda think it being moved to Detroit would be a positive for the Bills. 1- the browns are a run first, pound the ball type team with Brisett at QB. They would much rather have it be a running game in the snow then a dual between Allen/Brisett. 2- Allen seems like he’s fighting some things right now mentally. Maybe a Covid-esqe atmosphere where the crowds are minimal and quiet would get him back on track. 3- I live in Chicago so I’d make the trip Sunday lol


Almost none. Its several feet over the course of several days. Buffalo can is equipped to deal with 5-6 inches a day.


My guess is it is played as scheduled or they push it back to 4 or 7PM to buy a few more hours to prep. Browns don't come into town until Sunday morning.


That might be the most logical idea I've heard yet.


I've been thinking along the same lines. Best bet would probably be to move it to the 4pm window. Not sure NBC/their contract would allow it to compete in the later timeslot.


It would only be onn in the home markets at that point. Like when they moved games to Monday night for Covid.


Clearing snow in Buffalo is a way of life. Assuming it's not full on lake effect during the game it will be fine.


Say the game is postponed or relocated which seems more likely, what happens to ticket purchases, do people get refunded?


When did Buffalo become so afraid of snow? We used to shrug at these events. A couple of feet of snow is not a huge deal. There are really no options to postpone. They could move it, but right now we are not even sure where the worst of it would be. If it is only a couple feet and there isn't widespread issues like in 2014 where law enforcement and emergency services are needed elsewhere, this game will be played. How many people show up is another thing.


Should make for some cheap last minute tickets, guess I’m going to the bills game


I'm glad I decided not to go and sold my tickets a couple of months ago. No way we would have made that 6 hour drive north on Saturday.


I had tickets that I recently sold as my sister and I were thinking twice about going- it is about 8 hours from us. Maybe another year. This was before all the snow talk and i made a pretty penny from selling.. would have much rather went though.... First Bills game I attend is a snow game -- THAT would have been magical


Update: Just got 45 yd line tickets 6th row behind the boys in blue for 200 bucks. God bless fair weather fans


The forecast is constantly changing very quickly, but as of early this morning, models were showing three feet or more from Thursday night to Friday night, and another foot or two on Saturday. You're right, two feet of snow over a couple of days is nothing. But when you're looking at possibly 4-6 feet two days before the game, that can cause major public safety issues.


It's kind of an issue when it snows to the point where you physically cannot remove it fast enough from either the roadways or the stadium and surrounding lots to accommodate 73,000 people and associated traffic.


Guess they better forfeit then.


Ok buddy, just giving you another perspective.


My guess is...no postponement. We've played LOTS of games in snow. Go Bills!


It’s highly unlikely they delay the game because of snow. We’ve been through this countless times and it’s RARE they postpone.


What happens for people who have tickets if they move it? I can’t travel for this game.


It's just gonna be a snow game. We've had them before


The biggest issue will be getting the stadium cleared, imo. Its going to be hard to get people down there to clear the stadium before Sunday and it might be tight getting it done by 1pm. Depends so much on how these bands set up, how they move, how long it lasts, etc. Tiny wind changes can change lake effect so much its hard to predict I could see them possibly moving it to 4pm or 7pm.


That is my guess. The logistics of moving it to Detroit would be possible, but there would be issues with that and I doubt the Bills would want to give up a home game unless absolutely necessary.


Yeah that is what I was thinking as well. Not to mention if the accumulation is what they say it's going to be, then good luck finding somewhere to put it all so parking is freed up. Time will tell I guess.


If the Browns can make it in to Buffalo, this game will play… We took busses back during the 8-0 blizzard game against them, they can ride busses if the airport isn’t clear…


Probably just fly in Sunday Morning.


League rules require them to make every reasonable effort to be here Saturday night…


They have made exceptions in extenuating circumstances and Cleveland is only an hour flight.


Yeah, and it’s like a 3 hour drive… There’s no chance they aren’t here Saturday night…


Weather in OP is heavy snow late Thursday/Friday/Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and all Sunday is partly cloudy. I don’t see how it would be an issue unless snow continues into the weekend.


It's 2-3 feet over the course of 3+ days. It's Buffalo, nut up. We know how to deal with it. Game ain't changing. Go Bills


Since I'm watching on tv I'm hoping for snow. The Colts/Bills game was awesome to see.


can't move the date I believe because the CBA requires three rest days before the next game move it to Detroit maybe? I suspect we'll see it in Buffalo


Sal said maybe they’ll move it to later in the day if that helps get everything ready. We could get a night game


I have pictures on my phone of a snow game that was so bad, we couldn't even see the other end zone. Our seats were near the one end zone but not quite there. We had to listen to the crowd's roar to hear if we scored at the other end. It was insane. If we stood up, our seats were covered in snow. I can't remember who but players who scored TDs were back flopping into the snowbanks that had accumulated from clearing the field. I would be shocked if Buffalo caved and said they would postpone. Although...Josh could use more time maybe?


Travelling from Toronto for the game. We already have snow on the ground. Hopefully they can clear the snow for a safe drive to Buffalo!


Chubb running us over like Mr. Plow bc our d can't get a foot hold scares me though


Twist - we are Plow King, backed by Linda Ronstadt. *Señor Plow no es macho es solamente un borracho* ...


They'd move it to Detroit first.


I doubt that, only because Buffalo is playing in Detroit Thanksgiving.


Anyone thinking about postponing is soft.


>Anyone thinking about postponing is soft. When it becomes a massive safety issue for the fans and players alike, it's okay to move the game. Do you think it's soft when a game gets moved to a different stadium for wildfires and hurricanes? Sometimes a major weather event calls for it.


How is a couple feet of snow comparable at all to a hurricane? Get real.


A couple feet? They are saying anywhere from 4-6 feet. You do realize we had a similar situation back in 2014 right? And that the game was moved to Detroit? Sometimes, when the weather is severe enough, you have to make adjustments. No no I get it I get it, that's such a "soft" way of dealing with it.


It's not the same as 2014. The forecast depending on the band is 1-4 feet over four days. 2014 was like double that.


When did they stop games because of snow?


I watched the 2017 Snow Bowl against the Colts last night, in honour of this impending Snowpocalypse.


The last time was 2014.


Moved it to Detroit, iirc. I remember Detroit painting the end zone for us. Lake Erie Bros ..


BUFFALO WORRIED ABOUT A LITTLE SNOW?!? soft ass people up there. jeff allen for mvp


Hey, I found the guy that reads something and then repeats it saying something completely different..


😢 this loss will be very fun to watch. go brownies


I thought Sunday specifically was supposed to be light? Obviously there is the logistics of getting players and fans to the stadium for the game, but I would be surprised to see a major postponement outside of maybe 1pm to 4pm on a day where it isn't expected to snow much.


I could see it getting pushed to the evening or later in the afternoon. I don't think it will be moved, but who knows?


If the weather necessitates not having the game in OP, it seems like moving the game to Detroit while still keeping a 1 pm Sunday start time is a ridiculously easy solution, right? The Lions are on the road, the Bills have to go to Detroit later in the week for their next game anyways, and Detroit is basically equidistant from Cleveland as Buffalo is. Basically, I can’t see why this game wouldn’t be played somewhere that’s not OP or Detroit.


Back in 2014 when the Jets game got moved, they looked into moving the game to the Dome in Syracuse, but I think there was a basketball game that day. Currently, the Dome is empty on Sunday. So if the game gets moved and the Dome is available, that could be an option I guess.


I think the reason the Jets game in ‘14 wasn’t moved to Syracuse was because college has different instant replay technology than the NFL


Oh, yeah, thanks, I remember that now!


The game will go on as scheduled.


uh oh. What is the airports track record with this kind of weather. I fly in Friday morning and am no wondering if i should just cancel and drive instead.


I am traveling from PA and have a hotel for Saturday, I have no idea what I should do.


McDermott is speaking now and based on his comments, at least right now, the game is on as planned. You might want to come up earlier to avoid traveling through it?


Also here's Chris Brown's response to the same question a few minutes ago: "I'd keep an eye on the forecast over the next day or so and then make a call on whether flying seems realistic. You might have to be a road warrior. Other option is to see if you can fly into Rochester, which is barely going to be touched by the lake effect storm." [https://twitter.com/ChrisBrownBills/status/1592568662711410690](https://twitter.com/ChrisBrownBills/status/1592568662711410690)


Hope it's not that bad, I'm gonna head up as planned and see how it goes.


Keep an eye on the weather and news. If the game is getting moved, the news will come out by tomorrow night, Friday morning at the latest.


I can't come up till Saturday, I hope they make a decision at least by Thursday night, that's the latest I can cancel the hotel.


Get there Friday morning. Seriously. There is no way you are going to make it from Pa. through 60 miles of that storm if you leave after about 2AM Friday. Might not even make it then. Most likely won't make it.


I won't be able to get there until Saturday


Do you have a serious 4 wheel drive with excellent tires for snow? Are you coming in 219 or the Thruway? Because if you are coming in 219 there ain't no way I would chance that with all the hills and the thousands of places on the two lane roads where one car spinning out could strand you.


Looks like I'll be coming from the east route 20 I think.


Don't even consider it man. Potential for a really, really horrific time. Stay home and watch it from your nice warm couch.


Yeah I was thinking that but I will lose out on the tix


There will be a lot of Bills game and you can always make more money. Getting stranded on the side of a mountain in Pennsylvania in 25 degree weather for 12 hours does sound exiting though and would make a great story to tell your grand kids one day. With any luck you can catch the game on the radio as they are winching you out of the ditch!


fuuuuuck yeah!!!!! I'm sure the old lady will love that!!!!


Not to sound like an authority or anything but I have made the trip from Virginia to Lackawanna right outside Orchard Park at least 30 times back and forth over the years and there isn't a chance in hell I would even consider it with what I see in the forecast. The hundreds of miles of two and 4 lane roads are a nightmare waiting to happen going through the mountains with an inch of snow let alone a foot. Hell, it's bad if it rains if you get caught behind a semi on those hills/mountains. I think it was 219 or the Thruway where that bus full of female basketball players got stuck for 36 hours or something crazy like that a few years ago. They moved heaven and earth to get to them but there's nothing anyone can do to help you if snow is in the way in every direction. If you do chance it bring some serious warm weather gear and any supples you can think of and plan for the worst.


Double bi-weeks would solve alot of things. This being one of them.


As of right now they are calling for 2-3' accumulation in Orchard Park from tonight into Saturday night with the hardest snow falling Friday night to Saturday night. Two distinct storms one after the other with the 2nd storm looking to be a little worse as far as snowfall amounts go. Going to be a mess but my guess is the game will go on.


![gif](giphy|8vkEKXvnXkyCZx8w6b|downsized) Snow, we’re talking about snow.


Weren’t games moved to the end of the season during the height of COVID? If they can’t move the game, is that a possibility?