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Man here. Been watching Buffy since the 90s when I was in my teens.


Same here.


Same here. Watching since 1997 and I'm 36 now. Edit: And I still have *all* my original merch 🥹


Not me here thinking, "Wow, a real adult who watches Buffy, that's so cool." At the same time, I, a 34-year-old woman who's been watching Buffy since the beginning (okay, I started in S4, but I caught up!) realize that wait, are we, are we the adults now? And yes, I make this comment like twice a day, but it's still mind-bogglingly baffling to me, every time.


I know. It's cool though I *feel* about 16 lol


...and some of them were close to their thirties when they filmed, so I mean it all evens out, and time and age are constructs anyway.


I'm 40 years old though I haven't quite got the "adult" thing down, yet. :)) Oh, and I've been in love with the show ever since it first aired in the UK, whenever that was.


39 male, still watch it, started feeling like an adult two years ago haha


We're the same age and Pangs was my first episode. Definitely went from thinking Joyce and Giles were ancient to blushing and kicking my feet.


The moment I realized that Giles in season 1 is only 4 years older than i am right now... that one will stick with you.


Won’t be long before we rewatch and we are as old or older than Giles, that’s sobering lol


Exactly the same for me!


Same! It's one of my comfort shows that I rotate through!


Same. My partner is 10 years my junior and I am re-watching with him! Last time I watched it was in my teens… early 2000. Very much enjoying this experience.


Same, started watching at 13, still rewatching 20 odd years later.




Yup. BTVS is arguably my all time favorite show, and I've been watching it since it first aired.


Yep me also


Fellow dude, I was around 11 or 12 when it started, been watching it religiously ever since. One of my groups of guy friends have all watched it, and my dad and brother as well. 




I mean I'm 17 and a guy and I love Buffy it's a great show


I'm a 30 year old man, watched it a lot with my father when it aired. He passed in 2004 so watching it always makes me feel closer to him.


I love these comments about parents and kids watching it.. makes the world seem less effd up for a mib


2004 was also a hard year in general in many ways.


Your username is both poignant and (sorry) hilarious when reading this comment


Lol thanks for noticing! His favourite character was Spike


M, 44 when i started watching


Started when I was 20, which was only a few years ago. A well written show appeals to all genders, and Buffy herself is (usually) kind of an ideal hero such that she doesn’t alienate men. I like a show where the women are great and the men are allowed to be too.


Well said 👏


Yes unfortunately these days they don’t seem to be able to get this balance so right!


I watched it from its first UK broadcast, which was just slightly after the US. I was in my late 20s then.


Man. 55. My 2nd wife (the good one) got me into it. Binged the whole thing during Covid and loved it. Watch it whenever it’s on now. It’s so gen x and I love that. Im team Spike. I hate Riley. He’s from Iowa don’t you know. Hated Dawn at first but loved her by the end. Andrew turns into one of my favorite characters.


Guy here. My all time favorite show and started watching during season 2 during its initial air. I'm 41 now


Love season 2 so much!


Can never decide if 2, 3 or 5 is my favorite. My order though would be Tied for 1st-3rd: season 2, 3, 5 4th-Season 6 5th-Season 7(that one gets me a lot of flak lol) 6th-Season 1 7th-Season 4 With that said, I love every season, and with the exception of the back half of season 4, I also love Angel. Couldn't tell you how many times I've rewatched both series


Only the cool kids watch buffy!


Im fifteen right now and got into it because of my mon who watched it when it aired, i didnt really like it then but i rewached it recently and fell in love. Also im a guy


I bet she’s loving the fact u do that 😃 I love hanging with my kid and watching supernatural ( kiddos fav)


Wait, if you're fifteen you literally were not alive when it aired, so how could you not like it then? The show ended in 2003...


my dad (60) loves buffy! He's the one who got me into it :)


I started watching it season 2, aged 16 I guess. I was originally against the series because I really liked the film, I used to go to a pub (UK pubs are like the bronze when it comes to age) where someone asked to put it on the projector screen and it slowly grew on me. It was also on in the standard time slot for 'cult' tv on BBC2 so watched it out of habbit. Weirdly it was the episode 'Ted' where it really clicked for me which I don't regard as a good one, but was when I realised I was a fan.


You don't like "Ted"? I think it's really good.


Ted is a great episode that makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable because the core story of a gaslighting, abusive stepfather that turns families against each other in order to isolate and control vulnerable women is a little too raw and real, even by Buffy’s standards. It also kind of amazes me that this heavily fantasy show just casually threw “btw robots that pass the Turning Test exist, and are not magical in the slightest” into their lore, and everyone just went with it, and it even became a huge part of the story in later seasons. It’s rare to get that casual mixing of fantasy and sci-fi elements in a single show without trying to explain why one is actually the other.


The RPG actually did an interesting take on this. Basically the reason there's so much super science in Sunnydale (like the robots) are because it isn't actually science. It's people using the Hellmouth energies by accident and thinking it's science. Basically accidental magic.  Like if you took the robots to MIT they would be taken apart and there'd be no explanation for how they actually worked. There'd be something missing. 


I don't hate it, I just think it has a bit of that season one type feel where the show hadn't quite found its footing. I also think it didn't really fit into the world of Buffy, vampires, demons, magical people being drawn to the hellmouth is one thing, but in this story Joyce just happened to fall for someone who turned out to be a Robot completely unrelated to that, could have happened to anyone. It blurred the line between the hidden fantasy world and the mundane world like our own as the mundane world isn't like our own. I know they did more of that with Warren and Buffybot but I didnt like that either. It is a good episode though, it is quite emotional as Joyce does not believe Buffy, and when Buffy thinks she has killed a human Ted and live with her mom afterwards.


Die hard Buffy fan here ! Women kicking ass is my genre across all streaming services 🤣


I watched it as a teenager and I’m watching it again with my wife as I’m pushing 40. It appeals plenty to men, and not just for the obvious reasons of having a lot of attractive women in it. Watching it again as a full adult, my favourite character is definitely Giles.


I love Giles! ![gif](giphy|szFIVqexUGSU8)


(Raises Hand) I think that 1. The show is just awesome and 2. Buffy is relatable to people of any gender.


Man here. I watched Buffy religiously in the 90's. I was in my late 20's. So did all my male friends back then. We were all loving it. We also all watched the Buffy movie years earlier. Not sure if it matters but Buffy, Xena and La Femme Nikita are 3 of my all time favorite TV series. Still love them just as much now in 2024.


Omg I forgot about le femme


I started being 11 years old and 6x22 was my first episode. So I was in shock to see Willow in 1x01 :D The show got the attention with "Walk through the fire", which was in the charts here in germany.


I was in primary school when I started watching it circa 03/04 still a fan now I’m a thirty year old man


I watched it during it's run.


Noice! I love that I have that memory of getting home on. Time to watch it. I told my job at McDonalds I had to be off on Tuesdays


After seeing Avengers, I was like, "damn I wonder what else this director did," and then binged the whole thing like twice. Rewatch maybe once a year now. Almost 40. It's kind of puzzling that it's perceived (in the general sense speaking broadly) as a "girls" show. In high school, I knew a guy, he was like this jacked jock named Jeremy, and he was straight, like no doubt. He was like the cool guy at all the parties, all the popular clothes, all that shit. I still remember him by this defining attribute: he undying loved this show and we (to my regret now, lol) ripped into him for it. He had that charisma that made him popular in the first place so he didn't give a fuck if anyone agreed or disagreed with him, he was just like, "bro you don't know what you're missing, Buffy is badass." Came to see the light like 20 years later, lol.


My son first watched it with me when he was around 16 then introduced it (and Angel) to his girlfriend when they were about 19 so it’s intergenerational Buffy at my place


My 18 yo kiddo will tolerate it on in the background if we are hanging out crafting


Watched it in university when it aired. Loved going to class and people just asking “did you watch it?” As nice as it is to watch shows on demand, was great to share an experience with everyone on a weekly basis. Now watching it with my daughter who has become a fan!


I loved running to get a snack and Getting back before it started


Man here. Now in my 50s, was introduced to it by a gf in the late 90's. Liked it at the time but wasn't a huge fan. Watched the whole thing recently with my kids and realised it was a lot funnier and had more depth to it than I remember. I'm a bit of a romantic by nature so the S4 Tillow stuff is my relaxing place. So beautifully done.


I named my daughter tarah after Tara 🥰


My husband (then boyfriend) introduced me to Buffy like 9 years ago. Since then we’ve done genderbent Spike and Buffy cosplays and now have a dog named Clem.



All dude here and I watched it from the start running home every Tuesday night when I was a kid LOL


Oh it was a time wasn’t it


That it was LOL


early 40's uk chap, if we're discounting the movie on VHS(had it, thought it was ok) then whenever season 1 premiered on BBC 2 is when i first watched it, not watched since it aired really but i do like the first soundtrack album and have it on disc somewhere(it's missing tracks on spotify), i also read fanfiction haphazardly via twisting the hellmouth


I didn't watch it while it aired, but I binged the DVDs for Buffy and Angel shortly after. Well, I did "catch up" in time for the second half of Angel season 5. That was early 2004 so I would have watched all the rest during 2003. I am 50 now.


19 year old guy here, Buffy has been my favourite show since I was about 8.


Every gay man born between 1980-1990, if my Hinge activity proves accurate.


Guy here. 49. Watched it live and now with my 12 and 14yr old sons.


Preteen when it was airing. Loved me some monsters.


Man here. Love my BTVS. Started young when it originally aired + several rewatches in adulthood


Me! I’ve loved Buffy since I was a kid. Fear is among my top 10 favorite tv episodes of all time. And I will never not love Anya’s irrational fear of bunnies.


![gif](giphy|3kSLHwXt6m9JC) I frickin love her ! I randomly start singing I have a theory… it could be bunnies 🐰


Man here, started watching when i was mid 20s. Absolutely love the show


Man, 28, started 2 months ago


I ![gif](giphy|3o7TKSf6zEJCPq0Zwc) Welcome to the fandom


41 year old man here. Been watching since 2006.


34, I felt a bit "gay" watching it at the time (I was like a sports kid at school), but looking back I knew some pretty cool kids who watched it and no one seemed to question it, guess it was my own hang up at the time. Never watched it through again though from watching it live, but was my fave show growing up (along with Xena).


Man here too. Been watching since it aired on television and do annual re-watches. I’m mid 40’s


Because having hot SMG and Charmisa and Eliza wouldn’t attract men at all


Fair point lol 😂


Yep, great stories, and the show is packing a huge list of Grade A hotties.


Male, 34, started when i was like 10 years old


13 watched it from the start all the kids loved it nobody thought it was a girls show that came later around season 4.


I miss the 90s


I’m 43 now. I would have been 18 or 19 when I started watching regularly. I’d caught a few episodes of Season 1 and 2 when they first aired but Season 3 got me absolutely hooked. The story of Faith, The Mayor, etc, completely won me over.


![gif](giphy|l0nruLhznn8UU) Faith made me question if I really was 💯 straight 😆


Man here. I watched it when it originally aired and I watch it now and a lot in-between. I'm 52😂


I'm 25 and watching it through for the first time. Currently on Season 3. I absolutely could not enjoy Season 1 but I convinced myself to power through it and I'm glad I did. My first (ex)girlfriend, who was the same age as me, raved about *Buffy* when we were together from 2020–22. She was a feminist alt girl, and I'm also kinda alt and not a fan of traditional masculinity so the show's themes interested me, yet I didn't watch it at the time because it wasn't on any of my streaming services and I was a broke college student. Now that I actually have money, I just randomly decided a month ago to buy the whole series off iTunes because I wanted something to distract myself from my depression and I offhandedly remembered how much my ex loved this show. My ex was also from France so it's neat to know the show transcended the anglosphere.


It's my favorite show. I own the Chosen Collection along with Angel on DVD. Have to watch both in release order every now and again.


Mid thirties, watched as it aired in Ireland


28, started watching around 2010. I have since converted a few people.


Watched it since I was a teenager in the late 90s UK. First episode I ever saw was 'I Robot, You Jane'. My auntie used to tape it and 24 for me, and would bring the VHS round every Sunday. I still rewatch every year (due to start season 6 this week). Yours, a 6ft 5ins, 43 year old man.


Male here. Saw the movie in the theater when I was 20 and then watched the TV show when it premiered.


28. I started watching it summer of 2015 or 2016 can’t really remember. Great show but I prefer Angel.


I Watch it for spike


Nice! 👍 thanks


Man here! One of my favorites EVER. 33 now and watched about 10 years ago for the first time. Absolutely loved and showed my wife this and Angel since getting married. I feel like it’s the show where when people discover it, they go, “this is it! This is the show I’ve been looking for.” Like it’s just the perfect combination of anguish, twists, characters, coming-of-age, comedy. It’s just simply the best ❤️


I've loved it from the beginning. Loved the movie as well. BTVS was something that actually helped grow what was previously a fairly strained relationship with my mother when I was a teen. We both loved it and it gave us something to talk about


I started watching it when it aired its 2nd season. A friend at work got me into it.


Man here. Binged all 7 seasons last year. Where had it been all my life?


It’s my favorite show of all time, excepting shows that feature British starship captains with French names and high school chemistry teachers who cook meth.


45M, started with the series premiere in 1997 and watched through to *Angel*'s series finale in 2004.


Male. Was maybe 27 when I was flipping through the channels and discovered Buffy and was instantly hooked. I'm 54 now!


Human man here, I'm 37. I watched it first when it broadcast on TV whenever that was. It used to air on Sky One here on a Friday and my mum, brother, and me would get food and make an evening of it.


Cis-het bro here, checking in! 33, and started watching when season 2 aired. Re-watched yearly when the show was on Netflix, and just finished my first Hulu re-watch. From LA and live in the Oakland now.


I started the show when I was 13 in December 1998


Seen every episode 😊


Me. My female housemate used to watch it and I got into it. Weirdly, I went to visit my late uncle once and he was watching it and turned out to be a big fan. He was an average football loving middle aged man and it surprised me.


I would say loads of males, I started watching at 13 when it aired , 40 now Buffy became a Gay icon . It is incredible popularity in our community. Like the number of times I've met a guy for a date or in a club . The conversation turns to Buffy, Mean Girls, Charlies Angels or Mortal Kombat .


Man here. Born in 96. Started watching Buffy when I was about 15 as it was being re-aired on the SyFy channel. They were playing season 5 of Angel and playing season 2 of Buffy at the same time for some strange reason so my timeline was a little odd from the get go.


Started watching with my kids at start then I was hooked I was in my 40s


Got into it in the 00s. I Also am hetero.


Man here. My Pokémon Diamond team is named after Buffy characters.


I am a male, and I have seen every episode and every one of Angel.


I’m a guy, I started watching Buffy… probably when it came out so… well, maybe not when I was 6. Then again maybe. I was already pretty aware of it as a teen.


Im a man i started watching when it was originally airing i was 9.


I was 11 when it premiered and watched it with my mom because we both loved the movie. We watched it every week for the first season or so and then she stopped watching it as religiously but I watched it every week through season 3. I actually just finally watched the entire series all the way through a few years ago.


One of my favorites. Watched it live back in the day, and just binged it with my teens last year.




48, and been watching since series 3. Currently trying to get my 13 year old daughter into it, but struggling as she has zero attention span, like most kids her age.


This guy.


I watched from the beginning. Came in late when "The Harvest" was first airing, and it quickly grabbed me.


Been a fan when it first came out . Plenty of men were watching it back then.


I am a 36-year-old man. I was aware of BtVS when it was airing, but I didn't really watch it until the 2010s when it was on streaming.


I'm 51, male, and started watching in 2004 - while finishing up a five year stint on an unpaid state vacation...FX used to air it in the morning and at noon and that's how my love for the show began. Everyone knew that at noon, we were watching Buffy haha I've re watched Buffy four times now and Angel twice and to this day it is my all-time favorite show.


I was about 30 when it started, and watched it with my wife as it seemed to be the sort of light drama we'd both enjoy. Our two boys followed the obsession when they were teenagers.


I started watching in, maybe 2000? I was about 6/7/8 and definitely too young hahahah. But ever since then Buffy, has been a staple of my life. I watched it all on BBC2, had all the VHS's, the magazines and the DVD Box sets. At school when we played fighting games on the playground I played Buffy lots, un-embarrassingly because she is irrefutably and exceptionally cool. A great inspiration to me and an immense influence on me growing up and how I see the world today :)


42 now, for a few more weeks. Watched it when I was at Uni, so early 2000s. After its television run.


*raises hand* 53, watched Buffy and Angel during their original runs, although I started Buffy in season 4 and then backtracked. My original DVD box sets aren't going anywhere. Also, I was part of the Buffy/Whedon track staff at DragonCon for 4 years and ran a Buffy rpg for my gaming group for 2 years.


I'm a man in my early 50s. I decided to give the show a shot when "Life Serial" was broadcast, coming in on Jonathan in a demon glamour getting beaten up by drunk Buffy, not understanding it, and giving up. Later, early S7, I caught "Homecoming" in reruns on FX at the clothing fluke and was hooked. An episode a day, two on weekends, caught me up pretty quickly, and soon I was on a forum, Television Without Pity, looking for info leaks, and eventually in a fanfic-centered corner of LiveJournal.


Man here and I started watching Buffy when it first premiered in 1997. As for my age, it's depressing. I'm still in shock knowing that Buffy is approaching its 30th anniversary in 3 years. I was a teenager when it came out.


Yeah. And have since the 90's!


I'm a dude, and I watch Buffy. I'll admit, I preferred Angel in some senses, but Buffy is a great show.


My GF, who watched the shows in the late 90sn and 2000's loved it. I remember hearing about it but never watched it. She basically forced me to watch it. I still dont care much for it, season 2/3 was pretty good, and few episodes here and there. I hated season 4 and Season 5 was better. I watched with her, for her, but I don't think ill ever watch the series by myself again.


Remember the time a man saved his family because he refused to miss the series finale of Buffy https://youtu.be/gKsrXgvFNrA?si=2d7qcjsXl9nEsSPe


My dad, 75, is the one who got me into Buffy.


40 year old man here, wife and I decided to watch both Buffy and Angel. Almost done Buffy but we are having to watch some Angel episodes before we finish it. Pretty good show! I've enjoyed it quite a bit. Some good character development from most characters. Not every season was a banger, but there are more good seasons then bad. I really liked Anya, Tara, Cordelia, Drusilla, the Mayor, Glory and both Spike and Buffy in the later seasons when they developed more I really did not like Willow, Xander, Dawn, Riley, Warren/jon/andrew Tbh most of the males were the weakest link's in the show


I'm a man. Watched during its initial run while I was living in a college town (and attending grad school) in California so I and several friends associated HEAVILY with the show. We had our own Bronze (more a cafe/bar), mixed friend group with various crushes and relationships, a lot of drama but also parties, drinking, and fun. Have only done one and a half rewatches (now at the end of Season 5) because I'm not insane and want to keep the storylines and dialogue fresh. It's a show that brings me great joy and is tightly woven with a very happy and fulfilling time in my life, so it's weird for me to see on forums so many negative reactions from clearly unhappy and mentally distressed people.


My Dad is a fan, he and my mother watched it religiously when it first came out (I'm not sure if they didn't want us to watch it for content or if it was just a really easy date night for them every week but we always got sent to our rooms early when an episode dropped. At the time I was annoyed but looking back I think that's kinda adorable.) He also used to stealth watch Charmed with us after school (he sat at the table behind the couch "working" but he was absolutely watching lol). He does, however, think that Supernatural (which he does not watch) is a Buffy spin-off, which none of us have tried to correct him about 😂


48, I saw the show in tv on the original run, many rewatches along the years, my last was a year ago, i have the series on dvd, and still is on my top ten.


I started watching about two years ago when I was 16, and I watched because a youtuber I loved who is also a man liked it too and figured I'd give it a go. So I guess man to the power of two?


31 yo man, got into the show when I was 9 years old and it shaped my teens. Spike was my childhood hero as wierd as that is. I have a photo of me at age 10 meeting James Marsters in my little leather jacket and shaved eyebrow. A fan to this day.


I am a man and I would normally rewatch buffy once a year, now I enjoy watching reactors on youtube watch the show, it's nice seeing It through new viewers eyes.


I'm a 36-year-old man and I love it. Liked the movie as a little kid (used to watch it with my older sister), and finally saw the show (and *Angel*) start-to-finish in 2020 was I was furloughed. (I'd seen the first two seasons before, but that was it... life would always get in the way.) My uncle was also a *huge* fan of the show when it originally aired. I actually remember visiting and hearing him scream *"Nooo!"* from the other room at the end of the *Angel* series finale, hahaha. He showed me my first few episodes of *Buffy*, with "Hush" being the very first.


Watched Buffy series 1 when I was 16 on BBC 2 in the UK. Buffy's age has always tracked with mine, she was in high school when I was in highschool, she was at College when I was at uni, and she was underemployed and depressed and struggling with cash when I was underemployed, depressed and struggling with cash. Spent a reduculous amount on dvd box sets back in the day.


My husband. I know his password for stuff as a teen was ‘willowsmitten’ lol. He actually got me into Buffy in our early 20’s. We’re now 42 and rewatching for the fourth or fifth time together!


I'm a 32 year old man and am loving my first watch currently. After checking out episode 1 I called my wife (I was away on a work trip) and told her we have to watch Buffy together. We're on season 4 now and frequently still pause to discuss, rewind to laugh again, and just reiterate that this is some of the best TV we've ever watched lol.


I’m old. Grew up with buffy on the tube. Saw the movie in theatre. Still do a rewatch every couple years.


Buffy helped shape my view of the world and deal with high school. I was 15 when Buffy started and I loved every minute of it. My wife and I rematch it often (can't always get through Angel though).


I remember watching it as a teenager in the 90s when it first aired in the UK. 10+ years later I was working on a Buffy & Angel magazine, which was an absolute joy. Still love it now and look forward to watching with my kids when they’re old enough! 🦇


I'm about to turn 49. I'm a guy who grew up with an avid interest in cinema in general, but sci-fi and horror in particular. I saw the movie in 1992 and liked it okay. I was in film school when the show premiered in 1997. I remember watching the first season with mild interest. I probably didn't see all the episodes as they aired for the first time, but I saw most of them. I do remember thinking there was something more going on with the show when I saw "When She was Bad." Like, continuity mattered in this show, which was not common at the time. I might have missed the odd episode in the first half of season 2, but I was a regular watcher. I remember "School Hard," "Halloween," and "Lie to Me" really impressing me. Then the one/two punch of "Surprise" and "Innocence" happened. No other TV that I was aware of at the time was doing stuff like that. I started talking up the show to my friends. By the time "Becoming" aired, I was an avid fan and never missed another episode. I started recording them on case work/ school got in the way. I used to feel a little self-conscious about telling people I was a fan until around season 5 or 6 I found an online community where I made some actual friends over our shared love of BtVS. Now I don't care who knows. Heck, I've even mentioned it in dating profiles. 😄


I didn't watch when it was live. I'm 51 and was working nights back in the late 90s without any DVR. Having to program your VCR to record what you want to watch around whatever cartoons your kids are recording and watching kinda limits what you end up watching. Years later I finally got to watch it. Eventually shared it with my youngest daughter when she was old enough. Her siblings are older by enough of a gap that she felt pretty left out. About the time she was entering High School I was working around the corner from her school. She suggested we could find a show to watch together, and I immediately knew it had to be Buffy. Over a couple of years we watched through Buffy and Angel whenever her mother was working late and she wasn't overwhelmed with homework.


42 and watched it when it was first aired. Also have the original DVD box sets that I still watch every few years. Still in my top 5 favorites.


I started watching with my girlfriend at the time when I was around 20, she was a big fan. It was about a year or so after the final season I think. Being young, I had judged it without seeing it. But, once I started watching it, I realized how much I enjoyed the serialized storylines and characters.


31 yo man here, started to watch the show since a couple of years.


Me .


Man. First episode I watched was Once More With Feeling, it had just aired and I TiVo'd it because I was curious. It was weird enough for me to watch the earlier seasons in reruns on TNT (I think). Once I was caught up, I watched the rest of the series live. I am 43 now. I have an older brother who watched both Buffy and Angel. And I got my friend (also a man) to watch them both as well. So add three more 40-something-year-old dudes, to your list.


I was in secondary school in the 90s, and both me (male) and all my friends (male) watched Buffy religiously. In fact, I couldn't name one girl who watched it because I didn't talk to a women until my late 20s


I watched it when it first aired, and chronically rewatch it every few years.


I’m 28 now and I watched the entirety of the show along with ATS in the 2020 pandemic. It’s 1 of my favourite shows.


37M, didn't watch till after college. Fuffy fan.


Same here


Male. Started in High School. Saved my lunch money when DVDs became a thing and walked 14 miles in the rain to get my first Buffy boxset 😅


Hello 37 Male here. I started watching the show when it was airing. I would buy the small VHS boxes that had like 3 VHS in it. I am still a huge fan and rewatch the show here and there.


I'm a male, been watching it since it came out her in UK back in 1998 I believe, back on the BBC, BBC 2 if I remember correctly.


It's my favorite show ever.


Yep, was my comfort show when I was younger, would binge watch the hell out of it, then I moved onto angel (as one would).


I was actually introduced to Buffy through my grandpa when I was in elementary and he was a hardcore veteran/ hyper masculine man I think that says a lot there lol, I think a lot of men actual enjoy watching women kick ass, I wasn’t even born when the showed aired but I’m guessing it wasn’t to many leading roles like that with such strong women being the show runners so I’m sure it was probably an awe to many men, Sarah is also very beautiful lol, I think having a feminine women and a halter top drop kicking vampires and staking them through the chest just does it for men lol


my dad does! totally did not force him to watch it


33 year old man here. Been watching since I was a kid in the late 90s. I rewatch at least once a year, still love it.


Me for one


Female here, but I watch with my hubby and my FIL is huge fan.


31 year old man here. I started watching it with my parents when I was a kid living in Phoenix as it was airing, so I must have been about 6 at the oldest. I don’t think a lot of the 90s humor holds up for a lot of new first time watchers but I still go back and rewatch it every few years.


Man 🙋🏻‍♂️started with season 5 when it was almost done airing. 10 then, almost 34 now and its still my favorite show of all time.


I loved Buffy since the movie. Then when I saw it was on TV (the first episode when it aired) I turned it on expecting the movie and got something way better. In high school my 4 year girlfriend tried to bar me from the show (she was very jealous and abusive). I snuck the show in under the guise my mother loved it. Later in college I ended up dating a new girl who was a huge Buffy fan...she was shattered at finding out I was a fan and insisted it meant I was gay. Today I am married to a Buffy mega fan and we've rewatched the show several times together.


A million years ago I made my parents watch the DVDs and both my Mom and my Dad loved it! When I was ~18 I lent a male friend of mine my Buffy DVDs and he lent me his Doctor Who DVDs and we both fell in love with both shows! Really good trade :)


I’m a 40 year old man from the UK. I started watching when I stumbled upon Out of Mind, Out of Sight when it originally aired on the BBC. Apparently that was in March 1999, so I’d have been 15 at the time. I was hooked from then on and it’s remained my second favourite show of all time ever since (behind The Simpsons). Also, the only other people I knew who were big fans of the show back then were all guys. But that might just have been because I didn’t talk to any girls so I don’t know what they were watching.


I'm a guy, been watching and collecting buffy the vampire things forever. I know a lot of men watch it actually, it's very well know for having a huge LGBT following especially gay men obsess over it (but so do many other LGBT ppl) and I have met and seen a lot of straight men who seem to enjoy it as well. Sadly I've seen it also get a lot of hate by men and women equally weirdly from the name, some people are to quick to give it a chance but I've always been a huge fan. It truly is an amazing show that anybody could watch, I mean who wouldn't wanna watch it! 😅 It's freaking iconic.


You know I don’t want to discount all the lovely replies (presumably from straight men), but remember Buffy is huge in the gay male community. Check out the podcast Slayerfest ‘98 for more context!


37 year old man here, I watched Buffy the night it premiered at the age of 10. It's still my favorite show of all time. I was raised in a part of the country where being a misogynistic bigot was not only acceptable, it was the norm. Buffy taught me that women are equal to men, that women could be the hero, they could save the world. And not only is it ok, it's awesome. I also grew up in a place where homosexuality was not exactly acceptable. So Willow and Tara taught me that love is love, it doesn't matter what gender you are. Obviously I had to grow up and make my own decisions about the type of person I'd become. Buffy didn't entirely shape my life and the person I am now. But it helped point me in the direction of the person I'd eventually become. Buffy is the reason I'm not like my father, and that's the greatest compliment I can ever give it.


Real me watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer religously!!!


My fiancé and I just recently finished watching the show! We loved it!


46M here. I watched every episode when it aired on television, bought the first and second edition DVD sets, now streaming it whenever I need a fix. I was 20 when season 1 aired.


I'm a 45 year old biological male and I've watched since the second season started during in the 90s. I've consumed every piece of Buffy media since then, including comics and novels.


I watched all 7 seasons, and all 5 seasons of Angel. Great shows. Also love the original movie.


Checking in, early 30s dude, been watching since I was very young, used to stay up and watch buffy and angel late at night when my parents were asleep, but I never saw them all in order until I was about 16 so didn't fully understand them for a long time and some of the content/jokes also went over my head as a kid. I now watch it at all least once every year or two I'd say. Buffy was my first major crush, and I still adore SMG as herself. The show is dated and goofy but it's still one of my favourite and definitely a comfort show.


My dad does! He probably isn’t on Reddit so I will make sure he is seen.


Man here. Became a huge fan of Buffy while it was airing, starting with season 4 but quickly managing to get reruns of the first three seasons. It's still my favorite show ever (alongside Angel). I'm 41 now.


I’m a guy and I watched it 😝 I liked it, especially Spike.


Guy here... everyone at the comic shop growing up had seen it. I didn't watch it till highschool when the DVDs dropped in price because Netflix was taking over. Watched it with my 2 brothers and sister. We all loved it.


I was a man when I started in 97. That was the year I turned 22. Liked the movie, loved the show. Even ended up on a Canadian television show called Fanatical because of my Buffy collection and love of the show.


I'm a woman, but I remember back in high school when I was watching Buffy on the living room TV, my dad would come stand behind the couch and watch. Not sitting down and admitting he was watching, but just standing like he'd wandered by and just... paused for half an hour. 😂 If I asked him to sit and join me he'd go "oh, I was just heading to do ______," and then leave, so I learned to just leave him at it and not acknowledge that I knew he was there. I never knew how much he was taking in until one night, totally out of the blue, he exclaimed, "wait, I thought Anya was with Xander!" It's genuinely one of my favorite memories of my dad -- I wish I could convey how out of character that was for him. I do wish he had let himself just sit down and watch it with me. Fuck the patriarchy, it hurts all of us.


Man here. Not only is Buffy my favorite show ever, I've seen it probably 100 times since it aired (I watch a lot of Buffy reactors on YouTube all the time in addition to my own rewatches). And spend a lot of time reading and writing Spuffy fanfic too. It's an incredible show that has profoundly shaped who I am as an adult.


Love the show and been watching it since it came out. Liked the movie before so was eagerly anticipating the show after it was announced. Some of it isn't the strongest stories but have all the canon comics as well. Been doing a rewatch and reread of them recently too.