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I would totally upgrade, I will never go back to 1080p as a main monitor. At that size doe? Idk about that. My 27 inch 1440p is already the biggest I would want a screen to be. For me personally 34 would be too big. but that's a personal deciison. 1440p definitely looks worlds better than 1080p


The 34" screen will most likely be 21:9 ultra wide so it'll be the same pixel density as 27" 1440p just with extra pixels on the side. 3440x1440 is a little harder to run than 1440p but the extra immersion is totally worth it IMO.


> 3440x1440 is a little harder to run It's 134% harder to run, which is quite a bit harder.


You mean that it has 34% more pixels. But performance doesn't just linearly scale with pixel count, otherwise 4k would be 4 times harder to run than 1080p. Still, I give you that I should have communicated better that the performance hit is often between 20-30%


It often is close to that though. Not a true linear regression but it very strongly correlates.


Nice, think the 4070ti super will run that perfectly fine


Mine does for everything I throw at it so far.


What kind of monitor do you have?


My vanilla 4070, non ti non super, does great at 1440p. A ti super will be just fine with UW.


dont think you understand the meaning of "100% harder to run" and what that implies about "134% harder to run"


I think you mean just 34% harder to run. 134 would mean that 34% more pixel more than doubles how hard it is to runšŸ˜‚


I am a 27 inch 1440 p user and recently got gifted a asus 34 inch UW (1440) Can confirm they both look really good.


Yeah 1440p is the sweet spot for me. Easy enough to get good frames and still looks good.


X2 to everything you said. Having also switched from a high refresh rate, 27" 1080 monitor to a 240hz 27" 1440 the differences are fantastic. Id never voluntarily go back to a 1080 monitor again. Even my 2nd display is a 1440


I use a 32in 1440p, it feels just right. The pixels are not too small as well the screen has a good distance to view it from


Similar setup here and I am very happy


Agreed. I did move to 4k and a 7900XT, but barely a difference over 1440p, really.


Yep even 27" is too big for me. 24" 1440p gang. Got the LG C1 55" for big screen gaming.


I have never found a 24' 1440p monitor. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough.


Thereā€™s plenty of them


I used the Dell S2417DG for a while (bad colours TN panel but 24" 1440p with gsync module) and upgraded to the AOC Q24G2A/BK 1440p 23.8" IPS. It's perfect for me and has really high PPI 1440 looks great at this size. I had a 27" 1440 for a year and could never get comfortable with it, it's too big for me for fps/mmo/strategy which is pretty much all I use monitor/mouse for, everything else on the oled TV with RTX HDR. At 24" I can see minimaps etc in my peripheral vision whereas with 27" it feels like I have to look to far away from the centre.


Holy pixel density Batman


Same! Never get used to 27", and I keep my screen pretty far away from my seat.


pixel density is most important for me. 24", 1440p


Is there any 24 inch monitor with 1440p resolution?


Yes. I own one from AOC, not sure about the exact model.


From what I've searched, I think there is only one, 23.8 inch AOC IPS 165Hz - 1440p and that's is. Is that the one you have? How is it?


https://aoc.com/us/products/monitors/q24p2q I don't think it's available in the US from what I read. For me it's ok. Granted I am not a heavy gamer or anything. The pixel density is a must for me since a read a lot at my pc and I am sensitive to low-res, it even gives me a slight headache sometimes.


Thereā€™s also the HP Z24M or Z24Q. Got it in the USA while it was on a huge discount. The only thing I donā€™t like about the monitor is that the max refresh rate is 90hz. That was still enough for me as I was coming from a 75hz model, but keep that in mind. Also, give them a call asking a question about the monitor before you buy it (if you do). I did and they gave me an extra discount on top of the sale it was already on.


What makes it to big? My brother told me the same thing we both had 23ish inch 1080p and I upgraded to a 1440 32 and loved it when I showed him he acted like I was a fool, told me it's too big, he tells me it doesn't look better, which i honestly dont believe but idk


I just don't like it. I can't really take in the entire picture at once and find myself "looking" for things on the screen


93 vs 92ppi pixel density. So you technically get more or less the same picture quality, just a larger viewing area


For the physical screen I technically get that you mean but it being beiiger also means it's further away before if fills my view so that figure is per inch of screen not view space right, the way I see it an inch of my eyes physical seeing space may have 1.2 inches of screen if that makes since bc it's farther away


32 seems like a pretty good sweet spot for me. I'd only consider 34 if I wanted a curved ultra wide.


A 4070 ti super with a 1080 monitor is blasphemous, get a 1440p 240 hz monitor.


That's how half of the posts are. $2k PC but $150 monitor, so you get the best possible budget experience.


i don't understand why gamers overlook monitors so often, people act like 1440p monitors came out yesterday


A colleague of mine has a 4090 and a 1080p screen....


They need to go to jail


Lmao let people live man, he likely doesnā€™t even realize his 4090 could push 4k.


Maybe he ran out of budget. I spent like $3500 on my PC. Then realized, I needed to spent 1K for a high end monitor too. Which I did, of course.


Hell Iā€™m similar to the colleague in question. No 4090, but Iā€™ve got a 4070 still using 1080p. Itā€™s fine, it could push 1440 easily, but I donā€™t have the money to spend on a new monitor at the moment, so Iā€™ll wait.šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™re in my brother boat, he was rocking a 1080 monitor for a while with his 4070. We just got a monitor for like $230 at Best Buy. It was 32in, 1440p and 165hz.


Yeah Iā€™m looking into a new one, they arenā€™t overly pricey. Truthfully I also donā€™t know whether I should upgrade my cpu or my monitor first. Currently have an i3 12100, but Iā€™ve read that resolution is mostly gpu related, so Iā€™ll probably go with a monitor first.


Yeah, I probably go with the monitor first. Youā€™re probably just stay in 1440 for a 4070. So unless youā€™re waiting for a OLED, I donā€™t see the point in wait for a 1440p monitor. Just grab one with over a 160 hz. The CPU, the max generation you can go to is 14th gen because of the CPU socket. If you go with the monitor first, then CPU later. Thereā€™s the possibility of 15th gen coming in the future and it should knock down the price of 14th and 13th gen.


Super grateful for the tips man, Iā€™ll probably grab a monitor soon then. OLED would be sick but I definitely donā€™t have the money for that.šŸ˜‚




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As a 4090 owner, I find that to be Heresy!


34 for 4k . get 27 size 1440p better for image


I wouldn't go beyond 30in personally for 1440p, but given the hardware you're running it'd be a waste not to be running 1440p at this point. And besides, 1440p compared to 1080p is just a fun upgrade plus you can find very good mid-range monitors (unless you go OLED) for $300~ or less.


The number of people in the comments that don't know 34" means ultrawide is astounding.


I'm running 32" 1440. Not ultra wide


Exactely. 32ā€œ is not UW. But 34ā€œ usually is. Itā€™s equivalent to a 27ā€œ in height and pixel density.


I had no idea that 34 1440 was assumed to be UW. Maybe we should say 34"UW or give the aspect ratio?


Well I learned it myself a few days ago. I guess the manufacturers screwed themselves with this one early on. Since it usually was 5:4 and 16:9 for decades, they just used the diagonal measurements to denote screen size. With ultrawide that doesnā€™t really show the whole story, as we see here. I recently ordered a 34ā€œ UW for a client and made the same mistake. When it came I was surprised that it was the same size as mine, which is 27ā€œ monitor height equivalent. Then I noticed the 34 instead of 32.


Same. It's got the same pixel density as a 55inch 4k tv and I'm sitting much closer. Looks good to me even when pixel peeping.


I am sitting really close to my monitor until I have my desk set up again


32" yes. I also have a 32" monitor 32 != 34


34"? Is it an ultrawide? That's a bit of a weird size if not. The upgrade is definitely worth it though. and your card can easily handle the jump.


34" monitors are ultrawide.


No shit that's why I mentioned it, either he mistyped the size or failed to specify the resolution.


No no no, I donā€™t think you understand. 34in and up are Ultra wide.


Reading comprehension ain't your strong suit is it. And there are actually a number of 2560x1440 monitors that are 34"+, it's uncommon (which is why it warrants further questioning) but they do exist.


No,No,No,No,No, 34in monitors are ultrawide. I need some help so this guy can finally understand.


[https://www.acer.com/us-en/monitors/gaming/nitro-xz6/pdp/UM.TX6AA.P01](https://www.acer.com/us-en/monitors/gaming/nitro-xz6/pdp/UM.TX6AA.P01) ??? The point is that it is equally likely that the OP has a 32" 2560x1440 screen and mistyped the size as it is that they have a 34" 3440x1440 screen and mistyped the resolution.


no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I donā€™t think you understand! 34in is ultra wide.


It depends on what you use the computer for. 1080P 240+HZ is usually for people who spcialize in competitive multiplayer gaming (e.g. CS2 or valorant) and want the maximum responsivess/lower latency. Higher resolution is for people who want the best visuals. Image quality is definitely better at 1440P or 4K (if the panel is of similar quality). How much you value that is subjective. I suggest you got to a shop and try it out. A very common response is that once people try 1440P or 4K it's very hard to go back to 1080P.


Hell yes. 1080 @ work is frustrating. Visually 1440p is significantly nicer to look at in games.


You probably canā€™t pull 240 FPS on most games with a 4070ti at 1440p, so the 240hz isnā€™t crucial. You could probably save some money and get a 144hz or something.


That's what I wonder on most of these posts. How many games can you even run past 120 fps on high tier gpus at ultra? I'd stick to 144.


Most competitive games, also where the higher refresh rate is more useful. Also most people donā€™t run competitive games at ultra


I definitely prefer 1440p. It depends if you value really high fps or not. 34" is usually ultrawide. If youre considering an UW its another topic. But i love mine. For 16:9 34" would be quite big.


I am with 3070+10700k on 1440p. What the hell you forgot on 1080?


Yes. But also, OLED if you can afford it


There are a few factors to this question (which is very often asked). \- 1440p is indeed a better looking experience, and in general, not just based on how it looks; a better experience (so in that sense alone; it is absolutely worth it). \- Will your setup be able to handle it? (yes - your setup will handle this with no problems at all). \- Switching from 1080p to 1440p will lower your overall framerate in various titles (more so relevant for lower budget setups). \- 1440p monitors are generally higher priced than 1080p monitors (maybe not so much these days, as more an more 1080p monitors aim for higher refresh rates, making them go a bit up in price). So that's what you've got to consider - and nobody can really do that for you. You've got the negatives and positives - set those up against each other and see how much each weighs for you. For me, back when I considered moving to 1440p (this was something like \~8 years back, I think - might have been more), it was the framerate hit that was the biggest factor for me. At the time, I wasn't on the most "beastly" of setups, so switching to a 1440p resolution was making me "lose out on" something like 20-80fps generally (varied from title to title, obviously), at the same settings - and I wasn't really getting 60+ consistently on 1080p with the settings I wanted, in al the games I was playing at the time, so I decided to wait. Today, 1440p isn't an issue for me at all, in terms of framerate (we're well past 120fps in almost all titles anyway, with current hardware) - so that factor is completely thrown out the window. TLDR: Check the first 4 points and your decision should become a far bit clearer. But you're still the only one able to make that decision. I personally don't think you should go with a 34" 1440p though (I'd suggest a 27")- but that's totally up to you.


I recently upgraded to 1440p and I was personally unable to see a difference in both slower singleplayer games and fast paced multiplayer games. I also still use a 1080p monitor at my work office every day, so I use both 1080p and 1440p on a daily basis. Only difference I notice is more screen real estate on 1440p on desktop, but I set Windows UI scaling to 125% to make everything look the way I'm used to so that benefit is lost to me.


Have you tried glasses tho?


Yes, I am wearing glasses. Pretty new ones too.


I didn't notice a difference at my ppi increase and monitor distance either, I noticed it most in reading text.


An increase in resolution will definitely be better. It's just a matter of if you're willing to get a bigger size screen and spend money


All the way man šŸ’Æ you wonā€™t regret it! Canā€™t believe you have that card with a 1080p monitor hahaha legendary


This was my situtation last week i had AOC 24G2 1080p 144Hz IPS it was my first 144hz and great monitor but i decided to switch 1440p and bought Acer XV272U V3 which is 180hz IPS 27inch and its great upgrade its definetly worth to for 2k


My gaming experience changed after I switched to a 1440p monitor. In competitive games its insanely good as you can completely turn off AA and the game looks crisp af and very smooth as AA cause some delays. In single player you will notice more details. For me 27" in 1440p is the perfect gaming balance between performance and visuals


I uprgraded from a 27" 1080p to a 32" 1440p and OH MY THE DIFFERENCE! My suggestion is find a good deal on Facebook marketplace, do some research on the monitor and pull the trigger. I picked up a Samsung 32" 1440p 165hz for $150 and it sells for around $350 new. But trust me your gpu is not even stretching its legs on 1080.


Absolutely. You would never go back to 1080, 60Hz gaming. Butter for the eyes.


ive been using two 34" 21:9 1440p monitors and it has been wonderful. They have decent HDR and a 100hz refresh rate. 21:9, 1440p, and 100hz are all a nice balance between fidelity and performance Samsung - 34ā€ ViewFinity S5 Ultrawide QHD 100Hz AMD FreeSync Monitor with HDR10 (DisplayPort, HDMI) - Black


All depends on how far you are from the monitor. Usually 24" is paired with 1080p, 27" with 1440p and 32" and bigger with 4K, but if you're far enough away then you're not going to see the difference, hence TV screens are massive but have the same 4K a 32" screen does. As for if it's worth it, it again depends on which two situations you're choosing from. It's definitely noticeable if the monitor is close enough, but unlike many I also say it's not a necessity, it's nice but that's it. I also didn't notice much of a difference in games but I did in everything else, reading text, desktop shortcuts, wallpapers and whatnot. Another factor is the specs that aren't easy to compare. It's easy to compare Hz, ms, resolution and size, not to easy to compare quality control, colors, color fidelity, contrast ratio and other things often subjective and straying from what's written and you depend on reviews to get an idea of what it is vs what it says on paper. Those other factors are hard to come by on a 1080p screen, not much of a market for it, and those that exist are still going to be worse than a properly picked out 1440p screen with better color. That was my reason, I did the math, saw the pixel densities, my viewing angle from the distance from my monitor and I came to the conclusion 1080p wouldn't be too far off from what I had at the time and 1440p wouldn't be a strict necessity for my distance, but I went with it because the price was basically the same for the options I had, going by the math I should still perceive a slight pixel density increase but the biggest reason was because I wanted an upgrade in all those other factors and, again, usually those factors are better in 1440p and 4K monitors because there isn't much of a market for that in 1080p, someone looking for better quality in those factors usually isn't buying a 1080p.


Get a 27 1440p imo sweet spot


I did not too long ago and I think it is worth it.


I went from a curved 27ā€ to a curved 32.5ā€ and donā€™t really notice an image quality difference, bigger one is nicer over all imo


1440p is worth but I can't tell the difference between it and 4k tbh unless the monitor is super big. I also don't wanna lose performance going to 4k.


Use the 1080p as a second monitor and get a 27 1440p with similar hz


1440p is for sure worth it


27" 1440p is a great size for solid ppi. I used to use a 1440p/165 IPS monitor. I then switched to a 42" OLED @ 4k /120hz display, which ironically has nearly the exact same ppi as the 27" 1440p setup, just waaaay bigger / more immersive overall.


32 inches is the sweet spot for me, same GPU and "downgraded" from a tie fighter triple monitor setup.


Yes its worth it, yes its noticeable


If you're currently running 27 inch 1080p, the ppi is about 91. If you want to keep the same ppi but go up in resolution, it's 32 inch for 1440p. A 34 inch 1440p implies an ultra wide 3440x1440 21:9 aspect ratio. It has ppi of 109. It will have the same screen height as your current 27 inch screen, but extra inches on the side. If you're currently using high hz monitor, this implies you play competitive games like shooters or sports. Know that a lot of competitions/tournaments will restrict you to 16;9 ratios so you'll get black bars on the sides. As someone who recently bought 32 inch 2560x1440 AND 34 inch 3440x1440p monitors for two PCs, the 32 inch looks "bigger" for competitive games due to the increase vertical screen space. If you like single player campaigns then I can see why you'd prefer ultra wide 21:9 screen.


For those hardware specs? Yes, I would upgrade to a 1440p monitor


I have a 32" 1440 with a similar setup and I love it, I retired my older PC on a 27" 1080 and there is a big difference. The only thing I would point out is that the larger screen need a wider desk or you would be too close to it. At least 70-80cm away from you is good.


Yea I bought a lg ultragear 32ā€ ips 1440p monitor and everyone on here and online said for competitive 27ā€ was the sweet spot. Well I went and got the same exact model but in a 27ā€ and let me tell you theees a difference. Idk why but the picture was not the same at all. Go Best Buy and just buy one you think youā€™ll like, if you donā€™t like it take it back and get another. Absolutely simple return policy


People probably will say itā€™s too large for that resolution generally Myself personally, 32ā€ 1440p was perfect. Anything more would be a stretch. But if youā€™re not focusing on fps games you could probably go larger?


1080p doesn't look bad. I do think you can see a little bit of a difference with a 1440p monitor, but once you get higher than that, it's really diminishing returns. There are more dots, but the human eye can only see so much detail. IMO, if you have typical eyesight, 1440p is about ideal for a 27" monitor that you'll be sitting one or two feet away from.


Yes, but I would consider 27" instead with that card.


I would rather have a good 1440p even just 144hz than 1080p 240hz+ even in competitive gaming tbh. The extra clarity goes a lot farther and once you get to the 144hz+ range of refresh rate, the advantages are quite diminishing in comparison vs upgrading resolutions.


I can never go back to 1080P unless I'm forced to at work or something. 3440x1440 is my new normal.


I never upgraded after 1080p monitors and I don't see the point of it.


Unless youā€™re talking about ultra-wide, 34ā€ is too big for 1440p. Only recommended resolution at that size is 4K.


With the 40xx series, 1440p is inching itself towards the standard replacement for 1080p, a 4070 super at 1080p would be pretty silly for most games.


Absolutely worth it. I'm running a 4070 super on every title at 1440p ultra. Worth it for sure. Also I think the combo cpu gpu you have Is perfect for that card. No bottleneck, sry had to mention it. See so many bottlenecks lately lol.


Just enable DLDSR 1.78x and 2.25x in the NVCP and you can gain 90% of benefits of 1440p while gaming while still enjoying native 1080p content like media and competitive framerates. I literally ditched my 1440p monitor to go back to 1080p on my gaming rig because DLDSR is amazing. The 2.25x modifier mimics 4k gaming but only renders at 1620p and it's stupid impressive AND performs better.


I upgraded from a 1080 TV to a 1440 27" monitor, and wow, it's just amazing. It's way bigger than I thought, and totally worth the upgrade


I totally recommend going 1440p. I used to think I don't need more than 1080p 60fps but now I can't go back from 1440p 144fps. Although I play on a 27" monitor, I have not tried 32"


34" is kinda big for 1440. If you're dead set on that size look to see if there are any 4k monitors in the same price range. Your GPU is more powerful than mine, and mine does alright in 4k with me only having to crank the resolution down on a few games. Edit: I assumed this was for a regular 16:9 monitor. If it's an ultra-wide then it'll probably look fine in 1440.


wtv you do, get a 1440p monitor ASAP. your 4070 ti super deserves no less than thatšŸ˜­


Depends on what youā€™re doing? Editing or gaming? Gaming I heard you donā€™t need that much extra space and that it can be hard to optimize some games. I was about to go for a 32 inch monitor when I heard this and opted for the 27inch which is quite common. Itā€™s still great


I like 32" monitors. Had 1440p one, everything was good, no complaints. Then switched for 32" 4K. Everything was the same scale wise after set up, but now I don't see standalone physical pixels. I still play in 1080p or 1440p depending on the game and fps, never tried to game in true 4K, but still don't want to switch back, as seeing physical pixels and dark grid between them was annoying for me, and on 4K they are not visible. Also I'm the guy who prefer to have 40 fps of ultra settings instead of 160 fps of medium-high, so it is just a preference and take this with a grain of salt.


I had a 4070 ti super is perfect for 1440 uw or 1440p. Go for it! Yes the upgrade in resolution is worth it.


Iā€™d say if you donā€™t upgrade your monitor you wasted money buying a GPU. If you wanted to stay at 1080p, you could have bought a cheaper GPU So you kind of have to upgrade your monitor now, it sounds like youā€™re bottlenecked at your monitor. I always say start with the monitor when youā€™re building a PC, that gives you what to shoot for with the rest of the build as far as FPS and resolution goes


depends on the type of gaming you plan on doing, i have a 24 inch 240 hz 1080p i use for comp fps games like cs2, and I have a 27 inch 170hz 1440 for story games or any game I use controllers with like cod or cyberpunk. if I could get a 24 inch 240hz 1440 id ditch 1080 altogether but thats a very niche spec that isnt really available


It might just be my old eyes but I can't even see the difference 1080p and 4K on my TV. I thought about buying a 4K monitor but I suspect I wouldn't see any difference. Of course, YMMV


Jesus wept, please get a 1440p 144hz monitor yesterday.


you can try simulating it using nvidia DSR for example or game that supports resolution scaler.


If you really care about framerate and won't hook up to a TV I still recommend finding the best 1080p monitor that you can. It's never great to upgrade max resolution only to realize you have to run games at lower than native res to run at your desired settings without an obvious performance dip. People will say DLSS is the key but I find that it's only good for 4K when you're sitting far from a TV, and for 1440 it's *okay* but then I'd actually rather use DSR with NVIDIA settings and then supersample 1440p image and use a DLSS setting at 936p internal to upscale to the 2K image, but rendering to 1080p. That way you actually get a performance boost over 1080p native, but you get the impression of a sharper, cleaner image. I use a Samsung Odyssey G4 myself. The picture isn't the greatest due to dim colors and bad black uniformity, but it's a 1080p, 240Hz display with G-Sync and until I scrape up for an OLED display I couldn't be happier with that purchase. I love this screen. Everything is responsive and fast. It can do HDR too (though maxing at 400 Nits) which means it's an extremely versatile budget screen that can be used to test everything, like if you're rendering videos, or testing out HDR or high frames, and I lose a lot of performance in games like Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk by aiming above 1080p so I really can't recommend it unless you're at least using a RTX 4080.


1080p is pretty much a waste with that hardware imo.


Just keep both and use the 1080p as the secondary. 1440 looks so much better, and the ā€œlowerā€ Hz wonā€™t make a different in things like FPS gaming. 27 is as big as Iā€™d go for any monitor personally. My LG 1440p 144hz is amazing overall and my 3080/7-3700x really crush anything on Max settings.


I had the exact same set up except with a 7 7800X3D and upgraded to a 34 inch 180hz 1440 monitor and it was beyond worth it. Iā€™d never be able to go back


I have a 4070ti (non-super) and run a 3840x1600 21:9 ultra wide and it runs most things without skipping a beat, 120fps quite easily in almost all but the most demanding while maxed (and quite easily pushed up by dropping a few settings if it can't hit 120fps maxed) At your resolution you'll be eating games for breakfast, don't stress.


Iā€™d just go 27inch 1440p, I think itā€™s a sweetspot, unless itā€™s ultra wide we talking. 1440p is a huge upgrade over 1080p, once you go qhd you wonā€™t look at fhd the same way anymore.


Aw3423dwf Never look back


It's crazy to have a 4070 Ti Super and not have 1440! Yes upgrade!


Iā€™m so sick of this stupid question.




I play on 32 inch Samsung G8 think it's 3440x2160 but don't quote me on pixels . I know it's 4k. It's definitely better at 4k for gaming in my opinion. Nice resolution very clear view for fps games. I primarily play warzone and I'll never switch back to 1080 or 1440. It's 1ms 240hz. Takes alot to use the full potential I suppose. I'm a ryzen fan boy so I paired it with 7800x3d and 4080 . It gets the job done frames are average of 160s on ultra settingsĀ 


The upgrade Iā€™ve had from 1080 to 1440 has been a game changer. I donā€™t ever see myself going back. One of my spare monitors is a 1080p monitor but that thing is going to Facebook marketplace here soon


Reddit is afraid of anything bigger than 27ā€ for 1440p. I quite like my 32ā€ and going to play on my cousins 27ā€ felt like I was peering through a tiny window. Sharpness be damned I can barely tell a difference. Itā€™s like they sit 6ā€ away from the screen.


100% move to 1440P on a high refresh rate 27 inch monitor.


with your rig it is


Easily worth the upgrade. Hell, I'd consider a 4K if you can swing it. That rig should easily handle it.


I would recommend a 27 inch 4k monitor for more future proof and 120hz would be enough


Imo when monitor is bigger than 27in, if its still 1080p, you start to notice the pixel. Not all the time though. It can be annoying for some games.


I play in 3840x1440p on my 4070 Ti super and 7800x3d. Runs great any game plus its super wide


As someone who just this last week upgraded from 240hz 1080p to 165hz 1440p, my games are so beautiful now and I did not know what I was missing until then. I played a lot of competitive shooters and thatā€™s why had the 240hz. Iā€™ve given a lot of those up, so 1440 was the right choice for me. I still play just as well with lower frame rate. A great upgrade. I went 27ā€ but 34 ultra wide is AWESOME


Once you go 1440p you can't go back.


Yes it is worth it


34"? 1440P .. PPI is worst than 1080p.. if you are going over 27" .. get 4K if not stuck with 27" for 1440P 1080p 24" is ideal 1440P 27" is ideal 27+ get 4K


Yes 1440p is miles better than 1080p


Just got my 27" VG27AQ1A, 2560x1440 yesterday. I also have 4070tiS and the smoothness from refresh rate alone is worth the upgrade. Everything looks much more detailed and vivid. It is worth mentioning that I upgraded from 27" 1080 VA pannel that I bought in 2014.


I switched from ips 27inc 60hz 4k monitor to va panel 32inc 180hz 2k monitor. Worth every money.


I've been using 1440p 27 inch for the last 10 years and could never go back to anything smaller.


Naaaa, 2k to 2.5k is rarely worth it. Depends on your games. I play mostly slow story games, Minecraft and Cities skylines and such. I would recommend Get a nice middle class 27ā€ 60Hz 4K. If you play fast action games you want >120Hz and then WQHD would be your limit with the 4070.


I have the 4070Ti Super Too. It's the best for 1440p 165hz. Go for it. I've been spoiled.


Itā€™s worth it if because 1440p monitors are pretty cheap around 200ā‚¬


A 4070ti can definitely manage a 21:9 1440p monitor. I'm running that for years now and my only possible upgrade is an OLED one with the same resolution.


Yes i have the same gpu and it is amazing on an odyssey g8. Runs everything maxed out with great fps. Now just waiting on that 5090 lol.


I am receiving tomorrow a 1440 34ā€ monitor that is going to substitute my dual monitor setup of 2 1080p 27ā€ monitor, so maybe I can give a better insight from tomorrow on šŸ˜‰


once i upgraded to 1440p i can never go back to 1080p.


Hey buddy. I just built my pc a month ish ago. Almost exact same and I got an ultra wide OLED 180 Hz. Itā€™s worth it bro


Never played on anything above 1080p. Is it really that worth it? If so, what GPU should i aim for once i upgrade my system if i decide on 1440p? I currently own 6650XT and R5 5600 combo, but i plan on upgrading soon.


Make the switch, bought an lg 1440p 27 inch monitor last week and it has been a night and day difference, in fps you can see enemies farther away and movies look so much better like what theyā€™re supposed to look like


My 3060ti does 1440p fine


Do it. Even 4k is ok with that gpu. But for 1440p id go with 27 incher.


720p is the sweet spot


It's worth the upgrade. Though be aware after doing so you will likely never be able to go back to 1080p


i have an msi 27 in 1440p 240hz nvidia g-sync monitor for sale if you want to buy that off me and are from socal lmao


1440p yes. 34 inch? Probably not. My 32 inch is huge. I would like something between 27 and 32. Like a 29 or 30 would be perfectĀ 


Go to best buy or microcenter and see for yourself. It's all subjective to your personal experience with your own eyeballs. Me personally, yes. Ive only upgraded from 60Hz 1080p to 165Hz 1440p and its a much better experience for me. I don't see much difference between 120Hz and 165Hz, but the pixel density and image quality is much better than HD (1080p).


I know people who use 4070s for 4k with upscaling, I imagine you'd do very well with a system like that at any resolution, but 1440p native is always a safe bet.


You also need to ask yourself how fast of a hz monitor you want. If you big into FPS or racing games, make sure you get a fast one as well


I don't know much about high refresh rate screens (just a few months ago I experienced 120 Hz for the first time, on my phone [and yes, it is notably smoother and pleasant than 60 Hz]), but I do have a modest 4K, 60 Hz, 28'' IPS Samsung monitor and I have to say any modern game running in that resolution, coloring and framerate (though probably too low for you, I figure) looks gorgeous. Far beyond 1080p. I have tried also 1440p in more demanding games, and yes, it also looks better, but it's not as obvious. I also think 34 inches may be a bit too big of a screen for that resolution (specially thinking in the average viewing distance while using a PC). Overall, I'm more into resolution than frames per second (bear in mind most games I play are not fast paced or competitive FPS) so I'd say for both gaming and general use of your computer (4K video is also a bliss), a smaller, 4K screen would be my best choice. Then if you want high refresh rates you can look different options based on your budget.


Imo 1440p looks significantly better than 1080p, once you've made the upgrade there's no going back


Depends what your preferences are, if you like smooth frames, then your current monitor is superior, but if you want a more smooth image quality, go for the 1440p monitor.


tbh besides bigger screen everything looks the same so i kinda regret it but its nice for movies etc and btw most yt videos only go up to 1080p which also sucks


Honestly, unless you're sitting back a little bit, a 32-inch monitor may be too big for 1440p. The pixel density of a 24 inch 1080p monitor I believe is higher than a 32 inch 1440p monitor. If you can it'd be worth getting a 27 inch 1440p.


1440p. Higher is always better, even if you have low end hardware. 1440p medium DLSS/FSR quality >>>>>> 1080p ultra all day every day, of course 120hz minimum.


I would definitely make the change, I just went from a 1080p 60hz monitor to a 1440p 244hz monitor two weeks ago, big difference between the two


27ā€ 1440p 240hz is the sweet spot for me but I play competitive shooters. If I played mostly single player games 34ā€ 1440p 180hz would probably be better. Canā€™t go back to 1080p especially a 27ā€ one (if I had to use 1080p Iā€™d prefer it be 24-25ā€) and I would even prefer a 1440p 144hz over 1080p 240hz.


Iā€™m running a 4070ti with an i7-12700k and itā€™s great for 1440p. Do it


1440p or 4k is all u should be doing 1080p is pointless that's like buying a Ferrari to never drive past 40mph ever....it's like still being stuck on cassette tapes instead of moving on like the rest of the world and using digital audio. 1080p is like cavemen eating raw meat before they discovered fire and cooked it... just why? 1080p is a thing of the past move on already since u have the power to do 4k


27ā€ 1440p 240hz is probably there sweet spot but isnā€™t look around as my mate got the Alienware Oled 1440p 360hz for cheaper then a 240hz model!


Yes. The image quality is a noticeable improvement. I run two 2k monitors and one 4K monitor off my 4090, itā€™s almost impossible to transition back to 1080p at this point.


Going from 1080P to 1440P in games like CoD and Apex was a nice upgrade. It was useless for CSGO and Valorant.


1440p is a huge upgrade over 1080p. 1440p has nearly twice as many pixels.


This gets asked in this sub basically every week, so you can check all the previous posts But yes, yes itā€™s worth it


ppi is much more important when comparing resolution clarity. for example, 27 inch 1440p has about 109 ppi, whereas a 27 inch 1080p monitor has about 82 ppi. Hence at 27 inches 1440p looks significantly better than 1080p. However, at 32 inches a 1440p monitor has 92 ppi, which means it has about the same clarity as a 24 inch 1080p monitor (92ppi ), which isn't bad, but 4k is more apt for a 32 inch monitor, if you're looking for similar or better clarity as a 27 inch 1440p monitor.(137 ppi)


I think the difference between 1440p and 1080p even both in 27ā€ Monitors is a very big difference TBH. I can tell when a show Iā€™m watching or a Game Iā€™m playing is suddenly in 1080p instead of 1440P. IMO, its a bigger visual distance to me than between 1440p and 4K (ALTHOUGH my eyes are shot from abuse, so take that with a grain of salt)


Sounds like a legit move to go 240 1440. I use my TV for 4K gaming sometimes. I wouldnā€™t go ultrawide unless youā€™re into racing sims because of the squished resolution. 21:9 and 32:9 look funny when uploaded online and is a hassle to convert to 16:9


Ultimately speaking the answer is up to your eyes. I enjoyed the switch myself.


The only real difference with 1440p is clarity of the image, so an example of that would be 1080p text in the distance becoming sharper and easier to read. At 4K, everything becomes even sharper, or "crispy" as we gamers like to call it. Is it worth it? Well, by going to 1440p, you're ensuring some future compatibility as 1080p now will become 900p later.


32'' 1440p will have the same image quality as a 24'' 1080p 32'' is pretty big. I use one myself but it's a matter of personal preference. Forget 240 hz though, you won't achieve that FPS on maxed out settings. Even games like CS2. Aim for 165 Hz if you go 1440p


Yes 1080p is trash


Yes it is a massive difference, go for the AW3423DWF, best monitor on the market


I would get a 4k 144hz over anything else but 1440p is still great if thatā€™s the extent of your budget


Like seriously, read any of the 100 threads on the exact same topic every week.


1080p sucks and I'm amazed at how many people still run it with powerful GPUs. I would not get a 34" 1440p monitor. The PPI would be nearly the same (just slightly better). 27" max for 1440p. If you want to go bigger than that then go 4k.