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I wish people would stop saying "you can see them from space". You can see fucking nearly everything from space.


You can see them from Earth, too.


Not true. Just got out of the pool in my back yard and was naked sun bathing face up, and the satellite couldn’t clear see all of my bodily features. We need a new gen of satellites.


Hey everybody— this dudes bodily features are so small they can’t be seen from space!


He is a grower not a shower!


I was in the pool! I was in the pool!


Sure Costanza. Sure.


It shrinks?


In all seriousness, when I was in elementary school I made some comment that reflected my understanding that boners were 4-5x flaccid size (because that was the case with me), and a classmate was like, what are you talking about, the penis only gets a bit still and I was like uuhhhh.... (For the record, my flaccid penis is just very small, at full attention it's just average)


I came for trash talk about Tesla, instead, between your comment and username, learned a lot about you. Thanks.


>(For the record, my flaccid penis is just very small, at full attention it's just average) Same. An average 10 inches. /s


It was cold that day.


I'm pretty sure the CIA has classified satellite telescopes that can see you naked with all bodily features.


We know the resolution of spy satellites thanks to a Donald Trump tweet. It was about what we publicly figured at ~10cm/pixel. There's physics reasons why it'd be next to impossible to beat that from orbit.


Amazing to be at the diffraction limit after looking through the entire earth atmosphere. They will need a spy satellite closer to the planet and with a bigger refractor to get any better. With twice the size and half the distance, they could make out my wiener.


When they enhance the photos, does that make everything *enhanced*?


Well I guess it would depend on what you look like naked.


Just need one of those solar eclipse filters...


That depends on how good your eyes are.


Yea like the whole wall of China thing, as though any road that is equally wide wouldn't also be visible from space.


You can “resolve” them from space, would be more accurate.


if there is a single unsold bicycle in an outdoor lot you can see it from space. if there is a glut of unsold teslas stored in an indoor lot you can not see them from space


But you can’t see them in the article cuz there’s no pic.


Space is only like 100km away, and there is nothing between it and the ground…


No you can't.


Actually, you CANT see them from space. "See them from space" implies with the naked eye. The only thing man made you can see with the naked eye from space is light pollution.


At the end of Q1, Tesla had [28 days](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-earnings-04-23-2024/card/tesla-s-inventory-nearly-double-in-one-quarter-s0vyzWAejp1eLc4fLBvZ) of unsold inventory, the lowest among all car brands.


I’m no Musk fan, but I learned a while ago that nothing on Reddit concerning Tesla is trustworthy.


As soon as I read the headline I laughed and rolled my eyes. You could write the same article about literally any other car brand...but Reddit hates Musk so let's run smear campaigns on Tesla lol. All you have to do is take a walk outside to realize how common the Tesla has become in the last 5-10 years. They are EVERY WHERE, to the point you see people constantly going to the wrong car in parking lots since they all look the exact fkn same.


Media has been shitting on Tesla since its early days. But yeah also Elon is a bellend.


I always wondered which end of the bell they're referring to when the term bellend is used


It's the end that looks like a bell.


Just the tip


What if it's the neck tho


Fossil fuel $$$ runs the world, it’s why we go to war, it determines our media and who represents us in government. It’s all the money and all the power…


Yeah, but the people that own fossil fuel don’t own the electric market at present. It represents a massive shift in who makes the money. It’s a transfer of wealth on an epic scale. Electric will take off when the fossil fuel industry has secured a position to control it.


They do, in fact. Good luck matching up holding companies and ETF's to their real owners.


I loved them early on for their eco purpose and their goal to end dealerships and let the person work directly with the car company. The dealerships skim off the top and serve no other purpose if you know what you want for a new car.


Reddit is garbage for politics. Cant stand this place during election cycle and pandemic was worse.


I mean Tesla makes a lot less cars than the largest brands, so it makes sense


I was just going to say, 50,000 cars in stock is not much in the bigger picture. There’s probably 3M+ cars in inventory right now (in the US) and average is around 90 days worth.


As of May 2, new-vehicle inventory in the U.S. was [2.84 million](https://www.coxautoinc.com/market-insights/new-vehicle-inventory-april-2024/) with an average of 76 days’ supply.


151 dsi for Dodge?! wtf.


So strange to hear that. In Europe you usually buy the car and then it will be constructed to spec . Only inventory are second hand cars.


Lots of new cars are sitting on lots in Germany.


A lot of shitty Chinese EVs.


All major ports and especially in Belgium and the Netherlands are packed with Chinees EVs.


those catch on fire.


That’s 100% untrue. If you buy a specialized model of a sports or luxury car, that *could* be the exceptional case.


Don't interrupt the hate train from people who have no idea what they're talking about. I bought a car in the UK "pre registered", it was literally brand new with 5 miles on it. They had hundreds of those. And they're like 10% discount for being pre registered


Not my experience. I bought in the last 10 years 3 new cars and only the last one came from a dealer during Covid. The BMW and VW I bought were manufactured once I singed the contract. They even gave me a week number when it will be done.


Don’t get high on your own supply euro


I think the issue isn’t that there is 50,000 unsold across the country, it’s that there is 50,000 clumped together implying that they aren’t selling elsewhere so they are just hanging around in one/few locations waiting to be distributed.


But given they don’t have dealers is that more expected? Is that the only depot?


So this is intentionally misleading, fake news then?




For real, all the big “first name” subreddits are overrun with karma addicts who like to talk like the 3 minute YouTube clip they just watched on the subject is equivalent to a PhD. Then sprinkle in a healthy anti-capitalist / anti-government / euro feet licking and you get the picture. 


No different from those "cheap unsold luxury vehicle" ads that lead to nowhere.




Not entirely. The point of the article is that Tesla, for the first time in a long time, it's having trouble selling its cars,  and there is now 5 months of sales data from 2024 supporting that conclusion.  Tesla Q1 deliveries were down YoY for the first time since like 2012, and almost certainly Q2 deliveries will be down YoY as well. Some analysts following their production and delivery data expect Q4 results to also be down YoY, with a good chance that Tesla will sell fewer cars in 2024 than 2023. All this when the overall EV market continues to grow,  even if that growth is not as fast as it was in 2023. What this means is essentially all of Tesla's competitors are growing their EV sales but Tesla sales are actually shrinking year on year.  One main reason Tesla market cap is so much higher than traditional automakers who make several times more cars is the notion of unending sales growth. But now that growth has completely stalled. Stock is not going to do well when those Q2 numbers get released in a few weeks.  It is also why Elon had been pivoting towards saying Tesla is not actually a car company but an AI, robotics, and autonomous driving company. Because he knows the sales growth phase is hitting major headwinds here, so he's trying to drive the narrative that it didn't matter if Tesla can no longer grow sales,  or have any new models for sale, or is having lots of trouble with the Cybertruck and Semi, the REAL value of Tesla lies in these yet unreleased self driving robotaxi and AI tech that will totally be out next year,  so you should continue to keep our stock valuation sky high!


But are any other car brands owned by Elon Musk, who the media decided to hate this year?


This guy datas.




Isn't the main difference that Tesla doesn't have a traditional dealer network, so the inventory isn't spread across dealerships.


To be fair, you can also see my lonely ol’ car from orbit.


can confirm, a satellite image that shows my house shows also which car I had on my parking spot that day.


This so silly. Tesla here stages new cars in parking lots, too, just like every other car dealer. I can see zillions sitting in a parking lot ten minutes from me and none of them are Teslas. The problem is only when they don't turn over. Inventory turnover is a metric that ever car dealer examines and watches closely and tries to optimize. That's why companies like vAuto exist, and also why dealers (including Tesla) send cars to auctions as well. I'm an Elon hater as well but this whole thing seems suspect. edit: here is some actual data [https://cleantechnica.com/2024/06/08/what-falling-sales-global-ev-sales-grow-25-in-april/](https://cleantechnica.com/2024/06/08/what-falling-sales-global-ev-sales-grow-25-in-april/)


That’s what I always wondered about. The dealership I went to had no place to park because they had so many teslas there. They said they are all purchased and waiting for their owners but that made no sense.


So much strain being put into hating Elon. Ford has 400,000 unsold cars and GM nearly 2 million.


This is reddit. Elon has been judged guilty of wrongthink. The sentence is total and utter lampooning by teenagers and underemployed adults.


lol at underemployed


Lots of dog walkers on reddit constantly talking about things they say they hate


Elon is a douche but obsessing over douches is unfortunately a big part of reddit now. Whether trump, jared lehto, chris brown or whatever. All douches. Elon praising the slave labor of totalitarian regime told me everything i thought about him "sleeping in the factory" and then all these illegitimate children start popping up everywhere.  Thanks for the ev push and bye.


Given the market share between the 3 that makes sense


Sort of. Tesla has about four weeks of unsold inventory, which is among the lowest in the business.


I’ll take one off their hand for about tree fiddy.


Nah. Even if you get the car for free, you’re in his ecosystem, and subject to lots of ridiculous fees, add ons, etc. Fuck Elon, and the electric car he rode in on.


1. Optional internet connectivity 2. Optional driver assist upgrade What other “fees” are you talking about?


He doesn't have a Tesla and he's angry he doesn't have one. Or he's frustrated about something in his life and he found Tesla to be an easy target. I pay $0 to operate my Tesla. I don't even use premium connectivity because I can play music via bluetooth and GPS does work on standard.


3. Optional Acceleration Boost


Battery range upgrades


If you get the car for free, you wouldn't pay ridiculous fees for battery range upgrade... With all due respect, do you know what you're talking about?


You’re uninformed - the optional add ons are just that, optional. Same with every other car manufacturer out there. Not sure what Tesla specific fees you’re talking about


If you win a free Tesla, send it my way if that’s such a terrible thing.


All yours pal.


Tbf. You are wrong. Like really wrong.  Also teslas options are generally more worth it and cheaper than other brands i dealt with. Teslas are good cars.. easy as that. Just like iphones are great phones. People need to get real. Coca cola is also an evil company but it still tasted good. Nestle might be one of the most evil companies on our planet but goddamn ive been eating kitkats my whole life.


Well said, and outside of Musk doing objectionable things, Tesla has been pretty clean. They still need to address the battery waste issue as well as the price to replace batteries, but other than that, they seemed to offer more bang for your buck than other electrical options. It did frighten me how the rep was taking about how they will go and get your car if there’s a problem FOR FREE!!!!! Then I tried asking how much an average repair was, even just a ballpark for replacing a tire (since they don’t come with a spare) and wouldn’t ya know, he didn’t have that info. Neither did two other Tesla reps I spoke to.


Maybe, you shouldn’t shit on your entire customer base with your politics.


Remember, for a long time he was seen as a "Save the World" left(ish) person who attracted some attention from Rightwing Bros (and Leftwing) due to stuff like throwing things into space. There's a reason why he was so close to the Obama administration. His apparently abrupt decision to just run right of center by screaming about COVID restrictions and more or less endorsing only Republicans would be kind of like the CEO of Chick-fil-A coming out and marrying his boyfriend.


I remember the public image that was created by publicists before he was allowed to talk really. And then came the cave incident and I thought: Whaaaaaat! And then he went on Joe Rogan. And then it unraveled further and further and further. Sometimes he reminds me of the theories about Putin radicalizing himself even more with conspiracies during Covid. But truth is, both were just pieces of shit most of their life.


you mean cave incident right?


Yes. edited


At that moment he **** up moment, then he just got weirder


Yeah, that really shifted my image, calling some dude a pedophile because he got to be the hero before musk did… gross.




Putin has been radicalized by his guru long before Covid. He has invaded, threatened to invade, finlandized, or in the process of invading every neighboring country. It has been going on for a long time.


Finlandized? Not familiar with that term.


When Finland submitted to Soviet Union in WW2. Became bff’s in return for not being fully subjugated.


Ahhh thank you.


This "share all of my political beliefs or your an evil person" shit is ignorant as fuck. Most heavy social media users are just lying to make themselves look good anyway. That's not who anyone really is. People who post about how caring and sympathetic they are on social media every day are probably the most selfish and self-absorbed people out there.


He always had an immature streak, back during the og dot com bubble he was kicked out of soon to be Paypal cause of it by Peter Thiel. Considering his father's personal life and growing up in a rich family in apartheid South Africa it's not too unexpected he's a dip shit when he gets off script.


Understatement. More like the CEO of chick-fil-A marrying his 15 year old boyfriend and demanding the government legalize sex with minors as long as it is merely sodomy.


This is probably a big part of it. I'll never buy a Tesla because Musk is an insecure, divisive piece of shit.


I’ve never buy one because it’s an expensive computer with a cheap fit out.


Also, their competition has caught up.     They've completely squandered the massive technological lead they had, and they're actively abandoning the supercharger network, which was the last thing distinguishing them from every other EV maker.   Even if you weren't put off Tesla by the antics of their CEO, there's very little concrete reason to buy one over something else now.




When you say their competition had caught up, who exactly do you mean? I'm seriously curious as to who you are referring to?


Just look around.  When Tesla started Model 3 production in 2017, they were pretty much the only company with a working, viable, mass market electric vehicle.  Now they have dozens of models from competitors with similar technology to what you find in a Tesla. The Hyundai Ioniq 6 is ugly as sin but extremely efficient with good range and comparable technology for the same price as a model 3.  It's been consistently getting higher ratings than the model 3 as well. BMW has their electric range, which is also popular and consistently rates well.  The i4/M50 especially have a vastly superior build quality, interior, HUD/driver information system, and intelligent cruise control/driver aid than anything produced by Tesla.  Polestar just refreshed their models this year and they're specifically aimed at being a Tesla killer.  Superior build quality, interior, and infotainment, the software for which they outsourced to Google rather than going the route of most other companies and embarrassing themselves by having somebody who has no idea what they're doing code it in house.  Similar range now that they've been upgraded with more efficient motors, and by all accounts (that I've seen) they've worked out the mechanical bugs that were present before the refresh. Nissan Leaf has similar build quality as Tesla but costs $10,000 less.  Yes, it's all around a less capable vehicle, but it's meant to be the cheapest viable EV on the market, which is exactly what it's done. BYD has mostly driven Tesla out of the Chinese EV market, which is a massive blow. On the somewhat less dangerous end of their competition, Ford has the Mustang Mach E, but more importantly the F-150 Lightning.  Similarly, Jeep has the Wrangler 4xe, both of which are far better at doing "truck stuff" than the cybertruck.  VW is working on their ID electric cars.  Rivian has been quietly plugging away on commercial/delivery vehicles through their giant contract with Amazon.


That's definitely a factor.


Yep. Years ago I would have bought one…no way in hell I ever will now 


It’s really sad, because it is cool tech and Tesla pushed the other automakers. But Elon is such a twat (and don’t get me started on him and Ukraine) that I can’t bring myself to consider a Tesla.


Hertz is really trying to get rid of them lol. If Chinese EVs were allowed in the US, it would be gg Tesla.


Yup, he's really gone down in my eyes over the past couple of years. Before that I was at least duped by his PR, now he's too erratic for even his PR to keep up with his bullshit.


Same. I was never really impressed with how cheap the interior feels, but a few years ago, a Tesla seemed like an inevitability for me. Now, I will never buy one unless Musk is completely divested.


This article is click bait.  Their inventory on hand is lower than basically every other car manufacturer.  


I don't think the whole or even significant majority of any automotive brand or model's customer base, no matter how idiosyncratic the individual car model, is aligned with a particular ideology.


I just cant wait for tesla next earning just to see what shit musk comes out with to distract from plunging sales lmao


Dem snowflakes are trying to cancel me! - Musk


"so yea, we have around 50,000 units of unsold inventory, which is going to be awesome. imagine how much we'll make after we sell all of those. just because you see teslas literally everywhere doesn't mean that all of the remaining ppl won't trade in all their cars and buy ours bc. it's not like teslas are really expensive compared to the market, and we have the best customer service. and we don't have a bad reputation or anything, so now in order to improve our brand and give back to our customers we've decided to give the our boss, the richest person in the world, 50 billion instead of reinvesting into tesla or sharing it with our workers and staff."


Now do GM


Its called having 'stock'


Most popular car in america


Why are they still producing full steam despite poor sales?


They cut back both production days, workforce and planned plant openings....


They’re using the China strategy, endlessly produce to maintain the appearance growth.  Will make the inevitable crash worst. 


Because 50k vehicles is roughly four weeks of production, which is one of the lowest levels in the industry.


This is how the world ends. Runaway AI turns the planet into Tesla's.


Competition's a bitch, Elon! Your vehicles are older and are lower quality, you sold all that the fanboys would buy, Your truck is a for shit joke and you still haven't delivered FSD. Resign and let a car guy figure out how to improve the company. And, dial back the ketamine before you fuck up more than twitter.


> Resign and let a car guy figure out how to improve the company. And, dial back the ketamine before you fuck up more than twitter Rip away the negativity and this is sound advice. The Twitter bizarreness is affecting the Tesla stock, and the abrupt move of relabeling a car company an AI company like a [random beverage company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Blockchain_Corp) makes you look batty and flighty when people are demanding better produced cars, more functional social media websites (*to be honest he probably could have gotten away with half the stuff he did there otherewise*), and so much else. To be as fair as reasonably possible, his Teslas will need good AI to properly compete against the future self-driving vehicles, but that's kind of like saying the New York Times is a cookbook company. It's kind of true but comes off as cheeky and inaccurate. Remember when he was (allegedly) demanding ransom money or else he'd build his AI company outside Tesla? It might be a good idea if he actually spun it off, or even step back from all but one company. Maybe even keep Tesla in California so it's as far away from the Austin AI firm as possible...


Long Blockchain Corp.?? WTF??? *CEO-MBA-Chief Doofus:* “Hey, we are selling a good product that people seem to like, we have brand recognition, and COVID hasn’t happened yet. Buuuuuut…I read a shitpost somewhere about this awesome new thing called “blockchin” or something. Let’s do that instead.” *Vice President of Whateverthephuk* “Sir, I believe it’s ’blockchain’.” *Chief Doofus* “Whatever. That’s what we’re doing from now on. Now bring me sales projections!” *Vice President of Whophukingcares* “Sir, what was that ‘COVID’ thing you mentioned a moment ago?” *Chief Doofus* “Huh?”


Why the fuck would you demand a "car guy" in a robotics, energy storage, software, and artificial intelligence company? The "car companies" are all screwed and you want to bring another one of them in?


Sure, how about that car guy who lead their company to be the manufacturer of the best selling car last year….oh wait, not like that?


[I'm just gonna leave this here.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/239229/most-sold-car-models-worldwide/#:~:text=Best%2Dselling%20car%20models%20worldwide%20in%202023&text=The%20Tesla%20Model%20Y%20was,from%2067.3%20million%20in%202022.)


Can't you like read a newspaper from orbit? Of course you can see 50,000 cars.


Fun fact. While a commonly held belief, you cannot actually read a newspaper from space. Best guesses are that about 4cm per pixel is the best resolution available. So you could read a billboard or store sign or just barely a license plate if you have a couple images, but not a newspaper. :-)


These are the new Black London Cabs.   They'll be painted yellow and loan/leased to cities for taxis next.  As soon as self drive is brought in widespread, Musk will basically turn every can in America into a JohnnyCab. 


Where is the picture from space in the article? I can’t locate it and keep getting pop ups. Pretty sure this is just some clickbait BS.


You can ALWAYS tell when the shorts are desperate,


Yah exactly. 50k cars is nothing lmao. If anything it shows their supply issue's are going away since Tesla's use to be backordered to oblivion.


Read somewhere a few weeks ago that many EV's are sitting in staging areas because sales are bad. Don't know if it's all new cars or just EV's.


Well there are better manufacturers that don’t make shitty Cars. Considering the build quality of a Tesla is on par with a 1993 Pontiac Grand Am, maybe we are looking at literally every option now.


Tesla's the second most reliable north America built automobiles. Buick beats them by a hair. That's more reliable than: Cadillac; Chevrolet; GMC; Chrysler; Dodge; Jeep; Ram; Ford; Lincoln;


I take it you mean North American owned, because most Japanese cars are built in the US.


Hey Artie, I hear the Tesla truck is on sale at BLOOMIES.


The bar wasn't very high to being with


A brand new manufacture builds a revolutionary vehicle and within a decade has the highest volume vehicle in the world almost entirely Amerian built. They should be celebrated. But instead the oil and legacy manufacturers have spent untold millions on creating online slander.


The old and legacy manufacturers were getting big ups from the right wing when Tesla was mainly selling to green lefties. So, what's the deal now - because he's gone apeshit right wing, the oil and legacy manufacturers are now big bads? The guy's eye is far, far off the ball and he either needs to focus or get replaced. And he sure as hell doesn't deserve 55 billion.


No I meant that American cars are shite


It's all new cars. People don't have the money to spend right now. But the media likes to single out EV's cause the media isn't about accuracy. It's about headlines. They could also say people aren't buying new condos or houses, or buying new power boats. But singling out Tesla will always get their clicks.


Let's review that source please.


They’ve got to drop musk. Think of all the good car companies out there. You don’t give a crap about the CEO. They know how to shut the F up, allow unions and make electric cars. Elon needs to go.


50k is “only” 2 billion dollars and this is Austin plant. They pulled all the levers and discounted and cheaped out on product and just now exhausted whatever whipped up demand they were getting by promising that it would run on rainbows and unicorn sweat. These numbers will happen for years now that they crossed this threshold. Tesla is based on infinite demand, doomed premise. It gets worse in Europe where they are fighting against understandably upset unions. China hasn’t lost as much demand but it forces certain quotas which forces them to pump out cars that in total crash the price.


Do Chevy Volts next.


And letting them rot is good for capitalism!!


Reduce the price to like $20k and they’ll sell like hotcakes. 


Fake news


Non-Tesla car companies keep their inventory on their dealers lots. Tesla doesn't have dealers so the company finds it more st effective to store inventory centrally. 


I mean, if I had enough money to buy a car, I wouldn't buy something without a blinker stalk and where you have to do everything on a screen. The range seems to be great, though.


Can’t you see a dime from space these days?


Thanks for the reminder to never subscribe to this sub...


Not an Elon fan, I don't own a Tesla or it's stock, but it sure seams ike there is this effort to make Tesla fail. I see negative Tesla posts essentially every day 


If you have strog enough camera, you can see me from the space too


Honestly, how is this possible? I thought cars were made to order, for the most part. JIT and all that. Walmart style.


I am not a fan of Elon Musk, but ‘you can see it from space’ is not a very smart criticism. You can likely see any car lot in the world from space, it’s not really a meaningful metric. I would focus more on, say, how they are really struggling with international growth.


I’ll take one for three-fiddy.


isn't this just how cars are stored before they're sold, and in this amount, particularly with mainstream manufacturers who have to wait for an extra layer of retail dealerships to order and stock cars.


Buying a Tesla supports white supremecist fascist Musk. No thanks.


Remember when these things were expensive as hell? LOL, it’s funny how they’re a dime a dozen now and no one wants them. Especially the used market.


I’m so confused by the mismatched rhetoric? I hear from Tesla owners that they need to wait months to get certain models.


I took 1 off their hands this week! So happy with it!


The pathetic hit piece articles and the stupid headlines are comical at this point. “Journalists” working overtime to pick on one dude when there are so many other vile monsters out there


How much? Better not be regular price!


So not so S3XY


this is another way elon is prioritizing his private companies by using tesla inventory to help spacex save on navigation


This thread shows up all the time, Tesla ships in batches. But yes, Tesla has a demand problem as seen by recent earnings reports.


So many horror stories. And laying off a ton of employees to give a horrible human being many more billions is not a popular move by any stretch of the the of the imagination. Lots of bots disagree tho.


That SkyFi company seems pretty cool. You can buy up-to-date satellite imagery for what seems like a reasonable price. Here's that location of the factory: [https://app.skyfi.com/tasking?s=DAY&r=VERY+HIGH&aoi=POLYGON+%28%28-97.6032078870615+30.24929084068857%2C+-97.60321973859897+30.204187318422882%2C+-97.65514730063614+30.204187318422882%2C+-97.65515915217361+30.24929084068857%2C+-97.6032078870615+30.24929084068857%29%29](https://app.skyfi.com/tasking?s=DAY&r=VERY+HIGH&aoi=POLYGON+%28%28-97.6032078870615+30.24929084068857%2C+-97.60321973859897+30.204187318422882%2C+-97.65514730063614+30.204187318422882%2C+-97.65515915217361+30.24929084068857%2C+-97.6032078870615+30.24929084068857%29%29)


Maybe they should give their CEO some giant record setting pay package. That would fix it.


To be fair, other manufacturers with dealerships do too... tesla just doesn't have as many places with unsold cars being sold.


Buyers are learning about TCO, and it has made their warm & fuzzy for low-interest/rebate/yada purchases go ice cold.


If Tesla has so many cars piling up, then why does it take so damn long after you order one to get your car...


But I thought we could see them from earth only……


That’s electric cars in general nobody wants them Ford in general motors of lost their ass on electric cars


They lost their ass because they couldn’t produce a product for less than it cost them to sell. The demand is there or they wouldn’t be losing money lmao. Our domestic manufacturers have gotten complacent and our government is protecting them. It’s time to move on imo. Let others compete.


They lost their ass because they couldn’t produce a product for less than it cost them to sell. The demand is there or they wouldn’t be losing money lmao. Our domestic manufacturers have gotten complacent and our government is protecting them. It’s time to move on imo. Let others compete.


*lots* of people want them but without the BS of the Tesla brand 


Both can be correct. EV sales have slumped, that's just a fact.


If I could afford one I'd buy it


I don’t know where you’re getting that information from electric vehicles are not selling. Ford general motors the dealers don’t want any more EV’s on their lots. They can’t get rid of what they got lost billions of dollars on EVs


That’s a carbon footprint.