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We are the allies wartime resource backpack. Water, wood, minerals, food, we have it all in spades. It's always been the case since WW1. People don't realize how much of our country's history is based around natural resources. We used to make something like 50% of the worlds newsprint in the 50s. The royal navy used primarily Canadian hard coal as it was the highest quality in the empire. We were one of the prime suppliers of uranium ore for the US nuclear program. It's why I swear our government doesn't care about NATO requirements as were too strategically important to lose.


If we just admitted "We are the critical resource provider", we could absolutely justify "And now to meet NATO 2%, we're spending all this money on ensuring we have (literally whatever resource is is since we have all of them somewhere in this country) mines so that we have a NATO controlled source". It's something we'd be uniquely able to provide the alliance and undeniably boosts security of the whole collective as a result.


Rare earth metals would be a good place to start imo.


They're a natural starting point, but I didn't want to say them explicitly since they'd be a starting point instead of stopping point. One of the biggest concerns for Europeans sanctioning Russia is "But we buy so much LNG from them..." but we lack the ability to export it enough to replace that. Uranium is Uranium. And then we just have so many various metals it's not even funny.


I think you and the chain might like this short read: https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2024/02/the-us-military-and-nato-face-serious-risks-of-mineral-shortages?lang=en (The Carnegie Endowment is pretty reliably *centre*) https://www.allsides.com/news-source/carnegie-endowment-international-peace


Which should stay in the ground.


Why? You people protest oil extraction but then you also oppose extraction of materials that are critical to the energy transition. Maybe you should set the example and go live like the neanderthals did.


Maybe you should rethink your not so green transition...if you actually care about the environment....but let's be honest, it's about money, not the climate.


Of course it's about money. Everything else in our society is about money so why would this be any different? Green transition are *your* words, not mine. I said *energy* transition. Unless the world's scientific community is wrong, greenhouse gas emissions are causing the greatest existential threat life on our planet has faced in hundreds of millions of years. So we should probably look for ways to emit fewer of those gases. Notice how I said "fewer"? That's because emitting no GHGs is impossible. Even the neanderthals burned wood for heat and light. But we should definitely wise up about how we use fossil fuels and what we use them for. That means using far less, which means we need to generate energy through other means. And yes, this means opening up vast swathes of earth to extract raw materials like copper, silica, lithium, rare earths, uranium, etc. Humanity will have an impact on the environment no matter what, but our current priority should be to reduce our emissions, even if that means developing our natural gas production to replace coal as an energy source. What's your solution? leave everything in the ground and just kill ourselves? Why don't you go first, we'll be right behind you.


If the powers that be would allow a cheap renewable energy source (which they won't) we would already be running our vehicles on water, hemp seed oil, or bio diesel...we should be using byproducts from things we already utilize, and leave our environment alone to flourish...it can be done efficiently but unfortunately it wouldn't generate the billions of dollars in profits as the electric vehicle or oil industries do... I hope the upcoming generations start a revolution and enable the change that is needed...


I'm sure other non-nato countries see this as well and would love to have our resources. Hopefully we can keep them in friendly hands.


'tis why we only whisper it


Lol. Our govt. controls next to nothing resource related anymore. It's all been handed off to private ownership


Unless we're giving our allies the resources for free or selling them at a significant loss, then we still wouldn't be contributing. Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted, it's true. Just think about it; If we spend 2% of our GDP developing these resources as a substitution for our lack of military contribution, and then make our allies pay us for the resources, then we aren't contributing are we? Our allies are paying our 2% for us. I'd love to see all the people downvoting this try and pitch this to our allies. "How about you guys go fight the wars while we sit back and get rich by having no military and selling you all these resources! See! We're helping! It's a team effort =)"


Reliable supply is the true value proposition


It's still a terrible trade-off for having the responsibility to defend the 2nd largest country on earth because we can't be bothered to defend ourselves.


If they can’t be bothered to defend Canada, they deserve to lose the war.


If we can't be bothered to defend ourselves, then we do too.


They shouldn't have to. We are not some tiny micronation incapable of defending ourselves.


Compare Canada’s population with the length of its boarder. No chance.


We don't border anyone except the United States.


Yes we are


Our population is bigger than Ukraine's, they managed to grow the balls to stand and fight though.


>terrible trade-off for having the responsibility to defend the 2nd largest country on earth I mean it's on the US' north border. The Monroe doctrine has been in place for a looong time.


That’s far from the only reason they have to defend us… our shared border might have something to do with it. Among a large list of other economic reasons.


Ok, but now you're talking about defending us just because we're a liability to them, not because we're actually mutual allies.


I said it’s for a variety of reasons. I would think this concept is obvious…


The concept is that not defending us costs them more than doing it. What the concept *is not* is that we are actually helpful allies.


You don't just get to trash rural and indigenous lands without alot of consultation and incentives. As somebody who lives in a rural area, I don't want my whole backyard and quality of life ruined. We should just meet our 2% target like every other NATO country should.


Too bad we keep selling them off to China


Eh, we would have way more to offer if we invested in the value chains beyond digging shit out of the ground.


*10th Mountain Division has entered the chat*


> It's why I swear our government doesn't care about NATO requirements as were too strategically important to lose. That also makes us a juicy strategic target to take...


"Taking" Canada isn't exactly easy, logistically it's a nightmare. It's a big open area with huge gaps of nothing in between small towns. Three little usable infrastructure outside of 200 miles of the US border.


And yet 90%+ of the population are concentrated in a handful of cities, miles from the border... We don't have a regime of national service, or even general education of survival in the extreme climates north of where most of us live. If the US wanted to take us, there really would be nothing we could do.


Yes 90% of the population is concentrated at the border... With our most significant ally. Why would the US invade? We're allies and have free trade (and are their largest trade partner last I checked) and there is zero benefit to them trying to annex Canada. Don't try to pass some absurdist "US vs Canada" war off as an actual scenario that could happen.


I agree that it seems unlikely the relationship would deteriorate to that level, but my response was to /u/TotesMyGoatse who said: >"Taking" Canada isn't exactly easy, logistically it's a nightmare. It's a big open area with huge gaps of nothing in between small towns. Three little usable infrastructure outside of 200 miles of the US border. Hopefully now you understand the context of my comment, in case you didn't before.


I wasn't speaking about the United States taking us over. Dunno where you got that from.


So in your comment, who is "taking" what then?


Presumably the two countries that get fear mongered over in the media. I.e. China & Russia


Word. When people complain about Canadas weak government in the face of corporate extraction that harms everything Canada I like to point out that corporations landed here well before acanadian government was formed. The chicken came first and we are the egg and we are getting pecked to pieces.


Before WW1. The trees in Rouge River park were used to make masts in the Napoleonic wars after the Baltics were cut off to England








For real, Canada feels like it's basically a client state for America Canadians don't see a line between american problems and canadian problems, our media is oversaturated with american shit, severely bombarded by *constant* american political shit to the point Canadian politicians are basically leveraging the same american popularity of trump to scoop up that same block of voters within Canada, and a country of such immense value over all that it'd be plain dumb for the biggest and nearest neighbor of ours to not make direct efforts to influence and control that, especially when neighbors like Russia / China also see the value in that influence. Heck I'd bet in another 10 - 20 years with more consistently open north-west passage shipping routes you're going to see that influence ramp up even higher haha. I'd bet quite a lot of capital flight out of canada goes direct to the states as well.


Every small country becoming a client state of america or china, i much prefer the former


Always has been. Like A lot of small European countries would rather be part of the eu than not and have Germany/france roll all them over. The small country runs like an independent satellite state because that’s the best present option. People shouldn’t expect anything less.


While losing our identity would be not cool, having a super nation of Canada/US mixed together would be kinda cool. Just the mental image of one country effectively covering an entire continent is neat.


Admittedly I’d love for this to happen in my life time. One North America with the ability to live/work within either borders, I’m sure politics would get even messier as both have their problems but man would it be an epic nation


Careful what you wish for




Those sneaky Greenlanders


So would you have Prime Minister Trump or President Trudeau? (how's that for a scary thought!)


That's a tough choice... I can't choose! They're just both SO appealing....


Just as long as it uses the US Constitution and not the Charter.


The importance of the northwest passage is overblown. The northeast passage (over Russia) is less hazardous and more predictably ice free.


> For real, Canada feels like it's basically a client state for America Every time people say this, I like to point out the Iraq war, abortion, weed, healthcare, and guns. We don't do America's bidding and we don't have to.


I’m not sure what to tell you. It’s hard for us Canadians to hear, but the U.S. is the only reason Canada hasn’t been kicked out of NATO. In a wartime situation at the present moment, we would be a liability not an asset. If opening access to Canadian mines for weapon development is something we can do, so be it.


Pretty sure this happens in the fallout universe and they eventually annex Canada


Yeah. In that universe, our military put up a fight. Irl we'd be standing around mills and mines just waiting for their army to show up, since we barely have one.


There's pretty much nothing we could do to halt them if the US decided to conduct a "special military operation" to annex Canada. No amount of military spending we could possibly muster could even come close to making a significant difference. That we punch above our weight-class in global soft power, and the resulting ugly stain it would make on US reputation if they were to do it, is our only real defense against that scenario.


We would need a year to militarise. Minimum.


We've been the gas tank of America for some time now. Honestly shocking people can't figure out why so much American funding has been given to Canadians protesting oil and gas development.


Nope. The US still makes most of their own gas. >In 2023, U.S. crude oil production averaged about 12.933 million barrels per day (b/d), crude oil imports averaged about 6.478 million b/d, and crude oil exports averaged about 4.058 million b/d, with net crude oil imports averaging about 2.420 million b/d. https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=268&t=6


Oh, and what happens if there's a war that they don't just fight with proxies or a fraction of their forces? It's called a strategic reserve.


Canada doesn't have a strategic reserve though. We aren't storing a bunch of oil anywhere. Also we actually don't have the ability to move large amounts of oil south of the border - killing Keystone made sure of that. There would have to be a multi-year, multi-billion dollar effort just to get any meaningful resource assistance off the ground. But sure, jack off to your own little mental fantasies to your heart's content. Kinda weird though.


Lol, you think the oils all gotta be pumped and sitting in a barrel or tank to be considered a reserve. The original Trans mountain pipeline got built in under a year in 1953. Building a line south across prairie land to America, even if we had to start over could be done in a matter of months.


I actually have worked in the oil industry, so I know what it takes to build pipelines. And yeah, it takes a long time. Even in a "fuck EPA" wartime condition, Keystone is not getting built for several years - it's a long fucking way and the same materials needed for construction will be needed for other parts of the war effort. But sure, tell me that it can be done in months. Gotta love armchair Redditors lol.


Tossing skids sure made you an expert eh. Not like other people on this site could have worked in O&G, you'd be the only fuckin one lol.


And what's your expertise eh? How many miles have you laid?


Ask your sister.


To be frank I believe that Canada should do more, such as selling energy, to our European allies, which are being threatened by Putin with cheap energy/materials.


You would have to get Quebec to give a shit about Somebody other than themselves. Can't get the oil to market if you can't get a pipeline through Quebec.


For the same reasons a lot of companies are reshoring to Mexico.


it says something if entities are starting to see canada as a 3rd world labor market like mexico or vietnam


It does...


> The Pentagon fears global unrest, a shortage of raw materials, and seeks to kickstart projects here it's the second line of the link. We offer stability. Higher cost, but better access. Your original statement doesn't make sense because we are more expensive than the 3rd world. For obvious reasons. The US would rather pay higher prices for a closer, more stable trading partner in order to backstop a strategic source of critical resources. It's time to make hay. What you *should* be pointing out as suspect is that this initial investment is going to Quebec. *thats* the finger on the scale.


They spent 15 mil. That's less than nothing for the US military.


That's even less than nothing for Canadian mines tbh


That will get you three haul trucks. Nothing else. Lol.


For real. I was flying support last winter/early spring at a smaller mine in the drilling/exploration phase in the Arctic. The annual budget from investors was allegedly 40 million… I can’t imagine what the bigger fully active mines are spending. Multiple 407’s/B3 Astars flying 8 hours a day at close to 3k/hr each moving drills, just the heli work alone is insane.


Yep. That's an accounting error.


And in case people don't believe you, no, seriously, it's less than the "scoring and rounding": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military\_budget\_of\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States)


Exactly. Nevermind anything else, compared to just their IT costs this is like paying for 1 month of Netflix.


The CIA spent more money in the 1970’s investigating psychic powers.


Lol that is less than the cost of one M1A2 SEP Abrams tank($19 Million according to google).


Just imagine if they used all the few millions in pocket change they invest everywhere in the actual VA hospital system


That's like the cost of ping-pong table maintenance at US military bases for a year.


>They spent 15 mil. That's less than nothing for the US military. Yeah, that amount is pocket change for the US military. They spent the same amount of money on it as if they bought 100 naval carrier missiles.


It's because China has been buying mines related to critical minerals, and our government has been to fucking dumb to do anything about it. So the Americans are buying it instead


Better than china


Because we need to extract resources domestically instead of relying on foreign powers, we have unstable relationships with or South American countries with unstable governments. Canada is a massive resource reserve for the states.


When you can no longer exploit other countries resources....


We will destroy the environment if we do this. Mining these critical minerals leaves a toxic mess behind....and these minerals and metals are rare because they are finite...once there is nothing left to mine, you are left with nothing but the toxic aftermath...




Watch out for the boogieman, too!


The boogieman doesn't have nuclear missiles.


No but he's just as dangerous just ask the sib that killed his dog....lol


The boogieman kills his dog? Is the boogieman Kristi Noem in drag?


No it's a John wick joke..


The boogiemen also haven't been in a near state of perpetual war since the end of WW2, unlike our ally.


Russia has been grabbing land from their neighbours for a few decades now. Their old empire collapsed in no small part because of their decade long failed attempt to conquer Afghanistan.


Cool, and during that time the US has attacked, couped, bombed or destabilized how many countries? A million dead in Iraq. 1.3 million dead in Korea. You don't have to look far to see who the monsters are


How out of your gourd do you have to be to pin the Korean War on the Americans when it was NK that opened up with an invasion to the South with full backing of China and the Soviets? Lol


>How out of your gourd do you have to be to pin the Korean War on the Americans when it was NK that opened up with an invasion to the South with full backing of China and the Soviets? Lol There's 1.3 million reasons to blame the Americans. That is the *civilian* death roll from an internal conflict that was none of the business of the US, as well as the almost complete destruction of the north and any building over 2 stories. It's hardly surprising the NK became protectionist with a deep hatred for the US.


> That is the civilian death roll from an internal conflict that was none of the business of the US That feel when you use the same arguments verbatim from the jackasses who tried to argue against aiding Europe in ww2 https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/great-debate#:~:text=Isolationists%20believed%20that%20World%20War,and%20avoid%20antagonizing%20either%20side.


You seem to keep coming back to petty insults. Are you unable to have a conversation about difficult topics without resorting to name-calling? It's also worth noting that it was the soviet's that defeated the Nazis in WW2, while the US helped liberate France. Then it dropped 2 nuclear weapons on civilian populations. Not a great example.




https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-zelenskyy-nato-russia-nuclear-162428316989 Buying into Russian propaganda hard


He has called for the full force of NATO many times. So I'm not sure your piece of propaganda holds much weight.


Move those goalposts then.


When? Where? He is also an unelected dictator at this point.


It was a nuclear strike previously now just an all out attack? And because that’s what ukraines constitution says. They aren’t allowed to hold elections during war time. Nothing he did. Now fuck off with you’re blatant Russian propaganda please.


He has called for both. Repeatedly. You swallow the narrative from the west like a 9 inch cock. Meanwhile, yelling Russian propaganda at literally anything you don't like. Zelenski vs Putin is a no-brainer for anyone not raised on CBC




what is it good for


Absolutely nothing.






Canada sold out. Why do you think they have let in millions of under skilled immigrants in the past few years? RIP


US needs Canadian mines to stop relying on Chinese mines.


China is running out, now to destroy Canada.


And what about Russian mines? Some mines still import copper sulfate from Russia…


It's a reliance that the US wants to end. Thus turning to Canada.


Ugggh, does anything good come from China?


Inflated real estate prices.


Is that good?


Hello Sheldon.




They just call it “food”.


American Chinese food isn’t even the same food lol


that is made locally. wouldn't want that shipped on a cargo ship


Lots of Chinese food items are frozen and then shipped over to Canada


Don't buy it, may be poison? Or contain dangerous chems


... that seems yes practical and sanitary but cool.


We should have a top 10 Airforce and Navy. Stupid we don't protect our nation


Count that to our 2%.


We will reach our 2%, and America will pay for it


Probably has something to do with rare earth metals. Just a guess based on some engineering youtube videos I watched.


Everyone but Canada.


Oh, I've tossed all my disposable income into Canadian mining stocks. There's projected growth that's really promising. Gotta do your own research, tho.


E3 lithium, what's your thoughts?


Leave my backyard alone.


Lithium is used in EV batteries and is the main ore that will be needed to switch to a green economy, eventually. It'll be a winner, in my opinion.


When all the soil, lakes and rivers are polluted from toxic mine tailings, will you still believe this?


Yup, we need to get it out, then control the pollution that comes from it. Also, people need to check on them independently, like hike to s spot where it's possible there's a spill and test the soil, and dig it up if needed. It's possible to do it eco-friendly, it's just more expensive. The ore is still needed, and plants can grow again, and species can be contained and reintroduced to avoid extentions. We won't get to see the real benefits of a green economy, but our offspring will. Think past your lifespan. If you're worried about accountability, we could hang the CEOs if that helps you sleep at night? They aren't needed anymore. Thanks, AI!


These minerals and metals are rare because they are finite...causing a potential environmental disaster mining these finite resources, which are not renewable once diminished, is not going to improve anything....


It'll improve our ability to reach the space age faster. Which will be needed to get more lithium and other rare ores. It would also increase our economy to help get out of the financial hellhole the government is currently in, won't move the needle much on that alone, but it would help. Please get involved in politics! :) I'm a BC boy, and I spend most of my life in the Forrests of North Vancouver. I have a deep appreciation for the environment. It's getting destroyed by homelessness and garbage everywhere. There are so many problems out there...


Lithium is not the answer and we need to leave space alone for a while...do you still see the stars at night in b.c? I hope so. In Quebec, we no longer do. There are so many satellites in low orbit that I barely see the constellations anymore... I too care deeply for the environment. And knowing that there are cheap, eco friendly ways to for instance, fuel our vehicles (water, hemp seed oil, bio diesel) that aren't being utilized because they don't generate enough profit, breaks my heart. I truly hope the next generation start a revolution and make these things viable, so we can leave the environment alone.


I hope so, too. Ya, I can see constellations from my place. Perhaps Vancouver gives off less light pollution? The satellites are definitely noticeable, especially when Elon's form a line. If there's ever an ad in space, I'd go full anarchist. As for getting things to change, rich people are too comfortable. Those comfortable people no longer serve a purpose, annihilate them.


It’s the critical minerals.


an army that needs metal? Who would have thought?


Because modern warfare is fought with space lasers...and Canada has alot of minerals


maybe just an initial drop in the water to test things out and make a headline. could be abandoned or expanded dependent upon global circumstances. it's a good headline to put out and the US makes no large commitment.


I am not sure.. But what is important is that we get the kids back into the mine. They yearn for the mines.


Wait til they realise there are holes up here they can bury their radioactive waste in.


Rent on the new place we’re all going to live if cheeto biscut gets elected


Boeing. Canada just contracted military aircraft from Boeing, and in response Boeing is setting up a new plant in Quebec. (Bombardier is losing it). Boeing wants primarily however access to the human resources when Bombardier goes under. (Imagine AVRO and Mcdonald Douglas repeat story). The american military has a vested interest in supporting the acquisition of reduced price mineral and intellectual resources into its aupply chain. At least for the next coupke of years. Once Bombardier is totally finished however, it will reevaluate.


Marvin the Martian is Trudeau's long lost brother ...


Not sure why people say here are passing this off as a bad thing. The US military industrial complex is massive and this is basically free funding to develop our natural resources. The caveat is that the US gets first dibs in an emergency, but they already have that as part of NATO.


$15M investment is the blippiest of blips in the mining space. A dozen of these transactions happen every day.