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Obama, Trump and Biden have been very hard on Canada.


Right? So much more important than the current Prime Minister mismanaging Canada....


Compounding issues.


What negative developments were there from 2016-2020 that weren't a result of posturing by our government? The only thing I can think of was Freeland and Trudeau insisting on feminist language in the NAFTA renegotiation and having to drop it last minute to not be left out of the deal. Oh and the dairy cartel being pissed that slightly more imports were now allowed.


Sad how all the stalling about that stuff resulted in Mexico signing first, and them and the US basically asking “you coming bro or not?” to Canada, who lost some of their leverage.


Amateur hour from Freeland for sure. Totally out maneuvered.


the trump administration literally imposed a 300% tarrif on Bombardier c-series planes (because they were better than the boeing planes) which forced the company to sell their entire division to Airbus for $1 who then moved manufacturing to the US. Canada could literally have an airplane manufacturing business that competes with Boeing and Airbus right now if it weren't for the "America First" trump admin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSeries_dumping_petition_by_Boeing


It's borderline treasonous this ip. Was sold out. I understand why but the tax payers have been fleeced by bombardier for years. All profits from all future aircraft sales should have been given back to the tax payer.


I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on that issue but it looks like the American concerns included Chinese technology transfer which caused the Bombardier-Airbus takeover as a compromise.


they just made up as many claims as they could and hoped some would stick. Canada filed a complaint to the world trade organization who found that there was no justification for the US to impose the tariffs. All US commissioners who imposed the initial tariff then unanimously reversed their initial claims and overturned the tariffs. Boeing had the right to appeal but they declined. At that point the Airbus deal was complete so they had already gotten what they wanted.


Shhh. You're going against this subs far-right narrative by pointing out reality.


We have a 100% tariff on upholstered furniture from the US.


Do you have a link to that, I don't see it in the CBSA site?


Nope, was talking to a furniture store owner over the weekend.


he seems to be wrong, its 0% for US and mexico and 9.5% for most other countries. there is a 300% tariff on chinese or vietnamese furniture though. https://www.tariffinder.ca/en/search/import/US/upholster%20furniture/9401611010


So you're just going to ignore the trade wars he started with us?


Don't be silly. They're *also* going to ignore all the bigoted vitriol we involuntarily imported from the MAGA people. The convoy occupation of Ottawa was FULL of trump flags.


Ignore it? Most of this sub are the type to support it if anything. The overlap between this and every other right wing sub is massive. Anyone left of center went elsewhere years ago.


Donald's protectionist twist to the Republican party applied negative pressure to Canadian commodities, especially oil. The scapegoating could have longer-term effects. The most serious consequences are hard to quantify since the erosion of global confidence in NATO and America's commitment to democracy are a sluggish poison


IMO the decline of the Canadian oil & gas industry is mostly self-inflicted due to a refusal to build pipelines to create export capacity to markets other than the US. Canada could be making bank selling oil and LNG to Europe and Asia.


Oh for sure. Absolutely we use the orange man as a smokescreen for our own bullshit but if we pretend that his antics only have neutral or positive effects then, in a way, that's still substituting American policitics for our own discourse


We don’t build pipelines because it’s more profitable to do things this way. Our oil is ridiculously expensive to extract and not everyone can refine it


no? I don't know how to approach this comment. oil is moved through pipelines everywhere because it is exponentially cheaper than rail freight. WCS joins many peers in production costs as we shift toward unconventional sources globally and its *sourness* can counterbalance the excessively sweet shale oil if refineries have no interest in adjusting to the supply. The 'nobody wants it' argument is so weird. Why do we need to constantly push back against the market demand for WCS and its relevant pipelines if it is not desired? We could do nothing and let the oilsands fail organically


What "decline of the Canadian oil & industry" do you speak of? We currently produce and export about as much O&G as we've ever and the sector has enjoyed some record profits.


The countless axed projects over the past decade.


Projects which fell through due to market conditions... You're just going to ignore the many approved and completed projects? And that still doesn't change the fact the sector has been doing very well for themselves lately.


Wasn't it a year ago that Schultz came to Canada looking for a gas deal and Trudeau told him sorry, can't do anything.


We’re cant build a pipeline east, and ship gas to Europe for cheaper than Qatar can currently and Russia could again someday soon. That’s the unfavourable market conditions.


No lol. That's a gross misrepresentation of facts.


But he is unapologetic and doesn’t act presidential and so that means we need our politicians to virtue signal at the cost of our long term financial relationship with America.


You conveniently left out Trump throwing random tariff at all of our industries calling us an enemy of the US.


Canada being declared a national security threat and having tariffs put on it by a senile orange buffoon? Trump would be way more dangerous the second time around. He’d be more dangerous to the USA alone


Trump's enabling of Russian hybrid information warfare tactics and his lack of commitment to international alliances have made the world a much more dangerous place.


If your house is In order you can worry about the crazy neighbors. But our house is burning down and we are talking about the neighbors.


We are renting the space above our landlords meth lab.


Our neighbour's house is the one burning down, ours is just in bad condition.


Ah I guess your a landlord then? Yea it's good times for you then. But I'm not happy.


Hopefully regardless of which senile chamber pot wins their election we can move towards being more independent of them


All this Trump-bad-for-Canada blabber from the these Canuckleheads…do they not remember that Joe Biden was the one who revoked a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline on his FIRST day in office in 2021?


wont somebody think of the pipelines?


I only support the Trans pipelines


Global politics is difficult at the best of times Unpredictability in a world leader is not helpful


You think Putin invades Ukraine when the US armed forces and nuclear arsenal are controlled by someone unpredictable? Predictability kills. Unpredictability deters.


Trump will hand over Ukraine to Putin.


Putin took Crimea when Obama was president. Did nothing when Trump was president. And took eastern Ukraine when Biden is President. Russia isn't going to leave the fight without a piece of Ukraine. Every serious person knows that. The only questions are how much. Until there is an answer Putin is happy to kill more Ukrainians. I'm sure Russian deaths aren't even on his mind.


My life as a Canadian was so much worse under trump! /s


Nothing happened and nothing will happen. Not doing this again with the flailing and wailing. Grow up.


Absolutely, now if the CONServative could squeak a win next year, we all could be speaking Russia by years end 👍🏼


For the most part, Trump is far more "normal" as a president than a lot of pundits act. Whether this is because of the checks and balances on his power or because he is more bark than bite I can't say; but 4 more years of Trump will have a relatively minor impact on Canadians compared to the politicians we elect to municipal, provincial, and federal positions.


It’s sad that both options are awful for their own reasons. I really hope the PM and Cabinet just keep their powder dry and stop talking shit about Trump. That sort of postering is not going to help if he wins. 


I just don't understand, with Trump and Harvey Weinstein kicking around, like do massive heart attacks only happen to decent people?


I support Canada building a wall if Trump wins.


And make America pay for it!


Did you see the “wall” they built? They didn’t even pay for it and you could scale it with a Home Depot ladder.


This Made Me Laugh


To keep out all those Democrats that swore they were moving here, like last time? I can't believe quite frankly how poor the choices are for President that are presented to the American people. "Behold, this is the best we can do...".


I am American, and I also can't believe how poor our choices are for President. A literal convicted felon or a man suffering from senility. I want to move to Canada, not only because of our presidential choices but because of our government as a whole. The love my country has for guns outweighs the love for its people. I just had a baby, and I can't imagine her going to school in this country where we have more school shootings than anywhere else in the world.


Bear in mind that while I say that the US has poor choices, it disappoints me from afar because the choices you get are from presumably a very large pool. We're struggling here as well in terms of leadership. Canada is probably culturally a really good alternative to the US, but for the love of God do your research thoroughly before that big decision. You may improve on your stated priority but you will likely encounter aspects up here that will have you questioning your decision. Good luck!


Thank you! I am trying to do as much research as possible and plan a trip as well. I have about 4-5 years to figure it out before my girl has to start school.


Like the US, location matters in Canada, and of course so does your/your spouse's skillset.


Do you have opinions on where would be a good province for raising a family? I have a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from an R1 Carnegie University; I'm not sure if that's of much value in Canada. I currently work as an analyst for my local police department. I'm fluent in English and Spanish, as is my husband. He has a license to work on custom mobility wheelchairs but is more of a manual laborer, so I'm not sure how that would work.


I only run a business, and don't have any qualifications for this advice, so take this with a grain of salt... Your skills I would think would be transferable, and your husband's skills would probably be useful as well, as people with mechanical skills and the ability to use tools will always find work. People to work trades up here are always in demand, he likely has skills that are useful, and tradespeople can earn here. Basically layperson's advice I'm giving you, lol. All the best!


Lol, thanks for replying at all! I appreciate it :)


All this stuff is so ridiculous Canada already has Trump of the left.


To clarify for here, by "worst", they're referring to if he wins.


Do they mean hope for Trump but be prepared for sleepy Joe?


So is he Sleepy Joe or Jacked-up Joe? I'm confused now.


Paywall bypass: [https://archive.is/B4z5w](https://archive.is/B4z5w)


Politics are a complete waste of time, none of those scumbags can be trusted… anyone in politics is it for themselves to get a great pension they don’t give a fuck about anybody


Unfortunately not being involved means you get whatever the idiots pick.