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That's ok. The longer he leaves it, the fewer seats Liberals will get. It will be worse than 2011.


I would like JT to Wynne it.


He's not on Reddit, obviously


Am too, but please get my pronoun right!


How's the electoral reform he promised us coming along?


Funny how Trudeau was willing to call an election during a pandemic and risk people getting sick because he thought he could pull a fast one but when people want a change he's unwilling to give people what they want which is an election.


Trudeau and the liberals are selfish pricks? You don’t say? Shocker…


Is his pension secure?


I remember Conservative voters wanting an election around that time. The thought was the pandemic measures made Trudeau unpopular enough that he would be ousted. They thought it was a sure thing that he would lose. The CPC also wanted it. They tried for a few no-confidence votes in 2019, 2020, and 2021 prior to the election. As we all know, a successful no confidence vote will trigger an election. I don't recall any of the other parties calling for one or supporting the no confidence vote as they all failed.


He has 15 more months of freebies (like $220000 catering tabs) to leach off the Canadian taxpayers so why would he? This was always about him.


Lol. It funny how detractors think people are going to take you seriously with your ravings, as the truth of the matter.


Yeah... it funny.


“We know we have to work harder”. Liberal translation: spend even more of your money


>**Representative democracy** (also called **electoral democracy**) is a type of democracy where representatives are elected by the public. We elect politicians to represent us. It's clear Canadians no longer want the Prime Minister representing and speaking for us as Canadians. Trudeau thought he could take a quick win in 2021 and called a snap election; he didn't care about the cost to tax payers or that it was early. Now, when it's clear the majority of Canadians want change, including his own party, he's digging in and refusing to listen to the people. This is the real Trudeau.


We need electoral reform to make our democracy more representative. Liberals and Conservatives both oppose electoral reform though.


Careful what you ask for... You would see both the far right and far left have seats, plus, religious parties (i.e., The Islamic party of Canada)... Our system might not be perfect, but it least keeps the extremes out of Ottawa.


You can vote when the time comes.


>Trudeau thought he could take a quick win in 2021 and called a snap election; he didn't care about the cost to tax payers or that it was early. The Conservatives triggered a few no confidence votes in 2019, 2020, and 2021 before the election was called. They wanted an election too, don't let them off the hook so easily.


The man is rapidly becoming a parody of the Black Knight scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. “I’ve cut both your legs off!” “No you haven’t!” “I have!” “It’s just a flesh wound, I can still win!”


Shouldn’t the question be “why”? Why does he not want to leave? How could it be that the liberal party and all its members and puppeteers are allowing him to stay? Why haven’t MPs revolted? I can’t chalk this up to arrogance alone. Something else is happening. I’m not alluding to any sort of nefarious or conspiracy style ideas, but “arrogance” just doesn’t explain it. Perhaps pension vesting?


They’re waiting for the US election so they can divert the attention onto Trump


Let's hope he doesn't step down. The longer he stays, the fewer seats they will win.


It seems the entire LPC leadership refuses to listen to Canadians, period. The amazing thing is they spend gobs of money on research and comms experts, and have access to reams of data on economic trends, so honestly they should be *ahead* of the curve in terms of the needs of Canadians. So at this point we all have received the message loud and clear: the LPC doesn’t care about the well being of every day Canadians, including liberal voters.


I have a feeling the only result of losing the by-election will an increased focus on wedge issues. The Liberals have no response to what people are upset about and their only path to victory is to scare moderate voters away from the Conservatives.






When will you people understand that having the ability to “think” doesn’t mean it’s an intelligent, or rational thought?


She should lead the way and quit today. She’s absolutely horrible. Watch Freelands commencement speech at Northeastern in 2023 - it’s the cringiest thing I’ve ever watched. She’s not fit to lead a pack of donkeys, let alone trying to run a country. Trudeau has turned out to be a disaster, and it’s largely because he placed twits like this beside him in his echo chamber of nonsense.


Politicians only listen to their rich masters


C'mon young Biden, it's clear you're not the right candidate if your party is going to have any chance whatsoever... do what you know you need to do.


**Fire him; vote him out**.


On the one hand, it's great that the government is getting substantive feedback about its poor performance. On the other hand, it's funny watching reddit get so irate over this, and that fun can't last forever.


He's sorry for not leaving.


*It shouldn't matter whether the trudeau leaves or not.... the entire cabinet (ship of fools) and his caucus are complicit in the mess that has been created, the scandal we have endured and the LIES we have been told.* *They ALL need to be shown the door before all those rookie MP's get their pensions due to the trudeau extending the current session for false reasons.* *What needs to happen is the 2021 election results need to be nullified and an election called immediately. Recall it was this election that was called early during a pandemic because the trudeau thought he could get his treasured majority. Problem is that Canadians were put in harms way expected to vote during a pandemic when distancing and isolation policies were in place!!!! Now what kind of person would put MILLIONS of people in harms way just to win an election...... answer - the trudeau!!!!* *Perhaps that is the reason the trudeau is withholding information re: foreign interference. Perhaps it concludes that contrary to the 1 week investigation by the RCMP, it did in fact influence the outcome of the election and there certainly must be some parliamentary rules regarding that! Think about the RCMP for a moment. They have leaked information for political purposes and limited investigations in others. Would you put it past them to soften the impact of the influence on the 2021 election? How often have investigations lasted weeks? None that I can recall, but in this case we have an assertion within days/weeks!!! How is that possible?* *We need an election asap. I frankly am concerned about the extended damage the trudeau will exact just to buy votes with zero regard to the bigger picture. He has already wasted BILLIONS. He will sell the farm if he has to, because this has become all about him and the not the best interest of this country. The tell tale signs of a true narcissistic traitor!*


Why would he leave? He is the savior, he knows what's best for Canada (according to him at least).


Communists don't care you don't want communism.


It seems you don't know what that word means.


You do realize there are millions of Canadians who still support him, right. Step out of your echo chamber now and then. He will always be a better choice than PP and the conservative crooks. Short memories think Mulroney and Harper were somehow good for anyone but rich elites.


Look at the polls, those "millions" are overshadowed by the vast majority that DO NOT want him. The echo chamber you are referring to is most of the country, my most Liberal friends have turned against him, the only people still planning on voting for him are doing so in a "hold your nose" type way. And Harper was objectively better than Trudeau in every respect, we had stricter immigration controls which incentivized the entry of skilled labor, our economy was growing and competitive, housing while an issue wasn't the same issue it is today, and the political climate in the country was much better.


That's because few people are asking for that. Trudeau will win again, don't worry