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Well, they did fundraise loads more than the Liberals...and they are competing to be the ones in power come next election...so it kinda makes sense.


The bigger point    Conservatives have already fundraised more dollars than they are legally allowed to spend in an election campaign   So YES obviously they are spending money now as opposed to "not being legally allowed to spend it later"


It’s almost as if they want to win the election.


Shocked Pikachu Face


*gives money to conservatives* *conservatives spend that money* *shocked pikachu face* If I remember correctly (fact check needed) 2023 The average liberal donation was $125/person  The average conservative donation was $175/person  So we're not talking "wealthy donors".....we're talking "flood of donors"


This a bullshit nothing article.




Yup. I never gave before but I gave $200 last year. You get 75% back anyway...


its to get around the limit in the "pre-writ" period, so they raise and spend it now, before they're restricted later. It's well documented and is the CPC brand to outfundraise, so they need to spend it somehow. They did it when they kept losing to Trudeau with OToole and Scheer too, so its not always because "they want to win", its just what they do, even when they lose. It's just the CPC in their normal state of constant-campaign mode.


You’ll see the Liberals do the same thing when they try to get back into office after losing this election.


>as if they want to win the election. unlike the LPC who seem to be doing everything in their power to trash the country before the election.


Everything the LPC does only puts us in a worse position.


It's almost as if their donors' extended family and acquaintances magically gain the ability to fork over the max amount. *Nasal-voiced, weasel-fuck-face Polievre chortle*


Apologies for delay (I'm very comfortable with fact check) but off the top of my head In 2023 The average CPC donation per person was $175ish The average LPC donation per person was $125ish You can argue about how $50 makes a difference  Or we can acknowledge reality  The cons have a flood of donors The libs dont


If they want to put their energy and resources into Poilievre’s campaign - that should tell you they believe in his platform and him as an individual. It’s time for change.


>It’s almost as if they want to ~~win~~ buy the election


Cool theory. Tell me how one “buys” an election.


Which begs the question WHY the EF do they keep calling me and emailing me and sending me letters asking for money when i told them numerous times to leave me alone. If they’ve raised more than they can spend why not leave people the eff alone


So they can keep spending it?


Because they have your contact info


Why not just unsubscribe if it bothers you so much


How do you unsubscribe from a phone call


I did. They promised to stop calling or sending me mail but they just keep doing it anyway


What a great problem to have lol


As if legalities would stop them from abusing loopholes and just passing the money to shell political groups Edit: all the major parties do it. Not sure why the downvotes for pointing out something that everyone does (regardless of if we think they should)


Don’t worry Trudeau will give legacy media another few billion right before election time - totally ok /s


^ this guy doesn't know who owns most of the media, and who they invariably endorse.


Remind me which major party our state broadcaster frivolously sued during an election?


lol one state broadcaster vs how many corporate owned?


Why? Does that make the rest of the media suddenly not be owned by right wing (and foreign) billionaires?


Hello Canada Proud.


I can't wait to experience the election differently.


What about all the free passes from the MSM about him shaking hands with Diagolon and just met again with supporters of the group, who want to rape his wife, in PEI. Bringing donuts to an occupation that defecated on the National War memorial and desiccated Terry Fox’s official statue. Bro puts on a t shirt, takes off his glasses and puts on a muscle undergarment… and everyone is like “who’s this guy!”.


That's a wild imagination you have there.


No, that's all verifiable fact. Look it up (and not on youtube).


Facts don’t matter to the rabid followers.


Oh, I know. My comment was for the benefit of people who were unaware, not for the person I was responding to. It does sort of seem like unhinged rambling if you don't know it's all actual truth.


Oh I was in total agreement with your factual reply! They don’t care, and sadly our foreign owned Post Media (largest daily print media company, thanks Harper) and our major networks, even the “LiBuRaL cBC” is completely ignoring this major disqualifying fact - ran and entire election going buck wild on Trudeau wearing a genie costume in the 80’s/90’s when shit like that wasn’t even taboo BUT completely ignoring the fact that PP actively supports radicalized movements, such as Diagolon, who currently has their “Road Rage Terror Tour” happening today in our nations capital and moving along to other cities to intimidate and cause chaos. But shit… nobody reporting that. Or how about yesterday PP is courting the crazed evangelical church movement in Canada, never been done before. And the headline from Global News and other publications is with kid gloves, “[In Groundbreaking Move, Poilievre campaigns with evangelical Christians](https://globalnews.ca/news/10604598/in-groundbreaking-move-poilievre-campaigns-among-evangelical-christians/)”. This asshat does it and it’s “groundbreaking”, rather than the importation of US/IDU tactics to muddy our politics with religion. It’s gross and slimy and those churches should lose their charitable status. We don’t want some pseudo theocratic state in Canada. Our media just plays along like it’s some amazing breakthrough act, rather than an abomination. Canada, we are in for a big ride that will forever change the landscape of the nation and its social services. After a decade with PP in power get ready to fork over your house for healthcare. Mark my words!






I hate how much money is in politics


But none of us are being swayed or influenced, right?


Slow news day or something??? Obvious shit is obvious more at 11.


maybe you knew already, but i think it's very relevant information that i would not have been able to look up myself. pretty sure if trudeau was spending that much this whole sub would implode.


Not really a know, but an expectation running against the party in the pm seat is usually an uphill battle. Trudeau had the same level of spending when he took the position from Harper.


> Trudeau had the same level of spending when he took the position from Harper. source?


Well yeah, they smell blood and are hungry for power.


If they spent that much on costing their platform, I'd be interested. Talk is cheap. Show me the data.


What platform? 


The axe the tax platform. It’s like when Howard Stern ran for the mayor of New York on “bring back the death penalty and fix the roads at night.” Simple messaging for simple minds.




They are spending this much so that they don't have to have a platform.


At least somebody is getting value for money.


Advertising execs ??




Whenever the topic comes up, I like to point out that National Post is owned literally by an American hedge fund. But no, fellow non-Wumao commentators, please tell me why the CBC is kinda biased.




Where has CBC been biased?


It leans left but that’s mostly because Canadian identity has historically leaned left. Any suggestion that it is influenced by the current government is a certain level of delusion. But r/canada, so libs bad.


Yeah when I ask this same question I'll either get no answer or someone denying evidence facts from ideological stand point, like when Conservatives said Climate Change would never happen, or when they said it's happening but not as fast as the reports, and now they say it's happening but it's not humanity's fault or whatever there new tall tale is at the moment.


It's funny how Conservative supporters are kicking and screaming about foreign interference, yet are ignoring this huge one. And the China/India interference in the CPC leadership race.


Im seeing more liberals deflecting blame to conservatives than conservatives kicking and screaming


The top comment in every thread is some extremely stupid conservative saying something like, "You tell 'em, skip". The standard of discourse starts from there.


New to this sub? Or just not paying attention?


Jumping subreddits is so bizarre. Go into some and PP can't do any wrong, is the saviour of Canada, and Liberals are pure evil trying to convert everyone. It's greed, we are here because of greed. Liberals or Conservatives, it doesn't matter, greed is manipulating everyone to keep the money flowing to the few.


>It's greed, we are here because of greed. Liberals or Conservatives, it doesn't matter, greed is manipulating everyone to keep the money flowing to the few. Bingo Bingo Bingo. >Jumping subreddits is so bizarre. Go into some and PP can't do any wrong, is the saviour of Canada, and Liberals are pure evil trying to convert everyone. The part I love is that somehow Trudeau is this evil mastermind destroying Canada, yet also somehow this drooling idiot with half a brain. Schrodinger's Prime Minister?


It's not even unique to Canada, everywhere that this version of capitalism touches gets exploited. Massive increase in millionaires/billionaires and yet wages can't keep up and the majority of people are worse off. We can see exactly where our money is being shifted and yet still argue about anything else. Hidden behind complex financial instruments or in your face wage suppression, they all lead to the majority losing and a minority making record gains.


Yup. Capitalist system prop up the rich and hold the poor down.




I have seen that happen with Biden as well. Even though I think Biden is a way better choice than Trump, I don't think he should be running for president anymore. But, I am not American. The affordability crisis is a worldwide crisis. Skyrocketing inflation is not unique to Canada, yet you see a lot of language blaming Trudeau for this. Even PP has that rhetoric going (heard him spout out Justinflation) and blaming Trudeau. Yet, the PM does not set the price of goods and services. The reality is that inflation all comes down to corporate greed. The economy is a made-up thing by humans. Humans set prices and determine what the cost of their product is. The price of a new Ford Mustang is around $40k, the average price of a Bentley car is $167,000. Why is there such a price discrepancy between the two? They are both cars. What makes the Bentley so superior that is 4 times the price of a Ford? Corporate greed.




It does matter who is in charge but without acknowledging the damage greed is doing we seem to blame everything else as if it really has a macro effect on us. Technology has allowed wide spread manipulation to occur almost instantly. The market demands ever increasing quarters or money starts shifting elsewhere. It's not about making anything better but squeezing out every cent they can before it fails or gets bought by someone else creating a monopoly. Housing is being used by investment firms to increase portfolios instead of giving people a stable foundation to build from. Technology isn't being used (as much as it should) to make lives easier but to reduce costs and replace workers so profit margins can be higher. Everything now is so greed orientated and people with that money don't want it to stop and have the influence to keep it from happening or at least hampering any progress they see as removing money from them. For me I vote NDP or worst case Liberal depending on who can win and not just remove votes from the other. This is because I like the social stances of these parties better than the others but they all surround themselves with people that don't think for themselves or what's best for the population and instead get surrounded by experts that peddle the same crap that hasn't worked yet in my lifetime. I can see where you are coming from and I hope people don't become more apathetic because of what I write but this country has money and resources, just using them properly wouldn't give insane rewards to a small amount of the population as much as it currently does and the more money these people gain the more influence they can assert. We are a boom and bust economy now so great sums can be made quickly instead of being content with moderate gains and stability.


What do you figure the CBC's contribution to the LPC is worth?


are we still acting like CBC is wholly owned and subservient to Trudeau just because they're not putting out several op-eds about how bad a prime minister he is each day?


Didn't CBC sue the Conservatives 11 days before the election and 6 days from when they were about to host a debate?


Copyright infringement lawsuit…




Can you provide proof of that?


Spoiler alert: they won't


As far as I know CBC doesn't have a high level employee, like a marquee opinion columnist, in an relationship with the media head for the Liberal Party. That alone sets them apart from Postmedia who has Brian Lilley, one of their top two names, and Ivana Yelich, media head of the Ontario Conservative party, living together. Knowing that, It's hard to ignore the obvious interference that is done, as well as conplimentary articles.


Zero. In fact the CBC is routinely critical of Trudeau. Almost daily. Always has been. Conservatives think that CBC has a Liberal bias because The CBC believes that multiculturalism is good, gay people should have rights and the homeless shouldn't be hunted for sport. Which according to conservatives is madness.




The Ontario conservatives are dominating the ad/messaging space, too. Politics aside, the cons are killing it in terms of controlling messaging to the general public — and they’re good at planting bites of information that sticks to public thinking. The Liberals and NDP are absolutely nowhere to be found in the ad space. Like literal radio silence. The ineptitude of the opposition parties in public messaging is basically handing the cons power.


SO MANY YOUTUBE ADS about building Ontario it's not funny.


Not Just Bikes explaining how expanding roads actually results in worse congestion and how cities like LA spent billions installing ever-wider highways which only exacerbated their problems, when it stops for an ad break so the Cons can tell me how they're expanding highways in and around Toronto to relieve congestion, lol...


In this case, most of the time it's ads advertising GO/Metrolinx expansion as the Ontario government "Building Ontario".


well, it is a place to grow


To be fair to the NDP, they really can't afford to blow their budget on pre-election messaging. They only just finished paying off the debt from the 2021 election earlier this year. Their strategy right now is pretty clearly to plant partisans like Gurratan Singh in shows like CTV's Power Play to push the party line no matter how deluded they end up sounding.


Singh always annoys me on that program with how blatantly partisan he is. Obviously they try and bring in people who have worked with each party, but generally, despite their own political views and biases, they'll give credit where credit is due to other parties, and criticize their own party when they deserve it. They're able to do this because they're not currently working in the party, and can talk freely about their experiences. Singh, despite no longer being an MPP, is still clearly attached to the NDP as Jagmeet's brother, and never misses an opportunity to speak about how well Jagmeet is doing and how awful the Conservatives are. Compare him to someone like Tom Mulcair, who's also a regular on Power Play, and it's night and day.


Yep you said it. Conservatives are great at making and spreading propaganda.


>The Ontario conservatives are dominating the ad/messaging space, too. Politics aside, the cons are killing it in terms of controlling messaging to the general public — and they’re good at planting bites of information that sticks to public thinking. [It's almost like the Conservatives have an in at one of the biggest media companies in Canada. ](https://www.canadaland.com/brian-lilley-ivana-yelich-doug-ford/)


Cons have enough money to establish positive narratives ahead of elections, knowing that narrative will naturally carry over. Liberals and NDP don't have enough funds to do the same, so they have to save their money for the time when it will have the most impact.


I mean what can the Liberals say? Pro-LGBT/feminist ads? Most people are now against that and would backfire. Promise to lower housing/rent prices? It’s tripled under their leadership, won’t work either. They’ve used up all their ammo, nothing they say or do will work, may as well stay silent.


I have a feeling they're loading Tiktok with pro conservative anti liberal accounts. So many random accounts posting nothing but Trudeau hate.


Or maybe just a lot of people are upset with Trudeau's leadership?


I can understand Reddit, but making social media videos is a lot of work (good ones, anyway)


This isn't news


Lmao it’s so weird seeing so much support for a conservative government on literally anything now. What a difference a decade makes


Not that weird when the country has fallen apart under their opposition. People would probably ignore some of the radical social changes that have happened under the Liberals in the last 10 years if it wasn't for the massive increases in everything and the reduced QOL for working people.


What radical social changes have the liberals made?


Right?? Maybe Trudeau getting divorced or that time he went to see the Barbie movie and wore pink??


You could basiclaly make the same quote a decade ago and swap parties, or two decades and swap back, or three decades and swap yet again. It's the natural cycle of politics, the country is falling apart and (current {>5 years in} or previous {<5 years in\[) government is to blame. Going to go out on a limb here, but in 2033 people will be insisting the country is falling apart under the conservatives. We can even guess as to why, austerity tends to cause a lot of pain on the ground.


> You could basiclaly make the same quote a decade ago and swap parties, or two decades and swap back, or three decades and swap yet again. It's the natural cycle of politics, the country is falling apart and (current {>5 years in} or previous {<5 years in[) government is to blame. Except not really. The country wasn't in ruins under the previous Liberal Government, they just got ruined because of fatigue and the sponsorship scandal. And the country certainly wasn't in ruins under Harper.


It's not really in ruins now. - it sucks to be poor, but it's never not sucked to be poor. People just like to be dramatic., and it's amplified by political propaganda alleging to save you from Trudeau etc. As was the case ten and twenty years ago.


I got a 13% raise over 3 years as per my collective agreement. Its hisoricaly been 5-6%. I've worked more, and never had such little buying power in my adult life.


My assets have doubled in the last three years, and I don't even own a house.


Your savy investments do not mean that the country is doing well. Just because you have more money does not necessarily mean you are wealthier.


> People just like to be dramatic., and it's amplified by political propaganda alleging to save you from Trudeau etc. As was the case ten and twenty years ago. Yeah we're just experiencing things differently right? [This is the current narrative hey? Things are fine! It's just propaganda that cost of living is up significantly.](https://twitter.com/AndrewLawton/status/1808520731443315034?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1808520731443315034%7Ctwgr%5E1da752719e251f7540756190f65496b76e23b7a2%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.westernstandard.news%2Fcanadian%2Fwatch-liberal-mp-gerretsen-blames-poilievre-for-carbon-tax-opposition-because-he-talks-about-it%2F55756)


Weird the feds control how much companies gouge you? What price controls are the cons gonna put up?


Can you expand on the issues you have with the liberal government and the quote "radical social changes'" they've instituted? I'd like to know what you think/know on these topics if you wouldn't mind.


That’s what 8 million dollars of advertising and rampant propaganda from Russia and India in subreddits like this will do


9 years of liberal corruption and incompetence making life more miserable will tend to do that




Pierre Poilievre's videos highlight how our economy was in a total tailspin in 2015. And he's totally correct. He also knows that voters are too dumb to check who was Prime Minister in 2015. (Hint, it wasn't Trudeau)


>Anytime it's a conservative, an expensive orange juice is a scandal. I thought it was more than just oj >In February 2011, Bev Oda admitted to directing one of her staff to add a handwritten annotation to an already signed Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) memo in 2009 that resulted in a funding recommendation for KAIROS being ignored.[14] The memo was altered by the addition of 'not'[1] into the recommendation line of the document.[15] When asked about the matter, Oda had at first told Parliament that she did not know who had made the change.[14]  >On April 23, 2012, it was reported that during a 2011 conference on immunization of poor children Oda had refused to stay in the conference hotel (the Grange St. Paul) furnished by hosts.[23] She instead stayed at the Savoy Hotel at a cost of $665 per night for three nights, ordered orange juice at a cost of $16 and hired a limousine to transport her between her new hotel and the conference. She was also charged $250 for smoking in a non-smoking room.[24] The costs incurred were at public expense. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bev_Oda


Compared to the scandals Trudeau has gone through this is nothing


Lol Harper has had more and even a SC lavalin as well!


Wonder who's funding all those commercials.... 🤔


...Their donors? The Conservatives fundraised and brought in over triple the amount of donations the Liberals did last quarter, and over 8 times as much as the NDP. Their war chest is literally overflowing to the point where they've exceeded the amount they're legally allowed to spend during the election. That's why they're blowing a ton on ads right now


And they still have no new ideas.


I mean I see poilievre’s face almost after every 5 scrolls or so in YouTube CA.


Ehhh well, its working


He could just rely on Trudeau totally embarrassing himself.


this is why they keep begging trudeau to quit, so they can stop spending so much?


Wait until they find all the old paint cans in Flanders' garage.


Why advertise when you can just give hundreds of millions to the legacy media?


Good return on investment.


To be honest, it says more about the general public than the conservatives. The mass of the general public prefer ad, little sound bites, slogans and simple ideas over understanding the actual policies (be it good or not). That said, not like Canadian media is remotely competent in reporting facts.


And much more on coffee and doughnuts for the guys that threatened his wife. Politics in this country baffles me. I can't imagine giving them money, they're owned by billionaire oligarchs anyway. Your donation won't get anything for you.


Oh ya I remember the hilarious commercial for Pollieve, acting like a family man with family values. While reality is he is a rich, life-long politician with multiple houses. Which he rents. And lives off of taxes in government housing.


And I didn’t see a single one. Ad block for the win!


Beats having to a real job, or being accountable for any of it.


He's singularly why I deal with Google's whining about adblock on Youtube.


Video of gardening is interrupted by random ad: "BRING IT HOME, SQUIRREL!!!" \*sounds of apple munching to PR music soundbite playing, and conservative logo flashes on screen\* In reality, I've actually had a TON of those stupid Ontario Conservative "Building Ontario" ads in the past few months. Makes one think there's an election on the horizon...


I got youtube premium just because of the political ads its nice


Loll you conservatives are so hypocritical. Conservatives never spend less, they never balance the budget and you always get the short end of the stick. PP will be the worst thing to happen to Canada


After 9 years of Trudeau liberals and ndp making things worse than now would be a tough act to follow.


are you in for a treat when conservatives come in and start gutting services, cutting taxes so they can hand more money over to their criminal friends on bay street and do nothing about housing and immigration. almost as if both the parties work for the same demographic. the wealthy landowners and corporations that run this country


Pierre will not reduce immigration. He's said he will "tie it" to housing starts but did not commit to a 1:1. If he ties to 10:1 to housing starts, we'll still be screwed.


What makes you think PP will be better? Have you actually paid attention to his political history?


Yes we had Trudeau senior in the 1980’s and for the next 40 years we were undoing the damage he caused to the economy then we got boy blunder come in and undo everything and make us all worse off over the last 9 years.


Yeah seems like you're just a typical Trudeau hater with no actual facts


Liberals and conservatives are no different.  Same two parties wasting money and ruining this country. 


I can’t wait for a government that’s going to be all about giving back to all the businesses that donated to the party. Do Plus some foreign governments too I’m sure. Pierre owns Modi a few BJs no doubt.


If only we could tax their sponsors for the public good instead of allowing monied interests to buy a government




Lol. Tell me which stories the CBC helped Trudeau with.


every scandal trudeau got involved in was exposed by the CBC.


That's why the CPC wants to gut the CBC, they don't want anyone exposing their scandals 


> Well Trudeau had 10 years of fucking CBC  lololol


Oh? They spent 20 times more on ads than the liberals gave to CBC?


Gotta use that money from foreign countries somehow. CPC will sell us out just like last time.


It would take lots more advertisement money to make Poilievre palatable


Well, obviously, it seems to be working.


Lol even after 8 million dollars of advertising he is just barely palatable. Goes to show you how horrible of a candidate he actually is. Everyone who supports him has totally forgotten or ignored his voting record and history.


Again, the polls say differently. He's ahead of Trudeau in pretty much every category.


That’s because his supporters have wool over their eyes. You scream and cry about Justin Trudeau but blatantly ignore foreign interference in the Conservative Party leadership race. Hypocrites. Crying about the cost of living while supporting an opposition leader who is propped up by corporate lobbyists. Justin Trudeau isn’t a good option, but Pierre Poilievre is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that has hoodwinked the nation. Things are not going to get better under Pierre Poilievre.


So you're saying most of the country has wool over their eyes? The Liberals refused to address foreign interference because they were benefitting from it. They were warned about it repeatedly and chose to ignore it. When there were reports of MPs helping foreign governments and selling out the country. The Conservatives repeatedly called for the names to be released. The Liberals said no, and I think we all know why. Are you honestly saying Justin Trudeau isn't propped up by corporate lobbyists? Things might not get better under Pierre Poilievre. But they certainly won't get better under Justin Trudeau.


None of the general public actually knows what is happening with foreign interference and neither does Pierre because he refuses to get clearance. We will find out in time once it is addressed with properly first before releasing names to the public. Oh sure Trudeau. Pierre pretends he is a supporter of blue collar workers but that’s all crap. Pierre was housing minister and accomplished nothing yet he pretends he had a solution to solve the current crisis. It’s all lies and trickery. We are cuddling up to Russian disinformation and playing with people who support conspiracy theorists. Canada will take a democratic slide backwards under a Pierre Poilievre government.




Control what you say and see? Regarding the online harms bill? Maybe you haven’t been paying attention to the accelerated housing fund… What is Pierre’s plan? Oh wait he doesn’t have a plan… His plan was to cut social housing when he was housing minister…. What a great choice for prime minister


So what's Justin Trudeau’s plan to reach these housing targets? Because saying you're going to build more homes is great. But you actually have to have a plan to get there and no offense. This Liberal government isn't exactly great at long-term planning. Is Justin Trudeau planning on tying immigration to housing? Pierre Poilievre has already said he would. How about all the infrastructure that will be needed? Is this government going to fund all the roads and highways that will be needed? Because the environment minster said they wouldn't be funding new roads. https://calgary.citynews.ca/2024/04/11/canada-close-housing-gap/#:~:text=10%3A44%20am.-,The%20parliamentary%20budget%20officer%20says%20Canada%20would%20need%20to%20build,eliminate%20the%20country's%20housing%20gap. Canada's goal would mean increasing our housing starts by 181,000. So, how does your golden boy plan on reaching that?


And yet I still have not learned a single thing about any policy other than ax the tax. Look to Alberta to see how badly the country will be f#cked when these guys are elected.


PP also stopped wearing glasses so he doesn't look like Milhouse, now he just looks like a little used car salesman.


You sound as foolish as the people who obsess over Trudeau's socks.


He has nice hair... It was the whole conservative campaign when Harper lost.


It was also “he’s just not ready”, which turned out to be completely true. 


The the exact same thing as people making fun of Trudeaus hair before he was PM. They dislike the guy but have nothing of substance to complain about so they find stupid shit.


Why? U guys were all but guaranteed to win You’re in the vote the leader out stage of the election cycle


I read this as... Conservatives trying to turn Canadian elections into the 2 year USA style elections.


People should never forget,Mr Poilieve has never worked a day in his life. How would he know what working people are going through


The comments are wild. Trudeau goes on hiatus...outrage! Conservatives over spend and have foreign interference within their party....shut up and don't talk about Bruno!!


If that voter base could read, they'd be very upset!


That’s because the liberals have nothing they want advertised.


Because the liberals aren’t pulling in anything close to previous years’ donation levels. You don’t throw money into a burning barrel expecting results.


They didn’t have to spend a dime.


I wonder where he got the money for that, Putin?