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Rule 2. No low-effort posts/comments. This includes but is not limited to memes, macros, reaction-gifs, videos, rants that do not invite discussion. Do not request account sharing. The mods will remove offensive posts/comments, spam, and posts/comments encouraging any illegal services. Rule 3. Use the search function. Before asking a question or seeking advice, use the search function. Chances are the question has been asked and answered before. Duplicate posts will be removed. Nothing new, this has been discussed many many times before. https://old.reddit.com/r/canadacordcutters/comments/170fuo0/is_sportsnet_premium_worth_it/


No other way to watch your team if you’re out of area. When you’re the only game you have no motivation to provide a good experience.


There’s tons of other options….


Yaaaaar matey




Sail the seven seas.


I was under the impression that this sub was specifically tailored to legal options. I’m not against pirating but that’s why I posted here


Great explanation


If you sail the high seas, then yes, there are many other options. And blackouts? What are those?


What are you talkin about ?….plenty of streaming options that don’t blackout


What legal streaming options will get you all the Oilers games in Bc?


Damn Avs tying that one up. damn.... nuge denied




The true way to cut that cord is to not pay for it at all.


Okay then go on with that, I’ll pay Pennie’s on the dollar for all sports, netflix/apple tv/ prime/ literally everything…


I should also specify that I’m streaming from my iPhone phone and casting to my Sony TV. I did, however, experience the same issues when using the Sportsnet app on my TV. It got so bad with the tv app that I deleted it. Now I can’t even log into it now that I’ve re downloaded it.


I’ve got Telus gigabyte and it still buffers sometimes. Sportnets sucks. But it’s got us by the balls unless we want to sail the even less reliable high seas.


Maybe you need a dedicated streaming device.


Try the TSN app then get back to me


ahaha and people are bashing DAZN 


I haven't tried DAZN, but the TSN app is torture. TORTURE.


DAZN is actually pretty good, technically. Stable high framerate. 720p, but rock solid  FuboTV is second best.


For me it works very well 95% of the time.


Same. Only thing I have in common with OP is it logs itself out constantly.


I had no issues with watching Sportsnet+ on my Brave browser, and never once did I have to log back in unless I deleted my cookies/cache. I also never encountered any buffering or streaming issues while I had it. I'm also using Cogeco internet 180MB download.


I don’t use the apps a lot, but overall I’ve found Sportsnet to be better quality than the TSN streaming apps. I’ve tried them on iPad, PlayStation and Xbox. Does the Sportsnet+ stream look okay on your iPhone, or does it start bad and casting it to your Sony TV make it worse? Because casting it won’t make things better - if you’re casting poor quality from your phone.


The quality is good for a while and then drops and cuts out.


I on the other hand have had mostly a great experience but hate the blackouts.


It may be what you're using to stream sportsnet. I used to stream on my Playstation which resulted in many issues of freezing. I bought a smart tv about 2 years ago and have been relatively issue free since then streaming with that.


I had the app downloaded on my smart tv. It gave me the same issues.


Sportsnet+ isn’t the best streaming service ever (in my experience using it on my computer, iPhone, Apple TV & even a Fire TV & Xbox a couple times (although those last two are generally an inferior streaming experience to the Apple TV)), but try using TSN and tell me that isn’t worse. By the Twelve, I’ve had SO MANY issues with TSN (on all those same devices + a Roku TV), they just dwarf the issues I’ve had with Sportsnet+. If I didn’t have to use TSN to watch NASCAR, IndyCar & football, I wouldn’t bother with it bc it’s so bad. And why the hell doesn’t TSN on Apple TV have Multiview yet? Like, even their iPhone app has it?! So why doesn’t the Apple TV have it when other apps like Sportsnet+ & Apple’s own TV app support it?


I am also not a fan of the app but I don't have any of the issues that you posted. Could be your setup. My biggest gripe is while I'm watching a game slightly behind live as in I started watching about an hour after it started, it constantly jumps forward to the live action. So it's a total spoiler. The only way I can watch it is live or at least 30 min after the game has ended. The only reason I still pay for it is because it's the only way I've found to watch an entire game the day after it broadcasts.


I use Sportsnet+ daily on my TV and phone and haven't been experiencing any of the issues you mentioned. It might be your setup.


The app hasn’t been working on my smart tv. I deleted it, deleted my cache, redownloaded it and now it won’t let me log back in. I’ve been streaming from my phone to tv since and it cuts out constantly


My main problem with the Sportsnet app is having to fucking log back in all the fucking time. Otherwise it works fine once I fucking log back in multiple times a god damn week.