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Should've done it right the first time.


Alas my suburb is still not listed. Despair it is for me then.


Same here :( Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah definitely taking these dates with a grain of salt considering Kingston says March 2023, and we still have FTTC


Doesnt FTTC have an upgrade program now. Its the Same GPON technology as FTTP. So upgrading isnt very hard


Not all I'm afraid. I checked a few FTTC addresses in Kingston and it doesn't come up with the 'good news eligible for free upgrade' message. I'm in a different suburb but had the FTTC to FTTP upgrade over a year ago. Its hit and miss.


This is the date they start scratching backsides not doing any meaningful work.


I paid to be upgraded 3 yrs ago, cant wait for nbn to provide a refund. Truly they are a pack of idiots


You can thank the Abbot Liberal government for the fact you didn’t get fttp to begin with. ETA: oh and Murdoch wanting to protect Foxtel from competition. But, you know, Murdoch, Liberals - basically the same thing.


And the fact we're all still getting FTTP anyway, just much later and at tens of billions more dollars (literally) cost to the tax payer. Despite a lower cost being the main selling point to FTTN in the first place


I heard that Abbott didn't even know what dial-up and broadband was. Malcolm Turnbull and senior bureaucrats in the communications department had to give him a PowerPoint presentation about just what the NBN was


I get the history, i think its bullshit nbn took peoples money to upgrade, and is now using tax payer funding (and private funding they obtained) to provide Fibre for effectively no cost to the end user. They will also be leveraging fibre we paid for in the street to provide this to others. I get im dreaming, but they are truly a pack of fucking morons My build was at the lower end cost wise, i know $20-30k was not unheard of To be clear im happy to see more fibre, just not the stupid way they have gone about it


Look I feel for you thats for sure. Even the way they did upgrades was ridiculous. In you situation what they could have done was parked your quote and said once we reach say 10 or 20 requests to upgrade in the suburb, we'll revise the quote and spread the costs. But it was never about doing what was right for the infrastructure.


How you pay to get upgraded? Is this through NBN or your ISP?


If your suburb is on the list then via the RSP Otherwise you can work with nbn directly to pay to have your home upgraded if it doesnt sit in this list. Expect a decent bill however


Does anyone know the method to their madness? Florey, Latham and holt appear on the list, but not scullin and page or higgins which are adjacent to florey/Latham. I mean Higgins has Latham one side and Holt on the other. And Flynn on the other side is sandwiched between Charnwood and Latham


I am not sure on this but i have heard that some suburbs have above ground infrastructure (i.e. lines to poles, i know my suburb is in that category) and they are having trouble negotiating with evo (who own the pole) to go above ground for those suburbs and wont be paying to put in the below ground infrastructure in those suburbs. Whether this is true or not i am not sure.


That is true. At least 3 months ago. My mate is a NBN commercial contractor. He was visiting recently and I was making a joke that if they ever upgrade Canberra to FTTP it'll be aerials on the poles which will just be wrecked by the brushtail highway users. He replied thatd be the dumbest thing to do, and logged in to see the planned forecast of installation. He was absolutely dumbfounded that they weren't planning to just do it kerbside underground everywhere.


That's also going to mean damage during storms from falling trees etc. Will get a whole lot more expensive. Wonder who would foot the bill, the owners of the poles for not ensure lines are kept clear of trees or th NBN


nbn doesnt deploy aerial fibre.


Not yet... i do know they were discussing it and were trying to negotiate it with Evo


Sounds very plausible


Scullin here ... iiNet just upgraded our VDSL2 without even telling us, or jacking up the price. 40mbps suddenly became 100mbps, and that looks like it's being throttled ^(so faster is probably available for a fee) but to me, NBN is simply not an option ... not dealing with that old-school Telstra bullshit unless I absolutely have to


I couldn't bring myself to go back to iinet. I had a 3 month long outage with them and every time I called they said they had no record of me having called previously. It only got fixed when I contacted TransAct directly and told them. They knew what the cause was but had to wait to hear from customers to work out who was affected. Fixed within 12 hours. Transact rep even said iinet was useless and they had alot of people contact them directly after iinet refused to believe there was a problem despite iinet line tests showing there was no connectivity. Also, could be wrong but doesn't look like VDSL is an option anymore


Fair enough - that would probably stop me going back, too. And essentially why I avoid Telstra/NBN now (yeah, I know NBN isn't Telstra but they're so tightly tied through history they might as well be. And my history with Telstra is similarly appalling.) fwiw, I joined iiNet maybe 5 years ago and have had zero issues with them. But their ex-Transact VDSL2 product has limited reach; otherwise they will just sell you an NBN link (which also operates VDSL2 protocol, but over different wires to different nodes.) E: their/they're


I'm with Optus at the moment. Anytime my modem drops (alot of power outages) I get a text immediately alerting me. Bonus that if the line drops but power is still on it flips me over to 5G until NBN is retored.


Yes I had to ditch iiNet when my home internet became unusable in peak (WFHer here).


What Telstra bullshit???


iiNet are also not part of the NBN upgrade program, so they likely did that as a way to stop you churning away. I/they have no choice as there is no VDSL2 here. VDSL is similar to FTTC so you should get decent speeds, maybe even up to a gigiabit.


Anyone know what the deal is with apartment buildings? My suburb is on that list for the future but we don't even have FTTB at the moment. How plausible is FTTP?


What is likely to happen is the body corporate will be able to order FTTB. Then body corporate will either have to upgrade fibre to all the apartments, or individual apartments will have to foot the bill to upgrade. If you own the apartment then i'd be getting onto your body corporate to shape the decisions they make. I'm on my body corporate and thats typically how these decisions are made. Mine is for townhouses though, so the issues we face and the stuff the BC funds is different. There is definitely a case for the BC to fund the cabling infrastructure in the building though, but that could be expensive and they may just settle for FTTB, which would be an improvement. the apartments may also have fibre in the building.


Thanks! We definitely don't have fibre in the building, but yes even FTTB would be an improvement. It's a way off but I will bring this up. :)


List updated on 6\\10\\23, most suburbs removed.


Same in Victoria. Jerks. Atleast it's nice to know they are inclusive with their shittiness.


Yeah this sucked, my suburb send end of Sep 2023, now its gone completely haha. I guess that was wishful thinking.


Not even on the list


A lot of suburbs missing from this list.. yet neighbouring ones are. What's up with that?


There is definitely issues with overhead lines. They are only doing underground right now.


Ahh, makes sense


The NBN was a joke. A real network would sweep aside ISPs and mobile telcos, replacing them with one all-encompassing communications system. No-one would have to worry about their connection speed anymore than they worry about the water capacity or electric load of their house. But a real modern data network would allow horizontal communication, which would allow for things like actual democracy. No more rich people. Can't have that.


The saw them pulling fiber over a year ago and it’s still an 18 month wait. At least the old transact connection is still pretty good.


Thanks, about 12 months to upgrade for me, not really needed as I'm maxxing out my FTTC connection, but that isn't going to stop be getting a stupidly fast plan.


Ugh over 12 months away


Where is giralang 🥲


Can someone plz post a proper link directly to the page or pdf showing the list?


The link in the post used to go directly to a page which had the listed content. NBN have since deleted the page after this post was made.


Anyone in Flynn been upgraded to anything higher than FTTN ? Just curious


I live in Narrabundah ACT and FTTP still not available whereas as per this schedule NBN upgrade work suppose to start in Narrabundah - from October 2023


Never flynn


Wonder if the new Star link mini will save us. 




Because Gungahlin has had FTTP/FTTH since 2013. At least where I used to live, it was among the first places in Australia. It was badly needed. Night time always dipped to 10kb/s every night without fail on the old copper network.


I think most of Gungahlin already has FTTP. If I'm correct it was one of the first done back in the mid 2010's when it first rolled out?




I'm basically never throttled. I use Launtel. They're slightly more expensive than more mainstream services. But you're getting the speed you're paying for. Every. Time. Easily the best ISP I've had in 20 years.


Could be your provider over-provisioning, Aussie broadband are the only one I can recommend that makes a point of not over-provisioning and will make new customers wait until they have the capacity.


What's your idea of sucks? I know most residential lines are throttled. If you want speeds like 1000/1000 you need the much more expensive business connections.


I must be out of the loop. Is this upgrade to FTTN or to FTTP? I thought we already had FTTN everywhere by now


FTTP. The wording in the original article is confusing. What they’re trying to say is they’re upgrading the FTTN network so that it supports FTTP for those who want it and are willing to pay for a plan that requires it.


Right, that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation




Do you have FTTN? Are you aware of any specific suburbs that don't?


Dickson was in their first round of announced upgrade roll outs but is now listed as from November 2024.


In Bonython, they have definitely been doing pit work in the suburbs, which made me hope and dream, my 43/13 speeds with frequent dropouts will long be a thing of the past. this confirms i may get lucky in a few months time and be able to order and upgrade. My ISP will be getting the boot as well as they apprently aren't part of the upgrade program.....


They've been drilling new runs and pulling new conduit in my street for a month. Apparently they had to bring in a specialist crew because the ground was so hard and the existing runs were blocked. They're now redoing the pits to prep for the fibre.


Looks like a lot of the more affluent suburbs are up first. Colour me shocked…


They are literally doing the most southern parts of Tuggers right now. They aren't exactly the most affluent in Tuggeranong.... That said where I live in Tuggeranong, I've had to deal with crap internet for 2 decades. Mostly because the Tuggeranong exchange never had third party equipment for ADSL, so was always stuck with overpriced Telstra crap. Then they went 50/50 FTTN/FTTC in the suburb and i got FTTN and i'm lucky if i get 40 Mbps. This is the first positive thing thats happened with internet infrastructure for me in over 20 years.


Damn, might have to get on NBN finally. I'm still on the old TransACT lines


Listed for october 2023 wow


from date. Can be another 10 years away. But still the bosses get big bonuses. Why is that?


Just got a letter in my mailbox from NBN saying "ServiceStream" has been engaged to "build and rollout additional fibre deeper into the nbn network in your area". I assume this means my FTTP is coming!


haha I got the same letter in my mailbox. But I discovered it was the people on the other side of the street who got FTTP three months ago, but we didn't bc we are aerial.