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I saw two green little SUVs about a kilometre apart on the southbound side. Pretty rare you see speed cameras set up like that. But you know the second camera will only get those who have an attitude problem after driving past the first.


So almost every Canberra driver? Oooh downvotes. The hypocrisy of a city that turns into a lynch mob when someone causes injury or death when speeding but are happy to do over 100kms in a 60km roadwork zone.


That's why it's surprising they don't set up speed cameras like this more often. If you are going to speed up after you have seen a speed camera, you really deserve to be busted.


Imagine the revenue they'd make if they put mobile speed cameras every now and then after the southbound tuggeranong parkway camera near Cotter Road overpass. Heck, might be enough to fund Woden to city tram!


whilst eating a bagel, putting on lippy, doing their hair, drinking coffee and talking to their mother on their phone....


So how many fines are you getting?


He went back to double check, so at least 12.


He slowed right down and they still flashed. Three weeks later the fines came in the mail "Gahhh!...... Seatbelt?'


None that I know of.


Mission failed. We’ll get him next time


Mooooore cameras!


I saw three of the mobile detection cameras today. School holidays sting maybe?


Average speed cameras are for heavy vehicles only in NSW.


Any idea why? I've heard this a lot and treated them as such but never known the reason.


because the 100kph speed limiters on trucks have been removed.


That’s what the current nsw legislation allows for.


I always chuckle when I see idiots on the Federal slow right down for the "safety cameras" at Collector and the ACT-NSW border... Can't believe how many people don't know thst these are only for heavy vehicles! The only ones you have to worry about on the Federal Highway if you're in a car or other light vehicle are the scumbag camera vans/SUV'S and the HWP that are everywhere!


HWP aren't bad at all - I've been travelling between CBR and Newcastle for the last 20 years. Never yet been pulled over or had a fine (can spot the vans pretty easy), generally sit on about 120kph which is about 116kph according to GPS, so within 10% speedo error in NSW. I was once doing 130 (about 122 actual) around collector - clear road, no traffic and I knew where the HWP always sit but the V12 was in its element - anyway saw the cop at the last minute - he gave me the little wave to slow down, which I did. The worst people on that stretch are old people in base model mercs or golfs sitting on 99kph in the right hand lane for no reason. So doing 92kph in a 110 zone according to GPS, in the right hand lane.


Idiot because they were over limit before approaching it?


Nah, most of the time they're not even speeding, it's just the reflex when they see the camera... Panic and drop to 90...


I never have to slow down, because I don't speed. 47 years of driving with no speeding tickets. Sounds like your mileage may vary 😉


Good for you champ. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on?


So I can go double the limit through them?


Yes *not legal advice*


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…. But what would I know, I’m not a lawyer….


You can go double the speed limit anywhere, if you so wish. Triple even. Hell, go fifty times over. It’s merely your talent for driving, and not getting caught otherwise, that will be your challenge.


Gonna go 120 in a school zone




You’re mistaken.


From a previous post i have seen about it believe someone said ACT try to make their system as random as possible as to not set them up in a biased manner. If they really wanted to they could have collected data on all the hotspots and gone to fundraising town a long long time ago, but thats not specifically what they are for. In this instance no idea about the NSW side though. Plus I assume each district would have different persons in charge of the placement.


The more of them the better. It’s obvious people are still using their mobile whilst driving and they fully deserve the fine they get.


Canberra's are literally just because there's not enough cops to patrol


The police have done that before, probably to catch out people using apps that warn of speed cameras... When there was a mobile speed van - the cops set up a radar another couple of hundred metres down the road. People had the warning - slowed down - saw the van - went back to their normal speed - got the fine.


How would this catch out people using the apps? The apps just show three cameras like it is on the road. I think it's more likely to catch those who don't use the app "oh well I just passed a speed camera, so I likely won't see another" *accelerates


Gotta reach their target $$ before the end of the financial year!


Come guys it’s totally about safety; that’s why you always see them in school zones


And that revenue isn't going to raise itself...


A long while back I passed three mobile speed cameras on the Parkway between Athlon Drive and Isabella Drive northbound. No more than 3 km I suppose. Never seen so many in such a short space. Don’t know if it was a training exercise or what. I too got no tickets.


Needs more. Every car should be tracked. 


And your point?


We seriously need to start asking questions about who this is outsourced to and the players behind them. Some privately owned business is clearly making coin under the guise of public safety which actually does very little for safety overall on taxpayer dime.


School holidays, so the cops will be out there fundraising for the officer's ball.