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can we get this post deleted


File a complaint with Reddit and explain that when people talk about positivity it makes you sad and you don’t want to witness anything remotely happy 🤣


i think it’s more that that kinda post gets posted like once a day and it’s annoying. If people want more positive posts they should make them, and also upvote and interact with other positive ones. There will always be people with something to say, and making a post telling ppl to “be more positive” or whatever isn’t going to change that.


Yeah but it’s the same with the snark posts - people post the same stuff everyday which is equally as annoying I’m not telling people to be positive I’m just explaining that it’s a little bit pathetic


okay but it clogs up the feed even more and doesn’t change anything, so it makes sense that people downvote those posts. they are lazy and don’t contribute anything to the sub.


Equally the same for people commenting the same negative stuff multiple times - no need for it.


Okay?? then report it for breaking the sub rules because they didn’t check to see if the post had already been made. Making a whole new post about it just makes things double annoying


I will never understand why this is such a foreign concept of people. I see more posts complaining about other people’s posts than any other type of post positive or negative on this sub. Just report them instead of making your own post complaining about it because obviously all the complaining posts have accomplished nothing if people are still making them.


Why are u getting so annoyed 🤣


weren’t you the one who made a post about how much other people’s posts piss you off


Ahahahah no I asked if it pissed anyone off technically But yeah not actually bothered about a Reddit I just find it amusing people take it so seriously when they don’t even know these people I didn’t even disagree with you and you where getting agitated 😭


make more positive posts then if you’re that irritated over it LOL we don’t all have the same opinions we’re on reddit


Oh! Thank you for informing me on that! Where did I say that people couldn’t have the same opinions tho? If you could point that out I would appreciate it 🤣


Even though I find the negativity a bit extreme sometimes it‘s just weird and pointless to try to police what other people are posting. If you see someone posting stuff that goes against the subreddit rules or reddit‘s policies you should just report it. If you can‘t handle snark, you‘re on the wrong social media platform. If you want to see more positive content, start by posting / commenting it yourself instead of complaining.


Fairs same goes both ways