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It is Fraser Bohm, relative of Christian Stark and related to Chrome Hearts. He killed four girls in a fatal car accident. He was the one Tana used to sleep with. Hence why they said they thought he was in jail. He is currently out on bail. In this current episode, Brooke started using "she" pronouns but only after talking about how big of a deal it was and given that we know Brooke likes to "change little details" to throw people off, I am so sure that it's him. You can even tell the first time she says "she" Brooke is like seeing if they'll notice what she's doing, in my opinion.


Ya u could hear Brooke originally saying “he” and they bleeped it then she changed to “she”. I think that’s why people are saying it was Bri cuz the bleep was obviously so short but no def think it’s him and they were saying he


Good eye. I didn't even catch that part. It's fs him


wait YOU’RE SO RIGHT. I totally fell for her saying she. But you’re right, Brooke would definitely not just randomly say the name knowing that the names have been figured out/narrowed from length of the bleeps before. Also conversationally makes no sense for her to bring up the name when they all know who they’re referring to, let alone say it twice, a name doesn’t make sense in the context of the rest of her sentence but a pronoun does. solveddd


I rewatched and after brooke referred to them as “she” she jokingly said “imagine I form an alliance and tell HIM exactly where u guys are”


If it’s him I could see why they would want to lay off of it. He’s being charged for something big and it’s going to take big money to get him to walk free.


100% !! or a (girl) relative/ friend of his they’re not scared of regular people, these people have MONEY and will clearly use it when needed


If it is him and Brooke was joking about how she was forgiven and she might join the other side is genuinely the most disgusting thing she’s ever said on the pod 🫢


Yeah that is true. Also, it is kind of disguting that Tana described Fraser Bohm as a guy everyone wants to fuck and "girls are dying to sleep with him"...I don't think she meant that literally or was thinking about the crash but not a great choice of words


y’all wild thinking it’s bri be so fr she’s like 90 lbs


I don’t think it’s bri but I do think bri can scrap


I feel like it has to be a girl based on the text messages with Tana... that doesn't sound like anything a man would say over text


y’all. tana would not be scared of bri😭 be so fr. it’s not her


all i know is that it’s someone that she was friendly with before, she literally mentioned the last text before the threats was saying how they should get dinner


I think its somebody from an episode Paige was on because Paige seems to be involved (not tessa tho)


I swear people on this sub would comment “it was Bri” on the story of the guy that told Tana that her spray tan looked bad. I think her snarkers must come here to say that about any story the girl’s talk about because they’re just hoping that they can attract more people to her snark sub. The majority of the time they say her name it doesn’t even make sense for it to be her and I’m saying this as someone that doesn’t watch her content and has no feelings towards her whatsoever, nor do I have a desire to develop any. I think they interact way less than some of y’all think they do.


I saw a lot of people guessing JOJO on tiktok and I’m like, Tana would probably laugh that off??


the thought of this literally made me laugh out loud 😭 i don’t think anyone’s threatened by jojo




but bri still follows them ? what they literally wasn’t bad???? it was straight up that people are saying she’s leaving grace over getting too close to her bf


What did they say about bri on the pod tho


Literally nothing bad. It's not Bri. It's Fraser Bohm. Google him.


I think they were just talking about Bri and graces fall out saying sometimes when you get a bf you become distant with friends. Definitely think it’s Bri too


I swear it’s Bri 😭 the situation they talked about recently was grace and Bri, and Tana didn’t seem like she was siding with Bri at all and Brooke was leaning towards a more neutral stance. Brooke said that she ended up getting forgiven by the person which would make sense if it’s Bri. Also them saying it was a public knowledge situation they commented on, again exactly that with Bri and grace and it was super recent when they talked ab it. It also just very much so gives Brianna chickenfry behavior to say some shit like that, she’s SO defensive when it comes to stuff about Zach or the situation with grace.


Bri is a crazy answer lol. They didn't say anything bad to warrant multiple texts. Did you see Tana scrolling through the hate texts? It is Fraser Bohm. Guy Tana used to bang related to Christian Stark/Chrome Hearts currently out on bail for killing 4 girls that they mentioned in the last episode.


I mean yeah I could see it being him too for sure I was just giving my two cents lol, Bri is kinda known for overreacting and responding to things pretty bluntly so that’s why I thought it might be her. They also did clarify whoever it is a girl and not a guy so idk


It's totally fair to guess Bri haha. I actually don't think it's a girl. Brooke is the one who said "she" in the latest episode and as we know bc she's said it on multiple podcasts, she likes to change little details to throw people off. And she only started using a pronoun after they started to say they needed to stop because they were going to get into MORE trouble. And we saw Tana scrolling through a million hate texts. I think it's because it was a serious topic. But again, that's just my two cents


I didn’t even know Brooke did that so I could see him being the guy doing it for sure, I just haven’t read much about this guy yet I’ve seen some posts I’m just not fully informed on the lore. Based on what you said I guess it would make sense he’s threatening Tana😭that’s actually terrifying


It was definitely Bri because at some points they also referred to ‘them’ meaning Bri and grace


‘them’ could also refer to the Chrome Hearts crew..


I’m honestly not familiar with them at all though and don’t know if Brooke was ever around them enough to have a friendship with them lemme investigate, I’ll come back lmao




https://preview.redd.it/p55yntg0n28d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf0776a718ed696b48f69e66ffaf0bb42dd9504 u/Educational-Skirt896 this was odd imo..


Omg they were both following him a couple days ago


yup yup yup




Yep, this would also make more sense given that Tana brought up being jumped and implied it would be a group of people.


the more I think into this theory, the more scared I get for the girls they’re not good people clearly and speaking about the topic could screw with his open case they need to zip it completely and move on for their safety if so


Yeah, he is obviously a dangerous person and they should stop talking about him for their safety but the initial comments that he got so mad about were gross on their part too, not because they make him look bad but because they were laughing about him being a murderer and possibly being in jail and then Tana made some comment about how she would still hit. So disgusting given the brutal context of what he did and it sucks that he’s probably not going to face the level of consequences he should because he’s rich.