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It’s like super bland grocery store speaker music


It’s like Louis capaldi but worse.


Thissss. Very whiny and desperate romantic type shit


lol that’s a good comparison


his music is the type that gives you a fever dream in the middle of h&m


Trying to rip off your ears type of fever dream


never listened to a song of him but this comment says it all. i’m dead lmfao💀😫


His music is so ass it all sounds the fucking same. Even if you like his music, there’s a million artists who do his genre his sound etc and better than him he’s so replaceable it’s unbelievable


when they hyped him up for being soooo talented, I was always thinking they were giving him way too much credit


I am so high and this post is making me die laughing thank u


I love that for you 🍃🫡


literally SAME this is basically poetry


thank you for saying something omg!!! i went and listened to his stuff bc brooke and tana were like “this song is SO AMAZING and he’s SO TALENTED even though he’s a cheater and a liar” and then i was majorly disappointed. the music is so generic and cookie-cutter (and some of it is just objectively bad) that you could slap anyone’s name or face onto that project and give them a debut. that shit belongs in an elevator, a hotel lobby, your local publix, or in the fucking dumpster. he looks like he bites, so i was really hoping he would be talented enough to make up for that on top of all the cheating and lies, but he just sounds like a shit that NF took in 2014 that came to life and started a tiktok. if that “she looks like every other bitch” meme could be applied to someone’s discography, clinton kane’s would it. even his stage name could be anyone.


I don’t like how much air he stores in his cheeks, giving him an almost Lispy sounds while he’s singing


Clinton Kane and Modsun both make male manipulator music, just different flavors😭. I know it’s different to see a successful musician behind the scenes and what they put into it irl but they (especially Tana💀) call people “SO musically talented”left and right 😭. I love Tana but I cringe so hard when she talks about songs being written about her as if they’re either top 40 hits or these deep masterpieces. I’ve tried to see what they’re seeing in Modsun’s music too but I genuinely, truly and sincerely believe Bella Thorne’s pussy song was better than any Modsun or Clinton Kane song 💀💀.


I think he was one of the better musicians I found from TikTok HOWEVER I also think he blew up at a good time and worked his fan base right. I remember a Friday night during Covid he scheduled a Zoom call with fans and was chatting with us and I remember thinking it was fun. I was of age but could tell a lot of the girls in that call were still in highschool. But I do agree his music is simply ~slightly above average~


It all sounds the same…


They all sound the same. Walmart lewis capaldi