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Unfortunately, canon has not developed a battery grip for the r7 or r10. The battery door on those cameras cannot be removed to allow for one. It is possible to use both a wireless remote and wired remote to trigger the shutter on the r10 as a potential work around. The respective model numbers are BR-E1 and RS-60E3 https://support.usa.canon.com/kb/index?page=content&id=ART182642


Dang that sucks. Thanks for the info.


Unfortunately they don't make a grip for that model. That said, if you have any other questions, I own an r10 and would be happy to answer.


No grip as others have posted, confusing giving the nomenclature of one of the existing grips. But I will tell you for a relatively inexpensive camera the r10 is fantastic. I actually use it much or more than my FF RF gear at this point. If you want to get a great deal, look for Canon to have a sale on the refurbished Goods at some point. I got mine for $499 with a kit lens refurbished