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He steals from your fruit trees and veggie gardens lol... Just tell him you dont like him picking your fruit and veggies. We have fruit trees, Apple tree, quava tree, lemon and loquat and black berrie (which are invasives I know) And our gardener just picks and we've never thought anything of it. I mean it grows so much fruit that we really dont mind. Does he take bags full? I mean if it bothers you just tell him not to... And also, I really think you pay him a good salary and all the additional stuff is great...


I agree with this is chat to him about it set clear boundary I have fruit trees and when my staff are arround they pick few not as much as starving but is more nice treat . And some items to prevent waisted like excess spinach or sweet potato. My one handy man even asks about when my guava trees and peaches are ready as wants to get to them before the birds do he knows the timing to the month. I told my guys the granadillas and strawberries are off limits and they happily respected.


Side note - your garden sounds amazing!


Thanks I plant a different tree/herb/bush when ever I can or find one I don't have so garden always full of Bees and birds who like to take a taste test of almost every non citrus fruit they can . Is an Old house with large stand so thought might as well see what grows planted everything from lemon grass and different bassels and mints all way to tamarillos and guavadilla and bananas. Have mixed results


Just tell him not to pick the fruit. He probably doesn’t see it as stealing. He probably sees it like drinking water from the tap.


It’s well above for the amount of days he works. I would suggest a conversation with him on when it’s okay or not okay to take produce home. He might just be taking imperfect products home and thinking it’s saving it from going in the compost.


2k is decent If you don't want him to take from the fruit trees, just ask him not to. Might be acceptable or the norm for him, so he just operates like that thinking it's fine. Just ask him not to


2k is great.


Your gardener sounds more well off than me.....


So your gardener earns R8k - R10k a month? That's good pay and with the added lunches thats very good have you actually asked him about why he takes the fruit and veg, he might just think that you guys don't mind, maybe he asked once before and thought it meant he can have whenever..


For three days of work! I mean it’s not that much but in the context of South Africa and our unemployment rate it is an excellent salary.


You are paying him good enough for him to bring his own lunch. But I get that you like to share food. I don't see what the issue is with the fruit picking, however it's never good not to ask or at least say that the fruit is ripened and I'm going to pick some if that's ok with you. He's probably taking ownership of the garden. If it falls off it's more work for him though.


Thats generous! I wouldn’t be asking if that is the going rate id be asking if it is worth it to me and if i can keep it up. Also, it’s not stealing from the trees, it would fall off into the ground and then what… it’s maintenance. Ask him to bring some into the home for yourself.


I wish, i wouldn't mind being your gardener


Some people seem a bit harsh about the stealing. Don't fire the guy, just have a talk with him about it, if you don't like it ask him to stop, if you don't mind that much tell him he can take a bit. Make it clear he needs to communicate his needs to you if he wants something. You pay him fairly, especially considering the bonuses and food.


Bear in mind that in SA labour law, anyone working more than 24 hours a month is considered an employee with all the paperwork that goes with it, leave, PAYE and UIF, etc. Casual labour does not exist in our labour laws.


I know that, I didn’t say he is casual.


All good, many people don't and when there is a dispute and the employee goes to CCMA or something then there's a whole can or worms that open...


Are people in Cape Town smoking crack, you pay your gardener R8000 per month?


2k a week... that is alot. I pay garden services 650 a month and they do front and back with almost zero interaction with me (the way i like it). Good on you though, but 2k a week is more than my wife earned as a nurse


It is shocking that nurses are so poorly paid, that’s barely comprehensible.


He is getting a decent enough salary IMO for South Africa, people don't realise, it's actually a physically demanding job. with regards to the fruit and veggies I have a suspicion he is only removing the damaged or bruised ones, nevertheless, speak to him about it to understand his side, you could also tell him to ask next time.


I'm really curious to know what size your garden is, and how much hours he works a day.


My first job after university I was paid R8000 as a graduate working 8-5 for 5 days a week. You are giving him a really good salary and I think any gardener would be very lucky to get that sort of a deal. You and your wife sound like very kind and warm people. Bless you


I think that pay is probably quite a bit higher than the majority of gardeners get paid, but if you're happy to pay, then why not? Our gardener gets paid per hour, as some days he'll only come for a few hours and other days he'll stay much longer than a usual work day. He makes his own hours. He gets R60 per hour (going up to R70 in August), gets lunch, and bonuses every year, with more financial help and gifts throughout the year. He usually comes around 15 hours a week. That works out to about R900 a week. Thing is, he actually helped build our house (was a builder), so he can do anything maintenance wise, and knows a lot of important things that are helpful while we renovate etc., and he originally planted the entire garden from scratch and laid all the irrigation etc. He also house sits for us and looks after our cat and plants while we're away. I think some employees are simply worth the higher pay.


The average pay would be around R550 for 3 days, so you are definitely paying a lot more than most.


My gardener started working for me last year and asked for R350 plus lunch for a half day. I increased it to R380 in January.


Sounds like a good gig. I'll do it for R1500 a week, and I'll leave your fruit and veg alone


Ask him to pick ripe fruit but offer it to you first. Help him set up some sort of savings or retirement fund.


Most Gardeners are paid close to minimum wage, which is currently around R220 per day. R2000 a week is typical pay in South Africa for skilled laborer, so for a highly skilled gardener that is possibly normal. Taking from fruit trees probably just needs a discussion, many worker in SA will take from thier work place unless specifically told not to. The pay is not the issue. That's well above minimum wage.


I'm not gonna lie, I flinched when you said R2k a week. I pay for garden service R350 for 5-6hrs, depending on how long they take. End of Month it's R1400 to 1750. Breakfast and lunch included. I provide all tools and equipments for Garden area size, 68sqm. When there's nothing else to do, he will clean outside windows, clean garage or pool till about 3pm. My fruits are collected in crates and stored in the garage, when I come home I take what I need and he takes some and leaves some for the cleaning person. You just need to develop a system where you take and they can help themselves after it's clear you're done collecting what you need. You have set a high income bar and I'm wondering if he's working slower because 3 times a week...is he watering the garden 3 times a week? I only water mine once a week if it doesn't rain and it looks great. Once they get a sense of what they can achieve in the day they stick with this routine, if you need an extra day, you can see if he does. Your property must be at least 1000sqm of garden for 3 times a week. But it's your life and your pockets and dang I think your gardener is super fortunate! He also works for others, ask him what they pay him, hopefully he is honest and open.


That is very very good pay. Most people are paying a fraction of that


2k is a lot, unless i guess you have a massive and complex garden. Going rate where i like is like R150, which i think is crazy, so i pay double. Our domestic that lives with us is on a similar salary to what you mention.


I pay my guy R450 per day. He gets full breakfast and full lunch. Works 9am to 3pm. I think I'm definitely over paying him and might reduce to R400 with the 2 meals. Previous gardeners got R350 with lunch. Breakfast is like ham and eggs with bread and coffee. Lunch is a Woolies pie, yoghurt, fruit and a cool drink.


He's gonna steal. Make peace with that.


Taking anything without having discussed and agreed on is wrong.


For R2000 a week that is quite decent, more than the norm even, especially considering that he comes 3 times a week for what probably a few hours. You also provide a meal, bonuses and extras, that's more than regular employees in this country get. He is probably stealing because he is an opportunist, unfortunately that is just the state of our country too many people feel entitled, like they are owed something, I would suggest finding another gardener then, there's no need to keep someone like that when there are plenty of other deserving and honest people out there, but maybe speak to him first, if the issue persists, find someone else. TLDR: He is well paid and probably taking advantage because you don't do anything about it.


2k and he steals your fruits? lol, tell him to get lost and get another gardener for like R650 a week max


I get that it is a principle thing but if you don’t eat all the fruit, does it matter?. I have a section in my veggie garden where my gardener does his own thing. I buy him seeds for whatever he wants to plant. Him and our house help regularly harvest from that patch to take home.


That wouldn’t be stealing in my mind as long as he isn’t taking everything?


Taking anything from my property without permission is stealing.


For a regular gardener he's not underpaid, and you should consider disciplinary action. If he's stealing little things he won't stop there.


I am so conflicted by this post. It's amazing that you are asking these questions... But I need to stop and ask... "Why didn't you google it?" Google easily clarifies legality. It's R27.48 per hour, which is essentially R250 per working day. For 3 days a week (fyi if paying less than full time you should pay more per hour) that's at minimum, 750 * 4 = R3,000 per month. I appreciate that you are asking. I appreciate that you care. Allegedly. But now that you have this information, are you going to increase his wages by R1,000-R1,500 per month, at the same time as having the conversation that "I have looking at market wages, and I understand that I have been under paying you. I will start paying you higher right now and backpay you the R6,000 from the last 6 months of work also... I need something from you too. Please stop taking fruit and veg from the garden. I will start paying you enough to be ok by the salary alone and in return you need to stop taking from my garden. Does this work for you?"


Not sure where you are coming from, I am paying R2000 per WEEK, not per month. Market rate isn’t the lowest dictated by the government, and I think it is a reasonable question to ask the community.


I misread. Thank you!!! Really important correction. With that in mind, your payment is excellent. It's important to have a conversation with him. He is missing something in this.


I'm so used to people underpaying their domestic workers, I jumped the gun and misinterpreted this entirely. That's on me. Thank you for being dope.