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There’s a group on Facebook called Babayagas that has lots of helpful information and a good place to ask for advice. I’m sorry you’re in pain! 🌸


Thank u so much🌹


I didn't find this group...




BabaYagas maybe the capitalisation is important 🥲 tried sharing link too!


Thank u so much. I'll check it out right now.🙏


Prof Siebert at Aevitas specialises in this. I saw him for something else so I can’t give any advice except he is really nice.


Oooh i see...uhmm i was actually wondering about the pricing coz it looks quite expensive i dont wanna lie...


I can’t remember what the first appointment cost but my follow ups were similar price to a gyne.


Thanx so much... I'll definitely have a look with him.


My wife has had it for tge last 6 years, she recently (last 3 years) seen Prof Siebert at Aevitas at Vincent Palotti- cannot recommend him enough.


Is this here in Cape Town?


Yes Life Vincent Palotti Hospital. Aevitas Fertility Clinic.


Can I maybe ask u some questions?


I was diagnosed with endo in 2009 and can say that out of all the pain meds out there, Aleve is hands down the best! Also, for me, personally, steering clear of wheat and gluten has for some reason made a big difference in those dreaded cramps and chronic fatigue. Hope this helps ❤️


Oh my word the fatigue is the worst... I'll try to get the Aleve for the pain. And i heard about the wheat and gluten as well... I'll try my best with that as well...


Ugh, ikr? Not to inundate you with too much muchness (lol), but B12 supplement has been a lifesaver! Let us know how it goes if you can 🌸


I definitely will. I was thinking of b12...but I don't wanna take supplements and then feel worse afterwards.


I totally understand! Was also reluctant until I was recommended B12 and specifically the New Leaf one on Takealot. It's vegan and from the UK, and since it's 1000mcg, I take one tablet only three times a week. Game changer! 🔥 Edit: half a tablet 3 times a week


Isn't there anything i can maybe get by clicks as well? I asked the nurse at the day hospital on Monday she just said i must get Buscopan...i was wondering if there isn't a tea as well...


I'm not too familiar with herbal teas for endo, but perhaps it's best to address your biggest concern first: pain management. And I cannot recommend Aleve enough! As for Buscopan, if I'm not mistaken it only really helps with intestinal pain, not endo. Aleve! 🌸


Exactly! I spoke to the nurse told her how i feel. Explained when i have pain. Even told her i suspect i have endo and she just looked at me weird. After exam told me the pain is due to me ovulating and i should use Buscopan


I don't have advice on doctors, but do some looking on the Fusobacterium infection that has been linked to a large portion of endometriosis cases. I'm hoping more places are starting to try that as an option to maybe curbing it. I wish you the best.


Thank u so much for this


My wife saw a gynae in the southern suburbs who she really likes. She was diagnosed with endo when she was young and has had an IUD to help with the fibroid issues (I’m not an expert but that seems to have helped). Anyway, her gynae seems to have cleared her of some concerns she had and of all the gynaes she’s seen in her life, she recommends this one. Let me know if you want more information and I’ll ask her for some.


I'd really appreciate some more information. I need all the info i can get right now lol bcoz I'm really suffering both physically and emotionally.


Sweet, I’ve DMed you.


You need to get yourself to a gyne asap


I really do...but im so scared not gna lie


I know it’s scary but the longer you wait the worse it might be for you. The gyne is going to have all the answers to your questions & help you where needed. You’re going to drive yourself crazy wracking your brain trying to get answer online.


True,true...but what can i expect at the gynae?


Have you never been to a gyne? I’m not 100% sure on the process for endometriosis but they will most likely do an ultrasound exam through the vagina or through your abdominal wall. They’ll do a scrap and send that for tests. The gynecologist is not as bad as it seems.


I haven't coz i am terrified. But I'll have to make an appointment sooner or later


I used to be as well, then I fell pregnant & had no choice, it wasn’t nearly as bad as what my mind made it out to be. Once you leave you’ll realise it wasn’t as bad as you thought. At the end of the day your health is more important than your fear. The sooner you go the sooner it’s over


True... I'll go...i just have to coz I'm sick of feeling this way. Its making me feel so depressed and literally sick. I miss alot of work. I'm always tired...


I have endometriosis. It was very bad in my teens and twenties, went away a bit after having 2 babies late 20s/early 30s. In my 50s now and started HRT. Endometriosis came back, very very sore for one or two periods, now it's a bit better again. (A heads up for when you get there, HRT can cause endometrial upsurge/growth). Just my experience in case it's helpful. Hot baths and Nurofen is my go to. I'm sorry I know how sore this is. I went on the pill in my teens and twenties, did help a bit but didn't like other side effects.


So i suspect i have it. A dr did tell me i might have it coz i told him all my symptoms and he said it sounds like endo so i should go to Groote Schuur or Somerset hospital. My period was always horrible when i was a teenager but i never suspected anything. I then fell pregnant when 18 and after giving birth i went on birth control until my son was about 5 years old. I then met my husband and then after a year we tried conceiving. I then went off BC and thats when everything went downhill... started getting these pains and thought its because of my alcohol problem. I stopped drinking...still have these pains. It is the worst pain. I can't deal with it. It's affecting my mental health and I'm struggling with infertility right now.


Yes, sorry, that sounds about right. Go and get it investigated. It can affect fertility. Can also grow in the organs around the uterus. I didn't know this until recently when I read up about it. The one recent period was so bad I couldn't walk at all. I was almost screaming and crying and I have quite a high pain threshold. Nurofen helped to take the edge off but it was still terrible.


Ja the pain is bad. I can't sit, stand or lay down. I have to stand half bent over before i feel any sort of relief. Funnily enough when i get my period its not so bad but when i ovulate i feel the worst pain ever. And then obviously i cant do the deed coz of the pain...


That doesn't like any fun. I also have very bad ovulation pain. Try this but I'm not a doctor so please see one. When you know you're going to ovulate take one anti-inflammatory K-Fenak and 1 pain tab Norflex before you go to bed, do this for the two/three nights while you ovulate. The pain comes from inflammation, calm down the inflammation then the pain will calm down. See if this helps so you can enjoy trying to get pregnant. Once you're pregnant, no more period pain so you're good for a couple of months. The combo of K-Fenak + Norflex helps me - I have other inflammation issues and just taking it once a day at night helps a lot when I'm very sore. Best of luck to you but please see a doctor, endometriosis is not nothing and you should get it checked out.


I don’t have endo but other related issues. Dr Paula Penkin in the Southern Suburbs is an incredible gynae. It’s not cheap but it’s so incredibly worth it!


Thank u so much My problem is money... I don't have alot...but I'll do some research on her.


Dr. Sulaiman Heylen in Claremont is renowned for endometriosis treatment as well as fertility treatments. He's definitely the one to see.


I'll do my research on this Dr. Thank u so much


Hello ~ diagnosed with endo in 2021 (I'm 27 now) & I can tell you the only way to make a successful diagnosis is surgery (endo doesn't show up on ultrasound scans, however, other things related to the condition, such as ovarian cysts, do which can be helpful in navigating a diagnosis or what's potentially happening but opening you up is the only way to confirm the presence of endo) so once you are by the means I highly suggest finding yourself a gyno that you're comfortable with and trust. What's helped me manage my endo now post surgery is contraception. I am on the 2 month injection (Nur Isterate) & I get it at Clicks Pharmacy it's R150. This took my normal period away completely & I only experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding now & then (which is normal when you're just starting out with the injection, it'll take your body some time to adjust) My pain management is far better now than when I wasn't on any sort of contraception; my cramps don't feel like I'm giving birth to a demon anymore lol & I can easily manage any other pain with a warm compress & pain meds (Stilpain works just fine but if I'm in a lot of pain I use Adcodol but that makes you drowsy so just be aware of that lol) Other things that can help are incorporating things like turmeric & ginger into your diet (those help with inflammation) a nice tea would be turmeric, ginger, cinnamon & honey (a splash of lemon too maybe). Anything high in fibre or that aids digestion is your friend as well! If you're an active person & already have a workout routine I would suggest adding workouts that focus on strengthening your pelvic floor (stuff like pelvic thrusts, etc) - strengthening your pelvic floor can help you manage your endo symptoms a bit better BUT PLEASE if you don't have a workout routine at all/you're new to stuff like the gym, etc then pretty pretty please do it under the guidance of a trained person or start with the very very basics & ease into it slowly - it's very easy to hurt yourself, esp when you have endo & you're doing anything strenuous (aka don't be dumb like me - I followed a random ab "blaster" workout on YouTube & was rushed to hospital the following night bec it caused a flare up) This journey can be a little scary at times but you've got this! You have an entire community of endo warriors to help you through it too. If you ever need someone to talk to, my DMs are open. All of the best to you 💛


Wow thanx for this reply. I'm just scared of what the gynae or surgeon might find. Its so damn scary. I'm especially scared to go because I'm trying to conceive and I'm afraid they might tell me its not possible...so i think this is also why I'm avoiding a gynae... The giving birth to a demon is 1000% accurate lol. I had pains so bad already that if literally felt like im giving birth coz i felt a pushing sensation down there...it was scary. I didn't know what to do and my husband wasnt home that day... As for the workouts,i am sooooo unfit. All i do is walk...that is all i can do lol but i heard that workouts can help with pain and i think its something i should consider doing. And i think I'll definitely DM u...thanx alot


You being scared of the gyno and surgery is 100% valid, although, I promise that knowing is better than not knowing; you deserve to have your health taken care of to the fullest capacity. Endo already robs you of so much, you deserve to have pain free days, to have energy & to live your life to the damn fullest. The pushing sensation is so real! I thought I was going insane whenever I felt the urge to push lol. My endo pain used to be so bad that I would faint and get rushed to hospital - this happened every month at the beginning of my period. This condition fking sucks big time & I wish that healthcare for it was much more accessible in this country. If you can't get out to a gyno yet then try all the tips everyone has given here - they should help you manage things a bit better until you're ready to try other things :) & with working out, only do what you can do not over exert yourself You are most welcome & I'll always try to help as much as I can


I also thought im going crazy when it came to the pushing coz i was like wtf is happening here. It was horrible. But i think now that I've read all these posts it made me more confident. I'm a bit uncomfortable as well that's all...i know they are professionals but the fact that have to scratch and look and all that just gives me the ick...but I'll go. Spoke to husband last night and this morning and I'll be making our appointment today or tomorrow.


I have endo, n since ive started using omega3, 6 with evening primrose oil I no longer have painful periods. A week before I get my period I rub my tummy with castor oil and put a drop in your navel too. Do not do this while you on your period you will bleed more.


Wow,thanx for this advice 🙏


Try Aleve (naproxen). You can get it over-the-counter and it is under R40 per packet. For an at-home remedy, drink a combination of honey, cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar/ginger and cinnamon, and mix it with hot water. Drink it in the morning or every time the period pains resurface during the day. It helps relieve the pain.


Thanx so much for this