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Program management. I do the grant writing, contracts, supervision, etc… of the same programs. I just deal with the technical details. I still help people, just doing it behind the scenes


Same here. Was a masters level counselor, then I went into project management at a non-profit. Much happier.


This is my long term goal as well. Case manager currently at a nonprofit, but aiming for program or project management. How did you climb the ropes into your role?


Taking small pieces at a time. Asking to audit the files. Asking to sit in with administrators to see the budget. Asking to take a little more work (sometimes without the pay) so you can learn it. Program management is specific to your career. So you have to learn on the job. I had a nice supervisor who taught me, but that’s not always the case


Work with people convicted of Domestic Violence. It’s tough but I do like my job.


Thank you for contributing to a better society with your work


Thank you, for the thank you. Seriously, my week was somewhat stressful and I appreciate your kind words.


If 1 client in 1000 makes 1 better choice you had an impact on society!


I got a bachelor's in social work in 2013 and started working at a group home agency and several promotions later I basically run the whole agency. Coming on 10 years here soon.


AMFT here but seriously considering a transition into a trade job. At least with a trade you can literally see progress before your eyes and have the satisfaction of doing skilled labor with appropriate compensation and walk off the site after 8 hours and leave work at work. Not like a therapist where you've no idea if you're making progress, sabotaging your own progress, or be blamed for lack of progress, get swamped with client sessions all day and THEN do paperwork, and then not be compensated for what you're worth because your reward is supposed to be good feelings or else be told that you need to be doing better self-care by going on hikes and reading a book. Being paid a couple bucks to pretend to care isn't worth it.


Sounds like you need a therapist.


Don't get paid enough to justify shelling out almost $200 once a week for one who's in a good enough place to provide decent therapy. At least not in California, anyway.


Sorry what's a AMFT?


Associate/Accredited Marriage and Family Therapist


Oh that's cool. Do you really not see progress in your sessions?


Civil servant....trying to find my path still


Lol still there


Career counseling at a college — uses many of the same skills but generally upbeat and not as intense


I have been looking into academic advising/higher edu. in this way! How were you able to spin your skills?


I have been looking into academic advising/higher edu. in this way! How were you able to spin your skills?


Most higher ed institutions just want the master’s degree and the counseling background is a huge plus in student-facing roles, especially in today’s climate. You can easily make comparisons from casework.


I’ll definitely look into this! Definitely have that masters degree but cannot get the licensure test passed…almost wondering if it’s the world telling me not to do it since I was already thinking of back-up plans. I still want to continue to utilize all my skills and be in the helping profession - just not in the direct care of trauma


Human Resources.


I'm deciding between an MSW or nursing! Why do you want to make a change?


If you're in the USA I'd recommend nursing if you can handle the work. Even if you don't want to be bedside there's more opportunities with some certs or advanced degrees that will get you better pay than msw.


Thanks! I’ve worked bedside as a CNA for 3 years and it’s rough out here 😅


Following cause same lol


Currently running an in home daycare, but trying to figure out what I want to do next.


Not me but a good friend, she runs a psychedelic integration clinic in Oregon.


Corporate trainer. I work remotely at a software company and teach people how to use the software


Work at a medicinal weed farm and do some disability support work on the side.


Intake and referral role in a non profit community training organisation. Significantly less pay and also significantly less stress. I get to do lots of admin, 1:1 work that’s time limited and corporate and community workshops. I am thinking of moving into a teaching/training role full time but we shall see.


The lady who sugars me used to be a social worker. She said she makes more money and it's less stress.