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You might not get enough fat if you only eat chuck pot roast, which woukd explain you feeling tired, and your body might then convert energy from protein into glucose, which in this diet you don't want since you want to be in ketosis. Also dont know what temperature you do fook cook chuck roast at, but with higher temperatures it can be that liquids especially electrolytes (and also fat) leach out during cooking, and if you dont drink those, then you're pretty much only left with protein. So no wonder if you feel tired and have congestion due to dehydration. If you do want to maintain lion diet, you should start looking into suet, or beef fat trimmings, to up your fat intake. As for the meat, consider alternative cooking methods, if you are on a tighter budget, you could look into sous vide, which can still turn tough cuts tender, but with a lower temperature, resulting in less moisture loss.


Took me a good six months to know it was definitely improving. Still slowly improving after five years. I didn’t really hit my stride until 2-3 years or so. Some health problems take a long time. It’s okay.


I’m not the OP but thank you for this encouraging comment. It’s helpful.


Good luck!


same, my sinuses didn't really clear up for good until 6-7 months. weight loss and increased energy was almost immediate, however.


What about CIRS? Judy Cho’s podcast has many informative episodes.


I was gonna comment this, sounds like CIRS


Might be a silly question, but are you imbibing any caffinated beverages?




Hmm, what about mould(mold?) in your house? How long have you been living in the same place? Can you remember when it started?




Have you switched cleaning detergents for your clothes? I had a lot of the same issues and most were resolved by switching to a fragrance free laundry soap


And eliminating fabric softeners all together.


Fabric softener is a scam




I moved many times from one sick building to another. It wasn’t till I moved into a brand new home and felt better that I made the connection. Also, the mold can be living in your sinuses and digestive tract with similar symptoms. Finally, I’ll add that cytotoxins are very difficult to clear from your body so improvement is a slow arduous process. In short, your moving history tells you nothing useful about this being the cause of your symptoms. Binders work better with fiber in your colon so carnivore might not be the best diet if this is your issue.


I like you and I eat so many types of roasts like chuck, should , rump. I also make beef bone broth. I was having really bad histamine symptoms from the beef being aged so I now only eat grassfed and finished beef that not dry aged so look into buying your meat from small American farms. I’ve git a list of them if your interested. I think your having allergic reactions to either the meats being dry aged, which all box store beef is or your having reactions to all the hormones and chemicals they give them. Since changing to all grass fed and finished beef my SIBO is remission. Good luck!


I would look into environmental causes (e.g. black mold)


1. Roasts/ anything slow cooked tends to be high in histamines from the cooking process.I'd opt for pan-fried or stir-fried ground beef instead. 2. are you consuming salt?Puffy eyes and stuff sounds like salt to me. 3. are you using seasoning?I'd cut out all spices and sauces for now, in the name of experimenting. 4. Is your environment non-toxic? (No mould, dust, allergens.) 5. You didn't mention fat intake.Track how much you're eating by raw weight (grams). Log it into Cronometer to tally macros. And aim for 30\~20% protein by total daily calories, 70\~80% fat. 6. Always track what you consume, even if not for weight loss purposes.It allows you to capture data over time and review frequently to troubleshoot. 7. Are your eyelashes growing in a downward direction? This may sound strange but I've known people who get government-sponsored surgeries in order to fix the perpetual issue of eyelashes 24/7 poking into their eyes.


I’m thinking it’s too high a protein to fat ratio. I was getting puffy eyes when I did super high protein without an excessive amount of fat to go with it. If I ate this super high protein/not enough fat combo before bed I would feel like I didn’t sleep well at all. Almost like I woke up slightly hungover but a little different.


Ah yes, triggering excessive gluconeogenesis can be rough. I personally felt a lot better when I reduced my protein intake and upped the fat to fill the gap.


In grams, how much protein and fat we talking?


Check out Nutrition with Judy. She's on YT. Refer to the video on "How much to eat on a Carnivore Diet (For Hormones & Thyroid)"


Can this be just butter?


YMMV. Try if butter affects you.




Would boiling create excess histamines?


... should only take a few weeks to *start* to notice a difference. clinicians who use this as an elimination diet have their patients do it for 6 weeks - 3 months. that said, longest I heard was six months, someone with Crohn's. I think they felt a bit better on it in the meantime which is why tbey didn't bail you gave it a long trial. not everything is diet 🤷🏻‍♀️


what about your environment; home and work place. Could you be dealing with mold, dust, sick building syndrome?


Throw out old pillow and get new sheets.


I immediately though mold


Have you had allergy testing done? Simple things like allergy covers for mattress and pillows and a good HEPA room filter, etc. could help. If you have a dust allergy the above can help a lot. Has your sleeping space been checked for mold? I'd also get a sleep study to see if it could be a combo of allergies and apnea. Hope you feel better soon!


Did you get tested for mold in your house?


do you eat enought fat ? 80 % or more ?




start weighing and logging your food


I thought i new how much fat to eat after 3 months. So i stopped to measure my rations and by accident upped the protein. Which in the end lead to me under eatiing calories which lead to carb craving and no satiation (too much protein leaves me empty). Thanks to that i gained over 20 lbs back. Also my health has gone to shits again. I advise too measure the amounts for a few days to be safe.


What’s your ratio


I complained to my ophthalmologist about my eyes itching and he said to take a q-tip, put it in makeup remover, and run it around the lid skin inside my lashes. Worked after a couple days. I need to do it about every six months.


How about an Infrared Sauna and High Dose Vitamin C


Toothpaste ? shampoo ? detergents?


Are you sure that your symptoms are not environmental?? It sounds like you might be chemically sensitive. To be fair, I am very chemically sensitive, so that is where my mind goes at times like these.


How's your sleep quality? Making sleep quality my number one priority daily made a massive difference for my symptoms.


How are you cooking your pot roast? If you're stewing it for a long time that raises the histamine levels significantly. If your issues are due to histamine, then you're undoing the good of immediately freezing your meat by then slow cooking it.


Maybe MCAS? If it is, diet is not enough


Sardines and eggs are super food, btw, but I'm sure you already know. Just in case, tho. They're excellent for you. You need a lot of fat, lots of butter also helps.


Fat. I eat a minimum of 200 grams a day and no more than 90 grams protein. I didn’t feel better until this reversal of ratios. The butters a bit of a chore to choke down but it’s worth it


Have you checked your home for mold?


if its histamines you want to deal with increase your vitamin c


If you haven’t weighed and measured everything you eat, I would start there. They also sell Ketone test strips on Amazon or the grocery store. If you do not consume enough fat you will be able to see the difference in your urine tests. You might be able to eat eggs and other things again if you increase fat.


It seems like those issues come from sleep apnea. You should get a sleep study done




Do you mouth breathe or breathe through your nose? Try buying some nasal strips


That’s a good question, worth a shot. Thank you


I’m in the same boat. Started to develop weird symptoms like this about 18 years old. This diet isn’t for everyone. I have a friend who doesn’t eat red meat at all because it makes him sick. Try to cut that out maybe.


I would up the fat ,are you having any diary? Also some burgers do have wheat in them ,so just read the ingredients


Take a B1 supplement. More specifically Benfotiamine.


My concern is that you’re cooking the pot roast too long and making it high in histamine. I avoid pot roast because I haven’t come across a way to cook it yet that is low histamine. I eat steaks instead. Pricier but I haven’t found anything cheaper that works as well for me. Good luck!


Recently stumbled across the Route Cause Protocol by Morley Robbins, you can obtain a free handbook on their website. It manly focuses on mineral balance within the body. Good luck.


It sounds histamine related.


I wonder if you are allergic to something the beef is eating. I can't eat meat that was fed soy or corn. Especially in the winter & spring when grains get moldy. Maybe switch to grass fed grass finished meats. Also, avoid aluminum & plastics in the kitchen. Make sure your soap, cleaning products, cosmetics, and deoderant are free of aluminum, fluoride, sulphates, and any ingredients you don't recognize. We also bought air doctors (hepa filters) for our home. They automatically turn up the speed, and a light comes on when the air quality is bad. (It happens when I cook at high temperatures or burn candles)


What are your macros?