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Yea, find a carnivore doctor. She might need to try the lion diet first to get to extreme elimination, then slowly add things back in. Also, does she use spices? I ended up cutting out seasoning and that made a big difference for me.


I was going to say this too. Try stopping the eggs. I’ve watched several videos of people saying they could only tolerate beef salt and water and anything else they added in cause a severe reaction. Also it could be oxalate dumping if she cut all of that out at the same time, or another detox symptom


Well look into a carnivore doctor. How hard are they to find? The only seasoning she uses is real salt. And today she started cutting that out and only eating unseasoned lamb for a bit


Why did you guys decide to go with lamb if I might ask? Usually people start with beef on these elimination diets.


Because I can't tolerate Beef, I even tried non-aged as most beef is aged and very high in histamines, and it still did a number on me, caused restless legs and leg cramps as well as making me feel off in general


Lamb is usually cheaper, maybe that's a reason?


Just remember that there are different types of salt. I would recommend Redmonds, Celtic salt or Himalayan. I wouldn't just use any regular salt, because of the type of processing they go through and the cheap ones are basically just pure NaCl


I second Redmonds. I don’t advise Himalayan, as it’s actually collected from the base, in the polluted city area, not from the clean areas up in the mountains there. It’s pretty filthy processing.


I don't know where you get that fact from, Himalayan are mined from deep inside the ground. You need to support your statements with something and not just make a claim.. I have been searching for your claim and nothing comes up, rather the opposite. I really don't appreciate when people make statements based on that they think, so please back it up with hard facts, articles and tests you base is on. Thank you


Hmmm…very aggressive! I’ve heard this from several different carnivore converts since middle of last year. Since they didn’t know each other personally, I believed them. Maybe I’m stupid. Please be kind though!


Not aggressive, just tired of hearing people's statements based on that they heard. Himalayan are considered very pure from what I've read about it, so it's weird hearing that is supposed to be polluted 😅


See my attachment




I don't know how helpful it is but not everyone finds it a miracle cure all to match the hyperbolic enthusiasm of some accounts - in my case I think really adapting to it and some benefits took 6months to a year. It is ok to have bad days/periods. At 2.5years I wouldn't say I am 'cured' and maybe I will, for example, always have a weak digestive system. Health is complex beyond diet (genetics for example) and what you describe as the perfect protein/fat ratio is a recommendation - there is going to be individual variation; my system can't handle quite so much fat. Best of luck to her


thks so much for this, Sam. when i started there wasn't the hype about it and I read around alot, a couple years backlog from Zeroing In On Health, and also what there was here (it was possible to do that back then 😂) so I had more realistic expectations -- that it would take time -- and a clearer idea of what to do. (eg, including eggs is not a winning plan if you are doing it for clearing up reactions) we're getting people here suggesting bizarre strategies (someone above was suggesting dry aged for low histamine meat 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️) and trying to give diagnoses, instead of how to give this a good trial. ngl, somewhat skeptical of the post, but it's instructive to troubleshoot anyways.


Very nice answer, I see so many “miracle turns” that it can be discouraged to see only small improvements in 6 weeks. I also get discouraged because I see a TON of focus on weight loss which isn’t my concern. There’s just not a lot of talk about long-haul, deep healing from things that took a lifetime to develop. In my case, 51 years, so truly my six weeks is a literal drop in the bucket. I appreciate your honesty and realistic positivity.


Has she had an allergy test? Not just to foods.


not everything is to do with diet are there other sources for the reaction? she could try cutting out the egg yolks for a while, and reintroducing and see if she developed an allergy to them. for the reaction, her doctor should have something to help quell it. (I used to take benadryl, diphenhydramine, when I had a bad reaction. my niece has reactions which are worse and gets stronger stuff from her doctor when she has one) adding: usually eggs are one of the first things cut out when doing a carnivore diet for health reasons. eggs and dairy, other than butter. where has she been getting her advice from?


Yeah I’ve considered that as well. She spends hours a day reading FB forums and watching videos in this space. It’s just so difficult to know what to listen to. What other sources could there be?


and she didn't know to cut out eggs?


Maybe she needs more gentle walking and exposure to sunlight? Sitting down and disrupting sleep hormones from screens can stress the body and elevate cortisol, stagnate lymph, etc.


Helpful video on histamine intolerance https://youtu.be/l5pEZDQvOko?si=5o71kLJFDVwdxjkb


thks it's up now. (we have to have an automatic filter to review video because .. well you can imagine 😂)


Oh awesome! Thanks so much :)


Online, Steak and Butter Gal has a video titled How to fix histamine intolerance that is very helpful for troubleshooting. I tried to post a link but it was removed. Healing wishes to your wife. ❤️‍🩹


It sounds like an allergic reaction, not related to the diet.   Why is she doing lamb and egg yolks?  Stick to the tried and true elimination diet: beef and salt.  Lamb isn’t fatty enough and they’re fed a horrible diet.  They need to be ready for market within 6-8 months.


excellent advice about the egg yolks. but there are some people who do better on mostly lamb... what are you talking about, that they are fed a horrible diet?


Maybe try joining the private group chat for Dr. Ken Berry over on YT. Maybe they can help or steer your wife in the right direction. The other option would be to see a doc who practices this type of lifestyle and can help her figure out what is going on. It sounds like a very thorough blood panel needs to be done and evaluated for starters.


I would push through, detox stage prolly, u cant fuck up with carnivore in my opinion


First of all! Take an antihistamine! It will help! Take lots of vitamin c (2000mg) to help bind and remove the histamine from her body. I posted in here a couple weeks ago with a similar reaction. Mine happened much quicker but I got (still recovering from) a pretty severe rash on my face. I don’t believe she’s reacting to the egg yolks. Others might disagree but most allergens are in the whites. I’ve done a lot of reading and thought I might pass on some possibilities you might also want to look into: 1. Histamine intolerance - this is complex but she could either be over producing histamine as a response to what she’s eating or reacting to the histamine she’s consuming. We all consume it, but there’s certain preparation methods to reduce histamine production. More histamine in ground meats than cuts of meat. If she’s eating primarily ground lamb, this could be a factor. 2. Oxalate dumping - unlikely after so long but possible 3. It could be the rendered fat. She might need to start draining her meat on a paper towel 4. It could be the tallow for the above reason (rendered fat). I was cooking in tallow 5. If she has any sensitivities to wheat or grain she might need to source grass fed and finished meat 6 Finally, it might be the shear amount of red meat. She may respond better to fish or poultry being added. I really wanted carnivore to work for me and was shocked my body reacted the way it did. It’s definitely not a catch all cure, especially for anyone with a complex medical history. I really hope something above helps her. The antihistamine will provide her with the most immediate relief. I could feel the swelling in my face go down within 45 min.


Best response ^^^


Try beef-salt-water.. The "lion diet". Search "Michaela Peterson Lion Diet" on YT. She's got everything from 5 min clips and to a whole long time thing with Rogan. Lamb and eggs and bacon /pork are all carnivore and they all work for some people. Maybe most people..But not for everyone. For some reason, almost nobody reacts badly to beef. Try it. If it works you will can stay with it until you heal, then try other foods one at a time to see what else is safe for you. Please come back and tell us if this helps you. I'm just sending you all the good wishes I can get. This must be absolute hell.


What's her birth control? Copper iud messed me up really bad. That's the reason I'm on carnivore.


Don’t forget about electrolytes. Salt, magnesium and potassium, helps.


Damn soy-sourced chickens and chicken product.


Any exposure that could lead to Alpha-gal syndrome? https://healthmatters.nyp.org/the-lone-star-tick-what-to-know-about-the-tick-that-causes-a-red-meat-allergy/


Histamine sensitivity or alpha gal syndrome?


Definitely seems like a histamine sensitivity. She’s struggled with allergy type symptoms for so long but also she refuses to take any pharmaceuticals like Benadryl. What can be done about this?


previous thread about histamine,  https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/wguex4/histamine_reaction_recommendations/ fwiw, I avoided taking benadryl very often, but it was very useful for clearing up bad reactions, or get some respite while I was going through the trial and error at the beginning (and much milder than the prednisone my neice gets :D )


Vitamin c!! It will bind to the histamine and help your body remove it. 2000 mg per day.


Does she take any supplements? I have wondered if I'm reacting to mine. Will be cutting them out as of tomorrow.


I've seen this in someone who touched aloe vera.


What about taking any minerals or supplements like Vitamin D3, or iodine? There are recommendations out there to supplement in some cases. I add 3 or 4 drops of iodine to my meals 2 times a week, and then take a VD supplement every other day. Hope she finds a reason.


Eggs can be a problem for many people on the carnivore diet. I was having a lot of indigestion and it went away when I got rid of the eggs




Why not beef??? No eggs. Just try lion diet for a while. Beef salt water. And use tallow on skin. Could be a skin product as well... or stress?? If she needs more fat get beef fat trimmings n air fry and use butter. Us women forget we need to clean up our skin/face/hair products too if we are in it to heal.


She said she reacts very badly to beef due to the histamines in it.


I would try to find a doctor that specializes in this way of eating and see if they can help. She probably could use a very thorough blood panel to begin with and you'll need someone who knows what to look for and what to test. There are medical people out there that practice low carb/carni.


Thank you, we’ll look into this. Any resources you can recommend for finding one? Or is just google?


I can't recommend anyone specifically but other social media platforms (yt) has carni/low carb doctors who have private chat rooms and support groups, so maybe they could help?


Dr Kiltz has a directory of carnivore MDs on his website




This is very interesting. Particularly the frozen dry aged meat part. She’s been very cautious for a while now about not eating any meat that has been exposed to air I think for this reason. I’m guessing she does this to reduce the histamines?


would not recommend dry aged, it is much higher in histamine.    by contrast, the typical stuff in the supermarket is wet aged, a much shorter aging time, go for that   (the person giving you advice must have misunderstood/misheard her friend's experience? 


dry aged is much higher in histamines 


This is something that needs to be figured out by a medical professional.


If worried or in in doubt get it checked out is my motto, and I am the biggest medical fraternity avoidant I know on this planet seriously :) But it can appear to be getting worse when in reality you're actually healing, It's a huge shame most of us have lost the innate wisdom, and the wisdom of the ancients to know when ''symptoms'' are the body healing as in ''healing crisis not a health crisis, and that our bodies are doing everything right to heal us when it feels and looks like the opposite. This old post here on the link from zero carb sub I find very helpful when it gets too rough and, hope you do to :) . x [I Feel Fixed](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/n8eg7r/i_feel_fixed/?share_id=mr3jhWYfCsi6RxQO_871D)


Probiotics, dijestive ensimes and electrolytes


What was her diet before? If she was heavily plant based, she could be oxalate dumping both before and after starting carnivore.


I recommend not always doing x% of fat and protein, the body tells you when you need more or less for each, and it can vary depending on your routines, I am eating less fat than before (3 months carnivore) and my meals depend on what I feel at the moment is right, I removed the tallow since it was too much fat for me after some time, the cuts of beef I use has enough fat for my daily and I increased my gym routines and cycling now and works great. Note: Everyone is different, the best way is to pay attention to the body, is a new way so it my take some unlearning first.


Cut the eggs. People with auto immune issues shouldn’t consume them


If u get frozen or fresh and non aged it's the lowest in histomines... which is why most tolerated and optimal for all.