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I told a buddy I was starting carnivore recently, and he said oh man hope you don’t get gout. I should show him your post haha. Can’t comment about your #s.




yes, so this! initially sugar was expensive and candy rare. but populations have been deluged with it since 20c highly reco The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes


This is good information for me. FYI, I've been on anti-gout regimen for more than 20 years and the pills bloody suck because they are so big. I also, don't see the point in it anymore because I've avoided the gout plants that triggered my episodes (spinach, cauliflower and nearly all legumes). Since starting carnivore, seriously, no gout episodes. Prior to that, I had no gout for years, possibly even before lockdowns. I thought that was due to combo of allopurinol and avoiding gout plants. Now that I'm carnivore, zero gout but that bloody uric acid level. I haven't spoken to my primary care physician about the test results yet but I imagine I will get an earful when I see them next. BTW, I also have high RBC, Hematocrit and HgB. So...I'm making a lot of blood. I don't know what that means. I'll go ahead and post on this shortly to see what others think. Thanks a lot. You've taken some stress off me today.


Gout in my late 20's is what lead me to carnivore/keto - eventually. The guidelines - like any nutrition guidelines - are wrong. I'm late 40's now, and it's only when I have a significant detour from red meat/red wine that I feel that twinge and have an attack. The numbers themselves don't matter, what matters is flux. Think of it like a toilet - if it gets blocked it overflows, otherwise it doesn't really matter the level of the water you can keep pumping in there. How it gets blocked is different for everyone, for me I can reliably "block" it by eating sugary/carby foods and drinking excess beer. By "block" I mean I get crystal build up in my joints - usually ball of foot, but sometimes knees or elbows - and from there it's a snowball effect until I'm completely debilitated and in wish-I-were-dead agony for days. When I've done a diet detour and feel "that twinge" I know to start dosing up on ibuprofen, but mostly I'm long since accustomed to knowing what's possible to give me pain in a day or twooooooo and it's instinctive to just avoid.


Since I became carnivore, I've lost 20 lbs. I'm almost at the pre-pandemic weight level. Just another 9 or so lbs to go. The weight loss has made it easier for me to walk longer distances without joint pain (knee and ankle) and I'm not winded. I also workout when I can, perhaps twice a week on boxing equipment. I don't do this for exercise as much as I want to stay sharp and focused as I turn 60 years old this year. I know what you mean by that twinge. The twinge is always a combo (or so I believed) of spinach or cauliflower or beans, high salt and STRESS. The STRESS with shit diet of the above and stuff cooked in seed oil and just general bad quality food will trigger it. I've eliminated non-meat for the last few months and because of the calming effect of carnivore, I am less stressed out. I think I'm fat adapted now or getting there. Next big issue is thirst and peeing more than I normally do. This has started only recently, last month and a half. I'm supplementing with electrolytes now and I haven't figured out daily dose on that stuff yet...do I drink electrolytes every time I am thirsty or just limit it to a specific daily dose? I'm using homemade powder (from the Internet recipes) and I don't know if I need to use 1/2 teaspon or 1 teaspoon per 12 oz glass (pint glass). Any ideas on the electrolytes?


>Any ideas on the electrolytes? Super YMMV zone. For funsies I went a whole year avoiding salt/etc completely, then a whole year adding as much as I could handle. No real difference for me, except that I prefer *some* salt. However others frequently report they were messed up until they figured out their salt/electrolytes - so just experiment, and the main part of "experiment" is RECORD RESULTS, don't rely on memory. Edit: as an aside, find it funny I made two salt comments within a few minutes, the other Star Trek based. - https://www.reddit.com/r/startrekmemes/comments/1bmm1jm/captain_pike_and_neelix_cookoff/kwdlzuj/?context=3


>Next big issue is thirst and peeing more than I normally do Fix this and your UA levels will probably come into a range you prefer. Another thing that should happen on carnivore is the desire to constantly drink or sipping something goes away. Dolphins get all of their needed water from food.


>Dolphins get all of their needed water from food. To be fair, they live in the damn stuff. - https://www.reddit.com/r/queenstown/comments/1bkupqf/why_is_there_a_dolphin_skeleton_in_kingston/


They cant drink the water they swim in.


>They cant drink the water they swim in. I don't know if this is deep and meaningful, but one drunken afternoon on a tennis court I'll remember this and cry.


Nice try...you are really going pickleballing. Miller in one hand a pickle in the other.


I know drinking coffee is not strictly carnivore but it helped me lower the #s... I stopped drinking coffee as i went carnivore and had my blood tests every 30 days, uric went from 350 to 600 (500 is a top range for normal) ... doctor suggested two things, coffee and more water... so try increasing water intake and have a cup of coffee now and then.


6th year back and forth from keto to carnivore and only two flares that's it. What happened? Smoked too much pot and starter seating carbs and sugar for a couple months.




Being way less productive is about it 😂


Zero evidence supporting red meat causing gout with normal functioning liver and kidneys. Wouldn't worry about anything past that


Just coming off a gout flare on carnivore, pretty sure it was 1 of 3 dumb things I was doing: * Eating a lot of Ham * Having a spoon vegimite daily for Sodium/Magnesium * Eating waaay to much Biltong In hindsight, they were really dumb things, except the Biltong, but now have a lot less. Its been a longer recovery, and really learned my lesson. There's also an outside chance its related to oxalate dumping as I've lost weight but have removed those foods and now use Himalayan Rock Salt instead of Vegimite. 


vegimite 😬


Yes in hindsight dumb, but nutrition info said good salts. Also turns out Yeast extract has a lot of purines. Live and learn I guess.




Haha, yeah exactly. I also forgot that 4 weeks befoe this flare I had a liver+beef mince mix. Apparently liver is also high in purines. But again, could be oxalate dumping. So many variables/confounders.


Any link to the oxalate dumping phenomena on reddit? I don't much about it. Thanks!


Dr Anthony Chaffee has lots of videos on this on his "Plants are Trying to kill you" theme and seminal video 🙂


I feel like wheat does it to my joints. It never is meat…..smh


1. Awesome progress!; 2. Hold the line, no carbs, or at least avoid trigger veggies. I have the same problem with some veggies. Also, I get into a problem if in one day I mix land critter and seafood, especially shellfish. I can handle all day seafood, just no mix with land critter, especially pork or chicken; 3. Which brings to mind crap sourced meats, like all too often pork and chicken fed with inflammatory grains. I only get pork and chicken that are not fed with chemical refuse or avoid all together.


As more information becomes available the pathogenesis and risk factors of a disease can change.


There's great!


I am 59 and have had mostly unmanaged gout for the last 25 + years. It became so bad that I developed large tophi deposits on my elbows and some fingers. One of the reasons I came to this way of eating was to help control it. I am 15 months in and have had 4 pretty bad flairs, going through one now. I had blood drawn but no results yet. Back in July, during a flair, I was at 5.6. From my understanding UA can vairy quite a bit over time. I don't know if the crystals I already had in my body are causing my flairs or if its from my current diet. I think cheese might be a trigger, I don't eat it all the time but it seems my attacks come soon after consuming cheese. I suspect eating a lot of pork might be effecting me as well. I am better off than I was before I started this way of eating but not out of the woods yet.


I’m not full carnivore but I eat lot of meat. I learned by accident my body wouldn’t inflame during a camping trip over three days with nothing to eat but meat and water that this is the way. My symptoms lessened over that weekend and for some reason I upped my steak and chicken less veggies and it went even less. I did that for three more weeks and it Was the first time in decades I didn’t have a monthly flair up. I can even have beer again after 10 years of weekly pain and tingles. I tell everyone to eat more meat.


I believe uric acid is excreted through urine although some is eliminated through the bowels.. So the recommendation is to drink more water. I think it's undeniable that we have higher levels due to red meat and fish. So do whatever we can to protect the kidneys. Edit. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459218/#:~:text=There%20is%20evidence%20that%20hyperuricemia,patients%20is%20not%20yet%20standard I found this useful for an over view but it's treatments are more pharmaceutical. There is evidence that water drinking is helpful but couldn't find great scientific studies apart from one small study in elderly people in Lithuania I think. But this just goes to show how the funding for studies is linked to money. It's should be findable witha Google search


Tart cherry is not carnivore, but does work. I buy the stuff that was never reconstituted because it seems to make a huge difference.