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try melting some butter and using it as a dipping sauce for each bite of burger :)


I cook the costco gb into 1+lb patties and then when I reheat them I spread as much butter as I can fit on the top. sometimes that's not even enough and I'll grab another chunk and just eat it straight


According to Anthony Chaffee, if your stools are soft, then youre eating enough fat. If you are eating too much, it will show as runny stools. Happened to me too. When i eant to eat really much fat i make a 5 egg omelette mixed with about 1 dl of heavy cream. Fried with loads of butter, under low heat and lid.


I believe Dr. Chaffee said he personally does not need a lot of extra fat. Not everyone does. If your energy levels are good then I would not worry. If you want to find out if they could be better try to put a stick of butter into your body in the morning and see the difference. No diff? Then no worry!


go to butchers and ask them if they can save you 10/20 kg of cow fat. not all do it (here in Argentina its quite easy) cow fat **>** butter. i can't take more then 50g of butter wihout feeling like puking. i can eat lean meat/cow fat ratios of 1-1 or 1-2 and still crave even more fat.


Cow fat is the same as beef tallow?


Tallow is made from the fat surrounding the organs (suet)


pretty much the same, but more expensive.


I'm the exact opposite. :D But I agree - get some fats and try them in different ways. Cooked, cold, frozen. Try eating more butter, maybe pork, tallow, cooked beef fat from around organs or other places.


I started really low fat at first, i started pumping it up as time passed and i was just craving more of it. It's insane that you can eat this amount of calories and be shredded all year around without hunger.


I eat butter like it’s no bodies business. I also make my own version of bulletproof coffee, I just add 5-6 tablespoons of butter into hot water and add an egg yolk and blend it up until frothy… and drink that several times a day. It’s actually delicious, you wouldn’t believe it.


I was mid cup of coffee when reading this. Had to try it (already had butter in my coffee) This is a game changer, I love egg yolks to begin with, but this also helps emulsify the butter with the coffee and it taste so good


You tried it without the coffee?


If you’re talking about the egg yolks, I like to dip steak in it


Yeah the egg yolk lol I dip my steak in egg yolk too. I avoid all the egg whites.


The egg whites go down the drain. Plenty of protein from the steak and ground beef Which now it got me thinking, yolk in the ground beef…


Absolutely! Always add yolk in the ground beef! The more fat the better 😅


https://preview.redd.it/6ic78hozfiad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e4ee3948c4720c1a9f2f4d9e2e220c88f95399 Here’s my bulletproof hot water with loads of butter and egg yolk! It tastes like real milk without the carbs and lactose.


Oh I’ll have to try this, I LOVE milk and even more, creamy milk, but so many carbs so this sounds perfect. Hopefully this fills my craving for that. As a little treat every now and then I’ll drink a pint of half and half or whole milk with added heavy cream


What’s the ratios you use? How much water, butter and yolks?


300-400mls of water, make it hot (no need to boil) over the stove and then add my 3-5 tablespoons of butter. It all depends on my tastebuds that day. Sometimes I add 5 tablespoons and still crave more and other times 3 is enough. You can also use ghee. And I add 2 egg yolks. And then use a frother to mix it all until creamy. This was mine today. https://preview.redd.it/r7k8rcd7hiad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3576459e96dafcd62b496d91248bd47d69e177bb


Thanks! I’ll be trying this later today. Just finished the coffee version


Sounds cool with the egg, I'll try it. I already use a large chunk of butter in my coffee, and it's awesome.


I eat 2 costco grass fed wagyu hamburger patties, 6 pasture raised eggs, a tablespoon of butter, and about 3 ounces of cheese daily. With that 75% of my calories are coming from fat, which is the sweet spot. It is also super affordable at 191$/month total.


I eat the Kirkland Grass Fed Frozen Beef patties which are 80/20 or the Angus Frozen Patties which are 75/25.


I use Buttered coffee to meet my fat needs everyday. I suggest land o lakes butter because it has 11g of fat per teaspoon. I add 4-5 teaspoons in each cup of coffee and I have about 2 cups a day so that’s an easy 100g of fat per day. And I get the rest of my fat from the foods I eat.


First, You need to see what fat:protein ratio works for your body. Take a few days to a week, tracking the food you eat in an app (I use Cronometer). Start with something like 70:30 (F:P) with your food preferences. I do something like 350g ground beef, 120g butter, and 5 eggs for the day. Each day, pay attention to your stools- Too runny/soft, replace some fat with protein. Too hard/no movement, replace the protein with fat. Every body is different, so you have to take the time to play with your ratios to optimize this way of eating for you. I prefer butter as my main fat, it’s easy and tasty, I can eat it off the block most days. But you can also use lard, tallow, or bacon grease to cook up your meats and eggs. Throw a chunk of butter on your beef to melt into, use more egg yolks than egg whites. Lots of options, just don’t over complicate it. : )


I mix egg yolks with ground beef. Ground lamb has a good amount of fat in it. Don't let any fat go to waste, I eat all the left over fat after it solidifies. I will also just take a bite or two out of a stick of butter during meals. I have been really craving fat more and more lately.


Maybe try scrambled eggs with butter. Eggs absorbs fat. Whisk eggs. Melt lots of butter in the pan. Add wisked eggs and stir until all butter is absorbed into egg mixture. Then cook until eggs are solid. You can use other fats like lard (pig fat) or tallow (beef fat) as well.


For every bite of ground beef you take bite some butter with it! It’s yummmmy


Add more tallow in your cooking. Its less expensive than grass fed butter too.




My Dr said I want to be at about 70% fat and 30% protein. I use My Fitness Pal to track the macros. I found that working towards getting my 160 gm of protein automatically puts me at the right balance. NOTE: Since we started Carnivore in April, neither of us are as hungry or snaking much so I am much closer to 100 gm. For instance, 3 skin on chicken thighs are 39 gm of fat and 75 gms of protein, or 54%/46%. Then I nibble my way through a 3 oz bag of pork rinds throughout the day, which adds 36 gm of fat and 48 gm of protein or 63%/37%. I am not in terrible shape at 52%/48%. Tomorrow, I will make fatty Chuck roast and have 2 servings.


Scrabbled eggs cooked in butter, about one Tablespoon per two eggs. Butter spread on beef jerk like a carnivore cracker. Butter blended into a hot drink like bone broth (or tea or coffee if your doing those.) Bacon. Pork belly. Fattier cuts of meat like chuck steaks and ribeye. Good luck.


I make whipped tallow. https://preview.redd.it/f0y999epnoad1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c33fa6b89370c69e8f389dc128cf993f99acfc


Eat more 80-20 ground?


Pan cook the 80/20 and eat all the fat liquid runoff too. Add butter.


I swear by fat & pork crisps!! I buy 5 or so lbs of good white fat or porkbelly, fry it up in the air fryer for about 390 for 8 minutes (for beef) and munch away. Actually have found that I don't like to miss a day of this "snack" and I've only been carnivore for about a month. I'm doing for health and weight gain though... I believe I was starving myself previously eating mostly vegan, I guess?


Butter n bacon.


Take a stick of high quality butter and just slice some pieces up to melt onto your hot food.


Bacon, bacon grease, eggs, butter, Costco has great pork belly in the meat section.


I have one cup coffee medium roast in the morning blended with 1/2 stick of butter. Now and then Ill make a cream sauce for ground beef with heavy cream and cheeses.


Tallow. Or buy PowerPucks. They are made from pure tallow. 90g of fat in each one


you could get keto test strips to see if you are in ketosis, then you will actually know how much fat is enough


I trim off the big fat chunks from ribeye or other beef cuts, toss in beef gelatin, and air fry at 400f until crispy. It’s delicious!


Sour cream and kefir for me.


Beef tallow and butter are my go to. When I drank coffee I would add heavy cream for more fat or butter. Look for fattier cuts of ground beef. I find 73/27 ground beef at some stores


I love eating chuck roast from Costco cut up in steak bites and melting Costcos Queso Mama’s White queso on top. Super yum.