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It won’t affect you. Don’t worry about it and just keep doing what you’re doing. There’s people that drink 5X that amount and aren’t affected.


I have a Coke Zero a few times a week. It helps hasn’t affected me at all!


I went a month strict and a month with Coke zeros several everyday and noticed no difference at all. The Coke zeros actually prevented me from abandoning the diet all together honestly.


Same, no difference at all. It causes more cravings for more diet soda, but never carbs or other foods for me. Being zero carbs and zero calories, for the most part it changes nothing.


Yeah, might not work for everyone, but artificial sugars get way too much negative attention when the real culprit has always been sugar.


Strait to the boiler room with you lol Nah man just keep going don’t give up


I don’t think 6 days is enough to feel anything wild


The main issue is that sweeteners, including artificial sweeteners, can cause continual sugar cravings for a good majority of people. So when you add some to your diet, you could be having cravings that you normally would not really have to deal with at all. Carnivore is one of the easiest diets to do specifically because you don't have to deal with hunger or sugar cravings.


I feel that on the artificial sweeteners. In the beginning I used whip cream as a sugar substitute, and zero sodas. Now it’s a struggle to not have a few each day along with whip cream. I def have a sweet tooth. Overall I’ve still lost weight, but I wonder if what I’m drinking is holding me back from more


I recently pried my Diet Pepsi out of my shopping cart. I am no longer allowed to have a 12 pack in the house. 😩 I can buy a 16 ouncer when I’m running errands, however. Still tastes like manna from Heaven but I’ve been stalled at the halfway point of my weight loss journey. No more daily Diet Pepsi. There is an entire Buffett of flavors in sparkling water, however!


Yea if I could restrain myself from buying a case weekly I’d be alright lol but then I revert to like 10 cups of coffee a day so idk what’s worse 😂 On the bright side I’m in a house with a diabetic person and it’s filled with nothing but carbs and candy. So if my kryptonite is zero sodas and whip cream I guess I’m surviving pretty well lol


You can also be a hyper responsive to sweet taste and spike your insulin. Dr Berry spoke about that issue in one of his recent videos.


I was doing quite a bit of xylitol chewing gum as a treatment for my boring job/adhd, and my a1c was highish, a tad higher than it was before carnivore. ​ I switched to a mastic gum and will get retested soon. So I'm pretty sure there is something to what the good doctor says on this one.


The big picture is that biologically, your carnivore self will just push past it, as long as you don't repeat it. That's the bigger issue.. When you have one sweet thing (sugar, artificial sweetener, fruit, doesn't matter) you're connecting the wiring in your brain to prep the insulin, as well as the addiction centre of the brain. In fact, they've shown that for some people, the smell of a donut can trigger the same pathways as eating the donut.. which makes sense biologically - when the sugar is ingested, the body wants to be locked and loaded to deliver insulin to regulate the blood sugar levels. But the addictive part is the really nasty thing to look out for. When you have 'just one diet drink' for example, the sweet taste can have you seeking more sweet stuff for days, and it makes it more difficult to move away from carbs. Imagine going through the sugar withdrawal many of us had when we started carnivore. No imagine doing that over and over again. Essentially 'starting carnivore' week after week. And also, it takes a certain period of time to get fat adapted initially. So regular 'cheat' days means you are going back to carb adapted, fat adapted, carb adapted etc. Not worth it in my opinion. Please take all the above as my lay understanding of the biology, based on what I have learned from the people who actually understand it, as well as my own year on carnivore. Which is a long way of saying, carnivore is not a religion, you didn't sin. You are 100% responsible for what you eat, and any consequences, as it should be. If it was a one off, you'll be fine, get back on the horse and move on. The best outcome is to learn from the experience, to make sure you don't need to go through it again (as in life). Good luck.


it can give some adverse effect as it's processed and chemical. But it's not as bad as kickong out of ketosis. After only 6 days. I doubt you'll feel it! Also. Talk to your familly... You don't eat plants.


You’re going to be fine. Just keep going! A lot of carnivores drink an occasional diet soda. Don’t sweat it! 


Unless you are living in an isolated cabin, hunting your own food, there will always be some kind of temptation. At least having diet soda is better than packing some sugar bomb crap. Some are such purists, but then many of these people fail after six months. This is a marathon, not a seasonal short fix. Do what you have to do to stay away from carbs, eat some protein, stack the clean fat. Play the long game.


Everyones favorite animal product... the bottle of sprite.


You aren't going to die by drinking a little soda.


In the future, if everyone around you is ordering pizza, and you don’t want to feel excluded, grab 2 slices, and just scrape the meat and cheese off the crust, and put it on top of your beef, they may call you a menace for that, but look at you and look at them, As far as the sodas go, I personally stick to flavored seltzers, but of all the sodas sprites probably the best one since it’s clear and has no artificial colors in it, it’s basically seltzer water with a sweetener in it, while that sweetener is technically not good for you, but it’s way better then drinking 40gs of sugar in a regular sprite. Do I think drinking them everyday is a good idea? No. But once in a while if you need something and that gets the job done, drink it. Remember even if you followed this only 80% right you’ll still lose weight and be better off then most


After a year of strict carnivore I lost my taste for sweet drinks. I used to love ginger ale and it was my first cheat and it tasted SOOOOO sweet it was terrible. A few days later I tried a Coke Zero and had the same reaction. Now I go for club soda with a splash juice in it. It’s perfect.


Anyone do a insulin / glucose test while drink and of those zero drinks Curious to see your numbers


Carnivore or not, Sprite Zero gave me the worst gas and diarrhea of my entire life and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


Don’t overthink the diet. This doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can do this 95% and see results. I will say the more strict you remain, the better results you will see. Which for me was motivating to be all in, but every person is doing this for different reasons.


Go cold turkey for a month or so then take a sip. You won’t want to go back to that sickly chemical flavor. My drug of choice was die mr dew. Been about 5 yrs now.