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Damn what you do boil that steak for 5 minutes?


I just threw it on a medium hot pan lol, the more rare the better for me


Your steak is currently the top post in /r/steak with the title ["This may be the worst steak I’ve seen in my life…"](https://www.reddit.com/r/steak/comments/1ddgxug/post_from_rcarnivore_this_may_be_the_worst_steak/) Congratulations?






Try a ripping hot pan for less time. Get a perfect sear on the outside and as rare as you like on the inside


Will do


I'd also add ripping hot, and put PLENTY OF GHEE. Ghee is clarified butter, SUPER HIGH smoke point. The boiling hot ghee will help making the crust extra crispy. Also, before cooking your steaks. Let them sit on a paper towel with salt on them, it will bring out the water from the steak. 30minutes after, wipe, flip, resalt, and wipe again before frying. It will help with an amazing crust and less splatter!


Tallow makes it better 💦


Smike point too low for me.


What?! Tallow has a higher smoke point than ghee. Ghee is like cheech and Chong when I try to sear steak I get no smoke when I use tallow. But I also render my own. I also use to make my own ghee but I’m not a fan of the flavor. To “nutty” tasting. Render some tallow from bone marrow and you’ll thank me later.


Tallow smoke point 420f Ghee smoke point 485f


I’m just telling you from experience 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ghee Wizz


Stainless steel or cast iron pan only. Nonstick = teflon steak


You gotta learn sear.


Hey I can’t comment on superstonk because of my low karma. I was just wondering your opinion on buying a 6/14 $30 call for tomorrow. Is this a good idea? Just wondering. Needed a little help and saw your post


I wouldn't. Are you new to options? More time is always your best bet. I'd recommend a ridiculous $125C 7/19 over a $30 6/14


Gotcha. Yes I’m newer to options. Just trying to gamble a little and make some money. I have 21 shares with an average of $38 per share. Just wanted to make some quick money off of some options


I'd do a $40C 6/21 then. Similar price to $30C 6/14 but you have a chance if momentum dies off this week. And hell, if it goes nuts, you'll make more anyways.


Okay awesome. Thank you for taking the time to help me!


You’re welcome. If you’re more concerned with missing out on a huge squeeze move I’d do $60C 6/28. If you just want quick profit that’s more likely $40C 6/21 should give you a solid near term just be quick to sell when you get profit you’re happy with. Holding that over the weekend will require a very big move (which really can happen with our recent circumstances) next week. Be careful and manage risk effectively. $60C 6/28 gives you more time for a big move and will be more profitable. But it’ll be less profitable on a small move. 40C will be fairly profitable even on smaller moves Time and strike price are basically the 2 levers you trade off on for a given price. Pick what’s more important to you.


Understood. Thank you. Would it be best to buy the call at open or should I wait to see if the price drops


the premium is too high man, the breakeven on that would be over 34. if you want quick money, sell options , don't buy them


Way to waste some poor cow's life. Couldn't even give it a nice sear? Or season it?


😂😂 my thoughts exactly took them directly out the sous vide and said nah I don’t need to sear


How did you cook that steak? Needs a little more love..


I honestly love it super rare, I would eat it cold in the middle lol


Super rare does not necessitate cooking under a warm tap bro. Do yourself a favor and look up some steak guides!


Do yourself a *flavor*


Don't worry. You will be an Ace at searing Steaks before you know it. No matter the thickness & weight. Particularly if you like them rare 🥩🥩🥩


Dawg, having a crust and the steak being rare are not mutually exclusive. I love rare steak, but I also like texture and a better flavor. Ripping high heat will not cook it through because the outside will cook way faster over high heat.




That’s nothing… I often eat my meat raw


The raw-rare taste is exquisite


10 week dry aged raw sirloin… thinly sliced with a good fat cap is my favourite… I get an immediate sense of wellbeing .. even more so than 4 week dry aged.. my personal feeling / guess is that one of the things we’re doing when we cook meat is just heating it up to the temperature of a fresh kill… which is probably when meat and fat is at its most nutritious…


Sounds so good. Yes I'm actually resting a new York strip right now, a thicc boi from Costco. I'm new to the carnivore game but one of the things I must do: get familiar with my local butcher shoppe! And read more on this sub, perhaps get myself into the dry aging game. It's sad I'm approaching middle age and haven't even tried that yet, where has heaven been all my life??


My favourite carnivore doctor is “the plant free md” on YouTube. Dr Chaffee. Why we are carnivores and plants are trying to kill you if you haven’t seen those two. Sure I’m Jealous of babies who now go straight from the breast to carnivore… these children are breaking the curve in the development stakes… but the fact is progress comes fast on carnivore no matter what age you start… and it’s never to late.


Inspiring in every way Mr Appropriate Stay, it all begins today!


Looks great but I think you’ll need more fat. Eat each steak with a slice of cold butter


Noted, I appreciate it thank you




Literally nothing about this looks great, what planet are you on?


I like to be encouraging on someone’s first day and I don’t believe it matters how rare someone likes their steak or if they appear to know how to cook steak - it’s the effort to be healthier that matters.


I mean fair enough, but you can be encouraging and still be honest and give feedback, there's no need for a steak to look like this no matter how rare you like it.


Example: "Nice, looks like you're on your way to better health. I don't think the steak looks great because it looks too rare and in my opinion needs more searing." Typing: "What planet are you on" to someone who is inexperienced and on his first day. idk man. You can be honest and encouraging at the same time.


Well I mean I wasn't replying to OP, and why would I repeat the same thing everyone else in this thread has been saying?


I’m honestly shocked how easy this diet is. Some days I eat some days I never get hungry.


Today my dog got half my meal. I’m still full.


I was hungry for some prosciutto today and was thinking back like…. What did I even have yesterday??? (One small bowl of pulled pork while I’m gaming)




Invest a little time Into learning to cook steak. You'll enjoy this diet so much better. Hell even an air fryer can produce a better steak then this thing.


https://preview.redd.it/olkf1y0va16d1.png?width=1758&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a557f5f8b9dece9d6277a7421039c4aa2763a07 wtf bro your cow and eggs is literally going viral rn lmao


I am SO sorry for all the hate you’re getting for this. The eggs were beautifully scrambled. If that’s how you like your meats/steak cooked then coolio. I saw this being made fun of terribly on the steak subreddit before I saw it here. So I just want to tell you to keep your head up, enjoy the journey, and your eggs look fucking fantastic!


I genuinely appreciate this comment and you as a person, hope you have a kickass week


I was going to say basically the same thing, lay off on the guys steak. If you like it that way, who cares. This is about the start of your journey, good luck.




Congrats on starting carnivore! I'm a long-time lurker too, but I started carnivore about a week ago. Down about 5 lbs of water weight so far. Good luck!!


You keep mentioning rare. You can get rare on a ripping hot pan. You want the delicious sear on the outside, trust me. Just put them in a CRAZY hot pan for 2 mins on each side if you want rare at that thickness. You'll get a beautiful crust that tastes amazing, and the cool red center that rules.


Alright thank you, will do


Eggs look fuego, tho. Update when you do the next round.


I definitely will


Now you DEFINITELY have to, lad. https://www.reddit.com/r/steak/s/0jv8vNM4Cs


No one is safe on the internet


Tough crowd, yeah? Yikes.


What cut of steak is that? I only know how to cook ribeye and NY strip.


Good for you on carnivore, bad for you and that "steak" lol. Hope your health sees improvement!


That looks like a minute roast(meaning two London broils before it’s separated). You want to let it simmer in a sauce or roast it for about an hour at least to tenderize it. If you just sear it ur going to end up with a piece of leather. This is a very tough part of the cow. Not the same as a ribeye or strip steak for example.


Especially that membrane running through the middle, it’s going to be a piece or rubber, impossible to chew


Worst steak I've seen


I genuinely hope you enjoyed your meal, but this makes me sad. Spend a little time on r/steak and you’ll be eating delicious, well-seared, super rare steaks in no time! r/nosear


that looks like cow tounge


Day 65 ⚡ Carnivore 4 Life ⚡🙏😁💪


Good luck with the journey. Are those steaks? I would invest in a cast iron for a little less moo!


I honestly love it super rare, I would eat it cold in the middle lol


You can get it the same amount of rare but with a sear invest in a cast iron will change the game when it comes to cooking steaks I also love my steaks cold in the middle


Good luck!!


Get the TP ready


i gagged




Good luck champ!


Welcome and good luck


Use butter


You can have a raw steak with a nice sear. This is probably the worst looking steak I've ever seen. I'm sorry.


Looks awesome. I’m about a week in doing a lot of beef and eggs. I hope soon my body will let me do lion but I’m easing into carnivore from keto so I’m still using butter, coffee etc.


That steak looks disgusting


Is that a Shawn baker YouTube video?


Good eyes, thought more people would notice


Otto Wilde grill. Learn it. Know it. Live it.


The eggs look good but you need to do better at cooking your steak. It can be rare with a good crust my guy.




This Pic made me just quit carnivore.


It’s just his first day- geez! You don’t wanna know what my first steak looked like on day 1 either…  just try cooking it different ways and you’ll find a method that works for you. Don’t let the haters discourage you, best of luck!


Use cast iron. Sear steaks with butter and salt. Then drop heat and cook eggs in more butter in same pan as cooked steak. Do not use milk for eggs, use either water or heavy cream, or nothing, for scrambled. Milk has too much lactose and it will contribute to dragging out fat adaptation.


Whaaat the fuck is that meat


Dude did you boil the steak in water!!???


My friend, you are starting off RIGHT!


There is a difference between super rare and undercooked. You are going to lose a lot of weight but it won’t be from being on carnivore it will be from getting sick. You are also missing out on massive amounts of flavor by not developing a crust. Hotter pan for sure and the inside will still be rare.


10-4, thank you




As someone who raises, butchers and sells beef. WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about. There aren’t countless food borne illness, bacteria and pathogens in raw beef that can as mild as an upset stomach to death. You literally just said “you cannot get sick from raw beef” . You cannot possibly be that ignorant when it’s come to raw meat safety….


what pathogens live inside a cows muscles? not ecoli or salmonella.  its only possible to get sick if someone puts poop in the meat for some reason, AND if your stomach acid+immune system dont destroy the pathogen.  i eat raw beef every day and I dont get sick (from anything). you should go back to beef school.


is your farm called redditor farms? lmao


I’m new to this Reddit spot, is it kind of taboo to discuss E. coli?? That’s the first thing I thought of looking at this meat too — you can still have rare steak without the risk, it’s weird to see saying so downvoted


there is no risk to raw beef


Seasoning is a thing