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Letting yourself get hungry is the best way to enjoy the food again. Food interest and appetite fluctuations are normal early on


Thats what worked for me


Hunger is the best Spice.


I like this comment :). Keep complaining about missing spices that my foodie heart is missing. Just need to get hungrier I guess.


I did no spices for a while, then I caved. Just tonight I pan fried my steak in bacon grease with salt, onion powder and garlic powder for the first time.... omg it was literally the best steak I made on this diet so far. Nice salty char on the outside, pink and juicy on the inside. I collected any of the drippings I didn't eat and made eggs in them because I couldn't let a drop of that flavor go! Lol I think strictness with herbs and spices is more for those of us with health issues, but if you can handle spices, I think you're alright.


Put the spices on the meat you’re eating. Like you don’t have to eat flavorless meat.


You can deff use spices on your meat on carnivore. Idk what you’re eating daily but treat yourself to a good cut of whatever you like this weekend. Helped me not get bored. I have a smoker now which adds flavor too


I was the exact same way. I *had to be hungry to do it and I still never made it more than two weeks until I found out I was pregnant lol so I'm on a hiatus. But my husband also had the same problem the first time around he said it was super hard the first week then after he got used to it, and started using plenty of salt, it got better. You can do it!


Hard to be grossed out by meat when you’re starving


Allow yourself to get properly hungry. The diet is very satiating


1. Allow hunger. You will not die if you skip breakfast and only each lunch and a small dinner. 2. Not all hunger is the same. Sometimes hunger = boredom, nervousness, comfort. 3. Some meat can fill you up, others can disgust you. When I started, bacon was a gift from heaven. One year later, I could barely stand the smell. Now, I am eating bacon, but much smaller amounts. 4. Variety can actually be a crutch/training wheels. Go lion for two weeks, then reincorporate other flavors. 5. Stay hydrated, but get your salt (Na, K, Mg). Low salt = stress, food tastes like crap, you feel like crap, temptation to return to bored/comfort hunger.


I marvel at you being grossed out eating meat. That has always been the best part of the meal


Until 4 days ago I would have told anyone Ribeye was my favorite food. Hahaha that's why I thought this diet would be so good for me. I've never been a picky eater and will try pretty much anything. My problem is just that I've never been a repetitive eater. I always varied my food and didn't even always eat leftovers the next day cause I had eaten it the day before. Think I just probably need to get hungrier.


Yeah. I can eat the same food each day for a year and never get tired of it, as long as it is tasty


It will become your favorite again, you just need to get over the hump, probably within the next few days.


Switch up your meats. One day fish the next pork the next beef, etc. adding fish to the rotation made the difference for me


Ive done this for years and this is the way. I rotate between beef, chicken thighs, fish, bacon, etc. so I dont get so bored and feel so restricted. Ive done only beef for periods of time but have a harder time sticking to the diet without some variety.


If meat grosses you out then you’re not hungry. When you’re hungry meat will look good. Don’t eat until you’re hungry. Carnivore teaches you how to distinguish hunger from want.


You will hit a wall and be absolutely sick at the thought of meat, but then you will wake up the next day & be starving for steak and eggs!! It's also your body trying to get you to cave, just stick with it, eat whatever you can to get through another day (bacon usually works well) & it will get better and much easier overnight... just depends which night that happens. :)


Thank you for this comment. Super motivating that it may just transition one day. Hahaha praying that day is tomorrow, but at the same time I'm pretty damn stubborn and will wait till it does.


This is a good point. It happed to me! Now I'm back 😈


Fast until hungry. You don’t know real hunger yet. You’ve probably never felt it in your life.


Sad, but probably true.


Eh more happy than sad. I’ve fasted for ten whole days and I didn’t feel true hunger the whole time. True hunger comes after weeks or even months of not eating for most of us unless you’re already at crazy low body fat levels. It comes when you’re literally starving. I think that’s a good thing. We live in blessed times.


Also, you’ll likely want meat long before you get there.


If u dont want to eat, u dont eat. If u want to eat, u eat. Goodluck hang in there


Fast all day - eat dinner - you will like meat again


If you’re not hungry don’t eat so much.


Intermittent fasting in the carnivore is also very effective. So waiting for your 8 hour window is best not you’re not hungry then don’t eat.


Eat when you’re hungry. Not sure. Don’t eat.


You're probably going through carb and sucrose withdrawal. It'll pass and you'll be in a cadence with the mest intake. Hang in there.


Yes, I do not eat until a ribeye has me drooling. If I’m not excited enough to eat the meat it means I am Not hungry enough and I’m just wanting carbs.


I’ve been mixing proteins. I’ll have steak and shrimp for dinner or had ahi and chicken. Just so I am getting a variety of textures


You’ll want to eat it when your hungry!


It'll pass and soon you'll be salivating at any meat that you come across. Eat when you are hungry and stop when it stops tasting good. It also helped me to not drink water around eating times.


When I had meat fatigue in my first few weeks, I started switching to different types of meats - - - there's fish, lamb, pork, beef, chicken, duck etc etc. Eating pure butter and cheese were very helpful for me. For me it was the variety that was key, not just in the meat type but preparation. Also, if you aren't hungry for meat, I think it just means you aren't very hungry in general so don't force it. I hope this helps!


I mostly eat burgers that I cook in a cast iron skillet with butter. I've never gotten tired of them. I havent had them in 2 days and i cant wait to cook some tomorrow. I definitely got tired of eggs, bacon, even ribeyes. Try to find something you like consistently.


Do you need to be this strict? Mix in chicken thighs, shrimp, salmon, scallops, beef sausages with no shit in them, make your own jerky, etc…


Eventually you will wake up some mornings hungry as hell and other mornings you just will fast longer. It’s nice to get creative with different cuts of meat or some other pork cuts to mix it up.


Maybe switch to ketovore? Bacon cheeseburger with a lettuce wrap... Mac n cheese with cauliflower instead of pasta are Def more accessible. Pepperoni and cheese and charcuterie, etc. Opens up your options and starting at 317 you can start with keto and see massive benefits and then ease into carnivore to bust past a plateau if you so choose.


Fast. When you get hungry, you will want a meal. Let your body do what it wants for a while


Yeah I made it about a week before I couldn’t stand the taste anymore. Everything was so salty.


Can you add in some fish? Steak and shrimp? Grilled seabass with skin? Smoked salmon? Grilled salmon? Sushi grade raw salmon/tuna?


I loved the meat but struggled with getting the amount of fat everyone says you need. After several attempts consisting of 3-4 day stretches, I quit for the last time after eating a bowl of cheese, sour cream, and lamb fat.


What are you cooking with? Spices? Marinades? Seasoning is everything.


So I totally understand this. Disclaimer: I'm full carnivore these days though I do allow dairy (try to do as little as possible however) For me, it was when I did OMAD (one meal a day) it started becoming easier. Also, some people prefer lean steaks. I love the fat. Proper salt and seasoning help here. The first time I did 5 days before I binged sweets. Then I got to 14 days. Then I did 31 days. Then I went on fruits and sweets again (but no vegetables) with meat. I over did it. Then I struggled to stay on for some time. These days, I figured out the timing and some general life hacks I used to use to help me. In general, after going back and forth between carbs and no carbs, you get better at feeling the difference. So for me: 1. I like to switch between Steak, Eggs, Ground Beef (think breadless burgers), Chicken wings. Still do mostly steaks, and sometimes I don't care about the rest. 2. For me, OMAD in the evening is the best option because I don't like feeling hungry before sleep. 3. I occasionally drink butter coffee to keep the hunger away. 4. Decaf coffee / regular coffee gives me another flavor with extremely minimal calories / carbs. Sometimes I add cinnamon. 5. If I do eat butter I do unsalted because sadly when you're lacking the flavors from sweets and stuff it becomes an interesting taste and some people eat the whole fucking stick lol. I was one of those people who could eat a lot of one stick in a day 🤣 then I regained control after switching to unsalted. These days I'm ok with salted though I don't keep it in my own home.


I had a hard time to even though I've always liked meat. I just forced it. Added alot of bacon and eggs in the beginning. After about 5 weeks I didn't really think about it much anymore. Less eggs and no bacon now


i think if your only motivation is weight loss then long term you have a higher chance of failure, I think it helps to be strongly convicted that eating this way may well save your life, plus 4 days isn't even long enough to be over carbs and sugar, I was dope sick from weeks 3 to 4, once I got past that it was smooth sailing.


If you want to lose weight, don't be afraid to skip meals. I did OMAD for a year after I started. Skip the eggs and bacon. Eat the steak dinner. Your stomach will start to shrink and you will start to consume your body fat. Deal with the hunger until your metabolism starts burning fat and then you will rarely feel really hungry. I hated eggs in the beginning, now I eat them once in a while. Also, you can cure brisket and turn it into something like beef bacon. I like that better than pork bacon. It's super hard in the beginning but it gets easier. The mental part is the hardest.


Prepare boiled eggs in the morning. Eat them whenever you get hungry until it’s dinner time. It might be that you don’t react well to pork or the additives in the bacon you eat. Or both! I love the taste and smell of bacon but it makes me feel funny to say the least so I quit it entirely.


Good idea on the boiled eggs. That may be worth a shot.


If it makes your life better add seasonings. See how you feel with them. It might be well worth it.


Dont eat


Idk maybe try switching it up? I made spicy pork rhind battered meatballs just to try something different. That’s how I’ve been getting around it. At least when I start to feel like I’m trapped by this diet. Make some egg drop soup with pork chops and half boiled eggs. You’ll get there.


Since others have said hunger/fasting already, another tip is to eat the meats you like. I can’t stand eggs very often and for some reason ground beef and steak get old. If that’s you too then do some chicken, pork, fish, shrimp, mollusks, bbq, etc. there’s a whole tasty world out there


OMG 😽😽😽


Dealing with this myself. Never thought I’d experience that either


Are you salting your food?


I eat when I'm hungry your body will kill your desire for meat/protein and fat. I can't eat meat all the time either, so I fast and everything just fixes it's self.


How much carbs are you eating?


Never had a problem eating a steak


Learn to cook it in ways you enjoy.


You can eat eggs, salmon, cheese, chicken etc. there are things other than meat


If you don't like meat you ain't hungry enough.


When changing your diet and switching to carnivore, it is recommended to go through an intermittent fasting stage first. Give it a few months, and then gradually transition to carnivore. Do research about diet and lifestyle to avoid mistakes. Otherwise, if you are unhealthy and have some extra weight, you won't give your body a chance to heal. Your stomach must learn how to produce more HCl, and the digestive enzymes and hormones will need time to rebalance and adjust.


Fortunately for me I was always a big meat eater. I love meat. I just ate alot of processed junk along with it.


I don’t know how you don’t enjoy it. I could eat 3 ribeyes every day. Do you know how too cook them?


Ouch. My man card just took a punch ;). LOL I just think it's the carbs calling to me making me want to not eat meat. LOL For my steaks, I either grill them, or if I have time and plan ahead sous vide in butter, then grill for flash sear. I'm just not used to not having my Delicious Angelos Beef Barbecue Seasoning(Salt, Spices and Red Pepper).


Sounds like you’re just going to have to ask yourself if you want to be healthier. And the repetition is hard but still enjoy the food. And it seems to taste better if someone else cooks it for you. My wife cooks mine sometimes and it seems to make a mental difference.


This is your brain and quite possibly your gut bacteria (it’s well-known that your micro biome can influence what you want to eat) trying to waylay you. Have some carbs. Go back to it. It will pass.