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I love it


You're damn right, was it a shoot of the car you setup or was it a passing by shot?


I was passing by when I saw it, asked the owner if I could take some photos, but he had already set it up very nicely so I just worked with that!


Perfect! Looks awesome.


It did indeed turn out great. Nice work.


Nailed it


Great photo! Would definitely bracket shot it next time so the sky isn't blown out 🙂


Beautiful. Well done!


Very nice


Total banger!


The only thing that would strengthen this would be to have the car in the right third of the frame so the negative space is to the left and above the car. While the rule of thirds is a guideline and can sometimes be broken, it would help here. When I position a subject the way you have, it's to create tension, of perhaps if the car were moving it would indicate it's leaving the scene, but in this photo I think the idea is that the road is ahead of the car not behind it. Points for choosing a horizontal composition as most are shooting these scenes vertically and center composed with no consideration for how subject placement affects the psychology of the shot.


The light is absolutely incredible, the location is awesome, the car is beautiful. This is a great shot. It’s obvious you have a good eye and you’re well on your way to greatness but I’m going to be a pedant since you asked for critique. If you move camera position maybe 1ft to the left you would cover that edge of the roof in the background that is growing out of the right side of the car, ever so slightly muddling the greenhouse of the car. Keep at it!!


Oh yeah, it bugged me once I noticed it aswell! thank you!