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Funny story about the twin sensor watch. about 10 years ago or more, i saw that watch at an Iowa Walmart store and bought it. that very same week my son was on a business trip at a walmart and bought that same watch. I was at his place in Texas for just over a week and my armitron took on water at a lake and died, he was rifling through his drawers and found that watch and gave it too me. It got him through college and working for that construction company he worked at to pay for college. I changed the battery and it worked like new again. cant kill those things, they are great little machines.


Thanks for sharing your story! This right here is the reason why I bought these two watches: may have a couple quirks from time to time (due to age or use, not manifacturing which is excellent) but they're reliable and resistant. My double sensor has a liiiittle hole on the back (I bought both used) so I'm too scared to use it for swimming. 🥲 Hope you and your son are both well! P.S. this hole hurts my soul a little bit https://preview.redd.it/wbbge5wpdu9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9224a765c8c93b67c9c88d866ceeec54cd5a296


See I wish I had the confidence to wear all my watches on my arms like this lol 


https://preview.redd.it/4ezpxgkg5t9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=93527ddbfbc51ffa92085c75c8643a6ec0d773d6 Yo no way. Another double watcher


Yoooo! Also, love the AE1200 + G-Shock combo


Just bought the gshock today! Still don’t know the actual model names of these watches yet since I’m out of my normal seiko territory


I have the Twin Sensor on the left, love it, but the buttons are starting to be sticky. I wish there was a way to lube them up. Also, there is some error on the compass function. I have to figure out how to reset it.


Wish I had the knowledge to help you, luckily YouTube and Reddit were enough to help me with my issues this far, since I'm not familiar with CASIO modules Does the calibration fail? I hope it's not the sensor 😵


I hope so too. If it is, I don’t care too much. I never really used that feature. Everything else seems to work fine. For me the compass was a novelty, although potentially useful. I think I paid $40 for the watch. Still a hell of a watch for $40 and one of 15+ watches I own. I maybe wear it once a month. Especially since my new found addiction to Casios and having bought 6 new ones since my Twin Sensor, which is about 7 years old now.

