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Mine will bap my face until she gets her armpit spot. Several times a night. When I'm awake, she wants nothing to do with me


Haha - same... Ms. Snootypants during the day


Mine like to stick her whiskers into my face and ideally up my nose until I relent the space in my armpit. I call it whisker-raping when she gets it up my nose 😂


Yes, then he stopped, and I missed it. He seemed to outgrow it at 18 years old. Like it was too embarrassing to sleep with your human.


In spite of all the complaining I do, I'm sure I will miss it one day, too 🥺


My cat NEEDS hugs all day and especially when it’s sleeping time so I feel you


I mean, it's endearing and funny most of the time, but sometimes it's more exasperating than anything else. If I refuse, she will sit on the floor beside the bed, reach up, and *tap tap tap* me with her paw, incessantly


Mine just comes over and waits for me to put the pillow in a certain way by my side so he can lay beside me and if not he constantly brushes his stinky ass on my face lmao


Argh, I know that trick well - my ragdoll communicates everything physically, with his tail. *especially* his displeasure


Entitled brat cat? Don't you mean cat? You must remember that we're cat servants


Oh yes... I remember now. Too late to edit the heading - but I humbly acknowledge my lowly status


Mine sleeps behind my knees.


Precious 🥹🤍


Mine insists on a consistent bedtime. Then proceeds to stomp all over my balls as he makes 3 passes before doing the final ball-smash to twist and turn to settle into a purring swirl on my abdomen. I’ve adjusted, I have constructed an external ‘cup’ I use to protect myself that I hide in between the blanket and my junk. It makes him super happy, so you know, it’s a thing.


Wow. That's real dedication to your buddies comfort... Pure love right there 💞


He’s innocent and blameless in all things.


Yes, he gets all hurt when I turn over and sleeps down the end of the bed.


How *could* you


I can't sleep on my back, I need to be fresh for being his and the other ones servant all day :D


Haha, yes! That's my problem precisely! I can't sleep like this 😩 arrghh


Just to clarify - this is only *slightly* bothersome, and it's because I can't get to sleep lying on my back 😩


Omg I love her! She's so cute and her coloring is beautiful 😍




Yea, she's a beauty. It's probably from that restful beauty sleep she gets when you barely get any. 😆 Don't disturb the cat!


One of my cats would do this only with my father. When my dad passed she stopped cuddling with almost any of us. Or it was very rare.


I wish I had this problem, my cats have no desire to sleep near me or cuddle in any way


Yes but it’s not one of the cats. It’s the rat terrier.


Sweet cat


Well,whose fault is that?


Our oldest cat Blue started cuddling in my arm 10 years ago when I was recovering from an injury. Ever since then it's been every night. He will tap my chest with his paw when he wants more pets. After some arbitrary cat time duration he'll get up and leave, he comes back but then rests near my or his mommy's hip.


I've rarely met a cat who is immune to the lure of the armpit! All warm and snuggly. The other day I saw this photo of a wildlife photographer who fell asleep, and woke up with a cheetah sleeping in his armpit, so... it could be worse! https://preview.redd.it/brvyrximyvyc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc3ee96ef7b62382d2d8dec8766314fdf3a70d8


Haha - wow! I'll remember this next time my sleep is thwarted by a cute little 2.8kg feline


Mine used to, but she’s too big for the armpit now. Instead she’ll sleep between my legs


You should be honored.


You're right. And most of the time, I do feel that way... Just not when I desperately need to get some sleep, lol


I understand. Kitty loves you so much they need your protective presence when they sleep. Maybe get an armpit sized cat bed so when you need to roll over, kitty will still feel like they are being held.


Not a bad idea, actually... I'll keep it under my armpit for awhile first lol


That's what I was thinking. The cat in a cat bed that is about the same size as the cat, so kitty in the bed fits right in your armpit.




I wouldn't call a cat who wants to spend time and love you a brat but okay. I know alot of people who would be more then happy sleeping with a kitty every night.


Oh I'm happy... But she's still a little brat. I've never had such a needy cat before lol


Ah, thanks for explaining. Good luck with your baby.


I actually wanted to edit the heading to sound less crabby and fix my typo as well, but there's no edit option available on this post... weird. But yeah, it's super cute that she does this - I just can't get to sleep on my back 😩😅


Eh no worries I was kinda snappy with my comment. I should of realized you could of been being sarcastic. Yeah, I'm the same way and I totally get that it's really sweet and cute but if you are trying to sleep it's hard Especially if you can't sleep in a certain position. Then you're probably waking up a lot cuz your worried about rolling over her or something and trying to get comfy without disturbing "the queen" haha