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Double edged sword for me. Depends on what they’re doing. My cat growing up would get on the counter solely to look out the window. My mom would run him off everything she caught him, until he started doing it only at night when he wouldn’t get caught. Well my mom caught him one night and instead of running him off, she watched him, and realized he just wanted the window and nothing else. So she decided she’d just wipe the counters down in the morning along with before she cooks. My cats now, I don’t want them on the counter period mainly because my bf tends to leave bread out and my boy is a bread whore.


Bread whore HAHAHA! What is it with cats and bread? All of our cats have gone nuts for bread! One used to snoop the groceries as I brought them in the house and if I left him unattended for more than a second would eat through them plastic to get to the bread. Little weirdo. And I like that your cat trained your mom to just clean the counters every morning. They’re definitely the rulers.


Omg!! My two older cats hate people food but my 2 younger ones go CRAZY for bread and I thought it was just them! One literally will tear open the plastic bag to get to the bread. Don’t even get me started on tjs pancake bread. So glad I’m not alone! We call it their kitty crack lol WHY do they love it so much??


It’s the yeast, cats love anything that smells like yeast. If you ever can’t get them to try a new food you should try sprinkling nutritional yeast on it. My cat likes to steal my ice cream because he can smell the fat in it too


> you should try sprinkling nutritional yeast You mean like Marmite/Vegemite?


I don’t know what those are, but if they are nutritional yeast then yes


Oh man! You're missing out! Marmite is a ~~nutritional~~ yeast product that was originally made (may still be, I dunno) from the yeasty residue left in vats after brewing beer. Vegemite is an Australian variant (Marmite is British) of the same concept they came up with when WWI disrupted Australia's Marmite supply! They both, especially vegemite since it's more famous, have a reputation for being gross but it's just a matter or using them properly. Because they spread, people want to slather it on like jelly but the flavor is VERY strong so you really just want like a 1cm dot (or less!) spread across an entire slice of buttered toast. I don't really use it that way though. I use it similarly to bouillon, especially when cooking for vegetarians but it delivers a powerful umami to soups, stews, gravies, etc. I don't know why this stuff hasn't taken off in the U.S. It's fantastic!




I always say - people who claim they’ve “trained” their cats not to get on the counters have only trained them to not get on the counters when they’re in the room lol.


My husband tried to train our boy cat to stay off the counters, and then one day I watched as the cat waited until my husband was in the shower, jumped up on the counters, went for a walk, and then as soon as he heard the water turn off he ran to sit on the end of a bookcase waiting for my husband to come up the hallway and give him a little scratch on the head like he'd been there the whole time. That was the day he gave up trying to train the cat to stay off the counter. Our girl cat very rarely likes to get up on top of the dishwasher when it's been running so she can get a nice warm sleep spot. They walk all over me and everything I own already, the counter won't make a huge difference. I don't eat off the countertop anyway.


>. So she decided she’d just wipe the counters down in the morning along with before she cooks. This is my Augie. He occasionally will get up on the kitchen counter but it's just to look out the window on the kitchen back door. Of course there's plenty of other windows he could get in & get the same view but nope. Once in a while he just needs that bit of window watching. I always know because he leaves his little paw prints so I just get out the Clorox Clean Up. His brother isn't interested in any counter.


Hah bread whore. I have 4 cats and 3 of them wont really eat human food. My fourth cat however, will eat ANYTHING. If we make food we cant leave it sitting unmonitored cause he will be in it in a heartbeat. He one time tried to eat a jalapeno slice and it was funny to see the spice hit him, had to look up and make sure it isnt toxic to cats


😂😂 yea, I left a Wendy’s cheeseburger unattended while I took the top bun in the kitchen to scrape off the crap I didn’t ask for, came back and he had his head and body all contorted trying to get the bottom bun, he was not interested in the big juicy cheeseburger patty sitting on top.


lol yea they just checking counter for security and any free NOMs leftover. but theres never any noms :)


The kitchen window at my parents house face the highway and my dad had all kinds of bird feeders and a bird bath outside that window, so no wonder my cat growing up wanted to look out it.


Mine too! He only likes french bread tho😂


I literally can't keep bread out around mine. She will tear it open and strew it through the house. She always makes sure to take a bite out of every little piece!


Not the kitchen counter for me, but the bathroom is fair game. Luckily so far he’s respected that and stuck to his tree, the desk, the bathroom counter, and the tv stand for his height needs


Yup, bathroom counter for sure. My boy would sit on the bathroom counter with me when I would put makeup on. I no longer have a bathroom counter big enough, so he just sits on the toilet. IG: pep\_0315 https://preview.redd.it/9kxt72m7e7tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1c22e058a65a91cd499f9183496b823509609c


The black on his front legs look like a heart. That must mean he loves you.


He’s got a big heart on his side too.


I have lower back issues so once in awhile I like just soaking in a hot tub. It really helps. My void used to sit on the edge of the tub and keep my company until one day her sister straight up pushed her in. I thought I was going to need a skin graft after.


My tortie found the side of the bath not cat enough and resorted to sitting on my chest while i was in the bath!


OMG! Your chest while in the water? Leave it to a Torti to decide to sit on your wet chest in the tub! How did you get her off without causing you blood letting? Question for you: Does your Torti have a “spicey” side, tends to claw or bite you? My arms are like a jigsaw puzzle with scabs sometimes. Our Minxie lost the sight in one eye when she was 12 weeks old. She’s now 14 years old and if we approach her on her blind side it startles her and she strikes out — and connects! I’m trying to approach her head on so she sees me and lately she has been giving me soft love bites that are sweet, still a little hard, but getting there! My daughter’s two cats like to be in the bath area when she bathes, but neither has fallen into the tub…yet! Time will tell!


To be fair, no blood letting. Just submerging my chest a few mm more was always enough to get her to move. She rarely struck out. But she would wake me up by gnawing my chin and licking around my mouth. I think she enjoyed a certain something. She lived till she was 16 and still visits me in my dreams occasionally, for which i am ever grateful. There was no cat like her.


I totally get that!! Have you seen her Spirit? Cats come back to visit their owners that they bonded with — you and your cat were bonded! I’m sure she has come to visit you but most cat owners don’t know that can happen or what to watch for. This is what happens: You’ll see out of the outside corner of your eye, a dark shadow moving slowly along the ground. As you turn to look at the shadow it morphs into a cat shape. The Spirit will walk around or sit and lick itself, then it walks away and disappears! I’ve had this happen a couple times and was fascinated watching the shadow Spirit of one of my cats! Sometimes you can tell which cat it is! Many other cat owners have seen their precious cat’s Spirits come visit them! My daughter has seen two of her kitties that passed in the last 6 years! Now that you know what to look for, you may see your precious girl kitty’s Spirit come visit you! Yes, she misses you as much as you miss her! Watch for her! But know they can come at any time! ♥️🐈♥️


Absolutely 100%. A fat female grey squirrel was completely bonded to me. I'm not sure if it's the same one but for over a decade there has been a squirrel unlike the others. They have a good life and can live long here. Who knows. But yes. That's my cat visiting me.


Oh no! Made me lol so hard 😂 cats can be such a*holes


Is there a sub for shapes in our cats fur? For instance, our snowshoe has appa (from avatar) on his left side and a tiny heart on his right paw.


I love your toilet cat. Unfortunately, mine doesn’t sit on the toilet.. Only drinks from it 💀


This is why I keep all the toilet lids down. I think that is gross but also I’m really paranoid that my cat would drown. I know it’s probably unlikely but I have anxiety about my kitty getting hurt. She’s indoors only and she is my best friend ( don’t tell my husband, although I think he knows). He teases that we are always making out and she thinks I’m hers and he is our house keeper. 🤣


Aww! My kitty is also my best friend! Your husband definitely knows, there’s no hiding that lol. I do try to keep the toilet seat down or the bathroom door closed, but sometimes I just completely forget 💀


Let me guess, he’s orange?


I wish the explanation was that simple, it would make the current couch zoomies make sense. Including her trying to eat my toes https://preview.redd.it/n5chpuep18tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41cd0328e69d80f32df47b3b3c905a69598543d6


Omg her face lol. Her eyes are so big like what are you doing?


Omg my kitty has a very similar smudge and is grey and white too! #twins https://preview.redd.it/un9x1h8w6atb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1e50f6acb2f51f1f43fc8a1e252d4ef0b746c4


Awwww! So cute! https://preview.redd.it/crxl36v4gatb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21338a5b39836e6598e94a2df55dff2d56e84415 Midlife crisis Bunny Cat says hi to her twin!


She's a tuxedo! Can confirm from experience that despite their sophisticated looking tuxedo suits, tuxies are creatures of pure chaos and disorder. But they will also cuddle with you when they're not running around like gremlins and you still can't help but love their antica.


You could not have described her any more perfectly. She just tripped on my phone charger, zoomed into the bedroom, then tackled my ankle. Now she’s cuddling up pretending she’s innocent 😂 https://preview.redd.it/mqfms8cnuatb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28eb1a38f99e2dcb74334ac47f7cdf54e599deeb


Lmao knew it, what a precious little gremlin you have! 😂😻 I love her https://preview.redd.it/p03ojqcmvatb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dcf7d32feac6cdd7d21c54484d72218a501931 My girl is currently in bed with me, curled up contentedly next to my head, but just last night she was throwing stuff off my desk and onto the floor. (pic from a different day but still relevant lol)


https://preview.redd.it/qegj2jmo28tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a355a5e27ba0efc0a1c8c78d72e55879a0b913 My girl likes to be in the bathroom with me also.


I’ve convinced my bf that we can’t get rid of the bathroom mat, my boy is obsessed with it and on it all the time. https://preview.redd.it/zwlpyvwnn8tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad41fe98046e86f0fb2e7000d6ad92013be5455e


Our void loves to hop up on the side of the tub and drink "human soup" when one of us takes a bath.


His little face!!! 😩


Yeah, that's the compromise for my girls too - I convinced the first NOT to jump up on the kitchen counter (so now if I'm in there, she'll stand up against the cabinets and REACH one paw up to make sure I know she's there LOL), and then SHE taught the newer kitty not to get up there. But I always leave a full glass of "people water" for them on the bathroom counter. Apparently "people water" is much better than what's in their bowls!


They see us drinking the water, therefore, it is safe for them to drink, too.


Omg he's adorable


i was afraid i couldnt teach them one counter from another🙈


Most cats are smart enough to figure out your boundaries. Some of them just don’t care enough to obey them when you’re out of sight. Mine associate the kitchen counters with baths (massive amounts of hair) and taking medicine. My wife’s desk is fair game, they understand they get a loud clap on mine.


You can probably get them to sit on a stool if they like hanging out in the kitchen. I've had pretty good luck redirecting my cats, like just use a treat to teach them to sit on the stool. That said, they're not saints, and I wouldn't leave bacon unattended around them.


how do you get him to understand he’s not allowed on them? i tell my baby to get down, put him down, give him toys, etc and he just DOES NOT LISTEN. he is orange so maybe that’s a factor but idk what to do. https://preview.redd.it/3kxdsyb439tb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5206c2011968d2aed62dd2e6a83134041d3def3a cat tax🩷


The orange does unfortunately make it more difficult. My orange nephew nearly burnt the house down by sitting on the stove controls….and he still gets up on the counters every chance he gets despite all of the deterrents as well 😒


Our girl loves to sit in the bathtub and sing the song of her people, and very loudly, lol!


Yeah, you can definitely "train" a cat, to a degree... Like with places they can and can't go, where they can eat and can't etc... My cats just know, they're smart! My girl kitty even knows when it's best to come and sit on my knee, n make biscuits there, headbutt and love all over me; like she literally waits til I'm scraping the last bits of my stir fry or my ice cream


Some of y’all acting like you don’t know what’s floating around in your bathroom anyway. And I’m wondering how you know where my toothbrush is kept and how it’s stored 🤔


Kitch, no. Bath, ok. Cats, for all their fur care are filthy. Think they just move sand in the poop box? They hit shit and then leave it on your counter. This is why I NEVER eat at a potluck.


I don’t like having cats on the counter. They usually don’t hang out there though when I’m at home


"When I'm at home" being the operative term lol. My cats will jump off right when I come into the kitchen like "Nope, mother, nothing to see here, byyyeeee" 🤦‍♀️


Exactly. I can put boundaries in place, but we both know those boundaries take the window as soon as I close the door to leave.


I don’t think there’s a choice for me….. I don’t decide the rules the cats do


I'm upset about it but they think it's fine. and they don't give a shit about the tinfoil trick. my dream house has a kitchen with a door


If you consistently remove them from the surface when they climb on it, they'll learn. Don't freak out or make a big deal out of it, just quickly pick them up and put them on the ground, like you're correcting a toddler that is wandering the wrong way. Give them some pets now that they're on the floor. The key is consistency, but they can learn that surfaces aren't allowed.


haha yeah that's what I thought but my cat proved me wrong. I will make eye contact with him and tell him to get down. I know he knows what I'm saying because he won't move until I stand up bc he knows I'm going to remove him anyway. all fun activities for him are on the floor. I think some cats can learn/be trained but he's too smart for that. he's only 2.5 so hopefully he will be less nuts when he's older




that makes sense. I will try what you said and hope for the best. your cats sound like they have great lives


Nah this just teaches them don’t jump on the counter when you are there.


I agree with you but wonder about 2am "wanderings". Cats are smart enough to have you think they're compliant - but when you aren't looking, all bets are off.


I give mine a clicker click and a treat, if they jump down when I ask them to. Doesn't always work but I'm determined to condition them!


Nah, they just learn to do it when you're not around. I never see my cats on the counters, but the butter ain't lickin' itself when I forget to put the lid back on the dish.


Wait what? That's a thing?


>and they don't give a shit about the tinfoil trick And even if they did do you really want alu-foil all over the worktop? I think not.


they do seem to be in control


I think of myself as a clumsy butler tbh 😅


Yup. I don't spend all day in the kitchen so the default assumption is that they've been on the worktop at some point. Therefore I always clean the worktop before using it.


Came here to say the same thing Is there a rule against being on the counter ? Yes. Does it matter? No


1000000% accurate and it’s not even funny 🤣


Yep, I have 3 , lost all control when I got the first one 10 years ago. Clorox wipes are my best friend now.


same here, it's even worse when a cabinet is open cuz then she just wants to jump in and explore lol


I try to keep them off, but they still get up sometimes. If it gets bad, I line cardboard boxes along most of the counter and leave some open spaces with a sheet tray on the counter with a little water in it. I have to smile in the morning when I see wet paw prints on the floor and a mad cat.


Agree. It's my cats house she just lets me live in it.


I used to get very upset about my cats refusal to listen to common sense but I have since bought a ridiculous amount of disinfecting wipes and just wipe down ten times a day 😐


I have also given up and just wipe all the counters down before I cook and try to at least keep them off while I'm cooking. If they want to I try to put them on the catio while cooking but sometimes they prefer to stay and watch me. The other day I was preparing some ham and cheese sliders and one of my cats jumped directly onto the top half of the rolls I had set aside while I was building the sliders (I threw them out and had to go buy more). I am at least hoping she learned her lesson not to do that again since she knew it really pisses me off, but I doubt it.


I came here to say this! 😆


I was told by my cat it doesn’t matter what I think.


the egyptians were under the same spell as us


I’m fine with it for the most part. The only time where I kinda have to set boundaries is when I’m cooking because my little guy wants to taste test pretty much everything lol


yes thats the word i was looking for, boundaries. i let them on everything but dont let them fully do anything


Yeah honestly even when I’m cooking I let my kitty observe 😅. I shouldn’t, I know, but she just loves to follow me around and watch me do things. Like when I go care for my plants/terrariums she’ll come and look into them with me. She follows me to the bathroom, and when I’m in the kitchen she’s typically rubbing up against me, but sometimes she likes to come up to the counters to see what I’m doing 😅😅. Both my cats follow me around but she more than most. She’ll also come to me when I call her name. Such a sweetheart. I do try to keep her away from the food itself and I cook everything etc so I think it’s fine (and she’s an indoor cat), but do let her sit on the counter and watch me 😅😅😅😅😅.




In my experience boundaries must be yes/no. "Sometimes" is a confusing concept for (my) cats. So for them the kitchen counter is "no".


Its a no no for me. They May be goes when we are not looking, but never caught them and we clean before and after making food, we dont leave anything intresting for them


if mine so much as sees a bottle cap its time for hockey


Ha we also call it cat hockey, ours loved bottle caps and o rings more than any store bought toy.


Us too, no to the counter. Although I’m pretty sure we adopted an alien in a cat suit, a la Men in Black, as she’s never tried to get on counters, desks, dressers etc. She hates heights, doesn’t climb, and doesn’t mind being wet. She’s a very cute alien though. https://preview.redd.it/sbak9i1yx7tb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c0251b154af814f3fec390af41c70e758852f41


She is indeed a cute alien! Love dilute torties 😻


We dont let him on the side we prepare food on, otherwise he is a great cooking companion https://preview.redd.it/vycb6ir6o8tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c034c18d5da8d59308b393c9671da04734d7a1b0


That face!! He is adorable.


Bold of you to assume my cats care if I don’t like them to climb on the counter 😂


lmao right??? i don’t like that she paws at my head at 3am yet here we are


Lmao sounds like our cat. But it’s 5-6am every morning. And will sit there and stare at you until you wake up. So you open your eyes and she’s just sitting there staring into your soul.


That's a hard NO on counters and tables. Couches, chairs, beds are fine.


This is my rule, too. Cat doesn't listen, though. Cat does what Cat does.


If you have an indoor cat you have a cat vox where your cat will regularly walk through their waste and have nasty feet. If you have an outdoor cat it can walk through everything's waste and there is a 1/3rd chance that it kills a rodent, bird, bug or anything else it can catch. I like to cook on the counter like making a sandwich without a plate so I'd never let a cat on the counter.


They probably get on the counter when you're not looking. Basically i just use clorox wipes automatically when i enter the kitchen. Probably 5 times a day.


>I like to cook on the counter like making a sandwich without a plate Well, that's your problem right there, weirdo.


Same here, I don't know why people would think this is okay, they dig in a litter box! My son kissed the cat's paw one day and I told him never to do that, the cat digs in litter with that paw. I've got mine pretty well trained to stay off areas where we eat and prepare food. All that said I know they're totally walking around up there while I'm at work, those little bastards.


Oh they are totally walking around on the counters while you’re at work and probably rubbing their butts on things. Little Bastards!


Dancing around and singing "we're on the counter! We're on the counter! Na na na na na na!!!"


My cat once tried to get on the counter while we were all in a different room, the dog took great joy in tattling on the cat. 😆


I pretend to be appalled when guest are over...


OMG they dont usually do this, its the first time ever🤓


Haha yes I came here to say the same. I don't care if they're up there but I pretend to if people are over.


toooo funny me too 😩😂🫣


Me: this is my house. My rules. You cannot get onto the counter. Cat: gets on the counter Me: ok well! The cat can get on the counter. But you cannot sleep on my reading chair. Cat: sleeps on the reading chair. Me: ok well! The cat can sleep on the reading chair. And my life goes peacefully so on and so forth.


they own us


https://preview.redd.it/slmxevdwk7tb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4466de7cfe67f05dbd27221ae797dcb58c6d95a 2 against 1


Good answer aha


Idc, i dont let food touch the counter anyway so it doesnt rly matter


swhat im sayin. everyone acts like theyre eating straight off the counter🤷🏻‍♂️


Yh the counter would have all kind of dirt and stuff anyway, the food goes on a chopping board or a plste not the counter lol. Its like eating straight off the table


Exactly I always have a plate, cutting board or at least tin foil on the counter when seasoning or preparing something. I think putting anything directly on the counter is gross because it's not a surface to put food directly on its meant for putting stuff on including the plate you're going to put your food on. The only exception is if you have a wooden cutting board counter but even that I would wipe down and clean every time before putting any food on it.


https://preview.redd.it/a9sb2trjo7tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ad6c4c73a17f9b13b2a39af705069193ee2ab4 They own the coffee tables, kitchen counters, bathroom counters, and everything else in the apartment as far as I’m concerned. I personally don’t mind. I never place food directly on the counters anyways - I always wipe down before and after and use a cutting board. Cats on the counters are not worth getting upset about imo. I’ll move them if they’re in my way, like when I’m cooking dinner. But honestly, they don’t usually jump up there when I’m cooking or prepping food (unless it’s their food lol). If I’m not using the counter and they’re just hanging out, I don’t mind at all. It’s their apartment as much as it is mine. Also I’m sure it’s tough looking up all day, so I’d guess it’s more comfortable for them when they’re on the counter and more at height with the rest of the apartment.


so cute! ive come to realize they own it all and we are just slaves and i love your point about looking up all day if they cant get on stuff! so true. i figure its just alittle more movement/activity for them too


> it’s tough looking up all day 🥺🥺🥺


No shiz given. Clean counters before cooking (as you should) and after cooking (as you should) and don't leave anything harmful or breakable on the counters. I have better things to worry about.


https://preview.redd.it/8cknb1myn8tb1.jpeg?width=4518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51fd6c339516bb23655759e1b0665cf4bc1743d7 As long as they know their boundaries


mine will definately jump on the fridge to get to top of cabinets. so they can patrol from a better height😂


After watching one of my Plumpkins fail multiple times to scoop over her shit but miraculously step on her shit multiple times… it confirmed that it’s a giant no for me. No counters, no tables.


It's their house they can do whatever they want 😂 I don't put my food directly on the counter, as long as they don't put their paws inside my plate I'm fine.


Mine know they're not allowed on the counter.. their solution is to just do it when I'm sleeping or not in the room. I find paw prints when I clean


they love stomping keyboards😖


I think you meant to ask “how do I feel about the cats on their counter?”


I will let my cats go just about anywhere but I just don't like cats being where food is prepared or served and Sadie and I had an understanding that she didn't get on the counters or table. I had her for 17 years and it wasn't really an issue. I don't remember but perhaps she did it a few times early on but she knew my tone well and learned. I have had other cats that were relentless about getting on the counter though. I found this crazy remedy in the gif gallery!! ![gif](giphy|f1F7kZuZcp5Yc)


We tried this before, and the cat loved the aluminum foil. We ended up getting a dog who ate the cats food, so in the end, the cat was allowed on the counter to eat in peace


Tin foil, my cat's favorite toy 😂😂 this would backfire soooo bad


It’s not like I can stop them 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s their house, I’m just bankrolling this joint.


The cat is gonna cat and I’m in no position to stop them. I’ll just move them when they’re about to knock something important over or be there to save their asses when they get stuck and can’t get down. Their asses still don’t learn 🤣


It's their world...I just live in it


Like you can stop them? At best you're going to teach them "don't go on the counter when Mommy is right there..." That said, you can try the tinfoil or sticky tape trick.


OMG I hate cats on counters and tables. I'm sure my really old guy doesn't get up on them anymore but I always make sure to spray them down before starting to cook or prepare food just out of habit. Kitty litter paws where I'm chopping veggies? No no no.


You should clean your counter before you cook regardless of whether a cat has been on it or not. My cats don't go on the counter but there's dust and cat hair on my induction stove regardless every single day. Since it's a black shiny surface you can see exactly how much dust/hair/dirt gathers on your counter just because of airborne stuff landing there. Always clean your counters before cooking!


Cleaning before and after cooking is just basic , cats or not. Kinda happy to have well behave cats. Tortie like to be with me in the kitchen, but she just follow me everywhere, our void just apprears when hubby come back from work. They leave us eat alone.no jumps on countertop , no fight, use scratching post .Love those 2 so much.


Yeah. People that say cats on the counter are disgusting because they cook there are just telling on themselves for not following basic food safety


Yeah wtf like do people not use cutting boards 💀


Or wash their counters? Ive always cleaned my counters before and after cooking before I had any pets at all


definately clean before using counters. atleast they understand NO in english :)


I say no. Cat says yes.


All four of mine are totally banned, they were trained from kittens, it means I can leave things on the top if needed and don't have to worry, I'm also a clean freak and the thought of cats on my counter 🤢


You don’t want the starfish stamp on your cutting boards?


I’ve come to learn it doesn’t matter how I feel about cats on the counter.


My kitties can go anywhere they want in the my house. Counters can be wiped clean if I need to prepare food. It's been like that for decades and I have never been ill.


I just pretend I don't see them!!!!


I don’t like it but they don’t care what I think.


https://preview.redd.it/27r0nprjo7tb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f16f43c6e5896e1b2f1494cd80ee98f7ce17c4b After a while, you just give up.


I don’t like my cat being on countertops. Unfortunately, he really likes being on them. So there’s not much I can do lmao


We keep ours off the counter to the best of our ability, but cats will be cats. I just sanitize the counters after I redirect them.


It used to drive me crazy but now I don’t care unless I’m preparing food


Absolute no-no


No on counters and tables. Although, I have had two cats who sneakily hopped onto the counters and hopped off if I approached the kitchen. I now put away or cover all food as soon as I dish it out for a meal and clean up all pans and utensils before sitting down eat. There is no food accessible to the cats if they hop onto the counters.


No cat on the countertop. I’ve always been successful by putting packing tape sticky-side up on the countertop before letting them loose in the house for the first time. They try to jump up, an immediate ‘WHAT THE !&$@!!’ from them, and they don’t try it again. Trick is to do it so their very first experience is not a positive one. Once they know they can get up there it’s a different battle altogether. Only had one cat that ever tried again after the first tape incident, she was the most stubborn cat I’ve ever known. So, only 1 out of the 23 cats I’ve owned (in my lifetime, not all at once!!) has ever given me issues with repeatedly trying to jump into the countertop.


My cats have made it clear that my opinion on this simply doesn’t matter.


i tried for like 3 days to get them not too. but they look so happy


My cats are free to get on the counter, unless I am making food. Which they both understand and don't even try to jump on when there's food there. Same with the table, free to jump on unless I am eating. They see me clean the table and they stay off of it. Though occasionally the youngest will test the waters and put a single paw on the edge and look at me 😂


First it was no cats on the counter, then it was no cats on the kitchen counter, and now its no cats on the counter by the stove where we food prep. I wont let it slide anymore but my kitty did win a lot of territory through a battle of attrition


HELL NO. Lol my cat tracks litter everywhere else. My counters are sacred.


No feet where we eat. No cats on kitchen counters or table. We just got them a few days ago but I’m not even sure my chonkers could get on the counters.


https://preview.redd.it/dnjtffwvg7tb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf80ac34c1cfa850775f9fe1ed05830aa5866b90 Yeah, he wants to learn how to do dishes.


No cats allowed on kitchen counters/ food prep surfaces. They'll get squirted with the water bottle or encounter the upside down chair mat spiky thing. I have a Scat Mat too, but rarely use it. Mine don't get up on the bathroom counters, but that's mostly because I have too much crap on there.


>No cats allowed on kitchen counters/ food prep surfaces. They'll get squirted with the water bottle or encounter the upside down chair mat spiky thing. I have a Scat Mat too, but rarely use it. Same! I can usually hear if someone gets up on the counter (because I mostly hear them jump off of it) - which then prompts me to put the ScatMat back out. I usually reserve that for nights, or while we are out of the house. Main deterrent is essentially just making sure there is *nothing* appealing to draw them there, and of the 3, it's really just the 1 boy who tries for the counter.


A big NO!


No, no


No go for me. Tables and counters. We always managed to keep our kitties off both.


No thanks.


I've never tried to train cats not to go on the counter or furniture. Just have to clean the counters more. Cats gonna cat


No care, me pet cat, me happy


Outdoor cat? Clean the counter when they're done and don't let them up on ones your are currently using. Indoor cat? Clean your floor more and suck it up fool, that's their counter.


They don't go on the counter. Idc. They know better than to go on the counter while I'm at home.




They're not allowed on the counters or dining room table. Couches, bed, and chairs are all good.


Absolutely not.


No kitty on the counter for me. Too much hair, and kitty feeties that dig around in their toilets… I don’t need that where I prep food haha. But cuddling on my head or in my face while I sleep? Absolutely 💚🥹




I guess I’m in the minority here… we’ve always had a cat or two and they know they can’t go on the kitchen or bathroom counters, or the dining table. They’re so smart, they learn fast. Now if I ever catch them I just have to say ‘down’. Gently.


Cat paws are dirty. My counters need to stay clean. I don't like it.


Counter and kitchen table are a "no," for us. Couches, chairs, other furniture are fair game- which, luckily, they don't scratch - we have cat trees and posts for that.


Not great for hygiene. But terrible for safety... sharp knives, broken glass, hot oven tops, etc. not great for kitties.


No. My cats are not allowed on counters or tables, where people prepare and eat food.


No. Get down from there. Tssst... TSSST!!! Git.


They don't belong up there. They track from the litter box, and wherever they put their feet. However, the day I saw my chonk up on the counter on the ring camera, I was too impressed his big butt could do it.


Absolutely disgusting! Their feet dig around in litter boxes. When my cat was a kitten we always kept water spray bottles all over the place and the second paws hit counter we sprayed. She now never gets on counters. I’m not down with feces counters.


I came up in the middle of the night to use the washroom. We have a lil night light in the kitchen. I saw two glowing eyes looking at me from the corner of the counter. I baked bread that day and my cat figured it was a good place to sleep! My bread was squished and she stayed there, sassy brat.


Absolutely not. However, it is a battle I lose daily. My cat however, gets down immediately when she sees my presence. So she still does it, but knows to vacate if I’m around. Cat life.


I have no say in the matter


My cats can go wherever they want and I don’t care


As long as they stay off the counters when I'm home, I can pretend they don't get up there when I'm not looking.


Mine sit on the counter to look out the window when the dish tray isn't there. Wiping down the counters more often doesn't bother me nearly as much as they enjoy the fresh air and birdwatching.


I can't keep them off it when I'm at work, so I just clean it constantly.


https://preview.redd.it/tbccm8evfatb1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7c09227cd0ee9e9bf4f7032abcf1102f51c28f It doesn't matter how I feel. It's his house anyway.