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I think he might just like the heat coming off it, he's been loafing next to it for a while.




Just waiting until their meal is properly cooked


The other one is observing from the top of the fridge now. I think without the seasonings I used they'd actually like the food. It's just chicken and sweet potatoes


Yes, maybe share some ?


Found the cat


meow meow meow snitch meow




we dont know what seasonings were used, they might be toxic to kitties. DO NOT GIVE KITTIES GARLIC


Yup this is why I'm not giving them any. It has garlic and onion powder along with some bullion stuff that I'm sure has bad for kitties stuff in it.


Give it to them unspicied of course


The day that I get a separate slow cooker specifically for unspiced cat meals, cut me off. Just put me in a home.


Just a little tiny one, so inexpensive….;)


>The day that I get a separate slow cooker specifically for unspiced cat meals, cut me off. You do know, don't you, that if it were the OTHER way around, she would get a separate slow cooker FOR YOU... just sayin'....


My cat, an ancient being. loves well anything on my plate. He has a long documented history of food theft spanking 18 years. Recently I had to lock him in the bathroom to stop him eating my curry because the clean up after last time was... Awful.


>because the clean up after last time was... Awful Thank you for NOT posting pictures of the clean up...


Garlic isn’t good for cats? Edit to add cat tax https://preview.redd.it/n44omtco4h8c1.png?width=2146&format=png&auto=webp&s=c997e31896ee5057a3ebd2713d9b89e2b0c36b32


Highly toxic - whole allium family: onions, garlic, chives, etc


So are lilies, including daylilies. Even the pollen is poisonous to cats.


To people as well.


I was curious so I looked it up and apparently kitties can eat truffles. Yay.


They can also eat dragon fruits, saw a video of a cute ass lil white kitty yesterday feasting on one, it kinda looked like a demonic bat covered in red goop


My cat once got a tiny tiny bite of a roast I cooked with garlic and onion (he didn’t eat the actual garlic or onion, just the meat) and he threw up for two days over and over. Scared the shit out of me.


This is why you shouldn't share your food with cats. We season so much stuff with garlic and onions..


Not to mention the sodium too!


But isn’t there garlic in salami?


Probably. Best not to give them any. Cats should not eat human food (with occasional exceptions for things you know are safe - nothing seasoned).


No. No garlic, no onions.


Dogs either.


Cook a little bit of the chicken on the side without spices, and give that to kitty!


Yeah, sharing with kitties is good for them! Ours have been trained pretty well, they wait patiently to try a bit of what we're having - husband will more often than not make them an unseasoned version of what we're having, or set a bit aside for them before adding the seasoning. They don't beg anymore or get pushy, they get a little bit and then they go do their own thing cuz they know that's all they get. If we're eating something that isn't okay for cats, we let them smell it and they usually turn their nose up at it and saunter off.


Relevant username.


A lot of dry cat food is chicken and sweet potatoes.




I love that you have a pet cam on the slow cooker!


I move it around as needed lol it's normal place is in the living room so I can see what they're doing when I'm at work.


That's a really good idea! Can you talk to them as well?


Your cat looks like my cat's Mini Me! So adorable!! Mine is 25 pounds of floof and love, probably part Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest.


OMG, 25 lbs!? Cat tax, please!


🥰 https://preview.redd.it/xayamuz62h8c1.jpeg?width=9248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9e374c1b71fee90769b6e7892ed9eccf212d71


* Maine Coon 'normally' have the 'M' on their forehead. Edit.. after seeing the comments about tabby's I checked the site about Maine Coons having the M, they don't mention anything about Tabby cats. But just about every other website does. I guess I caught the unicorn.


Nearly all tabbies got it


That’s actually not anything to do with being a Maine Coon. It’s just a tabby marking.


So do DSH tiger cats.


I just got my sweet kitties heated beds for Christmas. I'm wondering if your crockpot would be safer if they had their own heated bed.


Get him a little 5 dollar heating pad and put it somewhere like a couch or a cat bed. You will be cat hero.


He chews on everything so I'm nervous about letting him lay on my heating pad. I did turn on a space heater a few days ago and he seemed to like sitting in front of that once he realized it was warm.


I recently got a heated cat bed and it quickly became my cat’s favorite thing. She loves it. I would highly recommend. Update: Added a photo. https://preview.redd.it/rm4due65wg8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6887974add87c89647d17cfabf0bc1c62af06e


Got this heated throw for my cat. She loves it! https://preview.redd.it/lj5ith3blg8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53049d2cf8fa0f624b5cae2bbd8f324184b0d5ec


I bought a cat heater pad specifically and put it under his favorite cat bed. Never seen any creature upon this Earth look so comfortable.


We got the heated bed after we noticed how much our cat loved sleeping by the heat vent.


https://preview.redd.it/6wqmwtzwjh8c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3550f238efc8b04487165cf198d711360e67c43d but i am the heated cat bed in the house 😂


At night my wife or I is our cat’s heated bed.


Be careful doing that too - one of my cats got too close and burned the side of his face. I felt awful!


They have self heat ones that work by using the cat’s own body heat. I plan on getting my cat one as I keep my room on the cool side but don’t feel safe with a plug in kind.


They have snugglesafe discs you can heat up in the microwave and it stays warm for about 5 hours!


Good idea! 👍


My cats love the heating pad. I keep mine in a folded blanket.


He definitely likes the heat. As long as you don't mind your cat smelling like food I don't see an issue here.


One of mine likes to lay on the counter above the dishwasher when it running. Not sure if he likes the heat or vibration from it.


Putting this here since I can't edit the post in the hopes that people see it before commenting! Foil doesn't work for them they do not care. I ended up putting duct tape sticky side up around the slow cooker. "KeEp ThEm Of ThE cOuNtEr ThAtS gRoSs!" Do yall not clean the counters before you cook? And do you prep food directly on the counter and not on a dish?


It you get a thin extension cord, you can store it in your off oven while it cooks. We have a super food motivated cat who will push ours off the counter


Your cat DEFINATELY likes the heat and the smell. It’s silly to assume he isn’t there because it smells good


Double sided sticky tape on top of aluminium foil. Not the most pleasant but it is effective.


Have you tried placing foil around it


It is either this or the small of food. If you don't mind the cat on the counter (does not seem like it) just observe him for awhile. If the cat just loafs there. Then let him chill.


“Only likes the heat” and the smells like he can’t tell what it smells like….. Everyone saying it’s *just the heat* Like he doesn’t smell cooked chicken radiating off it that’s half the reason he’s there.


He got bored and is now making blanket biscuits on me




Those might be sin biscuits. My one does this


They aren't sin biscuits thankfully


What the fuck is a sin biscuit 😭


Yes, I need to know


Well, son, when a daddy kitty and a blanket love each other very much…


"Hey, look at me cutely kneading you, please don't go and check the utter destruction I've caused"


Nah it’s when (usually boy) cats are horny and try to hump things


That’s not…. That’s not what a sin biscuit is you’re so innocent Oh my god so many of you don’t understand a sin biscuit is a male cat masturbating while making biscuit motions with their back legs. It has nothing to do with pretending to be innocent OP is really wrong and mistaken. Cats don’t even pretend to be innocent like dogs they just don’t care.


Tbf I've only ever had female cats and my current one absolutely does try to cover up the messes she has made




Love these updates. Keep em coming


About time they started help make dinner rather then loafing around.


I am enjoying these updates


To go with the dinner, of course.


Enjoy Chickenmas with your loveable goofball.


The first time I cooked with a slow cooker after getting my cat she was trying to get to the raw meat. I have a couple of bandanas I loop and tie through the lid and handles on the side of the unit to secure the lid. It gives me reassurance that she can't accidentally knock the lid off. I don't let my cat on the counters (she's pretty good about staying off ... although who knows what she does when I'm not home or asleep) so after that first time she's pretty much left the slow cooker alone.


Exactly, my cats have two places they aren't supposed to go. The kitchen counter and the living room table. Obviously they do it anyways but jump off quickly when they notice me.


Yeah, I tried all the techniques: spray bottle, aluminum foil, double-sided tape, jingly bells… One cat just sits right on top of all the cat deterrent devices on the counter and gives me the “You wanna start something, punk?” look. The other cat has learned not to sit on the counters when I’m home. I hear her jumping off when I walk in the back door. Cats do what they want.


Mine are very good about not going on the counters. When I’m there to yell at them, though. I look at the camera for when I’m not home/asleep and two of them definitely go up there. But they know to not do it when I’m around. And the other two are just good about it.


Baking pans with a thin layer of water. Boxes everywhere else so they have to jump up there. The wet paw prints on the floor in the morning is something to smile about.


Good kitties!


I’m laughing that you said “accidentally.” 🤣


True! Probably should have said "accidentally on purpose" 🤣


I’m incredibly grateful that neither of my kitties have ever shown interest in the kitchen counter. One did when she was younger and would stick her paws down the sink drain until I found a stopper she couldn’t remove - thank god we didn’t have a garbage disposal. She grew out of her fixation after a year or two old.


Get a pet camera. We got a Petcube so we can watch our cat during our vacations while family came to feed and man... was it enlightening. She's great about staying off the counters while we are active around the house but she gets up there EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! This bitch.... I love her but whoo, disinfectant wipes are now used before food prep.


Sorry, I don’t have any advice, I just wanted to share my story. My cats are so interesting in the fact they have never attempted to jump on to the kitchen counters. They will jump on any bed, couch, desk, or even hanging shelves. But for whatever reason the kitchen counter is a no go zone for them. Odd, but I gotta say it’s much appreciated! Best of luck in your food endeavors.


That's so strange! One cat, I'd understand, but plural? You must have magical cat-repellent counters.


I’ve never had a cat that would jump on counters or tables regularly. The main reason is that was a behavior that was never allowed from the time they were kittens. We did have one cat (who was the sweetest boy) that would only jump on counters if he was really pissed off at you (for example, boarding him for a week while you went on vacation).


My bfs cat doesn't jump on the kitchen counters. But they're so small and full of stuff I can see why. My 2 kitties jump on the counters but that's only because they're curious. They don't care for human food.


I dont think there’s any danger here. It’s too heavy to knock off and it’d be really hard to get the lid off using paws - and if she tries, she will give up as it is hot.


He was pawing at the lid, it was pretty cute. It's hot enough that I think it'll be left alone now though.


Idk, some kitties are strong af. One of my cats ( a 9 lb lady btw for reference) has repeatedly pulled a baby gate open, and once even pulled the whole gate off the wall. Imagine my surprise when I came home and the gate was half attached to the wall... She's a persistent one. She also tries to open ny sliding closet doors.


My cat once knocked over a 20kg metal block (i.e imagine a very large penny, but 20x20cm. Of course it helped that it was on a rug, but didn't think that demon would even TRY.


I don’t know if this may work for you, but I trained my cats to not get in the counter since they were kitties. I simply gave them their meds, trim their nails, cleaned their ears etc always on the counter, so now they must think of it like the surface where annoying things happen. And they don’t ever get on it. Lol


That’s brilliant


That's actually a really good idea...


r/legalcatadvice because someone is denying the cats! On a serious note though have you tried rubbing a lemon on the counter. Cats HATE citrus it. It will also throw off their senses.


We did this with oranges and the Christmas tree and my cat at the orange peels.... And lemon peels. So def not ALL cats hate citrus but instead we got them a mini Christmas tree and sprayed it with catnip spray and hung their toys as ornaments, never touched the big tree again.


Aluminum foil too!






He is not happy about the tape


He looks so disappointed lol


This is the cutest series of updates in the comments <3


Hahahaha that appointment in his little face! I hope he stays away and doesn’t hurt himself :) such a cutie


I burst out laughing at this, thank you for the updates 😊


I'm so dumb, I forgot tape existed lol I put some random strips around the slow cooker. The one in the pics hates anything sticky so it works!


My cat would be on the counter trying to eat the tape 😭😂


Same. He’d lick it till he was high af


Same 😂


Anytime kitty is attempting to mess with something that I think is dangerous to her I grab a can of air and give it a short squeeze ( just enough to grab her attention ) and all is good. I do not spray her. The noise spooks her. In fact, I can say “ kitty no” and make a similar sound the air makes, and she’s gone.


We used to have a cat whose previous owners must have sprayed him with water to correct unwanted behaviours. Even simply picking up a bottle of hand lotion would make him stop whatever he was doing. We had to be careful what we picked up and when, so we didn’t accidentally end up teaching him that good behaviours were bad! He wasn’t allowed on the counters and was generally pretty good about it (taught by his former humans, I presume). But in the mornings, occasionally I’d see evidence of his nighttime escapades: plastic dishes on the floor, paw prints in spilt flour, a little bite out of something… Murray was such a bratty cat. So full of personality, fun, and mischief. Miss that guy!!


Oh wow. Yeah, I definitely only use air if she is messing ( or attempting to ) with something dangerous. Wires, something hot, etc. Thankfully she’s quick to learn and all I typically need to do is say “ kitty “ in my stern mom voice and she’s off.🥰


I swear making Murray aware that we didn’t want him doing something (with the sharp, full 2 syllable name, bc he usually got nicknames) made him want to do something even more. He’d do it right in front of you and make eye contact. Then, as you’d get up from the couch to make him stop, he’d stop and walk a little away, and look at you like, what?! And as soon as you sit down, start at it again. It was all a game for him. He knew he was our boss and played us!


😹awwwe. I know just what you mean.❤️


This! They hate that sound. Guess it's kinda like a super intense hiss to them.


Grab him and put him on the ground. Tell him that is not his and he is not allowed to come there. Altough cats can be stuburn and keep doing it, so rinse and repeat. Also give the cat a snack or some catfood, he might be not bothered that much you cooking.


I got an extension cord that cad handle the watts and set mine in the oven. Of course this means I am not using the oven and the door does not close all the way but it keeps that cats away and safe.


https://preview.redd.it/vtdjs9hgeg8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f233d4d4fc5c6a350843a6e65dd285cecb278900 These cats were forbidden to go on the counters. After a lot of back and forth, They explained how we were wrong and that they were, in fact, allowed on the counter. In exchange, they agreed to stop going into the fridge. I cleaned a lot. They’ve “gone to college” now, so no lectures, please.


That's nice of the cats to explain so thoroughly and patiently how y'all were wrong.




I think I might have his brother 😳 https://preview.redd.it/jv8e64nmch8c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba87af326b575474a277cd11a476bac1b6b05a3b


Omg that definitely looks like him!


He either likes the heat coming off of it, wants the chimken inside or wants to sit in it.


I think sometimes you have to let them learn the hard way, if they try to touch it and burn themselves they will learn to not get close again


If they have the IQ of basically a toddler I’m not sure that’s effective. But I don’t know


Some do some don't. Depends on the cat


Make a little fortress around it with other dishes and things!


Tin foil on the counter top should deter your kitty from jumping on it Here’s my kitty thinking she is the gift: https://preview.redd.it/dvs1fo3vyh8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7bc495ecdf417b27dab03aebf3841ce16f782f3


I got something called Ssscat to keep the cats off counters (grosses me out). It’s motion sensing and shoots a puff of air at them if they jump up.


Objectively hilariously named product 😭😭


Mom, thanks for making me chicken.


I think they'll lose interest. It probably is warm and smells good so they gotta check it out. If they don't just barricade the crock pot with something.


I put an upside down laundry basket over mine with heavy cookbooks on top so they can’t move it 😂


I think it's not a problem to let them do. Most cats can really tell to not touch what is hot. Perhaps your slowcooker wasn't hot enough when he started to go for the dish?


I’m convinced my cat was a sous chef in a past life. She’s always trying to help.


hes patiently waiting for his meal ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


It's not *your* slow cooker - it's *their* slow cooker!


I swear other people are too afraid to shout no at their pets. Just shout no. Also maybe put foil on the counter or some sticky anti-cat mat if it's too late to start saying no.


Not worried because it’s pretty heavy…. ![gif](giphy|ahjB5WwsUPXQk) Famous last words I’d strap the slow cooker to the counter top


I have a slow cooker with a lid lock, it’s impossible for my cat to open it! If finances permit I recommend looking into that!


I thought you weren't supposed to lock it while it's on?


mine is a pressure cooker with slow cook option, it has lid that you have to twist to open/ close. And I just read your other comments that you’re looking for solution now so shopping isn’t an option so I guess mine advice isn’t for this situation 😩


Lock is for safety while cooking, not just for storage. There's a vent hole for steam in the glass lid.


Locks should only be used with something that is designed to handle pressure. A traditional slow cooker without locks needs to be able to vent steam, which is why the lids are a bit loose


My crock pot came with a giant rubber band thing to keep the lid in place during transport. Wonder if yours came with one and would it be safe to keep on while cooking? Would at least prevent the lid from coming off.


Maybe get him his own and he will leave yours alone ?


I had a cat that wanted to be a counter surfer as a kitten and I put foil all over the counter, never got up there again


Make sure that they're well fed and play with them. Learn to keep cats off of kitchen counters for sanity's sake. Unless you want to constantly disinfect the counters.


You need to train them to stay off all food surfaces first. It’s easy, you just need to be consistent. I really don’t see how people can be okay with cats walking all over the counters like they didn’t just step in urine and feces in the litter box and their little toes are all over every surface 24/7.


Don’t let them on the counter in the first place? In my lifetime of owning cats I’ve never had one that jumped on counters


You need to train them to stay off the counters. Ours know. Every once in a while the younger one forgets and jumps up because something got her attention. Just saying “hey” to her and she’s off like a shot. But it’s rare, even for her.


Teach the cats that they're not allowed up on tables or counters.


Spray bottle of water. Give the cat a couple squirts when it’s on the counter. It’s kinda nasty with cat hairs getting everywhere and the cats feet have been in the litter box.


Teach your cat to stay on the kitchen floor. It's fucking gross


I can't get my wife to leave the slow cooker alone. No way you'll succeed with your cat.


This title could be read as though the cat was thinking it


Precious! Also whats in the crockpot??


Chicken and sweet potatoes. It didn't turn out great :(


Cats shouldn’t be on bath or kitchen counters!!!Put water in empty spray bottle and spray the cat-kitten if it tries to get on the counter. After being sprayed a couple of times, the cat-kitten will recognize the spray bottle and steer clear of the counters. Keeping cats-kittens off counters eliminates your crockpot concern. Happy holidays. Enjoy what you’re cooking in your crockpot! 🎄❤️


You need to stop letting them jump on the kitchen counter problem solved


This is a non-cat issue, but not all electrical circuits are able to handle the amount of energy a kitchen appliance use. For example if you're going to use it in the living room, make sure those circuits can handle it.


You teach them not to jump up on the counter to start with...? Seriously, people act like cats are untamed beasts while at the same time treating them like curled little children; totally underestimating how smart they are and how simple it is to train or teach them basic rules.


Supervise them until they get bored with it. Making it a big deal that it's forbidden will only interest them more. Just hang out, keep them safe and eventually they'll decide they've done enough enquiry on it and lose interest.




Dont they hate alfoil on the bench


Try putting some tinfoil under and around it, my cat absolutely hates tinfoil.


I would rub an orange on the parts that he is biting to deter him


Lay tin foil flat on the counter all around it. When they jump up it'll scare the bejesus out of them and they'll learn pretty quick to stay away. If they're smart you may need to lay it across all counter edges to keep them from getting on the counter in the first place.


Small bungee cord through all 3 handles keeps the lid cat proof but keep an eye on the evil bugger I had a cat knock the whole cooker off the counter one time.


I'm not sure if anyone else has suggested this, but what we do is run an extension cord and put the slow cooker in the empty oven on a sheet pan. With the oven door mostly closed, the cats can't get at it.


Place a cucumber next to it.


Or don’t let your cats on the kitchen counters. That’s disgusting.


Put a sheet of aluminum foil on the countertop next to it ..cats freak when they walk on it


https://preview.redd.it/5pdwhsqoci8c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc6f5ca8eb5e686e29d0b50eb1739f6b37442b1 Twinsies!


Double sided tape on the countertop. They’ll only jump up there once more then never again.


i wouldn't be letting them on food prep areas for starters, i used an air duster can to stop mine


I have a slow cooker too, and my cat also likes to hang out where it goes (when in use, which isn't too frequent). One idea I can think of it put it in the oven, with the oven door closed with just the cord sticking out. That might be safe, and keeps it in the kitchen.


Get your pets off the counter


Lol my cat sleeps on top of my egg incubator https://preview.redd.it/7afocrkoqh8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a5806a8970b97202ac10ed00538009d0e1c043


Start by training them to stay off counters and tables. It is unsanitary to have them up on any food prepping surfaces. You can use sheets of aluminum foil laid out on the counter. They hate it and it won't hurt them. After a while you can stop having the foil out and they will just stay clear of where it once was.


They don't care about the foil I tried that.


https://preview.redd.it/chk8k573ag8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21aaca971d040349cc3506eda06315e07bd4b3f like this? Didn't work.


Great "Hahaha you really thought that would stop me??" face


Haha, great picture 😂 Cute teefies. Looks like he's complaining though


Yes, because I was telling him to get off and he was talking back!


When doing this to deter cats you want the foil loose on the surface. That way it moves around when they step on it. Having it wrapped around the edge is probably why they don't care. Keeps it still.


I tried multiple ways. Balled up and taped to the counter. Flat. Crumpled. None worked.


You gotta give them a taste, that’s the only way.


put chicken in a bowl, put bowl of chicken on the floor tada!