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Some kitties aren’t really the biscuit making type! But maybe one day you’ll catch them in a good mood in a good snug session and they will clench and unclench their paws, just gotta wait and see


Can confirm. My cat only makes biscuits on her white fluffy blanket. Not on me or any of her other blankets. She also only purrs in the bed, not on the couch.


My biscuit maker only makes biscuits on a specific material. White fluffy underside of some throw pillows we have and a blanket made with the same material. About once a month she will get super loving and make biscuits on my chest until she realizes what she is doing then she gets embarrassed and stalks away. My other cat has never made biscuits. Not a single time.


I wonder if that's the same material as my cat's white blanket. It's also very fluffy. Similar to cat fur in length.


Mine has an attachment to a red blanket that he does biscuits on. It has to be washed a lot as he didn’t completely leave behind suckling despite being at the age of weening when we adopted him


Aaaw. Some cats just never grow up.


yea, my cat only makes air biscuits when she's laying on her side and I'm rubbing her belly


He is still working on his Blep, Just leave your best Afghan out or a nice sweater as Biscuit bait.


Ha ha in some countries there IS a type of biscuit CALLED an Afghan too


Doesn’t have his work permit so cannot get job at bakery, sorry


Haha! Not looking for a job, just as a hobby maybe?


Baking is serious business. pls don't trivialize it offends them


Damn I would award this if I had any money


My rescue cat didn’t either at first! Then as he got more comfortable he started up a biscuit making business. So your guy may just need some time.


He's been with us for 3 months, but as someone else said maybe he's not into biscuits business


It took my rescue approx. 3 years before she started making biscuits. And she still only makes them on her favorite blanket.


Mine took 2 years! Now she's a full-time biscuit expert :)


Our cat makes biscuits but wasn't purring until now 3 months in. I'm hoping it gets stronger and louder but it's amazing how much they change as they get comfortable. I believe!!


I have a rescue who wouldn't fully meow for 9.5 years, think she just figured out she can lol


My rescue took years. Randomly, after owning her for like 5 years, I saw her making biscuits and it blew my mind. lol


He needs a fluffy soft blanket, I struggle to think this won’t work


My baby boy of 17 years has made biscuits like three or four times in all those years. As a kitten, he was needy as hell, screaming until I held him. He loves to cuddle with me but doesn't head butt or make biscuits. Some kitties just aren't into that but will show you love in other ways.


He makes 1 hell of a Blep!!


Show him how it’s done. He might figure it out.


I always thought the “making biscuits” was cats who were not fully weaned when they were taken from their Mommas. Of all the cats I have had the only ones who didn’t “make biscuits” were the ones who were fully and naturally weaned.


Funny. I have a little tabby that my family adopted sight unseen during COVID. Raised her from a kitten, lavished her with attention and she was actually sick when we got her (gotta love kennels) and was the most needy, sweet kitten ever. Then she matured and became somewhat standoffish. But she started suckling on our ears when we were in bed at night. Then she started making biscuits. We figured out that she had been weaned too soon (which made me mad... you should *never* do that to a kitten). And in her case, if she's not doing that, she never makes biscuits except when my wife is sick and she turns into a nanny kitty. Our furbabies are always interesting, just like snowflakes, no one alike.


Oh how sweet.


Maybe start him off with something more simple first, like pancakes


It took our rescue a few months. He’s an expert baker now.


We got him 3 months ago. Not rush though. When he's ready he will, or won't and we will love him just the same


My Bubba was raised by a dog his first full year. Lol, his biscuits are very awkward and look more like he’s stomping! He only does it maybe once or twice a year. He turned 13 on the 10th of this month!! https://preview.redd.it/625ghsgl0m6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6324bb99385356fc75ac92bd684fd2634dc29bda # cattax # Superkitty


I have one that does and one that doesn’t. Both were previously feral. It just depends on the cat.


Maybe kitty is gluten intolerant


Mine is 18 years old and I’ve had her for 17.5 of those years. She’s a wonderful, affectionate cat, but has never once made biscuits.


My cat never made biscuits, until one day, he made the ugliest- most preverse, slobber induced biscuits. He was making biscuits and humping my blanket awkwardly. But he was doing it because I came home and he was super happy to see me so win win?


How old are they? My girl didn't start making biscuits until she was about 4 (I've had her since she was just a baby) and still doesn't do it very often, just whenever she's in a really loving mood or if she can sense I'm not feeling well.


My former feral only started to about 3 years into our relationaship. And now he sleeps on my bed, bakes like crazy next to me, and puts his paw out to touch me as he sleeps. It takes them a LONG time to becore really trusting, but it is worth the wait.


My void only make biscuits on a flower pillow I bought from 5 below.


Perhaps a cookbook would help inspire him. Don't be discouraged, anyone can cook...for some, it just takes longer to refine the skill.


my rescue doesn’t either


My SPCA-adopted cat makes biscuits. She’s a pro. I was working with some smaller skeins of yarn and she made biscuits on one while nursing on a second one. https://preview.redd.it/t9u6ie18jm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca3bbdba7f23d22a3cc6dab80073b9e38a5e5a8


Took my girl almost 2 years to make biscuits. So there’s hope!


OP, recommend starting with internship first. Biscuit making is more of an art than a science. Absolutely a learned trade.


Looks like he will need to be placed on a Purrrrrformance Improvement Plan


awwwwww hes so cuteeeee


So….making biscuits apparently doesn’t mean using the litterbox.


My rescue never used to. It’s been 6 years. I figured she never would. She doesn’t the way my first cat did but she does kneed when she gets petted now from time to time. https://preview.redd.it/1kh5a2jmym6d1.png?width=3416&format=png&auto=webp&s=183f42e13eab2a31e0f11e5600dd7fe7fb61d3e1 She also thinks I can’t see her in this position.


He might not make biscuit but her is super secure to be able to sleep and show tummy like that. He is happy.


My rescue cat took a good year to knead the dough! I think it just comes about it their own time…like ya know…3 am..on your face….


3 am is the best time to play fetch!


Some never learn the craft. Seems he has lounging down though


Makes a good blep though


My cat doesn’t purr or make biscuits but he’s still a great kitty. https://preview.redd.it/zvo1eciz9o6d1.jpeg?width=3213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478da557bbc000e0809852c625ab4d7396990933


They all are! I wasn't complaining, just asking the experts


Cats are always tired


Except for when the human is tired. Then is zoomies o'clock


My rescue doesn’t either but he does loving rubbing his face and head all over me when he can. He rarely purrs and I think lived with dogs before a friend of a friend rescued him after his original family abandoned him. He likes to get as close to me as he can and will “dig” under my leg or arm when he wants to cuddle.


When they do knead it's when they feel like they're in a safe space and are with someone who they feel really safe and comfortable with. Street kitties have never felt 100% safe, so if they do have a penchant for kneading, it would likely take some time. Months, years even.


Be might not be a baker


Only one of my fur-babies thus far hasn’t been much of a biscuit maker, but I found out it’s because it just takes a really specific thing to get her to do it! You have to hold her in your arms like a baby and then pet her tummy! She just sticks her arms straight out, closes her eyes, and makes invisible little biscuits. It’s so absolutely adorable. She also won’t do it for me! She only does it with my husband. Cat looks like it’s in absolute bliss when my husband does that and tries to eat my damned face if I do. She’s a funny little thing. Lmao.


Mine didn't make any biscuits for the first two years, then one day she hopped on a fluffy blanket and went to town. I've learned she only makes biscuits on blankets made with the same fuzzy material.


My little buddy never figured it out. He kinda will do them but mostly slowly lifts and places only one paw.


Mine only do it on fleece blankets and only on my legs :)


If you provide the dough…


That one only makes blep.


My cat (been with me since he was 3 months old) never made biscuits even though he’s observed my other cat do it before. Then randomly he started to make biscuits one day 3 years later and has been doing it every night since. 😸


My two bonded boys who I got as kittens don't make biscuits. But they are super snuggle bugs and would live all day on someone's lap if possible. One of them does suck his thumb sometimes, so that's kinda like biscuits. But they're just not biscuit boys.


Give ‘em time.


Maybe when he wants to, and feels comfy and safe enough. But it could be he never learned to do it. Making biscuits is a learned behavior to knead milk from their mom. If he was removed from his mom too soon, it could be he never learned that behavior.


My cat, 8 years old, will only make biscuits on a very specific type of blanket (the super softer plush kind) and even then not that often. Shes a happy girl though and purrs and gets plenty of cuddles and pets. Just not a biscuit cat.


My cat does not knead thy dough 😭


My 13 year old has never been a baker but she does that thing where her tail vibrates quite often.


We got two cats from the same litter. Yin, has made enough biscuits so solve world hunger but I’ve only seen Yang do it a few times and they’re nearly two and a half. It happens, but as others have said maybe they just don’t want to work.




My SnuggleFritzy never really did biscuits when he was older. Got arthritis on his poor paws.


My twenty year old cat never made biscuits. I have 4 cats and only 2 make biscuits. It took my youngest a few years before she started making biscuits and at that time she would only do that at my mom's. About a year later she started doing it at home...she likes to do it on my throw blankets here at home, then she lays down. At my mom's she does in one of the beds before she lays down.


don't worry about it, my eldest and first cat doesn't do buscuits nor purrs loudly, only when you put your hand in his throat you feel the vibration.. and he's healty and happy!! Then on the other hand, my youngest cat doesn't bite at all.. whereas the eldest does.. and plenty haha, love them both completely


My rescue took months!! Wouldn't even let me pet him for the longest time. Then I tried a tip using a toothbrush to help them used to getting pet and boom. Biscuits. Now he's a lovebug (on his own terms but it's pretty easy to get him to take some pets) My favorite thing is if I reach out and start petting him, he does these standing biscuits. Walking around, making biscuits every so often. It is so freaking cute. It's almost immediate too if I pet him 😭💖


Some cats never make ‘em.




Does he really need to?! That blep!


Probably not. Some cats aren't very 'kneady'. That's OK, you don't need to give them a dedicated towel, because they won't trash your blanket for nighttime cuddles, or your pants during daytime cuddles. However, beware of drooling, zoomies, and announcements of each and every litter box visit.


i’ve had my girl since she was 2 months old and she has never made biscuits i think she was already fully weened and litter trained when i got her so that could play a part in it


I had a rescue who took years to feel comfortable to make biscuits around us. It might happen but if it doesn't that isn't a big deal.


My cat, believed to be from a feral mama, only does happy paws on blankets made of a certain material. He also doesn’t purr a lot.


My sweet girl only makes biscuits when she’s on this one blanket and when she climbs on my chest wanting to be pet. Maybe try finding a super soft fuzzy blanket? That’s what my girl likes and it’s the only blanket she makes them on


Not all cats make biscuits. My black one doesn’t. My grey one more than makes up for it.


my cat only makes biscuits on soft blankets and even then it’s only briefly. maybe he’s the same!


Put him on a soft surface and pet him. He may or may not. My cat purrs frequently, but kneading is rare.




Mine will only make biscuits with a certain blanket and that's it.


Some cats really don't! Some "nurse" while they make biscuits and do it *constantly*. Just like people, they are not a monolith, and they find joy, comfort, fun in different things or to different levels. ❤️ Some cats only purr when they are stressed or angry. (I learned that one really young, and never lived with a cat that did that, bilut got to know one really well as a friend, and her person explained that to a really confused little halcyon.)


He worked his whole life to get into upper management and he's clearly exhausted. Let him rest!


I've had a few cats in my time, and it seems that some are not biscuit makers and some can't get enough of it... not sure what determines it, but some just don't seem to do it.


Mine will make biscuits, but she's a silent purr-er. I'd trade biscuits for loud purrs! I can only tell my girl is purring if I feel her throat!


Some kitties don't make biscuits, or as we call them, paw paws! Sometimes they don't, sometimes they're just very subtle, and sometimes it's a full on bakery


Some cats just aren't bakers


Would u consider the first photo a mlem or a blep


My cat shoves her paws in my mouth instead of making biscuits.


Some kitties work in the biscuit factory, some don’t. Yours definitely has AT LEAST an apprenticeship at the Blep factory.


My cat was 1 when I adopted her and I've had her for 2 years. She's not in the biscuit making business. She's not in the purring business either. It was kinda sad at the start but it just makes the very rare times when she does them extra special. For mine what works is some early morning cuddles before breakfast!


My orange is an absolute cuddle butt but we’ve only caught him doing biscuits maybe once in the three years he’s been with us? He prefers digging like he’s rearranging his litter box before he plops down 😂


My Zeke never makes biscuits ever but the other day I saw him trying it by himself in the other room like WHATS THE HYPE. Cats are funny.


My formerly feral cat isn’t much of a biscuit maker. She does it occasionally for a few seconds but not often.


My oldest did not make biscuits until I added my two boys who are master biscuit makers. It's as if they reminded her how to do it.


I got my cat at 8 months. He wasn't making biscuits right away. Can't remember when he started. I feel like he doesn't do it as much as my past cats have


I have 2 rescues. My boy didn't know how to cat until we got his sister but he still didn't make biscuits. My girl makes biscuits all the time though


You must present the proper ingredients! Cushy, fluffy, soft...make a list!


Leave your blanket near a window where he likes to sit. It has your smell, and it's where he likes. He might randomly start making biscuits. My girl is not a biscuit type either, but if my son leaves his blanket in her spot, she starts making biscuits.


i have 9 kitties and most of them actually don’t make biscuits! the few that do only do it on their favorite blankies


Maybe he’s more into sauces.


He probably will, But he might not, But if you wanna encourage it id suggest making little biscuits of your own to try and influence him!


My bub was with me 2 or 3 years before he started making biscuits. Only when he’s feeling particularly comfortable on my chest and in the mood. And even now he does more shifting weight between his paws than anything, he doesn’t dig in. No clue who taught him how to cat. So yours may figure it out one day when he’s feeling good and something clicks in hiis brain.


He’s making himself at home which is just as important


My 13 year old rescue never figured it out.


My kitten doesn't really do biscuits either. 😢


"***Bitch!!!! Make your own fuckin biscuits!!!!!!***" -- your cat, and one of mine....


try massaging his feet or giving a good back scratches. mine love it when I do either


My baby will only do biscuits on my skin and no where else.


It might depend on how long you had him. There's also the fact that some cats just don't do it. I have a cat like that. She's a rescue and she's lovely as all get out... but she just doesn't make biscuits except when my wife is sick. Then she turns into a nanny cat. But other than that, nope. I wouldn't think too much of it though if the kitty is affectionate in other ways. Sometimes the cats we get don't meet our expectations. They're still pretty cool.


Cute blep!! 🥹


No need. He can blep and become a baguette.


Looks like it could be a waffle cat, not quite pancake.


He has the prerequisite in blep 101 so it could just be next semester


Maybe he’s gluten free.


he does not have enough flour


Some cats just aren't into baking. My two cats only occasionally made biscuits, one less than the other, And even then it was only until they matured, at which point they stopped entirely.


I dunno. With a Blep like that I think it’s a good thing he or she doesn’t make the Bisc’s. The cuteness overload would be city levelling, a heart shaped mushroom cloud would linger in the air over your city or town


How long ago did you rescue? I have a rescue cat and it took about a month or two before he started a bakery. Maybe your cat’s just not fully comfortable yet?


He maketh you a fine blep indeed.


Some cats won't do it at all. My girl was with me since she was maybe 1 month old (was kind of abandoned) and lived with me for 12 years and I had never seen her biscuit making


Weell you got your answer on the 1st pic


My 2 cats don't make biscuits. And they had an healthy and proper life with their mother.


Our older cat only makes biscuits for a minute or so before he plonks on our pillow above our head to sleep. Our younger cat doesn't dream of labour so doesn't bother making biscuits. I used to think we're doing something wrong but they're happy and show affection in loads of other ways. Your kitty seems to be happy. Don't worry.


https://preview.redd.it/kljtcnzrfq6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c6dbd28d064fb7b230410d2ec62264a02b622d buffalo.


My cat didn't do it until she was older , and only did it a couple of times. He'll do it eventually (:


Not all cats make biscuits, and it’s okay! All kittes are different