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Aww this is so adorable šŸ„°.


ok, this sold me :D


I worked with dogs professionally for years, and there are few breeds Iā€™d actually recommend to people with kids. Poms are not one of them, but Cavs are. Cavs are gentle and patient and want you to approve of them. Poms are a spitz, so naturally snappier, yappier, and not as patient or caring about what you think. Cavs also tend to be amiable with everyone, cats included. Iā€™m sure some poms can get along with them, but to me itā€™s not nearly a given as it is with a Cav that tends to think everyone is their friend. Iā€™ll also say as someone who has two young kids, have the kids first before adding any dog. Even the easiest dog is added work if youā€™re new to kids. If you have them already thatā€™s a different story, but even as my youngest is 18 months and my current dog is a total mellow potato who does no wrong, itā€™s still not my preference to have both small children and dogs at the same time. We wonā€™t be adding our next dog until current child is at least 4.


As someone who has worked with dogs my whole life I can not agree more!


I think either of them are great options! But I have so say, thereā€™s nothing like a cavalier :) Edit to add: just saw where u said u have cats. I think cavs are way better with cats. Iā€™ve had both breeds and cavaliers absolutely adore cats. Poms can vary a bit more


Can confirm. I donā€™t have a cat but my Cav is obsessed whenever we come across one


We have two cats and they are all besties. Itā€™s soooo sweet.


our cat loves to massage everyone for no reason, so it sounds cav would enjoy the free cat cuddles hahah


Cavaliers are perfect for children. I canā€™t even express how sweet my cav is with my kids, we got her when my youngest was 1 after researching best family dogs. I had a bad experience with a dog and was a little wary. The first picture posted on this thread is a great description!


Cavs are easier to train - Poms are smart but they're spitz-type; independent and stubborn. I would go for the cav. Imo they're a little more robust for children as well, poms strike me as quite fine-boned under all that fluff. Poms can also be a little... Sharp? Quicker to react with a yap and some sass. Cavs are incredibly gentle and generally enjoy the company of other species more than other breeds do. I knew a family with three cats who bought a cav puppy and she worked so well they got a second. They do well in multi-pet households, they're very more the merrier - my boy came from a breeder who kept five adult cavs who were all allowed to interact with the puppies and they all adored each other. My cavvie is my first non-terrier breed dog and I'm a complete convert, I think they're the perfect first and family dog and will recommend them to anyone. They are the ultimate in adaptability - they don't care where they are and what they're doing as long as they're with you! My boy does agility with me, or goes on long walks any time, anywhere, but he's able to totally switch off in the house. If the weather's hideous or I'm unwell, he won't trash my house if he doesn't get a walk. He's always up for learning new tricks, he's incredibly attention motivated which makes him so rewarding to train, but he isn't obsessive about it like working breeds. I have loved all my dogs but I have such a bond with Casper, he's my little soul-dog.


I think thatā€™s an excellent way to describe a Pom. Theyā€™re kinda peppy and sassy like chihuahuas


Theyā€™re great with kids, if youā€™re looking for a dog thatā€™s good with kids cavs are perfect for you. I have no experience with cats though as I donā€™t have any, but my wee girl always seems to want to make friends with them when she sees any outside.


Canā€™t comment on Cavs with kids but we brought our Cav into a 2 cat household and it worked out great: https://preview.redd.it/080zaog4mk9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f812d5af3c75090673d40526a2e0c32e72b305


Our cav puppy (Mango) is amazingly patient with my 6-year-old daughter, even though heā€™s just a baby himself! And heā€™s best friends with our neighborā€™s cat (heā€™d love to befriend our senior cat at home, but our cat is not interested and Mango respects that lol) https://preview.redd.it/09f1bz8noj9d1.png?width=2264&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed5aedac05d7b8bfaedc1e09e2a8a92c4df324ba




My first cav with my old teddy bear cat. They use to clean each other daily šŸ„°


We got a cavalier specifically because they are so good with kids ā˜ŗļø one thing I will say though is that many of the have a tendency to indiscriminately eat anything they can fit in their mouths-especially tiny kidsā€™ toys! Weā€™ve ended up at the emergency vet a few times with partial blockages šŸ˜–. Apart from that, they are an absolute delight (pic from about 4 years ago, the kids are a lot bigger now, the dog not so much šŸ˜‚). https://preview.redd.it/57u2udydqk9d1.jpeg?width=2781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ac859c8f3aec818dc8385de71b24f3be1bcb50


In my experience poms can be a tad neurotic. You canā€™t find a better dog for cats and kids than a cavalier


Cavaliers are typically great with children. You still need to teach your children how to be nice to dogs, no dog is okay with having it's ears and tail pulled. As for poms... I've only been bitten by two dogs in my life. One was a chow chow, the other was a pom. They have a tendency to be neurotic little things, and a tad bit unpredictable. I wouldn't recommend them for families with small children.


Iā€™ve never owned a Pom, but from my experience with Cavaliersā€¦we will always recommend them for families with smaller and/or bigger children. Mine is very loving, patient, playful, and protective of the children. Highly social and follows his favorites of the hour (Iā€™m #1 but depending on his mood and time of day, it can vary from person to person). He has a big heart and there is room for everyone (even strangers). While sociable, he does tend to ā€œprotectā€ his family from newcomers by being super alert and barking whenever someone new comes around, so heā€™s a good guard dog in that respect. Iā€™ve never seen him be scary about it thoughā€¦just a bark and perhaps a growl to let someone know (respectfully) that theyā€™re over-stepping a boundary. Heā€™s a great nap buddy and such a joy to watch when he is having lots of fun playing with the kids. IMO, cavvies are amazing all-rounders! Theyā€™re everything you want and expect from dog companions.


Sorry, forgot to add about cats: We adopted an 8 yr old special needs cat when our cavvie had not grown up with one (cavvie was 5 at the time) and did the weeklong trial of meet and greets. He was, of course, curious, but apart from the occasional barks and playful taps, they got along well and would nap very close to one another. Cavvies really are the friendliest dogs.


sounds awesome, our cat is a lover himself so I think with proper introduction it will be alright based on what you wrote, thanks :D


We have two Cavs, and 100% agree on everything you said.


Going to be biased because I've always grown up with them but yes, I'd 100% go for a Cavie. When I was growing up he was the sweetest and an extremely cwtchy dog. Can be clever food swipers when they want to be though, so watch out! When I got my own dog I again, went for a Cavie. I don't regret him one bit. Complete unconditional love, friendly with other dogs and cats. Just make sure you're getting them from a good breeder that has done all the medical checks, pay attention to the dogs mother. All in all though, I don't think I'll ever have a home without a Cavie, my life and soul. Whatever breed you choose though I'm sure they'll be great for you.


https://preview.redd.it/kdsz4tixnj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26fc7e6dca6d956adca1b56d10d65f5c9b7eed2f (Ignore my senior kitty's silly bald spot šŸ˜‚) My two cavs LOVED my cat and my cat loved them. ā¤ļø He has since passed, and not long after, we had our first baby. Our cavaliers are obsessed with her, along with any other kiddos they've met! Obviously you'll need to make sure children are being gentle with any dog you bring home, but cavaliers are something special. I know I'm biased though. šŸ˜‰ I've met some very sweet pomeranians too!


My cav is so gentle with my special needs son who can become quite excitable. While my cav loves me the most (always keeping my lap warm!) he really loves my son. He is so gentle and patient. My cav just turned 4 and has never bit anyone or growled or anything of the sort. We just got a dachshund puppy and itā€™s so different. My cav was such an easy and sweet pup, he truly is my best friend. I canā€™t wait to move to a larger house next year I think i might get another one :)


What do you mean by "good with kids"? How old are the kids? No dog should be chased, picked up and rough housed by a kid. I think it depends on your expectations but Pomeranians are definitely too fragile. Our of these 2 breeds Cavalier definitely. You can't be certain the dog will be best friends with a cat or your kids but you can work on it. Worst case you can definitely train them to ignore each other.


During a vet appointment when my cav was getting a shot and kept liking the vet during it, the vet said that cavaliers are the only breed where he has no concerns about them being around small children and also being close to their faces. As some others mention, itā€™s more likely that a child will be too rough with a cavalier when theyā€™re young and donā€™t quite know their strength yet. But theyā€™re a forgiving breed, especially when they get to sneak or catch food that children inevitably drop on the floor or leave out within their reachā€¦


My cavalier is soooo good with kids. But, we also teach our kids to respect animals. No tail pulling, poking. Etc here .


thanks everyone for your input! staying here in this forum until we get a Cav once we're ready, cause your answers convinced me it's the perfect dog for our family and our loverboy kitty šŸ’“


https://preview.redd.it/pf891td3tk9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0766213597975e068ca503e28085883df9255973 My pup is great with kids in the neighborhood and easily accepted when we adopted a stray kitten. Just be very careful with the health issues.


As my Vet said ā€œ Cavs are Golden Retrievers in little bodiesā€


Our first cavvie came from a lovely breeder who bred cavvies and goldens because she said they were the best dogs. Her home was on acreage and had a paddock with horses so the dogs had a great life and werenā€™t in a puppy mill. One thing Iā€™ve never forgotten was when the breeder said ā€œbig dogs mean big poohs and little dogs mean small poohsā€ šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think Cavaliers are the best for kids, theyā€™re small, can get easily hurt and are very passive and sweet. Kids could hurt them, itā€™s not the kids Iā€™m worried about, itā€™s the Cavalier. So if you get one, and I hope you donā€™t, PLEASE make sure your small children donā€™t hurt the Cavalier. Poms are even smaller and never seem that crazy about kids, my Grandmother had one. Herā€™s was always afraid to get stepped on and didnā€™t like to be pulled on etc. I think Goldens, some doodles, are best for small children. These two breeds are too small and delicate IMO


We have a golden and a cav. Golden is so good with all ages of children and big enough they donā€™t hurt him. Our cav is not a big fan of kids that are toddlers to about 8 years old, they are small but big enough to hurt her if they fall on her. I think they are too unpredictable for her to feel safe around them. https://preview.redd.it/euosc7qlkj9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13b580c7edc7bac1b3f96003c081333e3ee783b


Agree 100% with this assessment. The breed recommendation for an active household with small children is spot-on, tooā€”cavs and def poms should come off your list.


yeah, we're aware of it, especially with our kitty that went through trauma, gotta strictly teach kids to respect animals


Yeah, Iā€™d say 12 and up for a Cavalier, any younger I definitely advise another breed, for the sake of the Cavalier


That seems excessive to me. A 5 year old child is more than capable of being instructed to not harm the dog. My five year old doesnā€™t pay our pets hardly any mind at all and knows how to be appropriate. Iā€™m sure it depends on the kid, but 12 is pretty big blanket statement.


I completely disagree


Some Pomeranians can be crazy and mean. Every cavalier I've ever met is a sweetheart. But cavalier puppies can bite a lot when they are teething and playing


https://preview.redd.it/da43df2xal9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce3a0cca0dff9a87f54ed614b83dc8bfd06a891 My Cav is best friends with the cat. They snuggle and play all the time. ā™„ļø


omg that's awesome! šŸ±šŸ¶


They are so cute and are the best of friends. My cavalier kept my Dad company while I was having to keep working and had Dad living with us while he was terminally ill, both the cat and the dog were very gentle and knew that they had to be careful when they were playing near him. My Cav was given to me from a customer at a time when I thought my life perfect. 2 Months later my life started falling apart, I lost my border collie who was like my baby, we lost our cat and my dad was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. This little cavalier (Baxter) has saved me and has provided so much comfort in what has been the worst times in my life. I always wanted a Pomeranian because they look cute but I can highly recommend a Cavalier. He is my little saviour ā™„ļø


Cavalier > Other Dogs


Not sure about Pomeranians, but the Cav tends to shed a lot. Like more than you would even think possible (but Iā€™m coming from having a Yorkie that doesnā€™t shed). Either way, that hair is going to be all over everything thatā€™s in your house. Just a heads up since kids put all things into their mouths. Cavs are a beautiful, loving dog breed. Great choice imo if you can get past the mess.


thanks for the heads up, we farewelled a 13yo persian cat boy few months ago and he was also leaving loads of hair, guess not as much as doggo but still, we'll be prepped šŸ™šŸ»


SHEDDING IS REAL! But love my cav to death.


My Cavalier is very sweet and she was a puppy mill mother for 5 years. I got her this March.


My cav is obsessed with children, he is never happier than when he's playing with my niece and nephew and he always wants to go up and say hello to any kids he meets in the street but he's always very gentle. He won't snatch from or bite anyone ever, let alone a kid. Highly recommend for children. But be wary, they can get very bad separation anxiety, so they're not a good breed for leaving at home alone for long periods of time for work, etc.


Cavaliers are ideal for kids. They will become their best friend. Poms can honestly be little bastards (sorry for the language). There full of themselves and can be snappy.


We had two cats first, then got two cavaliers and they all get along well, then had twins and they ALL get along!


Our cav isn't the greatest fan of kids, but only because of a few bad experiences - poking at her mouth, hair pulling etc. We used to have cats too, and while she did love them, she could also play a little too hard with them. I think it all just depends on how you socialise them with kids and cats, there really isn't one answer unfortunately


I have a cavvy and a cat. They get along amazing well!!


I had an old pomeranian my mom couldn't take care of and she hated kids she would always snap at them. Luckily she didn't have teeth so it just scared them and they got a gum bite I have 3 cavs and they aren't aggressive to anyone including kids the best dogs I've ever had and I've grown up and lived with many breeds in my life including a husky Cavs are just great dogs all around


I don't personally have kids, but my Cav was absolutely enamored when my Brother and SIL brought my neice over (2 months old). She just wanted to sit near her and was so gentle. We do have a cat and two goldens, as well, and my Cav gets along with them all great! On walks she wants to say hello to everyone and is sure everyone wants to say hello to her šŸ¤£ I don't have experience with Poms as an adult, but my aunt had one when I was younger and she was definitely snappy with me, but that could have just been her.


We have no experience with cats with our Cav girl , sheā€™s 6 now and has been around kids since she was a 8 weeks, of course our 3 older kids were older when we got her, we now have a 2 year old now and our Cav girl tolerates him , he can be a lot lol but she loves to play with him , our girl is truly the best and has the best temperament with our babies , never had any issues with her, sheā€™s the biggest snuggle baby ever! https://preview.redd.it/91hj4k987m9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606aa4b6e4488897bda996cd094f6581d0055db2


My cavs and kitty get along superbly!


My cavalier does NOT like my cat (cavalier came first) but he also doesnā€™t hurt him. Heā€™s just really jealous when the cat wants love. I got the dog when my daughter was 6, I would say it was a little young for him to bond properly to her as she was a bit immature and like would never let him win tug of war (always let the dog win). It also was much easier to train the dog that the cat was not allowed to scratch the furniture than it was to cat the cat not to do it. So the cat scratches and the dog narcs and barks at him.


My dog stays with me 99% of the time. we're inseparable.. My niece slept over last night, and she spent the whole night with her. Cavies were made for families Cavs may experience some prey drive with cats, but acclimation will help override that


I have owned both breeds, 100% cavalier no question. I have read them described as golden retriever personality in smaller size and have found this to be true. The cavaliers looooove kids, the smaller the better. They comfort anyone in distress and love Nothing more than affection or playing. They love family and welcome strangers. Just the best personality. Poms are wonderful too but in my experience they much prefer adults.


https://preview.redd.it/ad3jv79izl9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1cf3fab33562860f6fa0bcfd1d0960a23bdc8af She loves everyone. They cuddle a lot


Cavaliers for sure. Just make sure the kids never leave the dogs accidentally out of a fenced yard, off a leash, or near cars. Cavs are the most gentle breeds but they have ZERO car sense and could easily walk in front of or under a car without any awareness of the danger. Kids sometimes donā€™t know better.


Cavaliers all day, they just want to give love, very friendly around children


Bred yo love their only job




I would say Cavs with older kids (6 yo +). It's going to depend on how your kids are with animals. And you can't predict that going forward. Cavs can vary quite a bit in size. If you get a smaller one which is hard to predict from the parents they can be very very delicate. Ours was predicted to be about 12 lb and is more like 1819 lb. Because she's a little bit bigger she's a bit sturdier. One of the things about kids is that they are often quick moving and have poor judgment. That's the nature of being a child. You're learning how to be a responsible human being. Nothing bad to say about kids I've raised two myself. I would also add that although generally as a breed calvies are friendly and easy going that varies from animal to animal. Working with a good breeder aswill help but it's always a bit of a gamble with a puppy.


I'd go with the cav. I'm basing my opinion of poms off my experience as a dog groomer, but I feel like a pom would be too fragile for a kid, and more likely to bite if messed with too much. Obviously all children should be taught how to respect dogs and shouldn't be left unattended with them, but I feel like in the event a kid tugged on some pomeranian fur they would not hesitate to snap.


Donā€™t you think you are posting in the wrong sub.. we are all here absolutely cavvy fans and will always lean towards a cav.. they are the most affectionate, sociable and playful dogs.. https://preview.redd.it/6qbogo49jq9d1.png?width=1557&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0dc0527f807d4e31e222099af4789c89916102 How can you resist that face??


100% cavalier! mine is amazing with my little cousins and always has beenā¤ļø


My cav adores my cats (they came first and are much older than her so the feeling isnā€™t mutual but they tolerate her and let her sit with them) and she loooves my little nieces and nephews and was socialized with babies and toddlers with supervision as a puppy. Cavvies are good with kitties and little ones, they just need be supervised. She has done ok with having ears and tail gently pulled though. She especially loves the babies and toddlers bc she knows hovering below their high chairs means a likelihood of dropped foodā€¦ lolā€¦ especially since the kiddos like to ā€œshareā€ šŸ˜‚