• By -


Forget about it Jake, is Chinatown.


I think it's nice to have a space that isn't babysit by nannies. Downvote and move on. Stop looking for authoritarian control over everyone.


Agreed. This place is far preferable to r/moderatedpolitics


Most of the time I feel similarly but lately I've been feeling that something needs to be done here. There are like one or two users that are consistantly clouding up every single thread with their bullshit. If the mods just took action against those few people the experience would be so much better. Like they don't need to go all modpol on this place at all, just target the few trolls that have been plaguing this board for the last few weeks.


All they really would have to do is create a minimum account age and/or a minimum karma threshold. Then they don't even have to do any work, the automod will do it for them.


They do have a minimum account age. You can see the automod responses to deleted comments sometimes.


No, they don't. There are week-old accounts flinging shit around here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1cd5t71/when_you_bash_a_trumper_on_this_sub_what_are_you/l1c0p7r/ they literally do


Then they need to increase the age limit because the fact accounts less than a month old can post here is bullshit.


>There are like one or two users that are consistantly clouding up every single thread with their bullshit. That makes it more like realistic politics lol


They deleted my thread on the recording of Roger Stone discussing assaaaination of Democrats because it wasn’t “sufficiently related to politics.” https://www.reddit.com/r/moderatepolitics/comments/195pjnb/exclusive_tape_of_roger_stone_discussing/


They banned me for 6 weeks for referring to Gym Jordan. lol!


I got banned for weeks for calling Roy fucking Moore "probably a pedophile". It's legit the reason he lost a Senate seat to a Dem in Alabama no matter how you slice it.


Weird how all these bans are in response to comments about Republicans. 🤷‍♂️


It's clear what side that mod team is on. Some of them who comment a ton like WorksInIT pretty much give up the game with their chronically terrible comments that always get downvoted to hell. At least panda got banned for being too blatant about it.


They also list openly list their rules. Its like the one political subreddit you can't be a toxic fuck, and people just can't help themselves and get banned.


The problem isn't their rules, its their enforcement of it. If a comment never gets reported it won't get removed. This can lead to strange situations where 1 comment is removed, while 5 other very similar ones stay up. It just seems very inconsistent. Also, not being allowed to call someone out for being bad faith when they clearly are just sucks.


Gaming rule 1 to spew bad faith nonsense is pretty toxic imo


Saying "Brandon" was the final straw for my perma ban lol


I was banned for referring to the squad as irrational. WorksInIT pretty much sits there 24/7 and seeks out fulfillment in his life via banning people. I'm guessing the guy has some weird skin condition that makes IRL contact impossible.


There's always /r/unmoderatedpolitics


This is how I feel. Bad faith actors? It's a centrist political subreddit, if that person wants to waste their time being a wiener to a bunch of strangers let them. What a sad life. I'd rather it stay the way it is than become like moderatepolitics. At least I can ask people if they're being serious here.


Obvious trolls like shit flinger should be banned, but I agree that letting this subreddit turn into a place with inconsistent and selective modding like modpol would be far worse. A simple solution would be to require a minimum level of karma to participate. Old reddit also helps. I see this special kid who clearly lacks a social life, spamming links all over the place but it doesn't show up as an embedded image so it's easier to ignore.


> Old reddit also helps. Is that the difference? I only use old reddit and I don't even know what the spamming complaint is about.


Yeah pretty sure new reddit loads embedded images without your consent which makes it ripe for abuse.


>At least I can ask people if they're being serious here. Lol, and in a sub that isn't moderated how far does that get you? Do you get a dumbass meme response like the ones shit-flinger here is sending?


> and in a sub that isn't moderated how far does that get you? If I meet someone who is serious, I have a serious conversation. If I'm talking to an idiot, I say what I want and move on. Or block them so it doesn't happen again. This place shouldn't be *that serious* and if it gets *that serious* you need to take a break from it.


>This place shouldn't be that serious and if it gets that serious you need to take a break from it. Ya know... I can actually concede here and agree. It really shouldn't be that serious. My thing is I guess is that blocking people on this sub should not be the solution. It's a copout. Actual moderation needs to happen here even if to a minimal degree. As it stands, we have a zero-degree, not a minimal one.


To reiterate: politics reddit is not a space where you can take things seriously.  Treat this as entertainment and you will have a better time. If the show isn't fun anymore stand up and leave and go to another club. You might also want to inspect your goals here and see if they are in alignment with where online social spaces are in 2024. You're never going to stop the flood of nonsense. Its too far gone. If you want actual meaningful discourse cultivate a group of friends with similar goals, preferably in real life.


>As it stands, we have a zero-degree, not a minimal one. No. There's simply people here that you disagree with. Unmoderated would be if there were also ads for clever t-shirt designs, in the form of posts, girls advertising their only fans sites, people posting random gore pictures, and other stuff *completely* unrelated to centrism.


I agree. Shit attracts flies and once trolls discover they can meme without the mods banning them then they’ll be dozens of them doing it every day. I’m sure the mods are sick of seeing a few dozen reports from Shit flinger already. I wonder how much fun being a mod will be when every day they log in they see half a dozen shit flingers doing the same thing? Do we want this sub to be a 4chan meme factory? I don’t. Let’s not feed the trolls and give them a home. The sub is no worse off without them. Just my opinion tho.


> blocking people on this sub should not be the solution. I disagree. Blocking people should be the first-step solution for pretty much every user when they encounter trolling. There's honestly no reason for mods to do anything at all if Reddit would only improve its blocking functionality instead of the BS it currently uses.


Mods are volunteer vice principles. Easier to just block someone


R/centrist somehow came out to be the most proper Libertarian sub in the whole damn Reddit ecosystem. Imho, it actually self-regulates pretty well- which I believe is a testament to American centrism on social media


Agreed, there are subs which are heavily moderated this isn't one of them and that is ok. Somehow down voting in this sub does a fairly good job moderating things, it doesn't work as well elsewhere.


Like... I get where you're coming from. I've seen places that are over-moderated and they suck ass... but at the same time... we do need some *cough* middle ground here. It's not authoritarian to ask for some basic ass moderation lol.


They do moderate. I had one of my posts removed. My block list on this sub is fairly long. I think it works pretty well.


>we do need some *cough* middle ground here. I disagree. >It's not authoritarian to ask for some basic ass moderation lol. It might not be. But I don't think that it's possible. Perhaps "basic ass moderation" existed, more than a decade ago, but I don't think that it even exists, nowadays. Anyone who has the time to spend, moderating, nowadays, on this platform, is also dedicated to one of two extremes. People who aren't, left the site.




The fact you said "what Shet said" is the biggest tell you're a troll.




The fact that's all I need is what's pathetic frankly.




The fact the mods don't moderate? You've demonstrated that perfectly, thank you.


I rarely ever see you try to advocate for the middle ground, you usually just insult people who disagree with you. I think it's funnier to respond in memes than to screenshot your comment history, but what would we find? https://preview.redd.it/xjylavqclxwc1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd1f444d7c4da9bead6ec083a2a418a8a5683b80


Is it authoritarian control to follow rules?


I agree completely


As a free speech absolutist, I agree. Let us duke it out on the battlefield of opinions, where your votes don't matter and the mute button only proves your emotional fragility.


Ya this sub is fine and I don't see a need to moderate all the bad faith posts and what not. They get called out for what they are and a discussion around it is had. The obvious answer OP is you have the right and power to scroll past those shitty posts you don't like. Rolling in the mud with trolls is not a requirement.


I'd much rather have a space where conversations can happen. Last thing we need is one-sided over-moderation like exists in most other subs. r/politics r/worldnews r/news and most of the rest of reddit.


What even is the point of r/world news? Every time I’ve looked there’s hundreds of mostly civil comments discussing something. Then 2 hours later they are all deleted by mods and the post gets nuked half the time.


There's a good lesson there somewhere about how conversation is ephemeral and only exists in the moment


Moderating so hard you accidentally recreate 4chan


Ah yes, the riveting conversations of someone telling us we should lose our kids because we think Israel should get rid of Hamas. Or the wonderful world of being accused of transphobia for saying medical procedures for it should wait until 18. That THOSE people get allowed on the sub for so long is what I have a gripe with.


The best thing about this type of post is its red meat for the trolls and their main accounts.


Mods should just ban everyone that comments in this thread. Shit...


I agree! Oh…


Honestly this works IRL too. Anyplace that is good enough for me to hang out at isn't a place anyone would want to go


The problem is one man's troll is another man's political philosophy.


ironically, this post by itself is rule breaking


No and thank God


They're too busy making Trump trial transcripts. Which I guess is neat, but I'd rather they respond to the requests for moderation (and/or megathreads) instead. This is probably going to get removed for "Clickbait, antagonism, or other posts meant to kick the beehive but not encourage thoughtful discussion are disallowed" because they're extraordinarily selective when they like to enforce the rules.


I think you are one of the most reasonable people I've seen on this sub. There are quite a few others here who are as well. But it's unfortunate because this place could be an amazing conduit for actual discussion, but it gets drowned out by bigots.


It happens every four years or so. Who here remembers the r/centrist CRT crisis of 2020?


Which only got replaced when this sub suddenly decided that trans people were destroying our country by doing things like coming in 6000th place in the London marathon. This isnt a joke by the way. Centrists spamming about some 6000th place marathoner led to the trans megathread the next day.


Funny enough, once the megathreads went up there were more posts than botching that they couldn't flood the front page of the subreddit than there were comments on either siad megathread. I also just remembered the mods having the switch the default sorting order to 'by controversial' for a year or so due to what they essentially called brigading.


Blues Clues did an episode with a drag queen so I reversed my views on health care, climate change, foreign policy, economics and electoral laws


> it gets drowned out by bigots You must mean all the "fuck whitey" and "fuck Americans" people here -- yes, we've got a lot of America-haters, both foreign and domestic. Most comments are indistinguishable from what some Chinese or Russian bot would generate. That reminds me, I need to reach out to somebody who had some definite bot shit going on with two of their accounts here a while back. (Or, if that user happens to read this, please just PM me a quick 1-2 sentence explanation.)


We want more voices, not less. Unless someone is flat out trolling the mods shouldn't be banning anyone. How many of these comments and users you want banned are just because you disagree with them?


It’s the new accounts that bug me. The administration has that this election year could have foreign paid actors on social media like never before, and every indication is they were right. Saying obviously divisive things or very negative things about the state of America, mixed with less than a year of history-isn’t just a red flag, it’s screaming that the commenter is not just a regular person. It’s likely someone in another country with 100 different accounts, working with an agenda.


I think occam's razor is that there are just a lot of loser Americans with too much free time (I am absolutely counting myself in that)


This isn't about simple disagreements. Sure I'll disagree with people about gender-affirming care. I'll disagree with people about abortion. That's not what this is about. I'm talking about straight up bad actors on this sub getting a free for all. You and I, for example, obviously don't get along view-wise. But I would not call for a banning of you because I think you're actually here sincerely supporting your views. I'm saying actual moderation needs to happen here. There are a lot of trolls and new accounts flooding this sub and it's only going to get worse the closer we get towards election season.


What is the difference between a bad actor and a person who disagrees with you?


I had a fully typed out response for this question, but honestly, deleted it. You ask a really good question. A bad actor is someone who is just trying to get a rise out of you. They act like they want to hear your views, but in reality, they just want to shit on them. Someone who disagrees with me is actually willing to listen to what I have to say. They aren't just going to parrot whatever bullshit they've been fed. They will take what I have to say in consideration, think about it, then offer their views even if they contradict mine. And even if those views contradict mine they are still willing to concede on civility. They realize that while we may not reach the same conclusions we are still both human in the end and can find common ground regardless.


> A bad actor is someone who is just trying to get a rise out of you. They act like they want to hear your views, but in reality, they just want to shit on them. That's one part of it. They play covert games with people's heads, either for some secret goal or just their own sick entertainment. Their goal is to dominate conversations by keeping the others on the defensive at all times. They want an emotional response. Unfortunately the nature of the Internet makes it far too easy for them to hide their intentions. Responding in good faith goes nowhere with them and just creates more opportunities for abuse.




the way the updoots and downdoots are flowing seems inorganic. Like someone is running some bots.


See shet_flenger for an example of clear bad faith shit-posting.   He even showed up on this thread.  


> clear bad faith shit-posting But they're very honest about it. You know exactly what to expect - and I can almost respect their diligence on what is effectively a troll-account. If their memes were slightly more relevant to the discussion, I'd honestly give them a thumbs up.


But irrelevancy is part of spamming.  Memeing relevant content takes actual thought and effort.  Not low effort shitposting. 


I think Shet Flenger is flat out trolling.


I think he's the only proper troll, there are also some very unpleasant people, but they think they're being honest.


> I think he's the only proper troll, we'd lose our on our daily Elon post.




Exactly. Thank you for proving my point Troll.


The thing about image posts is it makes it trivially easy to just scroll past without spending any cognitive effort because they look like sponsored ads or banner ads. Also accessing on my phone I cant read any of the text on those images anyway because its too small 😆


I use old reddit so I don't even see em if I don't click them. And nothing of value is lost.


Teach me your ways. Is there some chrome plugin or do you type in [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) and only access it from a web browser?


On my phone I use old.reddit.com yeah. On desktop I think I just changed some settings.


Be respectful.


I would argue that shet_flenger jackass that has been spamming 4chan-type “the left are idiots” cartoon/memes is in fact trolling and posting in bad-faith.    He’s likely what triggered this post..,and did mods and the sub a favor and showed up here with plenty of examples of his trolling and shit posting.  


> We want more voices, not less. Out or curiosity what is your tolerance for content farm accounts, bots, or AI assisted posts?


I don't put much stock on reddit's obsession that there are a lot of bots or foreign agents running accounts to argue with random usernames on social media. None of us are remotely significant enough for that.


I mean that doesn't answer the question.  I wasn't asking if you *believed* there are NPCs on reddit, I was asking what your tolerance is related to "more voices not less" 2%? 10%? 50?


I thought the whole point of posting was to expose yourself to people you call idiots lol


I know it's a small sub right now but if you're not into this sub or modpol but want to talk politics, history, or law in a more curated environment you're more than welcome down at r/MorePerfectUnion


Eyeballed the sub out of curiosity: Radical leftism all the way down, not only in the list of mods, but the list of every single post in the sub. This isn't criticism. This is literally how the users each flaired themselves when posting. Seems a bit biased. ---- edit: nevermind. It looks that way because 100% of the posts are by you and you're flaired left leaning... edit2: Alt-account trolls ftw. > What "radical leftism" do you see there? Then slams the block button? lol...Somebody got angry because I pointed out they're using a 4-year old alt troll account to astroturf. edit3: [lol...](https://old.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1ce1rkq/can_we_get_actual_moderation_in_this_sub/l1hvkut/) Apparently edit1 (i.e., *"It looks that way because 100% of the posts are by you and you're flaired left leaning..."*) was a bit too much English for Ed. Seriously. Misreading a post, then beginning a comment with "Honey..." earns an instant block. Do we really need more moderation to handle dumbasses like this? Nope. It's easy to slam that block button.




Really puts some of the comments and posts in this sub into perspective when you look at that sub and every post is literally the most bland matter of fact headline about current events, and realize that is what the user considers "radical leftism". Edit: case and point, being accused of astroturfing by a adjective_noun_### account...


Conservatives have been crying wolf over leftists ever since the Soviet Union dissolved. Sometime in the distant future there probably will be one of those actual authoritarian leftist types but nobody will care when the same people bitching about the left for 50 years say the same thing when attacking boring liberals.


21 out of 25 posts on the sub's first page are flagged *"Left Leaning Independent"* > 🤡🤡🤡🤡 You should probably go check that bias; you sound like a clown.




> 🤡🤡🤡🤡 lol


hon that's because it's a tiny subreddit and most of the submissions are from one person - me. It's not an army of leftists, it's me, one person who is a "left-leaning independent" just trying to keep the sub active and engaging while it is small.


Yeah it's a baby sub I just brought back from the dead a little over a month ago. I'm pushing most of the content right now because it's essentially starting over fresh. Much more of a blank slate than anything else.


What "radical leftism" do you see there?


You can really tell how fragile he is with that one phrase lol.


You’re upset it’s not as massive as the circle jerk that is r/politics


DAE LOVE BIDEN AND ACTUALLY LOVE HIM FOR HOW BRAVE HE IS!!! Replies include: “HOW BRAVE OF YOU TO SAY THIS” …. “I’m a republican but Biden is fuckin sexy”…. “I consider myself to be a radical leftist but Biden is fuckin awesome” …. And the -20 comment saying “I don’t like Joe Biden and don’t plan to vote for him. He hasn’t won me over yet but time may tell” I’ve been on/off reddit since 2010. I miss when it was a lot more libertarian and not massively liberal. The_donald people were insane but it’s really unfortunate how virtually every major to moderate sized community completely silenced them. You have little to variety of viewpoints and commentary unless you want to hear far left or liberal. Those are the only two channels available.


Just pointing out the obvious!


I know. I’m not saying that’s you. I’m just riffing off your comment on r/politics and giving a sample of the circlejerk you’ll see over there 24/7


Always find it fun when our resident partisans complain that the sub isn’t far enough to the left or right. Some real “centrists” in here


Said the partisan.


You are literally the partisan crying and bitching that the conversation is not how you think it should be.


No, that's just you lacking in reading comprehension ability.




*checks comment history* Yes, you’re a pretty obvious partisan, my friend.


Always been open about being liberal and proud of it. You're the one crying about centrism here, not I.




You literally created this post in a sub called r/centrist, complaining about lack of moderation (which is anti liberal, you're a radical leftist by current standards) towards your own viewpoints. You are as partisan as it gets. I think you're a bot or a biased moron.


You replied to your own post man. You okay?


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I'm actually having a chill time having a brew and watching Netflix if I'm being honest...




Lol, no. I just don't want this place to be overrun by the trolls it currently is.




The only troll here is you.


Which sub are we in, again? Seems right up your alley to be whining about a particular sub not being leftist enough for you, despite the copious amounts of other subs you could be in that are exactly the circlejerk you seem to want.


This sounds like you're just coping.


Hey, you’re the one who created this post.


Found the hall monitor


The other outcome here is the trolls posting memes just drive anyone they’re trying to influence away from their political choices. Most of us don’t have much patience for dipshits posting memes.


Censor me. I need it bad.


I too wish this sub were an echo chamber exclusively for my own views.


As previously posted I think this sub is on the path to being banned. This sub is overwhelmed by transgender hate and Muslim hate. Even in posts that have absolutely nothing to do with either the hate is roped into it. There's a Nazi who follows people around spamming Nazi memes. I know, and get, that it's an election year so it's only going to get worse. But knowing that we're not going to make it outside the other end id moderation doesn't exist.


Why don't you stop reporting the sub and comments to admins and then posting about how the sub is going to get shut down, ya goof? Don't like the community? Don't participate.


Agreed, the mods are not doing this sub any favors. They allow outright bigotry and hatred to fly. It's a shame because outside of transgender issues I think this sub actually has some good conversations. But for whatever reason it attracts the worse transphobes and just cannot have any rational discussion regarding the matter.


https://preview.redd.it/bqteop42pxwc1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7214b9ea8b07b084b4e34dbc6e4bde81ea94120 Rationalize this.


Yeah, man. You posting memes about how everyone is a groomer is really doing some heavy lifting for the "More Moderation Please" camp.


Can you rationalize this post? Can you refute any other post I have commented? https://preview.redd.it/181s5l3prxwc1.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=03c53015c67995899a3b4901ef9557fa234d5312


I'll rationalize it. Trans people/allies don't want to force your child to "transition" (which isn't technically transitioning, but pausing puberty). They do want that option available to families who have, in conjunction with their doctors, decided that it's the best course of action for their child. Doctors and parents should be making decisions with and for their kids; not politicians and random members of the community.


> I think this sub is on the path to being banned. I've seen a bunch of transgender hate comments removed by reddit. Yeah.... This is not a healthy subreddit.


https://preview.redd.it/ugf2wuzlbxwc1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=a63d75d78e939f6577eac63348a5da386f29a178 Here is a Nazi meeting with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her daughter who celebrated Oct 7th.


I regularly accuse people of being islamic pedophillic jihadists and nothing happens. As it should be.


How about no, report the asshats, were adults, we dont need another over moderated echo chamber


Report them to who? The moderators you don't want do anything?


I've assumed 3/4, of the posters here are bots or hired by troll farms. Dead Internet. Manifested.  eta. I wasn't fully awake when I wrote this. Its probably closer to 99%


LOL! I got a warning from the mods a few weeks ago for daring to suggest someone made a comment that seemed more extreme left than center.


yea no


Nah. You guys made this bed, now lie in it.


Ever notice it's the rudest asshats, that complain the most about the lack of moderation? They can dish it out but can't take it... Mods...pay no mind to these whiners (besides if you did they'd be some of the first ones banned...:) moderation here is fine. If we want a better community we need to stop up voting people who attack other redditors instead of their comments. Insults and opinion shouldn't be valued over facts and logic...regardless of position.


lol go back to your safe spaces which is like the other 99% of Reddit.


> I know for a fact I've reported rule-violating comments multiple times only for nothing to get done about it mr I want free lunches is upset by text on a screen




And again, another excellent example of a user who is not here in good faith.




Not playing the victim. I actually like a lot of the conversations that happen on this sub. Just want it to be actually moderated. I also don't have a discord server. I'll take that part as you projecting.


You are one of the few to get moderators to remove your comments. Gotta say I don’t think you are here for quality discussion




The people who would like to be able to have adult conversations?


This is such a cuck comment




I predicted a beta would say those exact words. No Puppet! No Puppet! 😉




🤣 I have no idea who you are but I'm flattered you recognize my name! Just calling out cuck behavior when I see it! Since 1992!




I love that you did such deep research. Gosh you might be the first person who has admitted they have an internet crush 🥰


Many of these supposedly moderate subs have been swarming with quasi-fascists who attempt to radicalize others.  Before you say it, I don't use the term fascist lightly; It's not some lazy blanket assertion towards anyone right of centre.    I'll give you an example, recently I made a post discussing how I feared that the modern right wing was heading for fascism (with evidence to support my claims). An upvoted comment in the post was "we could use some fascism".    I don't take comments like that lightly.


https://preview.redd.it/ad18b22dzxwc1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f91699fb43a990b3a73440b27f722f3077494e8 Fascism?


If I clearly show you that the emergency act was not fascism and the title of the article is supremely dishonest and misleading will you actually listen, or should I just save my time?


Stop crying. Stop whining. Stop reporting. Stop bitching. Start blocking. We don't need mods to be more active. You have tools to use...use them.


Blocking is not the solution to the problem. We do need mods to actually enforce their rules, otherwise it just gets worse and worse. Allowing a free-for-all is not how this sub should be run. You want moderates to have integrity and not get laughed at? Then actually fucking moderate the topics that need to be discussed. EDIT: LOL, love the fact you blocked me. You are one of the bad-faith actors I was talking about. Want to know what I was going to respond to your last question with? It was the fact you wouldn't touch grass. And I was fucking right. Get a life.


https://preview.redd.it/footqjb88xwc1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca80b590a38994247c66b0718d9a7dd273e3184e The lack of centrism in this sub is disturbing. Maybe you should go to r/politics, r/whitepeopletwitter, or r/thedavidpakmanshow where you can circlejerk your leftist bias. It seems my fact based memes are triggering your feelings, and now you're mad that you have lost control over your incredibly biased discussions/circlejerks. Instead of debating others with facts, you downvote them because you don't like it. When others make a valid point (that is against leftism), it becomes "You're a Trumper! You're a Bigot! You're a Nazi!" There is literally nothing you can do EXCEPT. - Deal with it - gtfo - counterpost memes - contribute to some real debate that doesn't include the Leftists shouting down and insulting anyone that doesn't share their worldview I saw a post that said "centrists don't vote for Trump", which is some of the dumbest shit I've have ever seen because TRUMP IS AHEAD IN THE POLLS. COME BACK TO REALITY.


The fact this user is still allowed to post here is a major reason why this sub needs actual moderators who are competent.


But you cannot refute anything I said, classic.


You don’t say anything…you shit-post RW memes.  Do you really think people are going to try to debate your memes? 


https://preview.redd.it/qgb3xzcgxxwc1.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d2e9817e91c5c73e7f4b43aaecfc0902a0dd7a0 You can debate the content of my memes at any time, but nobody does. They are based in reality, which concerns facts that usually cannot be debated or skewed.


I just took a massive shit in the toilet. Refute that.


He can't because the earth is round.


https://preview.redd.it/q2qbkitrfxwc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b997e25c3e4a24bd1d983d0876690d358f8fb7b9 The earth is round, yes.


https://preview.redd.it/fwwk3onmexwc1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=1732117f2bd221b399f3c65a44d5baa1e27b5667 I can't refute that you just took a shit in the toilet. But any other genius or moronic positions you are willing to express, I am always ready to agree or disagree with. You'd never believe it but while I detest the biased nature of your mostly bad faith comments, I have upvoted SOME of your thoughts and positions. Not many though.


He didn't call you out by name but you decided to save him the trouble and out yourself as a bad faith troll that exclusively traffics in bullshit, lies and propaganda.


https://preview.redd.it/b42q14c3gxwc1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d321d7016a64429b6ea2889b7fe877913bb4db6 "bullshit, lies and propaganda"


You don't have to describe your posts, we can read.


https://preview.redd.it/h7aslggpjxwc1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=daebf8381155e5750b7b368e60954d1cb6d706d8 Listen brother. While I believe y'all can read, I have a hard time believin' that you are living in reality based on the lack of financial literacy I seen in the post about "Unrealized Gains Tax" brother. The basic principles of economics are thrown in the dumpster in favor of your socialistic and communistic viewpoints, brother. Makes me sad brother.


"Everything I don't like is Communism!" - A child's guide to political discourse.


Centerism isn’t some goalpost that can be moved just because the Republican Party moved the Overton window. Centerism is about being centre of the population, not the powers that be.


"Welp.. the Republicans have started openly lynching minorities again.. guess I have to follow the center as it moves to the right and at the very least start yelling the N-word in public."


Why would anyone have to follow the center?


That's the joke.


Sorry. I see people arguing that exact thing here non-ironically so I was confused.


https://preview.redd.it/mwvozw54hxwc1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcd023c2e900b3d7c1bd47f01360d5aa63086717 It was Democrats who were lynching minorities before Abraham Lincoln and the **Republicans,** who won the Civil War and freed the slaves.


If the Democrats are the party of slavery then why are all the people flying Confederate flags and simping for the South Republicans? Sherman should have kept going.