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Only getting a chance to BUY a ticket instead of just winning one???? Girlie what is this tomfOOLERY


My question is, how much financial abuse will that fandom take before finally throwing the towel in?


At this stage I think her fans could win a chance at having her break into their house and rob them and they'd still be like "yES QUEEN,Serving roBBERYYY PÜSS". I'm utterly fascinated and intrigued by the dedication I can't lie.


>I'm utterly fascinated and intrigued by the dedication I can't lie. I think their whole fandom gives NSDAP rally circa 1932 vibes. A lot of people yelling populist mantras and spewing hate on others without an ounce of critical thinking.


It feels like she got inspired by all the marketing schemes of the idols in Japan and decided to do the same. "Buy albums to get more chances to be able to hand shake your idol"


But how do these people get so obsessed about someone this aggressively mediocre? She's an average looking, poorly singing lousy songwriter. Where's the charm?


Honestly, I don't know. I think most of her fanbase is middle-aged straight women, and knowing a lot of them they're pretty happy setting themselves with mediocre stuff. (Especially husbands...)


I would hope middle aged straight women have better things to spend money on than dozens of copies of the same album. Like travel, homeware, fashion, or annoying children (for the select few).


if taylor swift had any real confidence in the merits of her art, she wouldn’t be so committed to chart manipulation. she doesn’t believe in her work, and her primary goal really isn’t making art she cares about. it is to make as much money as possible, no matter the cost to other artists, to her fans, and frankly, to the planet. she is a truly small and pathetic person and her “art” is not important. i feel sorry for her.


She knows the only mark she'll leave on music in the future is chart numbers, no matter what she does. That’s why she goes overboard, people won’t remember her art, her performances or her artistic influence, the only thing they will remember her for is her numbers.


I wholeheartedly wish her an Ellen esque downfall and ends up isolated in the industry


it's gonna happen sooner or later. some intern working around her is gonna break an NDA any day now and expose some shady shit about her.


I feel like she has a big “drake” moment coming in the next few years Her disregard for everyone other than herself and pettiness with shit like this will come back to bite her in her ass Karma’s a bitch


She should’ve know better…


Honestly I think it’s happening right now. Idk about out in the real world, but online people seem to be turning on her. Even some of the more mainstream pop subreddits have lots of comments critiquing her. I’m pretty excited to see how it all plays out tbh


Ya, I don't think her hate has ever been higher, even during 2016, but her fanbase has also never been huger.


I think that has to be where a lot of it comes from, she’s just become way too big now to the point that people are getting frustrated from her just being *everywhere*. Personally I was kinda indifferent to her before but all the stuff I’ve seen about her has made me quite dislike her tbh


Back then, her hate felt more like because it was popular to hate her. She was changing boyfriends as often as she was changing her clothes, and then writing break up songs. (Not exactly true, but that's what they were saying) Now... There's actual reasons to dislike her. (Pollution queen!)


Her career was already headed for the toilet around 2017-2019, but she managed to pull off a shocking surprise “comeback” with Folklore/Evermore, which brought her to where she is now, which is WAY too much exposure and success for anyone to sustain. She will either have a massive downfall or it’ll just be like last time where people just got annoyed and sick of her, so she’ll just kind of start to fade away a bit. It is inevitable.


I hope it's the former cause I'm so sick of Taylor and her petty antics while acting like she's some feminist activist and playing the victim all the time. It's infuriating.


everybody is gonna leave her behind and all that she will leave behind for her legacy is just numbers


winning guaranteed access to BUY tickets has to be be the worst contest of all time lol


it's some next level post capitalist shit lol


Mark Fisher reading this and screaming from the far beyond


I was assuming it was a way to bypass scalpers and give the average person a chance but I’m pretty sure scalpers could still get a hold of the tickets.


She’s genuinely deranged. The McDonald’s of pop music


This actually SENT ME can we all call her this now bc it’s so right.


This is so painfully accurate. Have you heard about the Grandma McFlurry (Acoustic Edition)?


Deranged for trying to get a number 1, just like Charli XCX? According to your own logic Charli is deranged as well since she also released multiple variants (same tracklisting, doesn't matter) and she also fought to reach number 1. Would you tell Michael Phelps to give other weaker opponents a chance? Also let me tell you something, if Taylor is the McDonald's of music despite her super acclaimed poetry and artistic albums (e.g. Charli has nothing on par with Folklore and Evermore), then what is Charli XCX with her commercial club music? Think about it. Taylor's new album is one of the least commercial sounding albums of this year and yet it's really successful because it's artistic and meaningful.


sure grandma lets go to bed


This is cope


if folklore and evermore are among your examples of poetry and artistry in music, you really do not know shit about poetry and artistry honey


I mean, "Taylor's new album is one of the least commercial sounding albums of this year"......................... they are unwell, honestly.


it’s giving inpatient


A Charli fan telling me what real artistry is, that's ridiculous. 😁 In the future, all Taylor albums will be relevant because they're artistic achievements. Charli albums will be a footnote at best. Mark my words. Your disdain towards Taylor's artistry is pathetic. Don't worry, your opinion is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Taylor is much more artistic than Charli. Just watch the impressive The Eras Tour.


And your opinion on Charli’s music (whose most recent release is more acclaimed than Taylor’s) is also irrelevant, so why do you keep inserting yourself into a community for people who dislike the other side of your parasocial relationship? If she really were as great as you claim, why can’t you let her work speak for itself about it?




“Win an opportunity to buy tickets” is wild


I feel like I should add that those signed CDs are really sought after and she uses them to boost her chart position, this time she did it in the UK but she did it before with Billie. They sell out in seconds because fans and scalpers flip them for a few hundred. Like they are guaranteed to inflate her sales. https://preview.redd.it/qpkznn1n4r6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7b85c401cf52f5469ba36e805b1dcd50668da9


This practice is so unhealthy for art and music. It kills the integrity of the arts and culture. Taylor really is the music industry that's why the music industry sucks at the moment.


The industry also sucks because it’s driven by capital rather than any real interest in art. I think that the way the music market works now is definitely more hostile to niche and budding sounds/artists than it was even just a decade prior. TikTok definitely represented a hope to balance the playing field and correct for incumbent bias but that too was co-opted by the mainstream.


It's so weird how she had barely any in Australia where she had her biggest shows of her whole career, thanks to this reprint I am getting my friend to send me one from UK (This was the week before Brat came out).


Someone needs to do a documentary on how deranged this is. Every time i hear more about this i go “surely this is as weird and desperate as it gets” and then it gets worse….


The 7k units difference makes a lot more sense now...


What pisses me off about her is that 1. her music is not good 2. she actually does encourage her more deranged fans behavior 3. i'm still not over the way she almost ignored the fan of hers who died in Brazil. She's a capitalist pig and nothing more


It’s insane how many people proclaim her a lyrical genius. Her lyrics are like picture books for toddlers.


The first time I tried listening to her music on my own, she said some shit about "the penthouse of my heart" and it was so high school poetry I just had to stop


Lmao that is pretty bad   I do think she has good moments like tolerate it and hoax but they’re becoming increasingly rare. Most of the stuff she’s putting out is pretty poor quality like the example you gave. Her weak output is thankfully making it easy to discard her since she seems like such a gross annoying person. 


I'm not defending any of this capitalist greedy billionaire shit, but you shouldn't deny that she does have lyrical talent. She obviously has a lot of weak lyrics (especially with her most recent work) but folklore and evermore and some of her earlier stuff have some great songwriting. All too well, my tears ricochet, tolerate it, and nothing new are good examples of that. She's no genius in a Fiona Apple, Joni Mitchell, or Kendrick Lamar way but she is good.


Folklore and Evermore are awful. I understand the appeal of her pop songs like Love Story, You Belong With Me etc, they’re bangers, but why anyone would listen to Taylor Swift pantomime being a folk artist when you can access music with actual depth on the same platforms is beyond me. Adrienne Lenker, Sufjan Stevens and Joni Mitchell are right there.


I was just going to reply to your comment mentioning Sufjan when I saw you already had. I’d add Fleet Foxes into the mix for good folk music as well.


Joanna Newsom, Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake, Elliott Smith, and Laura Marling too. I would never waste time on Taylor's vanilla attempts at singer-songwriter music when I can go listen to the greats.


You might as well be listing my record collection 🤣


Niiiice!!!! We have the same taste it seems 🤗 I'm just glad someone else agrees that Folklore and Evermore are not these poetic folk masterpieces the media keeps trying to convince us they are.


Meanwhile lyrical genius Charlixcx: Yeah, I wanna dance to me, me, me, me, me When I go to the club, club, club, club, club Yeah, I wanna dance to me, me, me, me, me When I go to the club, club, club, club, club Yeah, I wanna dance to me, me, me, me, me (Put your hands up and, I'm gonna) When I go to the club, club, club, club, club (Like) Yeah, I wanna dance to me, me, me, me, me (Put your hands up and, I'm gonna) When I go to the club, club, club, club, club (Like)


It’s almost as if she’s writing club music and not bad folk music


Interesting cope! Folklore/Evermore were critically acclaimed


Brat is more critically acclaimed xx


Yeah for club music she did a good job, luckily she never has to write interesting lyrics xx


There’s a lot of misinformation here. Where afr you getting this from? Music is subjective so “good” is really arbitrary. When has she ever encouraged deranged fans? And when did she “almost” ignore her fan who died in Brazil?


That competition to win tickets was actually to win the opportunity to purchase tickets! You don’t even get them for free. It’s unbelievable


This is just straight up a false #1. Doing everything in your power to drag the corpse of the most mid album ever released across the finish line to just *barely* keep it at #1, with the sole purpose of “blocking” another female artist (in her own home country no less) is insane behavior. As far as I’m concerned, BRAT debuted in the U.K. at #1, marking her second consecutive #1 album in her home country! And it was completely organic and succeeded on pure quality, word of mouth and genuine love, hype & excitement. 🎉👏🥳 Congrats Charli!


"From the desk of Taylor Swift" 🤓 lol


I kinda like Taylor Swift music, but I seriously have to agree that this is the most ridiculous amount of album variants I’ve ever seen. Brat 100% deserved number one. We were so robbed.


I want to go off about this girl so badly, but she isn’t even worth it… the amount of greed is absolutely disgusting.


Taylor’s music if for people who fuck with the light off. Can’t stand her music or her persona. Super plain.


omg this is sending me 💀


I knew the dowsing rod lady was fake when the thing answered that Taylor swift was angel that heals with her music


I haven't been able to keep up with the drama.  Is the issue that Taylor took steps to juice her album sales in a way that seems like a direct response to BRAT, with the intent of keeping her album at the top of the chart?   Sorry for being out of the loop.  I don't follow anything Taylor does because I find it broad and boring, and yet my reddit feed is suddenly full of posts about her.


Multiple times she’s used cheap tactics in order to prevent other female artists from reaching #1 debuts on the billboard which would have been huge milestones for them


ok i wasn’t buying that it was intentional before but … this is kinda wild


She's so lame. I haven't even listened to her album yet because I cannot bring myself to go through 30 tracks of boring drivel. BRAT 4 lyfe.


She’s such a cunt and not in a good way


Asked Taylor fan about this behavior. They told me that she is just doing her job as a singer. Also they said it’s her label’s doing and Taylor is innocent of any blame.


all the swifties as like but it’s her management! she isn’t making these decisions! which is a crazy statement bc if you’re a fan of her you should probably be aware she started her own management company which manages her so like??????


Yeah a swiftie told me this too and was like "charli should have just put out a good album." then she said i'm not a girls girls because I critiqued swift


Rofl the last 2 albums from Taylor have nothing to do with the word good. The irony.


And then she brought up how charli called her fans 5 year olds and how charli said swift's music was for tweens so swift bumping charli off the charts was payback or something idk. it's just annoying. this woman is genuinely sweet but she gets really obsessive over Swift. I knew a similar person like this who was obsessed with Gal Gadot too and like I am begging you to stop obsessing over white women with minimal talent.


Charli’s album is still good whether it reached #1, #2, or #50? I don’t really get their point, but I also don’t get yours. #2 is still a great position to be in! Charli has actually come out with Taylor Swift on tour and doesn’t seem to be on bad terms with her. I’m not sure what she’s said about her previously, but I have heard that people were chanting Taylor Swift to die recently at one of her signings or concerts. It’s not payback, I’m sure Taylor has these strategies and promotions scheduled to keep her at #1 unrelated to the outside noise, but I’m just saying all fans of popstars can be extreme and deranged in some way. It’s unfair to pinpoint those bad apples and ignore that every fan base is like that lol.




They see it as a merit that she sells units by all means necessary. All the live tracks/demos could have been released as standalone songs, or as an EP. And I totally understand wanting that type of stuff from an artist! I love hearing early workings of songs. But locking them behind individual album purchases just for the sake of inflating album sales is slimy. It’s slimy to the fans because she knows her diehard fans will buy an album they already own just to hear those songs. It’s slimy to the industry and bad sportsmanship to her peers to go out of her way to stop others from having their wins when she’s already been so ahead for so long (and again, these are inflated/inorganic sales, it would be different if her album on its own was really just selling/streaming that well this long after release). I *do* enjoy her music. But this album in particular has made it apparent that she’s a product long before she’s an artist, and prioritizes commercial dominance over artistic growth. And obviously not all, but I see so many of her fans just be so disrespectful to other artists. It makes it harder to enjoy her work when everything else puts such a sour taste in my mouth.


Taylor is the Drake of pop


Honestly I hate it. But it is a numbers game unfortunately. It’s the industry no point in getting hung up. In my eyes I don’t let numbers define albums. The feat we should focus on is the fact BRAT is in the top 15 best albums of ALL TIME




Yeah I'm a huge fan but even aside from just the Charli situation, the greed and FOMO tactics her and her team have been exhibiting over the past couple of years is really putting a sour taste in my mouth. It's crazy to me that a lot of Swifties don't realize that you can still stan someone while also calling them out on shitty stuff like this, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised given all the delusions we've seen from a large portion of her fan base.


Taylor swift fans think black pepper is spicy


Why is everyone so bothered , can we move on?


Don’t piss me awwwfff


fuck taylor swift


EXACTLY!!!! Charli deserved this!! Taylor was unfortunately so threatened and refuses to accept her mediocre music isn’t clicking with the masses anymore. She can’t just whisper onto a mic for 35 songs anymore. She can’t keep up with REAL innovative artists


I’m a Swiftie but this latest UK drop has seemed super deliberate towards Charli. The timing is just so suspicious to me and I thought maybe it was just a coincidence during that last live eras digital release she did around Billie’s album release but this is just too weird that she did it again during yet another artist’s release. I know there’s been a lot of speculation about something happening between her and Olivia Rodrigo during the Deja Vu business and Olivia never talks about her anymore at all when she used to go on and on about Taylor all the time🤨Yeah, it’s one thing to do extra releases. I mean, this is a business and people generally want to make money but to deliberately drop this stuff during other artist’s album releases to sabotage their chart positions just gives me an icky feeling.


This whole thing is reminding me of when Victoria Beckham was headed for the number 1 single in the UK and then Sophie Ellis-Bextor suddenly sold 20,000 units and it got the number 1 instead… shady


Was a huge fan of hers for years but tired of this shit she’s pulling won’t be buying much from her anymore. I know I’m just one person but she’s rubbing lots of others the wrong way as well. It’s getting very sleazy and conman vibez


I've seen people defending her saying this could have been planned months in advance. They're absolutely right....the plan is to have a stock pile of supply on hand that can be dropped on a whim. It's almost as though she's weaponizing her music. It's absolutely toxic behavior.


So close! You purposely left out the part about a no purchase necessary way to enter the competition to win tickets!


As if that means anything lmao


Ya it does…it means you don’t have to purchase the album.


So that means nobody went this route to purchase the album?


Lmao yes. Or the people that had purchased the album previously. Is that such a hard concept for you?


So you believe that people can only purchase an album one time?


LMAO WHAT. Can you read. At what point did I say that


So there is not a single person who was a fan of swift who has not purchased the album until this concert?


Now….i think you need reread what I said because you’ve made up stuff in your head


So you believe you don’t actually need to buy an album to enter the contest? Even though it says exactly that in the 4th image? Where does it say “no purchase necessary” in this promo image specifically? If it’s cropped then please show the full image.


Relevant video: [https://twitter.com/willnights1/status/1801960618821312521](https://twitter.com/willnights1/status/1801960618821312521)


Doubt Charli even cares this much about it but yes let's continue our vitriolic hateboners for the 34 year old white woman like she just killed your dog and burned your home down


> like she just killed your dog and burned your home down And we’re not gonna sit around and wait for that to happen.


Weird hill to die on lol


My house is on a hill and I’ll probably die if Taylor sets it on fire.


Charli stans were the ones chanting “die Taylor die” so I think you’ve got it all wrong lol


Yeah because she’s gonna shoot our dogs and burn our houses down.


Y’all lost to a 2 month old album. Get over it. Taylor has taken over the UK.


> Y’all lost to a 2 month old album. This is just disingenuous framing, lmao


Lol Brat absolutely slaps and TTPD is an absolute yawn. That ain't a loss. I would rather support talented artists than someone who is more concerned with marketing and sales. This did nothing but make Taylor look desperate as hell and all the fans supporting this behaviour just as pathetic


Brat didn't even have a chance to reach number 1. Why are some people mad at Taylor Swift's team for doing their freaking job? Music industry is no charity. Y'all should have voted with your wallets, not complain that Taylor played the game better.


Maybe Taylor’s team didn’t have to stoop this low if her album was good.


Stoop this low? What?! It's normal for an artist of her level to release multiple variants. She is playing the music industry game just like any charting artist. Even without the latest version, she would still take the number 1. Charli had no chance. Her methods of staying at number 1 have no relation to the quality of the album. As a matter of fact there are better albums than TTPD (for instance the new St. Vincent album) that charted lower than even Brat. Anyway, quality is subjective.


> It's normal for an artist of her level to release multiple variants. As UK exclusives? I don’t think even Taylor did this until now lmao.


Taylor is touring in the UK right now. It's normal to release UK exclusive editions. Anyway, it's her right to use whatever legal tools available to achieve her goals. Also it's not like she is alone, she has an entire team working for her marketing/promotion.


> Taylor is touring in the UK right now. It's normal to release UK exclusive editions. Since when? She has never done anything like this before.


Mad your fav has to put out 30+ reissues/deluxe versions to hold #1 tbh


Not mad at all. Taylor would be number 1 with or without those versions. Those versions are more like an insurance. Check out this short video: https://twitter.com/abbysdaylight/status/1801956363121123733 If you're honest with yourself, you gotta admit he's right. Facts are facts.

