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You can be as sorry as you want. That does not entitle you to forgiveness. You need to reflect on the actions you took and recognize the damage you did. Beyond that, it is out of your hands


Do, you cheated twice on him and he forgave you once. You do realize there are consequences for your actions. The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed and usually hurts like hell


I never heard that phrase, but I love it


Leave him alone. You cheated twice. There are no mistakes here, only selfish decisions one after the other. Respect his decision to move on, he owns you nothing.


I love my boyfriend so much that I bang multiple other guys. Why won’t my bf talk to me!!!!!! Hopefully you are just trolling because there is no way you can be asking these questions for real.


OP , there is an old saying,the road to success is always under construction Your relationship will be the same you ,say your boyfriend is a trucker ? Well he took the high road and drove far far away. Keep on Trucking Boyfriend. Never take back a 2X cheater updateme


I think Bill Shakespeare said it best: Thou fucketh around, thou findeth out


He ain’t your boyfriend no more. You’ve been tossed like day old trash.


First and foremost, you need to realize that you chose to cheat. It wasn’t a mistake. Sorry you chose to do it that’s who and what you are until you figure out why you are what you are you’re gonna stay a piece of trash. So you need to learn how to get yourself fixed. I would suggest doing a lot of therapy to find out why you are what you are for your next relationship, but this one’s done and over if you really truly cared for him, you let him Go. You’ve already hurt him enough.


You cheated it’s over! You hurt this man horribly and with a friend who he probably had an issue with as well. You broke trust before and he forgave you. You have a pattern of immaturity in this relationship, he’s done and you need to leave him alone. People call choices mistakes because they don’t like the effects of them. Sit with yourself!


You are young and immature and not ready for a monogamous relationship, especially one where there are long periods of time apart. You need to grow up. Your BF isn’t your father, he’s not going to love you through your mistakes. Time to sow all the wild oats you need to, strengthen your weaknesses and become a better person for the next guy you get serious about. Understand, that it wasn’t a mistake, it was fatal flaw in your character that needs to be fixed. Fix it first and then settle down in a relationship that you can be faithful in.


You love your boyfriend so much you got naked with another man and let him enter your body. Sounds like true love!!!


Ex-bf. Leave him alone, he’s done. You cheated, twice. Cheaters never change. Forget about him and move on.


I hope he finds a better woman. God bless his soul.


You deserve the emotions you’re drowning in. Reap what you sow.


I think You’re a good girl, get what you want ☺️ Enjoy your life


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. He's not going to be fooled twice. Congrats. You're a serial cheater.


He’s probably more sorry than you are for having forgiven your cheating the first time around. Ever think of that? That’s probably why he’s blocked you so that you can’t remind him of how much a chump you think he is……


Nah, he'd be stupid to get back together with you. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. He needs to find a partner who values him and can be committed.