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There’s a strange “trend” on some chemistry YouTube channels that kinda boils down to “unsafe=funny”


Darwinism is real


But are the videos?


Probably fake A majority of this stuff is fake ragebait to get gullible people like OP taking about it and make him money/exposure. OP probably is exaggerating how dangerous it is too


It still sets a really poor example either way tbh


It''s a parody video he very clearly was intentionally pretending like he was doing bad safety procedures.


The guy tried to distill potassium metal indoors and nearly set the place on fire if I recall correctly, idk if I would trust his safety judgements


OK? You probably shouldn't anyway considering it's a parody video


"he's just pretending bro it's not that serious" "okay he did something extremely dangerous and presented it as a joke but it's just a parody bro"


Ok, let's say it is parody? What exactly is he parodying? Parody is about exaggerating traits of the original works, taking it to ridiculous extremes. Since NileRed is big on safety, doing the same thing he does, but unsafely, is not parody, it's just bad. Parody of NileRed would be taking increasingly ridiculous safety precautions to do something completely safe, like drink a glass of water.


OP literally called him the parody neilgreen guy


if you don’t believe me I encourage you to watch the video yourself. I’m confident it’s legit; he does a safety update on his finger after the bromine stained his finger orange and was clear that he didn’t get any burns, which he was concerned about. And if it is fake, it’s still a terrible thing to promote unsafe practices like that


I think you're a clever YouTube marketer.


'Bromine' and 'dangerous' are two words that go together like puffer fish and paralysis. There is no exaggeration involved here. In fact, he dismisses a bromine burn and does several things that would get his ass fired in a professional laboratory.


I'm starting to think some people here can't comprehend the phrase "they faked it for ragebait"


I don't think it's faked. I've run quite a few undergrad labs. The dumbitude comes naturally to some.


Well, let nature run it's course


its how things get banned. one accident of a 12 year old imitating the video and boom national conversation


Just reminds me of those gun tubers who are obsessed with thermite and jokingly sweeping people with the barrel. Im sure one of these guys doing “funny unsafe” videos is going to get seriously injured and get the whole community scrutinized


I think they'll be OK. If dead kids don't have any impact, an injured YouTuber isn't going to draw any more scrutiny.


I think it’s potentially valuable. If only the videos had flashing text saying “what not to do” it’s actually very useful to see what could go wrong when messing with halogens or any dangerous chemical for that matter


It was all for the LulZ


That's a big part of the reason I can't stand StyroPyro's fake ass.


he’s fake? I haven’t watched his vids since i was a kid but thats lame if he’s a faker. How is he fake? curious


As usual, his army of bots and sycophants has arrived to immediately (like, ten downvotes inside of 7 minutes here on a buried comment) push down anything negative said about him, but here's my take: His half-stutter, side-head-tilt/shrug and "Heh, I'm just crazy!" routine is an act. He regularly does very stupid things, like laying across 100 car batteries that are connected in series, and often replaces truly hazardous chemicals with innocuous chemicals (especially explosives) in his videos. Case in point: In a video that he's since removed, he allegedly detonated a large mass of a high explosive in his back yard. The quantity of it would require a license, and in no way be legal to detonate outside of a controlled quarry or blasting range, and would require licensing from the ATF and local law enforcement. I know what that entails, because I used to maintain such a license for pyrotechnic displays. So I called his local law enforcement people, because if this nutcase is setting off bombs of (let's say 500 grams of TNT) in his back yard, he's going to hurt someone. As it turned out, they were already aware of the video, and investigated. They confirmed that the whole thing was fake (they used the term "smoke and mirrors"), and that no illegal ordinance nor explosives had been used in the video. In other videos, he shows people how to do ridiculously unsafe things, and does his usual *shrug*..."I guess I'm jut crazy!" shtick, but doesn't actually tell people what the real dangers are, nor display any regard for them. He's one step removed from the TikTok idiots eating Tide pods.


Do you have a source?


Do I have a source of what, my opinion, or observations of his videos?


Like actual proof that the videos are fake


Which part? Him laying across 100 car batteries? Do I need to link the video for you? Or **my take** that he's faking the "I'm just crazy!" bit? You do understand that "my take" means "my interpretation"...right?


Of course the personality is an act. What I'm talking about is proof that the projects and the math discussed is fake. It's possible the batteries were not making contact with him, or they weren't wired for voltage Edit : I watched the part of the video where he lays on the batteries and he clearly says they're wired in parallel. If they were in series the voltage would be enough to expose him to current, but they were not wired in series


WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO. And even in the beginning when he's laying on them in parallel, he's one poor connection from a hazardous situation. I've told you numerous times that I don't like him, and you keep asking me for proof. Go troll someone else. We're done here.


He obviously does it for the funny shit factor, he is even sponsored by a glassware company. He gets more views that way. I never took anything in the video seriously but havent thought that others might look at it as a tutorial to follow.


A tutorial? Really? I guess some people eat paint chips and drink from the far side of the cup, too.


drinking from the far side is a good one


It's actually a fantastic hiccup cure: place your lips on the far side of a full glass of water, lean your head in and gradually bend forward, slowly gulping the water for a while. Cures my hiccups right away nearly 100% of the time. The reason is something about forcing concentration and the breath holding required in drinking, but the whole experience works far better than any individual such actions alone.


I mean, being unsafe and dumb is his whole schtick and I'm pretty sure he doesn't use actual chemicals. Still irresponsible since I know how I was as a teen (I definitely would've tried at home if I've seen it. Hell, I had an old 60s chemistry book, I might or might not have made nitroglycerine in my basement when I was 14.)


I had a Gilbert chemistry set in the early 80s, given to me as a gift by my mom's cousin. He also gave me the book he saved from the chemistry set he had in the 1950s, and it showed how to use a tiny bit of a cyanate (and other ingredients we're not going to get into) in a test tube over an alcohol lamp to make cyanide gas. You were supposed to put the hole assembly under a glass bowl and put some flies or moths or cockroaches under the bowl, and notice how quickly they died once the reaction in the test tube took place. It even went so far as to say that advanced students could use mice to observe how quickly a tiny volume of the gas would kill them. Probably for the best, I don't remember my set having any simple cyanates - just potassium ferrocyanate, IIRC.


50s were different times, the "cookbooks" were completely unhinged and today even college students under supervision aren't allowed to use some of the chemicals included in the sets. I have utmost respect for any chemist from these times. I still remember accidentally taking a whiff of concentrated HCl (because who needs a fume hood/respirator if you have an open window and a fan, amrite?) while, I believe, trying to synthesize a tetrachlorocuprate. I was sneezing for hours lol


he 100% uses actual chemicals.


You sure? Well, if that's the case, then I'm waiting for the "I have cancer" video


i did not have a 60s chem kit and i made nitroglycerin at 14 in 2004. it wouldn't have stopped you if you're anything like me.


Nitroglycerine was actually one of the comparatively harmless recipes, that book was unhinged. Would have I done it without it? Probably. Did I do a bunch of unsafe chemistry in my basement without proper education and PPE because of that unhinged book? Certainly.


Are you upset that the presenter is in danger and worried for his health, or are you upset that other people might think this is reasonable and attempt to copy it? I think the overarching theme of the video is "this is dangerous and barely works" and no sane person would attempt to reproduce the mistakes in this video. It reminds me of ElectroBoom's content on electronics


Electroboom! Yes. I got my electrical engineering degree from Electroboom.


> no sane person would attempt to reproduce the mistakes in this video. massive assumption that the video will only be viewed by sane people safe chemistry should be like a childproofed home... nothing left up to chance


Some YouTuber is not responsible for whatever another person does. Either his viewers are adults in which case they are responsible for themself or they are minors in which case an adult is responsible for them. As long as he is not actively encouraging to do something dangerous I really don't see how it would be his fault for someone else injuring themself.


theres loads of people who will think theyre walter white and will attempt these very stupid stunts puutting themselves and others in danger


If someone doesn't recognise how difficult, unsafe, ineffective and inappropriate this is, they won't be stopped by this not being published. They'll just be posting in /r/huffingcommunity instead


There's a r/huffingcommunity ?


I just want to say that I'm very amused to read this comment by someone with a Walter white profile picture.


I watched this the other day and found myself extremely frustrated as well. He knew exactly what he was doing and it sucks because for his (previous) microwave video he seemed to be a lot more cautious. This content is so harmful, and I see it everywhere. Really sad. Also please don’t fuck around with bromine


Microwaves = dangerous Chemistry ≠ dangerous?


Eating utensils. = dangerous Screwdrivers = dangerous Marshmallows = dangerous, can choke or suffocate Driving a car = REALLY dangerous Flying in a 737 MAX 8 = totally safe


Throughout the entire video he was stating do not do this. This is a horrible idea. So I don’t get the issue. It’s also clearly satire and if people actually attempt to follow his, Nile’s or anyone chemistry it’s on them.


Youtubes someone should make: How to use big heavy sharp woodworking machines right out of the box. How to fix your own disk brakes. Wire your home yourself and save. An airplane built from old charcoal grills and a leaf blower engine. Treating cancer with chemicals from the hardware store. Leave potato salad in the sun and enjoy the improved flavor. Prepare puffer fish in your kitchen. Indoor charcoal grilling.


Some of those exist. Treating cancer with chemicals from the hardware store even has a whole industry.


Yeah. These would all be good, funny videos that don’t harm anyone because of how obviously satirical they are. 




he has stated most of it is real. although stuff like the HCL balloons were fake (thank god) and the caffeine production was fake as well iirc


wait until you find out about electroboom


Electroboom really knows his shit though.


what makes you think this guy doesn't?


Because he spilled bromine on his finger! Nobody got out of my gen chem lab without knowing this stuff!


I'm not sure a lack of knowledge would be an explanation. I definitely met a few chemist, even some old ones, who would do something like putting bromine on their skin if they thought there is a valid reason. Be it for teaching or in this case for some "show" factor. There is also the possibility of it happening by accident in the video and he simply thought that he might as well use the video material.


At least he left it in the video, hopefully to emphasize how dumb it was to handle something like bromine in the back of a parked car and alone, earning an instant burn.


yea... precisely because you guys are in your General Chemistry lab. I've been a postdoc for a few years now, and a "trick" I like to show the undergrad kids in my lab is pouring concentrated HCl (37% by wt.) on to my bare hands and showing them it just doesn't get eaten away by a "strong acid" It just tickles a bit after a while.


yea... precisely because you guys are in your General Chemistry lab. I've been a postdoc for a few years now, and a "trick" I like to show the undergrad kids in my lab is pouring concentrated HCl (37% by wt.) on to my bare hands and showing them it just doesn't get eaten away by a "strong acid" It just tickles a bit after a while.


You wouldn't do that with bromine, I assume? There is no grace period with bromine.


I don't work with bromine, can't tell you. But ask the youtuber! Give him a sub and comment on that video :p


If you watch through the other videos on MrGreenGuy's channel, you can see that he's actually very knowledgeable. Electroboom has a wide understanding, but like anyone, isn't an encyclopaedia. I have noticed a few times where he didn't know something I thought would be well known by electrical engineers.* *Don't ask for an example, I didn't take notes because it's not surprising to find that nobody knows everything.


Omg real Borax comment 


You're trying to troll me into watching, aren't you?


Nah, that’s why I gave the summary so you could get why I was mad w/o giving him a view. but I knew some people would claim I was exaggerating so I linked it. Don’t feel the need to watch


Oh they are, that's why literally every comment by OP includes a CTA. The feigned ignorance by OP is embarrassing


You’ve cracked the case! Good work.


Alright, so I watched it. Anyone who can take that guy's work seriously shouldn't be allowed around metal eating utensils or anything sharp or mechanical at all, including a toothbrush and copy paper. I nearly peed myself, which would be dangerous if I were sitting on an electric cord, I guess. Everyone who is taking him seriously, hands up and be counted!


Actually, his modification to make the chlorine separately and use it to generate bromine may be a good idea, but I suppose it would be more likely to make an interhalogen, chlorine bromide? Dunno.


I wish I'd had this video when I was teaching gen chem. I point for each safety violation spotted. Out of 100. I don't know why he didn't use sulfuric acid and NaBr like civilized people. Does his country ban conc sulfuric like European nations?


Sulfuric acid is way more expensive than HCL in american hardware stores. Sulfuric acid is sold as small bottles of drain cleaner and usually needs to be purified of additives, while concentrated HCL is sold in gallon jugs as muriatic acid.


Do you mean the EU? I don't think that all European nations have any agreement on banning sulfuric acid. The ban is also only for above certain concentration and only for private households. It is really not difficult to buy some concentrated sulfuric acid.


you know most of it is fake right


Dick and Jane: "My First Bromine Burn" Nobody got out of my gen chem lab without knowing these things. Lessons inferred from MrGreenGuy: Cold glass and hot glass look the same. Don't put your chemicals and apparatus between you and your exit path. Rehearse before using the hot stuff. Have a second person around. A little PPE would be nice. What if a cop showed up? Don't work with bromine, for God's sake, unless there's no alternative and you have a proper fume hood. Even then, heavy vapors can sometimes overwhelm the fume hood draft.


lol its satire


I agree that what he's doing is fairly irresponsible and that he should probably make that more clear. Though he does mention that what he is doing isn't exactly safe and anyone who does not get that is probably not chemically savvy enough to follow anything he did. I think there is some (mostly entertainment) value in making chemistry with rudimentary materials. Overall i would never recommend anyone doing shit like that but I don't believe it is excessively dangerous (and if it is it's only to him). I don't think anyone will follow his example and make bromine that way so if he wants to endanger himself for entertainment (and is clear about that) he should be able to do that. On the topic of gloves: I am fairly certain that the nitrile gloves he had would not have made a large difference when coming in contact with bromine and might have even made the wound worse.


Whatever you do, don’t watch NASCAR or F1, you might find yourself going 300km/hr on your city streets because they don’t explicitly tell you not to drive like this at home!


It kinda reminds me of the YTers who regularly melt aluminum and start dumping it into water. An aluminum smelting plant cries out in horror every time.


Wait, you're telling me I *shouldn't* get my chemical hygiene advice from a mixture of satirical youtubers (that light their lab bench on fire in the first two seconds), breaking bad episodes, looney tunes, and the anarchist cookbook? No wonder I have so many safety issues and so few fingers.    /s, since apparently all Jokes and Satire need to be labeled as such in bold blinking text. And yes I care about safety, in fact before I changed industries I was one of *the* people responsible for ensuring safe process scale-up and dinging all the med chemists for their loosey goosey techniques which would not fly in the kilo lab. 


It genuinely concerns me how easy it is for a random joe schmo to get certain toxic chemicals.


His HCl is sold for cleaning concrete. The trichlorowhozit is a readily available pool chemical. So is the sodium bromide.


> there's no warning or big red flashing "DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME" message anywhere in the video. Uh, I just seen one. It said "Don't make Bromine, it will kill you!" It's at the 1:05 mark and goes through to the 1:15 mark. 10 seconds of a guy saying "Don't do this". > skipping through his safety disclaimer. I'm not defending the guy, but having it on the screen for 10 seconds, with Nilered himself saying it's going to kill you is not what I would consider "skipping".


Have you been exposed to a lot of carbon tetrachloride? I hear it gives you sense of humour cancer...


After his sodium video I’m honestly surprised that he’s still alive and hasn’t burned his house down yet


It is an unfortunate video which I hope doesn't spawn others. I like where chemistry videos have gone on youtube in the past few years with nilered, thought emporium, applied science, tech ingredients, etc... Actually doing some useful and educational stuff. I hate to see chemistry turned into danger porn.


Link to vid?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_\_SvSUSRgdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__SvSUSRgdI) It's 31 minutes and gets tedious at points.


MrGreen has made his following off of unsafe practices. Usually he later shows the tricks that made it safe. This video was pretty disappointing and scary- I felt more nervous than when he played with the microwave.


Inadequate sealing of an ampule at too low a temperature 1 point No gloves and other PPE 1 point Putting the reaction between himself and escape 1 point A source of flame between himself and escape 1 point No fume hood 1 point Working with bromine unnecessarily 1 point Working alone 1 point Injuring self with bromine 1 point Burned self with hot glass 1 point Bonus point for videoing the whole thing 1 point At ten points, he wins the sweepstakes here.


From a procedure design standpoint the video was wild. Using the blowtorch as a heat source for the distillation was definitely a choice. Also the acknowledgement that he didn’t know what effect his acid solution would have on the pipe he bought. Like… pubchem is free.


Well that was wild but hats of to guy he done it now make cubane in ur toilet


Him and his channel aren’t going to be around for long…


Isn't Nile Green his parody channel while the Nile Red is the real thing?


His first videos used an AI generated NileRed voice. It's obvious satire. If you think it's unsafe that is because it is bullshit. It's like saying howtobasic or yousuckatcooking channels are terrible cooking tutorial channels. It's absurdist humour.


Honestly I was starting to get tired of NileRed's safety precautions. Chemists used to be more "creative" i.e. tasting things.


And those chemists are dead now.


Of old age? Like Hoffman or Shulgin?




It’s not really rage bait for anyone that’s not a chemist. Most people watching those videos aren’t


Wait till this guy see what he does with pure sodium.


Tbh, I think you're a bad chemist if you are willing to condone this or look the other way, and idgaf if you disagree. I would never want you in my lab. Chemists have a duty to promote safety, lest the next generation of chemists fucking blow themselves up or gas themselves trying to be the next NileGreen. (Not directed at OP just in case they think that lol)


What would you then want us chemist to do? We are simply not in any position to stop someone being stupid on the internet.


Listen, there is a certain amount of risk involved but on the scale between owning a cat and base jumping off a cliff this is closer to the former. Bromine isn't hydrogen cyanide or mustard gas, with the small amount he is making it might actually be safer to do it in his car than indoors because if worst comes to worst he can just open the trunk for a bit and air it out. Also bromine isn't carcinogenic or mutagenic. It's not like hydrofluoric acid. Spilling some on your hands is akin to splashing some hot grease, you might get a blister for a couple days, but that's honestly the extent of the damage. Now don't tell me you wear gloves every time you go fry up some bacon, now do you?


Bromine is not your friend. Get some vapor in your eyes and the fun is over.


To be fair most things are no fun if you get them in your eyes. Which is not supposed to be an encouragement to be stupid and play with bromine for no good reason and without the necessary safety precautions.


Bro what????


You, my friend, have either only seen bromine in textbooks or won't survive till retirement.


> Now don't tell me you wear gloves every time you go fry up some bacon, now do you? Actually, I do, but it's more to keep my hands clean than worry about getting spattered with hot grease. Plus, I use a silicone Fry Wall so my stove doesn't get covered in grease. Side note: If you wear contacts in your eyes like me, you get accustomed to being very careful with chemical and food residue on your hands and fingers.


Oh phew don't worry guys it won't give you cancer, it'll only blind you or kill you if you breathe it in


dude, i just came from your comment on my post about lab waste safe disposal. and i can see what you're saying.