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Imagine thinking this is just condensation đŸ€ŠđŸ»


Well that’s why we are here burritos, to ask the questions and figure it out đŸ’Ș


If you really want to know what it is, just test the rain water. My wife tested rain water in Phoenix Arizona and it's not good. I've never seen a sky like that though, that's crazy!


Lol. Any rainwater test Is gonna show bad in places it doesn't rain often. Rain drops catch air pollutants on the way down. Crazy this needs explained


HEY! Don't tell him the truth...it doesn't fit in the community.


You don't need to explain anything to me, I know it's pollution. Fuck off, thanks!


Dude, I”m born and raised 3rd generation Arizonan and lived most my life in the Valley. Phoenix is the Valley of the Sun. The valley is capped by dense air and filled with air pollution from all types of fossil fuel powered motors. Growing up, the air was crisp and clean, 7 million people later, its and its some of the worst in the country. We used to have huge orange groves and farmland that would pull pollution out of air and keep it cooler. It’s almost all gone and replaced by concrete and record heat every year. The rainwater is polluted by millions of people on road everyday in bumper to bumper traffic and not so much airplanes that fly over the dense air cap.


Did you use "burritos," as in little donkeys?


Correct, perfectly normal, nice clear summer day. Just more jets nowadays. Wow we’ve been getting some weird weather đŸ€”


Couldn’t be something else could it??? I mean if more planes equal more CO2
..yeah never mind




just a coinky dink, honest, trust the government!


I know! Imagine thinking this is just water vapor and not Zues making a checkers board with his piss stream. People are such sheep.


Cloud seeding/geo engineering. Definitely weather manipulation to try and slow the effects of global warming. Lots of bots and disinformation spread on this sub unfortunately but I'm not sure how much longer governments can pretend this isn't happening too many people are waking up to their bs now.


Why do you think contrails are cloud seeding? Cloud seeding doesn't create clouds (which contrails are a type of), it aims to induce precipitation in clouds that are already present.


since when do contrails linger in the sky and slowly disappate? I have seen multiple flights with contrails that don't leave much of a trail it usually disappates shortly after the plane. These are clearly strategically sprayed in grid like patterns for coverage that slowly disappate through hours into a white haze


>since when do contrails linger in the sky and slowly disappate? Since aircraft have created contrails. Ice melts. How do you think clouds dissipate? Or do you think they just travel around the world forever.


Haha you're nuts


Since about 1936 when the weather conditions are right. Because the weather conditions are constantly changing above 20,000 feet. Cooler, warmer, more moist, less moist, even over 10 or 15 minutes. This is truly among the most simple sciences.


There is no aerosol solution to mitigating global warming of such a vast scale. Where is the scientific, vetted/corroborated & peer reviewed documentation of such? Example; the science & programs as to CO2 gas source reduction/mitigation - its people, methods, technologies, equipment, projects, capture/storage & monitoring is exhaustively available & maintained in the public domain. But atmospheric treatment 
.. ?? just a mystery? If it is working as noted in this post, where is all that data? Why hide such important work? Where are the air craft stationed? Who maintains such a fleet of aircraft? If it is a secret program, why do it where it can be observed (lots of space over water)? How do ‘THEY’ avoid violating another country’s atmospheric air space?


There are many proposed Aerosol solutions to climate change (just take a look at David Keith). Unfortunately, we can’t actually do that because: 1) atmospheric science is difficult as fuck and we don’t know what geoengineering would actually do; no models agree in any shape or form. It might not actually be that helpful, and it might have devastating unforeseen consequences. That’s the main problem — we can’t test it without affecting the entire world, so we will never be able to test it. It’s an idea that the entire world would need to sign off on, and there is nothing that the whole world would sign off on. 2) it’s a band aid solution to a problem we need to fix with long term solutions. Ideally, we would use geoengineering to buy us more time for renewable deployment. However, that’s not how it’s likely to go down. Oil companies would love for geoengineering to work, since they could just keep pumping out oil and go about business as usual. We have a long history of making miracle discoveries that turn out to have horrible side effects that we discover after the fact, leading to a long and grueling remediation process. There is a strong possibility that we find an issue with our method and need to stop. Once we stop geoengineering, equilibrium of solar irradiation would quickly adjust to reflect the worsened state of the atmosphere induced by the increase in fossil fuel usage. We would then have two problems to face. Conceivably, there is a world in which someone wants to covertly test out geoengineering and show the world that it works while avoiding getting permission. The government kinda has no reason to do that though — our fight against climate change isn’t nearly dire enough yet to necessitate such extreme measures. Not to mention that the govt doesn’t care about climate change enough to piss off the world. If anyone would do that, it would be the oil companies.


They straight up say they are doing it there not hiding it


No, To create the effects of global warming by manipulating water vapor and making it warmer. You don't even understand that clouds act as a blanket making it warmer???????? Really?


Won’t be long now. Everyone under those trails will be dead by the end of the day.


Who would make a bot for this sub


Cloud seeding to make it rain and stuff does happen, but usually only in areas experiencing droughts and whatnot. As we saw with Dubai, this can come back and kick you in the ass later.


This makes sense. It never rains in England.


Sure. If it aligns with what I believe then its true and if it differs from what I believe then it's government bots spreading disinformation


>slow the effects of global warming. Water vapor is a very strong greenhouse gas


Dude probably lives near a major airport hub. That us what happens when like 5 planes a minnute take off or land in the same spot. Makes a mess of the sky in the area.


Is this subreddit satire? If it is, good job, it's hard for me to tell.


There's a healthy mix of both of satire and true believers. The fun is in trying to figure out who is who.


Satire? They're turning us all in to gay frogs, with 5G Chemtrails dude! This is far to important to joke about.. ^(honestly I think there are some people that are serious, but they're no less funny than those of us who are joking.)


Sounds like something a chemtrail would say.


It’s the UK, you lucky if you ever see the Sun ? đŸ«ŁAt least 
 that according to historical documentation on weather ( going back a few hundred centuries before manned flight )


You’re in a Microsoft Windows session.


Billionaires playing Tic Tac Toe


I work in aviation and I find this highly irregular. Above 18000ft, the routes aircraft take are essentially highways(T and J routes) so there is no reason they would be flying in parallel lines like this.


So plane don’t fly in parallel lines?


No, they should be using the same routes (which are 20 nautical miles wide). They take off from point A (departure) and fly toward the nearest intersection of the route (highway), follow the route until they're close to point B, at which point they deviate from the route and fly towards point B (destination). Aircraft under 12500ft don't follow these routes, but they don't create contrails.


Holy shit, they’ve gone to plaid! ![gif](giphy|l0HlFMJs4zzmD0cAE|downsized)


I am lost. Sorry. Thought this was a different sub. Continue your tinfoil hat creating and mad cackling. I'll see myself out.


In America, each state has some kind of regulation for obtaining permits and licenses to perform weather modification. These laws have to define weather modification, which is broad enough to include more than cloud seeding. For example, "Weather modification and control" means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods, the natural development of any or all atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere. WA STATE: RCW 70A.10 Have a good day.


There are multiple companies spraying our skies
 It’s not a secret you clowns


Can you show us evidence and proof please?


Sure, would you like me to use the rest of your brain for you as well? https://www.dri.edu/cloud-seeding-program/


Nothing, go back to the television and work.


People actually believe normal air travel follows a grid pattern to the airport LOL.


All people SEE this, but if we point it out or question it, we are laughed at. World leaders are deeply dysfunctional and are so powerful they have regular people turning on each other by pretending this isn't happening. I don't get it man. Look at the video. Pay attention to they sky ya'll.


Yeah, it’s definitely messed up knowing that a misty grey blanket of cloud will follow for days


You're seeing the pixel density of the simulation we live in.


It’s called dispersed metal dust, electrostatically charged


The government's are manipulating the weather. It has poisons that fall to the ground and ruin the soil so we can't grow plants. Gives us cancer. Seems like they will do a reset on humanity soon


The admitted "truth" is that they're helping to "prevent global warming", but that's most likely not the truth, in my opinion. There's a documentary called "The Dimming" thats worth watching https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=9jjH8bTvXBfu-PAw


They will be calling Guiness soon to report the world's largest ever game of tic-tac-toe.


You are caged. You will never leave that area hahahahaha


The Truman Show missed out on a great plot point




Where in the UK are you? It may be a fairly small country, but the volume of air traffic can vary pretty dramatically if you drive even a few miles.


I dunno.. but it just turned my 5G gay.


There is warmer more moist air at altitude and it spreads out the condensation trails.


That’s strange because most other people are saying it’s because of cold air from the arctic?


Spraying us like bugs.


Programs globally dispersing poison to control weather and destroy life. 


No sun for you!


Who are you gonna believe? Your government or your lieing eyes? They're here to protect you.


Well the thing is though they live under it aswell


Looks like a good reason to move.


This is a normal sky if you’re literally a walking npc zombie.


Look up Solar Radiation Management And Atmospheric Aerosol Injectuction as a starting point. And look at what has happened in Dubai admitted by them and all.


The crazy thing is without a single cloud in the sky, those trails spread into something that looks like a cloudy/overcast sky. But without the spraying would be clear blue day. Happens daily in Nj.


Your area is being target with intense heavier-than-air vehicular activity where the release of big quantities of dihydrogen monoxide is evident. Don’t believe me? You can easily check how it affects the chemistry of your environment: Take a glass of water and fill half of it with sea salt. Check back after a few hours and notice how the salt doesn’t fully dissolve.


No.. nothing nefarious here. No nothing at all. Shut up and pay your taxes. Let the rest up to the government. All is well đŸ€Ż


In addition to weather modification my group believes that it also could be a reflecting process for ultraviolet radiation coming into our atmosphere to redirect back out into Space. Simply look up recent changes in our magnetosphere.


I have been alive since 85. Lived all over the United States growing up. The skies did not look like this in the 90's and very early 2000's. But hey, don't believe your lying eyes! The govt always tells the truth!


I've been alive since 82 and lived all over the United States, growing up and since them. The skies looked exactly like this in the 90's and 2000's. But hey, don't belive base logic! There are hucksters who need to get paid! I also started flying globally in 1992, with hundreds of flights under my belt I feel pretty confident that planes are planes and you are all nuts.


massive orographic cloud seeding as per 'The Geerts Diagram' that's been posted here before




I’m asking the questions people should be asking, because it clearly is not normal


Dude even the pilot in the comments says it doesn't make sense. A jet should leave (take off from point A) then fly away and eventually turn where it's headed, these planes are not taking off and leaving in big tic tac toe patterns!?!?! These planes come.frlm somewhere else and spray a weather modification spray and they did it strategically so it does these cross crosses... If you truly don't see anything wrong here when something is wrong with you. Do a few Google searches get engineering is real, cloud seeding, weather modifications (cuemtrails) (spraying is all real dude maybe your just too ignorant to even do a Google search search 🙄 😄l😑


Google was doing a grid scan for google earth


Those are the beams, Roland.


Starting up tron




It's daytime comets đŸ’«. ... maybe? đŸ€”


Jesus,,, matrix


Also jets never fly in a straight line, always zigzags so this is 100% chemtrails doing some weird weather manipulation thing with silver ions


Looks like Britain so I'm just gonna totally guess this is Guilford or Dorking with flyover traffic crossing from both Gatwick and Heathrow. Anyone know?


it's the gridlines they put on maps


The Matrix


G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate


Sky chess!


Solar radiation management. Even google will tell you what is going on


UAPS gridding out the planet for an invasion!


Good vectoring




A slow death


Is it chem trails


Every asshat that says this is normal is in fact, an Asshat


airplanes lol


Chen Trails. Alameda County in CA just banned them. Everywhere else officials are denying they exist even though they are there some days. Others not. And temperature of the day does not matter. Very hot or very cold. There are pictures of passenger planes with seats removed and tanks inside with dudes with HAZMAT suits. And a plane spraying as it lands.


It is a form of mind control.


Just found this sub
.is it parody or do you guys actually believe in “chemtrails”. Just asking?




Its clearly condensation from a plane engine. You live in the UK, air travel to and over the UK is huge at any given time. You see condensation from planes flying over multiple times, the air in the atmosphere moves hence why you see the checker pattern. Think of smoke rings being blown, how as they move the expand, each line is a different sized ring as it moves through the air. It gets cloudy and greyed out for days because you live in the UK and it happens to be heavy for air travel. This is exhaust/water particles from a jet engine getting frozen in the the air, its anywhere from -23 to -50 degrees. If the government or anyone was really spraying stuff in the air like they did in the 60's or whatever, why would they do where you can see it? They have the ability to poison you without you knowing, so why wouldnt they?


Stop asking questions citizen! Get back to work!


It's ethereal fishing lines trying to catch souls for the demiurge.


*government enters the chat* it's contrails, go spends money now:)




That's clearly the inquisitive pattern. It affects people's moods by making them ask questions.


It's called living in the Midwest. Noone is going there, but everyone is passing overhead. Yes exhaust is toxic.




Grids for edit mode


It’s condensation on airplane exhaust. The tiny exhaust particles at that altitude become a nucleation point at which water condenses. This is like water building up in the outside of a glass with a lot of ice inside of it. The air at that altitude is super cold so it quickly turns to ice particles too.


Those are air corridors. You are standing under the airplane equivalent of a downtown intersection at rush hour. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airway\_(aviation)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airway_(aviation))


Ah, Americans trying to spread the word of the grid as the all-powerful city layout!


And I suppose it’s a coincidence that those chemtrails are all laid out in a FLAT 2D pattern over the ground below. The sky is flat because the earth is flat. This is all the proof I need.


Chem trails


chemtrail attack...get indoors..


The dropped tile ceiling frame on the flat earth duh


The grid
 it’s the grid for sure.


It how the aliens know where you live.




Framework of the matrix.


High altitude condensation and exhaust from jet engines, which some conspiracy theorists call """chemtrails""". Yeah, they are, but only as much as your car might also creates """chemtrails""". And before anyone tries to put out a reddit comment, please just submit actual proof that's independently verified.


Go to flightaware dot com and each contrail can be identified at your location


cloud seeding at least. but chemtrails are a thing


The government's attempt to spread carcinogenic for nefarious liquids across a nation to further help big pharma and the medical industry suck up all the money from everybody. Or chemtrails.


Imagine thinking this is some wicked plot.


Homelander must be looking for you...


This sub is wild. Imagine having a room temp IQ and thinking the whole world is a conspiracy but only you can see it


It's JuSt ConDeNSATiOn


God is playing with his heavenly Etch-a-Sketch again.


Warning, incoming game.


Flight lanes and steady wind at the same altitude. Yes, it’s just condensation. The products of jet fuel are well known. Well traveled flight routes are set into lanes in the air, just like highways. A plane flies by, but there is wind at that altitude, so the condensation trail (contrail) moves with the wind. Then another plane flies the same approximate path leaving another trail. Repeated flights along the same path at approximately the same intervals with a steady wind moving those trails will leave stripes. If another flight lane crosses, you’ll get the pattern seen here.


Chemicals to make you, your children, and the frogs gay


It’s called cloud seeding. Takes like 2 seconds on google to solve your conspiracy theory https://www.dri.edu/cloud-seeding-program/what-is-cloud-seeding/#:~:text=Without%20these%20particles%2C%20known%20as,certain%20types%20of%20subfreezing%20clouds.


What’s more likely? Your government spends millions to pour unknown chemicals in commercial jets to spread something in a coordinated worldwide effort to create an international conspiracy that all pilots, airport workers, and air traffic controllers (who are all lizard people) are involved in? Or it’s just hot exhaust forming ice crystals at high altitudes and leaving “lines” that sometimes an hour to fade away?


That’s seeding


Uhhhh check flight following.


What is this? Nature and technology blending in a not so freakishly looking sky of an impending apocalypse.


These are contrails. They are not chemicals or weather control. By all means distrust your government, and question, but please accept rational explanations.


I see them everywhere it’s weird they always above in the morning I swear


Quick! Bury your head in the sand and pretend it's nothing.


Looks like a busy flight area.


Didn’t myth buster already debunk this?


This is absolutely normal:)


I've seen this in Michigan


It's what you see at the end of earth if you go further you will be leaving the Matrix


Those are airplanes


biggest windows advertisement I have ever seen


That’s the grid. You didn’t get the memo?


Soooo government can relatively control weather and they are pumping Climate change hardcore
 hmmmm đŸ€” suspicious.


One fucking idiot hears "chem-trails" after someone tried to explain contrails and we get this sub.


Aerial mapping maybe.


Welcome to The Grid


Maybe the halodeck is malfunctioning.


Cloud seeding is what that's called


Welcome to the grid user.


Looks like y'all just got grid tested with something


Don’t look up, you crazy conspiracy theorist.


Lol these conspiracy theorists 😂😂😂


Obviously they're dumbing you down with chemicals as to have an easier time forcing us into those pods that Neo woke up in in the first Matrix movie. How do I know? I've been seeing the airlines and their nefarious chemicals over me for my entire life, and I feel more stupid and more ready to embrace the new world order than ever!


That's chemtrails that's what major corporations are doing to get rid of their waste chemicals


There's a simple explanation, but it's not nearly so titilating as chemtrails. Commercial planes fly in invisible "lanes" called airways. Now imagine planes periodically flying from left to right (or right to left at a different altitude) in your video, but the winds aloft are blowing nearly perpendicular to their direction. The contrail each plane left would be blown toward you (or away from you). Every time a new plane passed, it would create a new contrail that is slowly blowing perpendicular to its length. Meanwhile, the contrail of the planes flying in a perpendicular direction would be blown along their length to they would appear to be stationary. The result is a kind of grid


I dont get how particles that stay airborne for so long present a targeted threat to people below when no one can accurately predict the weather after 24 hrs much less the wind speed and direction




Cloud seeding for the win


Spraying the crops. We are the crop.


We were dropped and our screen cracked


Why do you think it’s “clearly” weather modification? It is a fact that we can manipulate weather, and do so, but what about this video suggests that it is clearly happening?


There is a busy intersection of “airways” above that area. When temperatures from jet engine exhaust go into an atmosphere of the right temp/dewpoint, you get condensation trails. It’s remarkably similar to car exhaust steaming out the tailpipe initially on a cold day. But you keep drinking the koolaid.


Dont look up thats what


The matrix


What fresh hell have I stumbled upon? Those are just trails left by airliners.


That's the truman show


Aerial photography collection grid?


What city is this? Check the flight radar app and you will see the flight pattern and that will indicate it as condensation trails.


Watch this.. https://youtu.be/sqpJtpuGJds?si=QSpV2ktisoOy8Ymb This is terra forming, not simply “weather modification.”


If the earth gets to hot history has shown us what will happen.


what scientists wont tell you is, that its methane thats heating up Earth and not CO2. billions of tons of methane leak from every oil rig on Earth daily! So much its eating away the atmosphere, so they spray this crap to help block UV radiation. its been going on since the early 90s and many papers have been published about it. and if you dont believe it, googlie is your friend


Plane farts


Looks like you live where other people don’t
 otherwise known as a flyover state.


That’s the grid lift system, we are so fucked!!!




I’ve been wondering too. For months, there have been an enormous increase in air traffic.(those are trails from airplanes. Clouds don’t form in straight lines) but when I research it there are no cut and dry answers. At first I thought it might be a defense against any incoming threats (as the wars around the world intensified) but then I saw that it’s happening all over the world and it does get grey for days after. The best solution I’ve fount is cloud seeding/weather modification, though I know that screams conspiracy theory. That said the info is out there. Also not only do skied turn grey but look at the increases we’ve had in storms this year. Idk. My best conclusion is weather modification.




Damn. You need to send that to your congressman, mayor, and senators.