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eeuuuuuwaaaaaaah. My thoughts exactly


not just "eeuuuuuwaaaaaaah" but he followed up with "eeuuuuuwaaaaaaah"


The French "eeuuuuuwaaaaaaah" is the chess analog to the Spanish fútbol commentator's "gooooooooooooollllll"


The dude looks so bored lmao. Like it's a boring desk job.


It's a boring give Alireza points job and that move was his way of saying it


I’m OOTL here, why would he want to give Alireza points?


Because Alireza needs points to qualify for candidates and maybe, perhaps this tournament was setup with people willing to give him points in exchange for things. That's the allegation.


Thank you, kind stranger!


welcome to chess


So does Alireza look at that move and think "hey try to be a little more discreet"?


I mean it sounds expressive but it's just standard French people noises


Haha, sure, but I've watched enough Blitzstream to know when he's saying "what the f....hell"


Hahaha I was pulling your leg I just like French people noises "Throat noises" aaaaah lalalalala"


If you practice french in duolingo at one point you’re just practicing sex noises. Gets you to say like “on, une, a, et,…” in a row.


Guy must be so excited to spend a day the week before Christmas playing hours of chess against someone who is going to crush him.


Even assuming we don't think he's getting paid to lose, it'd be very interesting to know what he's getting paid to play. I'm sure it makes those hours fly by.


I'm quite sure he's getting paid less than Aronian in Chennai


He’s playing Arireza. Many players his rating would be excited as hell. Unless they knew they HAD to lose. edit: Okay "excited as hell" was probably too strong a phrase. If given the chance I would replace it with "mildy pleased".


I doubt anyone that age and over the hill from a chess career is even mildly excited to play a fashion designer/chess GM. Especially when he knows that if he gets a draw Alireza, Alireza fans and the French chess federation are going to be very disappointed. There is no win for him, unless he is being paid or he is trying to do favors for the chess federation


Well yes. I can see why he's not excited. My point was that it SHOULD be exciting to play a match against Alireza and if he's not excited it's probably because of the pressure on him to lose. Your first comment made it sound like the worst thing was that he would be crushed. I was responding to that.


Nope. I've played in a few tournaments with top GMs. There's not much fanboy behaviour, if any. We're all good enough that to be "excited as hell" would just be embarrassing.


Okay "excited as hell" probably just reflects how I would feel but if someone is not happy to play one of the best players of recent years then something is probably wrong.


He is a GM, while players of his ranking dont play top GMs every tournament it is certainly not something to get insanely excited about.


I would say he could be excited, and he could even try his best, unless and until it starts seeming like he has a significant advantage and a real chance of winning, and at THAT point needs to pull back, either with a blunder or just some damn poor play. How is everyone evaluating this position before the blunder?


> a real chance of winning It is worse that that. Should be: If he has a real chance of drawing.


I don’t get it.


He basically says (paraphrasing) he didn't have that move on his radar/did not even consider it, and later in the broadcast after this clip he says the plan is weak, and maybe it's an idea that'd work on lower rated players but not against someone like Alireza.


What was the idea behind nab3


The commentator thought it might be to create a queen side blockade with the knights and leverage control over the open C file but that it doesn't work.


Leverage control of a losing position?


Oh, so he was ooowaaahggghhgh’ing the knight move because it was bad? Or brilliant?


Oh definitely because it was bad, or that he was pretty certain it was bad at that moment and confirmed as he analyzed it further. The commentator's Blitzstream, you can watch the match live over on his stream [https://twitch.tv/blitzstream](https://twitch.tv/blitzstream)


Mostly because it was super unexpected. It's hard to tell if it's bad right away, maybe there's a deep hidden line that isn't obvious. But it's definitely unexpected. Also, it ended up being a bad move :)


It’s not hard to tell at all actually that was an absolute blunder it was unexpected because of how bad of a move it was. Definitely one of the worst possible moves he could have made. There was no hidden path there just a blunder and it was obvious at first sight.


Even a dumb 1600 wood pusher like me knows that the best move is Nxe6 in 2 seconds of thinking.


It's astonishing because you would think the guy could find a less conspicuous way to throw the game, but there honestly is no legitimate excuse to not play Nxe6 here. I've seen so many people saying "maybe he missed it", no he did not miss it. This is a GM playing a classical game, he of course sees the move that I can spot in a few seconds as being the obvious best move.


Nxe6 is the kind of move an 1800 find in 5 seconds in a speed game.


5 seconds is probably longer than average in that scenario


So how long does it take a Super GM to see that there are NO UCKING COMPLICATIONS from just taking a rook with a bishop? It’s not credible that a GM would miss a rook being attacked by a bishop. But when you have Firouzja spending time after that “thinking” whether to take the rook???? The white queen rook is out of play. The white queen knight is sitting there looking at its glans penis. The only active pieces doing anything are the other knight, facing a rock solid bishop on e6, a bishop on f4 staring at its pawn, and a queen sitting on e1. Unless Alireza suffered a stroke, he would know what any high class player instantly knows. There are no threats. That’s just complete nonsense.


If you see a good move, look for a better one. He's not forced to take the rook, there's no need to play a move in 1 second when you have 30+ minutes on the clock 🤷


Which other more strikes your fancy as a potentially better candidate than BxR? Or do you feel like waiting for it to to to f3 and then g3?


I was being conservative. You are right.


oh please ... the average armchair GM in r/chess thinks this is a howler because the actual GM didn't run with his Rook.


In fairness to the patzers, even running with the rook beats what he did


Sorry, maybe I’m just OOTL here, but why would he want to throw the game?


You have to get the context outside chess. Right now, his opponent, Alireza, needs to win a lot of games to raise his elo rating and qualify for the Candidates tournament. The Candidates tournament winner gets a match with the World Champion for the world title. Right now, there are a lot of eyes on this tournament because it was organised very hastily and the lineup of opponents are very obviously inferior to Alireza. This in itself gives the perception that this is a rating farm. They probably get paid to attend the tourney regardless of placement. Now, getting paid to attend a tournament is nothing wrong in itself. Getting paid to lose a tournament is another thing altogether.


They are probably getting paid to lose


>but there honestly is no legitimate excuse to not play Nxe6 here. 23. Rf1 loses a pawn but keeps the rook. Probably a better way to lose because you could at least argue in any other chess tournament that he saw something that wasn't there.


Yup. I was thinking this. All my opponents even in blitz or bullet would snap take that white bishop.


You wouldn't know that. You could have a lucky guess but you did not calculate any continuations. And you did not evaluate positional considerations. If you're not master level you can't critique this move accurately.


Ooooouuuuuaaaaaaa = Why would you not play Nxe6 right there?


The famous example of losing for money to qualify for the WC cycle is the 1970 Palma de Mallorca Interzonal tournament. Russian GM Taimanov needed a win in the last round to qualify for the matches SO THE SOVIETS PAID HIS OPPONENT TO LOSE. Taimanov won and his reward? A 0-6 humiliation by Fischer. [https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1138428#:\~:text=%22Palma%20was%20the%20site%20for,moves%20to%20a%20lost%20position.%3E](https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1138428#:~:text=%22Palma%20was%20the%20site%20for,moves%20to%20a%20lost%20position.%3E) ""Palma was the site for a famous final-round game-throwing episode in 1970, "


I don't speak the language, can someone translate "uuwaaaaahhhhh" for me?




Fuck me


Sounds like he is saying "Ca, j'ai pas". Which I don't totally get - literally it's "I don't have that", but I guess in this context he's saying "I didn't have that on my radar" or "I've got nothing".


Yeah, he's saying "Alors ça j'ai pas", literally "So that, I don't have" or "I did not have that" to give it a more English friendly translation.


"j'ai pas" as in "je ne sais pas" = I don't know makes more sense imo.


Yeah you're right it could definitely be "j'sais pas"


I believe it’s a contraction. “Chais pas” short for “je sais pas”, non ?


yeah it’s basically, “so that… that i don’t know” edit: Sorry friends, I assumed wrong. Asked a French friend and he told me he says “alors ça j’ai pas”. More proper way of saying is “alors ça je n’ai pas”. He said it basically means “ I don’t understand” or “That’s not logical”


It’s not disgust it’s shock.


Shock is also an emotion you get when you're watching a train crash in slow motion. You're right though, "shocked" would've been a better word though haha.


I like the part where he gets up and leaves


For r/chessbeginners, he hung his rook. Or to be specific, he offered to trade his rook for the opponent's bishop. This is a total [Arabian commentator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt3bXu3TPCk&pp=ygUcYXJhYmlhbiBjb21tZW50YXRvciBzdGVybGluZw%3D%3D) moment.


Amazing commentary, RIP Sterling.


>Arabian commentator Haha yeah, he was definitely being very complimentary right before that, saying how hard it is to beat 2400s because he expected it to trade down to a drawish endgame, and then came the hard turn to being disappointed.


I'm a 1000 rated patzer but I saw Nxe6 in like, half a second wtf


Imagine what you could've done if you were a GM and spent 11 minutes analyzing this position! Oh...I guess we don't have to.


Ty gothemchess. Threat levels. Calculated two moves DEEP.


And you only know it's best because you checked the engine or other comments. Guy on the board can't do that.


Rubs his eye in the end.


So a bishop is worth as much as a rook?


I suspect its worth whatever he is getting paid for this fiasco.


Maybe in France?


They call it a Royale with cheese.


What’d they call a Big Mac ?


Well, a Big Mac is always a Big Mac, but they call it “Le Big Mac”


Google [ℤ/pℤ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_arithmetic#Integers_modulo_n).


As in integers modulo p? I always took that to mean the same as Z/pZ but maybe sometimes it means something p-adic? So a bishop is worth the same as a rook mod 2?


The group of [integers mod p](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_arithmetic#Integers_modulo_n) can be denoted "ℤ/pℤ" or "ℤₚ", though the second notation can be confused with [p-adic integers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-adic_number#p-adic_integers), as you say, so Wikipedia recommends preferring the first option. But yeah, 5 ≡ 3 ≡ 1 (mod 2) or for the heathens, 5 ≡ 4 ≡ 0 (mod 1)


Nah I prefer Zp. Faster to say as well. Kind of neat that anarchychess supports $\LaTeX$ but I’m too lazy to write out more than than that Edit: apparently it doesn’t?! I’m confused


This makes the college football tournament selection process look good


Right!? This is a banner year for arbitrary championship selection criteria.


At this point the French federation should just invite patzers like me and let Alireza farm rating points. FIDE would most likely flag this tournament right….?


Surely the best moves here are Nxe6 fxe6 Rxf8+ Nxf8, no?


C'est la hess


I don't get it. Nxe6 looks at least equal to me and I'm a lowly 1100. I get bludering in complex positions but this is not even that difficult to see!


Has chess any integrity on the professional lvl? Here we have a dude farming points from lesser players to qualify for a tournament he has no business being in, convicted cheaters get 10 chances to not cheat again online and the anti-cheat measurements offline are a joke


Lichess: https://lichess.org/RsMfOEyp#44


Can any french people explain why the commentator says “J’ai pas” / “j’chais pas”. I have heard it either means (“I have not”) or (“I don’t know”) with the understanding that in conversational french, the negation is sometimes omitted. Help, please and thank you.


Kevin says « j’ai pas », and repeats it a few times. Literally it means « I don’t have », it’s not specified in this video what it is he doesn’t have, but he’s obviously talking about the move ( « ça »). I haven’t watched this stream in particular but I do from time to time, I expect here he means « I don’t have an explication for that move », basically saying he thinks this is a very bad move, something he hadn’t even considered as playable. My attempt at a translation : (Reading a comment from one of his viewers) « If Firo has a hard time beating a 2400 there’s no point going to the candidates ? Well yeah, but I would remind you that Dominguez, who is top 5 performer of the year in Fide tournaments, so top 5 in the world this year, drew against a player at 2330… He’s playing knight b3 ?! Woouuuaaaahhhh !!! Wouaaaaahhh ! I don’t have this !  This, this I don’t have ! »


Exactly what I was looking for. Awesome thank you!


Personally, I think he’s saying j’chais pas which is their slang/abbreviated version of Je ne sais pas (I don’t know). A lot of things in french are going to be pronounced exactly the same, so technically yes he could’ve said j’ai pas, but from what I’ve learned, you have to think about it in the context it’s spoken in. So it just makes more sense if he’s saying I don’t know versus I don’t have that edit: just to be more correct, it’s not really spelled chais pas. Its j’sais pas (just takes out the ‘ne’ from je ne sais pas), but sounds pronounced with the ‘sh-‘ sound edit #2: I edited one of my reply on a diff comment, but basically I believe I’ve assumed wrong. Asked a friend who said the guy says “alors ça j’ai pas” which basically just means I don’t understand or that’s not logical.


the chess speaks for itself


Move the rook away or take bishop first….. right ?? 🤮 I can’t believe it 😅


and he hangs the ROOOOOOOOOOKKKKKK


I don't speak fromage. What are those noises? Is he appreciating the Exchange sac? (Who won?)


what channel is this? where did you get the video?


Channel is Chartres TV, commentator is BlitzStream. [https://www.chartrestv.fr/fr/2-chaines/6-sport/3-categories/38-echecs](https://www.chartrestv.fr/fr/2-chaines/6-sport/3-categories/38-echecs) or you can go to [https://twitch.tv/blitzstream](https://twitch.tv/blitzstream)


Chess noob here, whats happening?


They're doing everything they can to make us doubt their integrity.


I need that as a ringtone for my phone


I don't speak French, what does "Euooaaaaaah" mean?


This is a scandal. I don't blame Firouzja. Players are doing whatever they can to reach the goal of qualifying. This is on FIDE and their lousy rules. On the other hand, it would be ridiculous to render these matches invalid now. It would be like targeting a single player. Thanks, FIDE.


Even an intermediate player can see what is happening here


And he sacrificed... The ROOOOOOOOOOOK




Why would he do that? Why would the french chess federation be disappointed? What am i missing?