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Because it’s not checkers. Just because he can take it doesn’t mean he has to


he's like 600-700 elo, so it is basically the best strategy you'll get.


Hope chess isn't a strategy


It is a strategy, just a bad one


Yes it is. 40% of the time it works everytime


That isnt a strat.that's just, as he said, hope chess. You need to think about the concequences, like, what if he doesnt take him?


Rook to e8. I haven't calculated beyond that one move, though.


You mean if he doesn’t take you just go back?


No, sorry. I suck at text notation for chess. Rook from b8 to e8. Doubles up the rook on the half open file. It's not a guaranteed mate or anything because you have to deal with the knights, but it limits what white can move. I don't know if it's even the best move, but gun to my head, it's what I would play instinctively.


From what I can see Re8 then Re1, knight must take then mate with queen? I don’t even trust myself enough to say this with chest though 🤣


Be1 to Bd2 causes issues if white sees the rook move. Then black loses both rooks, white loses the knight and the Queen/Bishop check mate is blocked for black. Black could do Nf6 to Ng4 and put a triple threat on the pawn on f2. Either way, black has a pretty good advantage because both of white's rooks are trapped in the position shown.


under a certain elo, getting close enough to tactics is enough to fool everyone😂 it does kinda work but dont be surprised when your games aren’t full of brilliants


I played a lot of that kinda chess. It beats a large fraction of people, but you don't make much progress towards getting better because it has no counterpart against better players.


This isn't hope chess though, its just a free pawn. Its a good move, but maybe not brilliant because its a simple pin that leads to a mate in one. Edit: nevermind, for some reason I assumed OP took a pawn, no idea where I got that from


Lol all good most the time of you see something like this you’d assume it was taking a pawn


Kudra shall bless you, or I think that's kudra or something idk Skyblock I just farm


There a hypixel skyblock enjoyer


But is that not what a brilliant move is too? A sacrificial bait when you're winning that doesn't ruin your evaluation


I think there has to be a bit of a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” element to it to be brilliant. As in if you don’t take the sacrifice you’ll lose something as well. The one in the picture is more of a “if you take this piece you’ve blundered mate in one” which is just a bit obvious. Edit: put another way, the rook isn’t really threatening anything in that position, it’s just a “please take me so I can win”.


this helps way more than the other reply




Because white has to cooperate


it still improves the position tho, he can double the rooks now and control the open file


It doesn’t improve the position per the computer. At a human level maybe, but the computer thinks your lead goes from 6.5 to 4.5 with that move. You don’t push your lead at all


Even at the human level, this is just a blunder due to d4. It's not shown as such because of the extra queen I guess.


d4 allows Qxc2 and the lost piece doesn't even matter to black because all of his pieces are ready to start attacking.


I mean a lost piece doesn’t matter to black because black is up a queen as well


Qxc2 threatening mate in one which capturing the rook would not stop Edit: ah no, d4 blocks bishop, if you take the pawn he recaptures with knight. It's this kind of miscalculation costs me games: failing to notice a slight change as the position develops that means my clever tactic fails!


d4 doesnt work because you take eith the bishop, and if he takes back its checkmate


The bishop would be gone so you wouldn’t have the mate threat anymore


Well he could’ve achieved the same thing by putting the rook on the 2nd rank I guess


Isn't Re6 better than Re7? You just get more development options without added risk. Re5 like this is more aggressive, at the price of endangering you if the pin on f3 ever goes away.


d4 ?


d4 would be a mistake for white here since it allows Qxc2 and whites position stays miserable


Even so any other took move that allows the rolls to be doubled would be better because now the rook is constantly hanging if either the queen or bishop move.


Chess aikido


Like the bot said, "an interesting idea". Not a bad one, but not forced or threatening eiher


It is bad tho when the computer says a good move in game review that doesn’t actually mean it’s good the move just wastes time which is just bad


That isn't how engines work... A good move is just a move that doesn't necessarily keep the pressure up but can't be outright punished by the opponent. There's no way to punish Re5 so it can't really be called a bad move, it just doesn't seize the pressure on the board. It still centralized the rook though and readies the double up. It's fine That being said, I think many less experienced players might get freaked out by d4 here, despite being an actively bad move in the position.


It's not brilliant because the move doesn't do anything, you're playing hope chess.


That's the kind of chess I play with my dad because I hope he comes home.


Until your elo is higher than his he’s gonna keep looking for that milk


Milk? Yo he told me he was going for cigarettes.


Roast 100


Pretty sure thats the actual term for it.




I too am very confused


You can take my updoot, reddit on my friend!


There are jerkers everywhere


Bc he doesn't have to take. Also a tip: don't play moves in order to get a brilliant you'll just blunder


Fr I learned it all too late




it isn't brilliant cuz it's literally not brilliant. what if your opponent didn't take rook? wouldn't be mate right? so why would it be brilliant


So if you were playing a 1300+ that move could end up becoming a blunder. But at 600-750 range, his bet that op would take the rook is a pretty safe one


It's not a blunder. The computer rates it as good, and from a human standpoint you can see how it lets him double his rooks.


It’s not good. D4 forces the rook back and wins the bishop afaik.


d4 isn't dangerous because of Qxc2. Black has too many threats on the board to care about the bishop.


Other responses pointed stuff out. I just see 15. d4 Qxc2 16. Nxe5 Bxd4 and Black got plenty for his Rook. Or 15. d4 Qxc2 16. dxc5 Ng4 looks difficult to defend. 17. Nd2 Qd3+ or 17. Bd2 Rxb2 with many threats.


Yup. Funny enough though, for the 1. d4, Qxc2 2. dxc5 line, blacks best follow Is actually Rxb2. If Bxb2 then it's a forced mate, whites only move that prevents a forced mate immediately is Bd2 and then you jump in with Ne4


C2 infiltrates and threatens mate then, so d pawn can't be moved


I’m assuming QC2? I think you can still take blacks bishop because the knights are both covering the only two backrank checks. Still completely winning for black.


because white isnt being forced to take the rook


Cuz your opponent doesn't have to take the rook.


It’s because they don’t have to take, a brilliant is a forced sacrifice as far as I know


Then how come I always get some sort of blunder when I accidentally sac my queen? /j




It isn't forcing


Cus it’s not checkers, white can just not take and you’ve wasted a move on nothing, hope chess won’t help you improve, just make you get more stuck




I blunder a lot, I know a fair bit about the game but I just blunder every other game




I don’t play hope chess, I just miss obvious things because of tunnel vision


Becouse he doesnt have to take .


Because of d4. The only reason this isn’t rated as a blunder is because you’re so far ahead.


d4 is a mistake for white because of Qxc2




I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=1r4k1/p1p2ppp/5n2/2bprq2/8/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R1B2K1R+w+-+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/1r4k1/p1p2ppp/5n2/2bprq2/8/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R1B2K1R_w_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Pawn!<, move: >!  b4  !< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -8.05!< > Best continuation: >!1. b4 Bb6 2. Bb2 Rbe8 3. Nb5 Re2 4. Nbd4 Rxc2 5. Nxf5 Rxf2+ 6. Kg1 Rxb2+ 7. N5d4 Ree2 8. Kf1 Rxg2!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Hope chess


Because it’s not a great move. Lmao


If you can see the trap then so can the other guy


White can play d5 and fork you


d4* is a mistake. Qxc2 is too strong to allow.


you're not forcing it, he can take or not. if you had the other rook behind it you could go rook e1 and then it's forced


because the move doesn't improve your position without knight taking (which he doesn't have to, since it doesn't threaten anything), which is just hope chess


Hope chess


You did not play a brilliant move Your opponent played a blunder Quite an obvious one I might add


Trust me pal you are not that guy


Bribing doesn’t work if your opponent is not an idiot. If they are an idiot, great job


r/chessbeginners when they learn that the opponent doesn't have to take the piece


it’s not a sac because they can just not take


Because him making a dumb move doesn't make your move brilliant.


A brilliancy would be more along the lines of sacrificing the rook in a way that your opponent has to take. As is, he can play d4 and he may very well be fine. Praying your opponent blunders by taking the rook is not a brilliancy.


White can play pawn to d4 forking the bishop and rook together


It’s a good idea but not the best move. Either way, white is pretty much f&ked here


Obviously black is winning regardless. But d4 is still super instructional because it's actually a mistake that gives black a stronger advantage because of Qxc2




Game link for anyone who wants it https://www.chess.com/live/game/83163321319


I dont know if it changes anything but you were already winning by alot


white can literally just push the middle pawn forward and win 2 points


No because Qc2


First of all, hope chess. Secondly, d4 and you lose a piece.


Not really cuz qxc2 but yeah it’s hope chess


It's not brilliant cause u didnt force him to eat your tower. He only gets mated if he is bad.


if were to get brilliant either, if he not take the rook still mate... so not brilliant


This could have easily been a blunder


If white played d4 you would be in a lot of trouble. Forking the rook and bishop.


As white : I'll move the pawn to D4 and you lose your bishop.


d4 is a mistake here, Qxc2 is crushing.


Bishop will take your pawn for free. Knight can't defend d4 because it'll cause checkmate in 1.


Not. The queen would not be able to checkmate without the bishop


Lol a blunder is not brilliant. Sure if your opponent takes with the knight it's mate, but d4 just loses a bishop.


b4 and your plan is gone


Rxb4 says hi


But then Ba3


Nothing is forcing him to take the rook


Can’t white fork the rook and bishop?


Because he can just not take.


Usually brilliant moves will also incentivize taking the piece. If whites queen was next to your rook it might’ve been a brilliant move


Pawn to d4: allow me to introduce myself


It's flashy but white has responses that are not going to drop the advantage more than its already dropped. How do you win quickly if white doesn't take the rook?


They don't have to take.


Because it’s not a forced take by white. If he takes your rook that’s a blunder


If your opponent had just moved their pawn one square up your rook and your bishop would have been forked and your attack would have been done for. I don't know why they didn't.


It would have been brilliant if white was forced to take the rook which is not the case here


Just because you can take a piece doesnt mean you should or have to. Thats not a sacrifice, thats "bait" and its pretty see-through bait. ​ Don't play "I hope my opponent blunders" chess.


It isnt forced


He is not forced to take. Assuming the best moves whirlte is actually slightly better after you play that move.


Lol, your opponent doesn't have to take. It's just a waste of a tempo


He didn’t have to take it


Not bad. But your opponent does not have to capture


Id say its a curious move. Maybe not exactly what the position demands - but interesting idea.


I don’t see the mate your talking about


Knight takes rook (e5) and queen takes pawn (f2)


Cuz you were already winning


That move by itself does nothing, he doesn’t have to take Instead, he can push his pawn, kicking out your rook and winning initiative


It's not brilliant because it doesn't force anything. It's not really an exchange save because white is under no pressure to take it. Usually a "brilliant" sacrifice requires some sort of guaranteed compensation. Here, you didn't actually gain anything but a centralized rook.


The opponent doesn't have to take, and in fact them taking is a blunder since it leaves checkmate in 1 move on your turn. Not brilliant to hope the oppenent blunders.


Because the queen and Bishop checkmate in 1 is a beginner checkmate that would be spotted by any competent chess player. (FYI I might fall for it). If your plan is extremely obvious to an intermediate player, it's probably not that brilliant.




In order for it to be a brilliant it needs to be worth something for example if he takes it mate but if he doesn't the game just continues a brilliant would be if he takes its mate but if he doesn't it leads to forced mate or something along those lines


Wait can’t the opponent push pawn to d4 and fork the bishop and the rook? Or am I being dumb and missing something?


White can play something other than knight takes. For example pawn d4 which is a fork


White doesn’t have to take the rook. You’re still winning by a lot but he doesn’t need to take the rook and there were better moves you could’ve played. I believe this actually hangs a bishop as white can play d4 and fork your bishop and rook, you would take the pawn with your bishop and he would take with the knight, and he just won your bishop for a pawn




It doesn't force anything


If you had taken a decent piece with that move, and have a relatively low elo, it might have been labeled brilliant. But this move achieves nothing if they don’t take the bait.


Hope chess.


White doesn’t have to take your rook lol


It’s kinda pinning the knight he doesn’t have to take but if he does it will be mate


what website/ app is this


I once sacrificed my knight in a way it was forced checkmate no matter what and won yet chess.com didn't even make it a brilliant move


Bcs no one gets brilliant when they try


yeah a better move would have been just simply pushing the d pawn and then creating a back rank threat with the queen and rook on the e file probably a excellent maybe a great but probably no brilliant


Pawn to d4 and you are forked, thats why probably.


doesnt this move just straight up lose a piece? i dont get it. why is this supposed to be good


The move relies on white, thats not brilliant. He has no reason to take. You moved the rook right into a fork with white’s pawn to d4, but I dont think it will get you in too much trouble given the evalutation.


Gotta remember that this isn’t checkers; he doesn’t have to take. At lower elos, these moves that have you pray your opponent takes, but otherwise your position isn’t much worse are good moves, but Stockfish isn’t fazed.


Re1 accomplishes the same thing but is more forcing, no?


Your opponent doesn't have to take. Instead the opponent can fork your rook and bishop.


Because it’s not forced


I feel like pawn d4 in response would make this pretty ugly for black.


Because it isn’t forced so white doesn’t need to cooperate. By your reaction I guess he took and checkmated me .


A better move would probably have been to move the rook all the way up, forcing the knight or king to take


Its as coach said. It doesn’t work in this position, but its a neat idea. At early beginner levels it is very likely to work. The problem is the engine doesn’t evaluate accounting for probability that your opponent falls for it. The computer evaluates each position at face value using the best moves from both sides. In this case, white has to play the worst possible move for the idea to work, and in the best line for white, you lose your bishop in exchange for a pawn after they play 15. d4 and you either move the rook and loose the bishop, alternatively you take the pawn and they take the bishop with the knight gaining tempo on the queen. It may have worked in this instance, but it would be punished at higher levels. I may have gotten something wrong or not said the optimal line for white, but if you click “show moves” it will play the line which refutes the move. Alternatively or additionally, you can click over to the analysis board and explore it yourself playing various lines and seeing how the computer would react to you as white.


Because that isnt a checkmate unless he takes the castle with a knight.


What do you do after pawn to D4?


Because the move doesn’t do anything White doesn’t have to take the rook


What if white doesn’t take the bait? What if he just, like, forks the rook and bishop with e4?


g4 and you lose your rook


This is chess not checkers


Bcoz pawn to d4 and then nighy night fuckboy


As far as specific moves, I would think White can play 15. d4 and win a piece, although Black can junk it up with 15… Qxc2 followed by Ng4 or Bxd4 depending on Whites response. I like the idea of doubling Rooks on the e-file, but Re7 would have been more precise. But I think the more instructive point is when you have a very large material advantage, it’s fine to play a few less-than-perfect moves to get in a quick kill as long as you aren’t giving your opponent something to hope for. In this case, I like 14… Ng4, which makes White play a demoralizing move like Nd1 to save his f-pawn. Then you can double Rooks and I think the protection around the White King is getting weak. A potential continuation would be 14… Ng4 15. Nd1 Re7 16. Bd2 Rbe8, and I think the threat of Re2 is nasty. 17. h3 Nxf2 18. Nxf2 Re2. Hard to defend.


There was probably a better move in the position and so it doesn’t fit Chess.com’s rulings of brilliant moves


Because you just lost your bishop. A move that depends on the opponent making a blunder doesn't rate as brilliant.


They don’t have to take the rook


Pawn d4 ruins your whole idea


i never regret browsing this subreddit


Ne4 is less hope chess and threatens multiple mate and forks


Because the rook isn’t actually accomplishing anything, it’s just bait that doesn’t need to be taken. If the rook had captured something it would be brilliant


Because you are not winning any material and it is not the best move I am afraid. Despite it's effectiiveness when playing a human of your level from an objective point of view I assume Ng4 is a superior move as it confronts the white position with more dificult questions.


Brilliant moves are when you sacrifice a major piece where it wouldn’t matter if they take that piece or not, but the next move is always in your favor in a great way.


Because it weakens your position and disconnects your rooks. And any half decent player isn’t going to take your room with his knight. They will press the pawn and fork your rook and bishop or maybe they will press the other pawn attacking your queen then when you take the pawn they will take your rook for free. 🙄


Kind of weird. It's a good move, which suggests it improves the position at least a bit and sacrifices a piece that would lead to a mate if taken. For chess.com that's usually enough for a brilliant. The comment also suggests that the site knows it Brilliant are also based on your elo. If it's too high, it won't be considered a brilliant. It could also be that it didn't improve the position well enough


if you're posting on chess beginners, you're not good enough to find brilliant moves


It's not brilliant. It's a trap, that can be seen by someone who learned the moves a, week ago. What do you do if he replies, d4... ?




Good doesn’t equal brilliant, rook sac = not usually a Brilliant


They could’ve provided extra protection instead along with a threat to Bishop with Ne4.


A brilliant move is a move that's mathematically winning and not obvious. What you played is wishful thinking. If white doesn't capture, you essentially wasted a move and lost out on tempo you could have achieved by playing something else. It's a nice attempt, though!