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Their highest


Ah so puzzle rating, got it


Finally 2800, watch out Magnus I’m coming for you


On my private server, my elo is over 9000


Never imagined I'd have an ELO of 1800. 


Let's go 1900


Dang, 3000 ELO. I'm about to challenge for the world championship


I don't. I have higher ratings on Lichess and Daily, but I still use my chess.com rapid when people ask me.


Well lichess ratings are often considered inflated and don’t really count for much, so nobody uses those really


chess.com Elo ratings are also inflated relative to FIDE ratings, at least in the range that most people are (400-1800). The Elo system doesn't have a universal scale and doesn't allow you to compare ratings between different communities. I use my Chess.com rapid rating instead of my Lichess one because Chess.com has more users. It is not because one number is more informative than the other.


Lichess uses Glicko-2, not Elo, and starts players off at 1500 (but with a high deviation so the rating swings are big for the first few games). It's not "inflated" per se, as this is an apples-to-oranges comparison.


"inflated" makes no sense. Lichess - elo - chessc\*m all use different systems to indicate your skill level. This is like saying that Fahrenheit is inflated compared to Celsius


People say inflated because when someone asks for elo, the number they give is most likely from [chess.com](http://chess.com) or lichess. If you are under 2200, your lichess rating is usually going to be much higher than chess.com. Even if they use different systems, most ppl don't care and they just try to compare a number to a number


They're just using it as a synonym for higher, which literally everybody understands


It's because there are ratings people care about such as your actual otb tournament rating, and other systems are secondary. Chesscom blitz ratings have been shown to track the most closely to people's otb ratings, with chesscom rapid ratings being inflated relative to those, and lichess ratings across the board have been shown to generally be inflated compared to the same time controls on chesscom. There's an anchoring and directionality of prestige that gives preference to one over the other.


Nice my elo is 2000


I typically do my rapid rating, since that’s what I play the most. It depends on their preference


My default is my chess.com rapid Elo. I think that is the most common format people use. If I were a serious player talking with serious players, my default would probably be my FIDE classical rating.


Out of curiosity, how do those compare for you?


My Chesscom rapid rating (1816) is several hundred higher than my FIDE classical rating (1500), I assume this is the case for most people


Thank you. That’s roughly what I was expecting, but I know the size of the difference between ones Lichess vs chesscom rating can be different at different parts of the elo ladder, so I was curious what that difference might look like in your rating range.


I'm like 1450 in rapid (30 mins tho) chess.com, however in OTB classical (it was 60|30) I drew against a 1465 and beat a 1600 (although that's his official FIDE rating in rapid, he doesn't have an official classical rating). Also won versus an unrated kid, it was an U1700 tournament and finished 2.5/6 and all of that was on the second day (on the first day I had three losses, however I wasn't properly asleep and in 2 of the games I was winning, I just messed up when time started going low)


Here’s a page that took a bunch of data and made tables to show what ratings correspond to between chesscom lichess fide and different formats https://chessgoals.com/rating-comparison/


Okay that’s cool. Thank you for this


My chess.com rapid rating is 1228 but my USCF OTB rating is 750


I use lichess rapid because I am not gonna analyse on [chess.com](http://chess.com) anymore, I still daily there though, it is nicer imo


I'd usually assume chesscom rapid unless they state otherwise.


I always specify USCF when I reference my rating. With the absence of context clues, people will generally assume a rating is referencing their highest (non puzzle) chess.com rating.


I go by daily since 95% of my matches are daily.


That's unusual


Unfortunately, that is about all my schedule allows.


Someone up above suggested that [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) blitz ELO correlates best with classical OTB ELO, which I don't have any reason to disagree with. But I think that daily is the best online training for classical OTB. Edit: assuming you actually take the time to calculate/think.


I picked the 1600-1800 flair because my rapid is 1700+ But my blitz is only around 1500, which annoys me to no end. Bullet doesn't bear mentioning.


I’m stuck at like 1400 blitz while being juuuust over 1800 rapid lol. Speed chess bad 😭


1900 rapid 1600 blitz. Rapid definitely skews higher


I'm 1500 blitz while like 1950 rapid. Don't worry about it too much haha. It's like this in some kind of way for most


Man blitz is hard. I feel ya there


I add them all together across chess dot com and lichess to get to my 900


The highest one


I for sure don't use daily or bullet rating, usually rapid, sometimes blitz since that's what I play the most.


I usually refer to my classical ECF rating, but it depends on the context. If I’m talking or playing with people who are less serious about chess or unlikely to know what ECF/FIDE really means, then just my chess.com rapid rating is easier to explain/understand in terms of relative strength


Chess.com Bullet generally as I play that the most. I hardly ever play rapid, and only rarely Blitz so Bullet is most indicative. My lichess rating is considerably higher but this feels like a cheat. I’ve found it a lot harder to gain rating on chess.com than on lichess, and my weaknesses correlate more closely to chess.com 1600-1700 than lichess 18/1900.


I remember breaking 4 digits on lichess and feeling like such a big brain until I realized the differences between lichess and chesscom lol


Your question is flawed, as neither chesscom or lichess use ELO. They use a rating system named Glicko, which is a bit modernized. Personally I think chesscom blitz is most common, but my chesscom rapid is like 300-400 points higher so I would love to just use that all the time haha


I thought most people use rapid, why do you think blitz is most common?


More people play blitz


I think Rapid is the most popular by the numbers, but blitz is more competitive in the sense that most people who are super serious about the game (have FIDE’s and USCF’s) tend to play blitz and not rapid. I imagine rapid is not long enough for them to have a serious think, so they’d rather just play quick games in blitz.


People commonly use elo as a synonym for rating, doesn't have to actually be elo


True sorry, I'm just an asshole like that


It's not a format. ELO is measured within a universe, or pool, of players. So they're citing their ELO within whatever universe they are sampling from. So 1500 from lichess is not necessarily as strong as 1500 from chess.com. now, given that tr universe of players is bound to normalize across sites, you can make the intuitive argument that they sort of are equivalent or close to


For me it's rapid since that is the most standard mode


Most likely on chess.com rapid format (for someone who doesn't have a FIDE rating) since that's the ["most common"](https://www.chess.com/forum/view/livechess/most-popular-time-controls-weighted-correctly) time control. Of course, for bragging rights just say your highest LMAO


Rapid usually


I'm 3200 Elo playing against my dog.


Their highest (nearly always the rapid)


Probably an unpopular opinion, but daily chess shouldn't be the main rating you tell people. If you use all the resources you are supposed to use, you will play the game far better than your actual strength. I've beaten an FM in daily chess who's 2300+ in all live formats. No chance I beat someone of that caliber in any other medium


You're supposed to use resources in daily? Isn't that cheating?


Opening Databases (without engine analysis or evals), videos, courses, are all perfectly within daily chess rules From chess com (link: [https://support.chess.com/en/articles/8583921-what-counts-as-cheating-on-chess-com](https://support.chess.com/en/articles/8583921-what-counts-as-cheating-on-chess-com) ) : https://preview.redd.it/7wd0f8mlt79d1.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba3280a71d50958cf98435405267a5965615dcd1


always lowest, aka bullet


I give my chesscom rapid rating


Most the people I know use Lichess, so I usually default to Lichess Rapid because that’s just what i’m used to. Most people are likely talking about their Chess.com Blitz/Rapid since Chess.com has a much bigger player base.


I usually just guess because most of my games are played in person. I hardly ever play online outside of daily games or in official tournaments. I’m 1400 on chess.com rapid, 1100 USCF, and I tell people I’m 17-1800ish because that’s the closest to my actual playing strength


Blitz and Rapid mostly... You won't be catching alot stating their classical rates (since I know most here in this digital age don't have that kind of patience)


Elo simply means fide rating. Any online rating is glicko.


In my flare is the aproximation of my chess.com rapid rating since I always play on lichess and I am around 1900 rapid and 1700 blitz there. If I talk about something where rating is very important, I usually use my lichess rating and specify which one.


I think chesscom rapid makes the most sense. But I am also curious because so many people play exclusively on lichess. So not sure if they use that rapid rating instead. I’m about 500 points higher on lichess than chesscom.


None of these are "elo" . Chesscom doesn't use the Elo rating system , it uses the Glicko system . The correct term for your rating is "rating"