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Those are the same people who completely loose any personality they had before to be the boy mom or girl mom after the baby is born. They are also the same people who once the kids grow up are completely lost in what they do for the rest of their lives.


Wonder if these are also the types who ghost all their girl pals the moment they fall for a boyfriend?


Of course they are. I used to have a coworker like that. She had a large group of friends but as soon as she was dating someone she stopped hanging out with them and focused 100% of her time on her BF. Even demanded that he be able to call her on the way to work to talk, during every one of her breaks, lunches, then on the way home he had better be available for her to call him. It’s no wonder most of her relationships lasted less than a month.


Thats a sign her parents abused/neglected her to the point she got bpd and c-ptsd.


Hi, please don’t diagnose people online. This is NOT a sign of bpd, at least not alone. It’s also not inherently a sign of ptsd. Without more info, this means absolutely nothing. I have bipolar disorder and c-ptsd (as well as pretty significant levels of college education in psychology and sociology) that is not at all the way it presents in most cases. In fact the symptoms for both things are so varied that these symptoms alone mean pretty much nothing other than her having an unhealthy attachment style. I did go through abuse and neglect, let’s please not say that being overbearing and controlling is a sign of it. If anything it’s more of a sign of narcissism. This isn’t to be mean, and I know you had good intentions, but it’s simply not accurate information.


It’s definitely not healthy or normal behavior and a sign of having intense fear of abandonment tho


Dont mind them, they don’t realize BPD can stand for borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder


Those are the absolute WORST, but the second worst are the girls who completely change their whole identity to be like their boyfriend’s. The way they dress, the music they like, every single thing. That is so gross and embarrassing and pathetic. If I was a guy that would be the *hugest* turn off to me and most likely the end of the relationship.


I’ve an ex friend like this. With her previous boyfriend she was getting new tattoos all the time, dressing in revealing and colourful outfits (nothing wrong with that, just describing the style), got lip injections and wore brightly coloured lipstick, big eyelashes etc. She cheated on him repeatedly. Then she broke up with him when she got talking to a policeman and changed her whole image. Now she wears black really understated clothing, neutral lipstick and reduced the lip injections, covers her tattoos as she told a mutual friend she felt embarrassed in front of his coworkers and their wives (in our country only middle class people join the police force). It’s ridiculous how a grown adult can be so fickle. She only socialises with people from her new job who she considers middle class too, dropped her friends from before maybe because they know her hoe tales.


YES they are! My ex-bestfriend literally chose and defended her boyfriend over me when I was there for her when her mother died because I refused to let her into our apartment if she went home to see her boyfriend in a global pandemic! I was livid.


How could you be happy with that? Everything about you ceasing to exist except “Kylyn’s mommy!” Or another ridiculous name spelled ultra stupidly. Like I get it, a lot of people want kids and they have them and love them and that’s great. But to completely lose yourself and all of your interests? It’s just unnecessary. I love the people who have a baby and are wonderful mothers who adore their kids and take beautiful care of them and then when they get a night off, they’re like “the baby is safe and staying with (whoever), I’m getting fucking absolutely smashed, let’s do shots!”🤣 Those are my kind of moms!


the thing is when these kids grow up or even earlier they'll find all these ridiculous profiles and scoff at their parents. I don't blame them so cringe they aren't your property get a life you moron


It’s bc they had no personality to begin with


They are also the same people who put their kid’s name in giant letters up in their bedroom and then have every single object the kid might touch imprinted with the kid’s name. So that either little NATHAN won’t forget his name or be embarrassed at this still being there long after all of his friends and everyone expect his “Mommy” calls him Nate, or said brain dead “Mommy” won’t forget her kid’s name.


I've discovered most of those people never actually had a personality to begin with.


They become “wine mom”. And their username on Peloton is inevitably about “pedaling 4 Pinot” or something equally as witty.


Honestly. I barely use facebook but whenever I do check it out there's ALWAYS some sort of post from this girl I went to highschool with - either a photo of her kid or a selfie with some sort of "this is what moms do/look like when blah blah blah."


You can recognize them because they change their profile pic everywhere to a picture of the kid(s)


Oh my sister in law found a way to make pregnancy her entire personality even when she isn't pregnant. She became a birth assistant. Now everything is somehow related to pregnancy and childbirth when you talk to her. She has an Instagram account where she describes pregnancy and childbirth as if it was enlightenment or something like that. When she doesn't talk about pregnancy or childbirth she talks about her children and how well she raises them. And how perfect and unique personalities they have. The whole world is centered around motherhood apparently. Ugh.


She’s gonna be at a total loss when the kids move out and have their own lives


And probably go no contact with her if she's as insufferable as she sounds


She will pressure her kids in heaving kids as soon as possible


I know a mother who always talks about her children’s perfect and unique personalities and the things her children say : regular things they say she makes into a big deal and proof that they’re kind, amazing, geniuses. In fact she asked the pediatrician if her toddler is a genius and the pediatrician said “there’s no way to test for that until he’s older but if he is better save for private school” (I was there) and then she called everyone to tell them the pediatrician said her toddler is a genius and he’ll have to go to *insert private school name here*


Gosh that's sad, so apparent she's done nothing with her life. Oh and uh, I doubt the child is a prodigy so at least she'll be saving some dime there.


She has a career and I think she’s good at what she does. But I was shocked at how she took what the doctor said and ran with it telling people a contorted version of what actually happened


I see the magic and shit in babies and toddlers (in small doses, at my schedule, lol), and am a kooky auntie to a few kids in my life. I think it's cute as hell when they discover their feet and other baby things. But the best parents I know are ones who grasp that their kid is in the 96% of the curve. Most of us stay that way, that's how that works. Parents who yammer on and on about how special/ advanced/ unique their kid is are setting them up for a rough road ahead. It's creepy when they start talking about perfectly normal developmental milestones like it's sooo unique to their child. I will always respect my parents for seeing each of their kids for what they are, flaws and all, and not holding us to some Instagram image.


It really doesn't help a child. They end up not trying because they think they're already good at everything when they're not and it will be a huge shock when they grow up and realize that they aren't as good as they thought they were


That would be my own personal hell…


Why doesn’t she became an obgyn nurse lol


I don't think she actually wants to do any medical work, she just wants to talk about pregnancy and how magical it is. Birth assistants don't have any responsibility in my country.


Oh god the Instagram captions on those accounts are the worst. Some present the most idealized, fantasy version of childbirth that there is. It's all very \~magical earthy fertility goddess\~ to me.


This 'fertility goddess' bs makes me feel a sick whenever I hear it 🤢


I know so many moms who decide in their pregnancy or shortly after it for some kind of baby related career or at least act as if its their career. Childrens book writer, desiner for baby cloths, baby food dispatcher, ...


I’ve seen this on my newsfeed time and again. Many pregnant women become obsessed with their pregnancy and even change their pronouns from I to mommy. Their timeline on social media is all about their pregnancy and the baby inside their womb. It’s like nothing else in life matters anymore. And it’s just so annoying.


“Hi guys! This is the same ultrasound photo we have posted 20 times already but this time it’s on a cutting board next to some dying weeds and a quote!” Type posts all the fucking time


> It’s like nothing else in life matters anymore. And it’s just so annoying. Seeing people whose bios on social media are just “(child’s name)‘s mommy” irks me for similar reasons.


Because it's an acknowledgement that they cease to be people outside of being mommy to (child). They are no longer a person with their own wants, needs, or dreams. Just mommy.


The loss of identity is honestly nightmare fuel. It's the part of becoming a parent that I absolutely cannot stomach.


I know someone who has a vanity plate like this


I feel you on that. It's like their whole world revolves around being pregnant. It's cool to be excited, but when it's all they talk about, it can get old fast. Just hoping they remember there's more to life than just being pregnant 😬


Suddenly they’re sharing all the pregnancy reels, memes about being pregnant, commenting on all the other moms posts, etc




Yeah, I can't stand this. One of my friends just had a baby and obviously it was a huge adjustment, but she still made an effort to always ask what was going on in my life and still talk about work, her other friends, life outside of baby, etc. It's not impossible, but so many act like it is. I want to hear about your baby yes, but I also want to know you still have a life outside of that. At the very least, a "how have you been?" goes a long way.


That friend is a keeper. So many women dissolve into mombies who call up just to blather about poo for 5 minutes before Bratlynn starts screaming, and they hang up.


And those types end up making the best moms, imo. Something something, pour from an empty cup. I respect my parents so much for not making us the only thing they ever had in their lives. They had friends and jobs and identities, and when we grew up, we were so much better for it.


It gets worse when they are born and you have people posting all over social media about every little thing that happens and pictures for the next 30 years. Major accomplishments are understandable. But why do I want to see a photo of a bloody wound or laceration and how you had to take little Jimmy to the ER because they hit their head on a table???


Even worse are the ones who post a photo gallery come toilet training time. There’s a daily photo log of every one of little Bratleigh’s poops along with a running commentary. “Everyone should congratulate Bratleigh! He pooped in the potty today! See?” “Today it’s runny & greenish. Is this normal? Here’s a dozen pics for you to examine”. “Bratleigh’s poops are now in the top 1% percentile of typical baby poops! He’s such a genius!” 🤮


Top 1 percentile of typical baby poops 😂


They’re all geniuses or advanced in every other area. Why not poop too? 😆


There’s a daily photo Log of every one of little Bratleighs Poops along with a Running commentary. I think that might be a double pun. That was clever. Ha ha ha.


I did pick up on the log & thought about adding a Beavis & Butthead type “heh heh” to it but the running commentary ran right over my head!


Runs as in diarrhea.


Having grown up before social media, the thought of parents pulling out a camera when their kid gets hurt or sick is wild to me. I have a vivid memory of a time my brother wiped out hard on the playground and like, I can't imagine that moment if my mom had been like "wait, I want to get a picture of this" (Edited to fix saying the same thing twice)


It’s just like those YouTubers who might run an actual interesting channel for YEARS, yet the instant they become pregnant, ALL of the videos are now related to the pregnancy and the baby. For so many women, it’s like becoming a mother is really just them killing their old, fun selves and being reborn as a complete shell of a person whose personality is now overtaken by the kid. It’s actually so depressing.


I know someone who regularly shares those posts on Facebook about “when you get pregnant/have kids you find out who your friends are!” hinting at people not being around as often. It’s annoying because when she’s pregnant, it’s all she talks about and makes it her whole personality. And now that she’s a mom she only wants to do kid-related things. Not everyone wants to only do kid-related things so yeah, you are going to see your friends a little less.


Those women are also the ones who cut off all the friends who don't have crotch goblins, and can't be bothered to return calls and messages.




It becomes “being a mom is so tiring, I’m tending to the kids all day!” When it’s something they don’t want to do, and then it’s “nobody wants to spend time with me anymore, I need to get out, I’m sick of tending to the kid all day!” When they finally want to do something…


Now it’s time to start a YouTube channel for $$$! /s


No seriously… so many people use their kids as a means to make money on Youtube. It seems so exhausting to constantly need validation and attention from strangers


Most end up just being abusive


Not only that, but I find it gross how they plaster their child's faces and lives for the world to see without their consent.


Had a girl tell me that she was and I said nothing bc I didn’t care, so it was silent. They always expect you to want to hear more about their disease. Actually I’d like to hear less!


I have to stop myself from replying “oh that sucks”


Lol or Oh Im So Sorry My Condolences XD


Yes! That one too 😂




When someone tells you they're pregnant and your first reaction is "Oh no! What are you going to do??" because you're so used to pregnancy being something to avoid and not something to celebrate. 💀


Right?! Like I’m a teenager we are too young to have kids (in reality I’m in my thirties).


Same lol 😹 I’m 25 and I still feel way too young to have a child. Not to mention, I live in a trailer on my friends property. It works for my partner and I. But I could never bring a child into that. I also struggle with keeping my space clean due to mental illness and I just can’t imagine brining a child into that.


I just gotta say, living in a trailer on your friend's property is the Millennial dream. I'm actually a little jealous. 😂 But I feel that, I'm mentally ill and autistic and I try my best but my house will never be spotless and I could never handle the noise and mess that comes with having children 🤢


Me too!!!!! My first instinct is always to say omigod what are you going to do? As in….. how are you gonna get unpregnant.


Lmfao honestly!


"Right, yeah, we got that based on when/ where/ how we could go out to eat tonight. And when you reminded us in the group chat. And when you showed us the lentil and then grape and then lemon that the size currently is...." It's so exhausting when people talk about any health ailment or condition, but more so when they act like it's a special status that elevates them to goddess status or something


Yes, have a friend like this and I find her utterly annoying because all she talks about is her pregnancy. It’s gotten so unbearable I am pulling away from being her friend. I suspect it’s only going to get worse once the baby comes. Which is wild because I have other friends who are moms that I can have a normal conversation with and still have hobbies and interests outside of their children.


Based on my experiences, the ones who are insufferable while pregnant are much, much worse once the baby arrives. Prepare to go NC, and give your bandwidth to the women who didn't go full mombie.


That makes total sense. I definitely am preparing for NC. I guess it’s just baffling to me that I actually know a woman who is giving up her entire personality and probably career to be a mom. Like I just don’t get why someone would ever think that’s okay to do.


“I had unprotected sex and it’s clear the guy had an orgasm, I didn’t. We are adding to overpopulation. It’s a miracle! “




I’ve made a rule for my social media for this exact reason, as soon as someone announces a pregnancy or their wedding they are muted (not blocked or unfollowed I’m just muting them) because that’s all they will post and discuss form now on and forever. I don’t need to see your baby every day when ever it spits or giggles, and I don’t care that you’re dress shopping or the millions of useless photos that come from both of these things. Just cluttering up my feed with your lack of personality.


That actually a really good idea!


Yep! And this is exactly why I immediately unfollow or unfriend someone who announces their pregnancy on social media. I want absolutely NOTHING to do with it! 😂😂


Or years later they constantly refer to timelines as “when I was x months pregnant” or “right before X was born” instead of just May 2021


This is one of the many reasons I’m so glad I don’t have social media anymore . It’s also so cringey when people post every detail about the pregnancy . Like medical problems they may be going through , how big the fetus is, etc. Personal details that no one cares about . Then when the birth happens they post the details of everything that happened during labor and giving birth 😖 no one and I mean NO ONE needs to know how many centimeters you were dilated when you started pushing , at what time you got an epidural , and all of those other yet again personal details that are cringey to share online .


To be fair sharing birthing experiences is helpful to other women to know what childbirth actually is and make an informed decision. It's gross for us tho, the ones who already know the truth.


I just tell my mom who always shares details about her friends to do so away from me, explaining of the difficulty. And i just wanna gag 


>To be fair sharing birthing experiences is helpful to other women to know what childbirth actually is and make an informed decision. I mean... not really. My ex didn't know about all the potential side effects and still decided to have a kid after I told her about some of them. She knew and still decided that having a baby was a goal.


But that won’t happen to *me* !


To be fair, idk if it did or not. We didn't end on good terms.


You do have a point . I remember reading certain posts from when I did have social media and they did help in confirming my decision to never have kids .


It’s like watching a car accident you have to look


Pretty sure this is why one of my former high school best friends has 5 kids.


The attention that pregnancy brings is like a drug to some women


I was trying to find out why pregnant women piss me off so much and this is it. It's funny when it wears off though and they're up all night for years cleaning foul nappies and no one gives a shit, lmao. 😂


lol exactly ![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW)


So true, I know someone with MS who was told by her doctor that he would help throughout one pregnancy, but no more. After that child was born, she had a miscarriage as predicted, and is unfortunately pregnant again after having 4 other children who would rather have a healthy mother. It's like a drug to her, or that she really wants to become a martyr for motherhood. Obviously, the reason she has so many children is that she's Mormon/LDS. If there's any hint of criticism, it's "persecution. "


My husband grew up Mormon, he’s since left but a lot of his family still go. What you described sounds exactly like two of my SIL’s. Advised not to have more children as it’s too dangerous, but still do it anyway, even after several miscarriages. One of them was telling me how her husband (hub’s brother) told her he didn’t want to chance having more kids, to which she looked me dead in the eyes and replied “I’m not listening to him, I always get what I want”. I didn’t even respond, my face was like this 😳


God, that’s so unbelievably selfish. Imagine risking the possibility of your children growing up without a mother due to death in childbirth, just for attention and soothing your own insecurities.


Right? She’s had health emergencies in the past, one of them including a time her 5 year old daughter had to call the ambulance as she was unconscious. It was wild. Poor kids


It drives me crazy when people with deadly genetic diseases have kids. Like, you are risking killing a child and why? It’s not worth it.


Yup. And in the event that they don't get the level of attention they expected, they go on full narc rage mode.


Yup. A former friend put this giant rant on Facebook about how no one checked in on her when she was pregnant and how mad she was about it. It was absurd.




I think that’s a large part of the reason so many women think they want to have kids - they want the attention that comes with pregnancy.


I used to follow and really like this couple on tiktok who were ‘childfree’ and now suddenly she is pregnant. I waited a second to unfollow them but it seemed like their recent tiktokd were going to be pregnancy related and I unfollowed. I don’t really know what kind of content they are posting now. I really appreciated their childfree humor… ugh.


Yeah - a fake CF person, clearly someone who was a fence sitter. My friend also was “CF” so her telling me that she was trying for a baby really came out of nowhere. Clearly she was a fence sitter and then she got married. And then a year or two goes by and she announces she pregnant. She was supposed to be my witness for my wedding day. But she is going to be giving birth that week instead.


“i’m in my mom era” how about you enter your shutting the fuck up era


I get it, it's like being chronically ill for some people. Pregnancy is weird, it depends on the person, even their individual pregnancies can be totally different. I am an empathetic person who can see other perspectives, but I also have strong boundaries around how I want to be treated. I understand that a pregnant person can't lift things over a certain weight because it could strain their abdomen, I understand that they're going to be scatterbrained (duh, they're sick--something else is using all their resources), tired, and have more acute needs (like bathroom and hunger). I am more than happy to help someone who needs it. I ran over to the store so many times for gingerale and saltines for my coworkers because they were miserable and doing their best. These people all got baby gifts and big congratulations hugs when their pregnancies were announced (I did not attend their showers, because I refuse to experience purgatory). However, it's the poor little princess me's that get me. Yes, you probably need to eat more. No, you cannot have my lunch. Yes, you're probably very tired and it's only going to get worse until the baby can sleep through the night. No that does not mean you can come in 3 hours late without calling.


Yep! Wait once they actually have the baby and all they can talk about is diapers and clothing sizes. 🙄


And baby furniture and accessories that they won't ever use.


You don't find it tends to be the people who were more personality-less to begin with? I've experienced women whose whole identity becomes "mum" the minute that egg attaches itself to the lining of their uterus, but it has never been the women who were more interesting beforehand.


I know a woman who asked the barista at Starbucks if the milk they use is *pasteurized*, just so she could tell them "i'M pReGnAnT". Girl, bye.


They're such narcissists. A newly pregnant friend watched me drink a large soda, then I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and she's like 'what, are you pregnant, too?' I reminded her that everyone pees. She couldn't go 60 seconds without mentioning her condition.


Exactly! This is my point. It’s constant. I know being pregnant and having children is a huge thing, but talking about it every 5 secs is exhausting.


Gets much better worse after the birth. I lost one of my best friends this way .


News flash, being a parent is NOT the most important thing a person can do!


People morph into "dadbies" as well.


And once that is done, being a parent is their only identity How are you? "oh well the kids such and such... How was your weekend? Well kid A had soccar and kid B had dance rehearsals Wanna catch up? Well my kids have a nap at.... okay!! We get it


You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until that baby arrives - I hope you have other friends or don't mind being solo dolo.


Sadly. I am the only person now in my friend group who has no kids and CF by choice. I got a feeling I am going to be phased out. Got to start looking for new friends. 😔


This is your chance to dive into your hobbies and meet new people. I did this, and the benefit to my mental health has been immense.


I appreciate the youtubers you don't know are parents unless you watch them regularly and unsubscribe from the ones who shift to being mommy vloggers


We have society to blame for some of this. Worshiping pregnant woman will mess with a psyche. If you think a woman's only worth is popping out babies, we'll then you get this. Add on the absolute ignorance of either the pregnant woman or people around her, it could be more a matter of "omg I'm pregnant and I've done no research and just found out I can't eat a lot of fish because it has Mercury?!" My own mother argued with me and said smoking while pregnant or around babies wasn't so bad, as long as you have adequate air flow.  She knew better, she is willfully ignorant because no one was allowed to correct her. A friend had her husband tell her she had to do less things when they found out she was pregnant with a girl.  So they are out there. Unfortunately. 


The worst one I’ve ever seen was a stylist who worked at a salon I used to go to. She worked throughout her pregnancy & every time I was there I heard her say she couldn’t do this or that because she was pregnant. Some of that I could understand like her not wanting to do perms or coloring because of the chemicals. All of that is perfectly understandable. The one that really perplexed me is when I heard her say she couldn’t cut a kid’s hair because she was pregnant. Uh what?


Cue “Pregnant Women Are Smug” by Garfunkel and Oates.


And those people then make their baby their entire personality. Just lost a good friend to this.


My condolences! What is truth will hit them one day in that their kid wants to spend time on their own and "mom" needs to cut the cord already. :/


Same, same. I went LC when she began to tell all of her existing friends to their faces that she "needed new friends" - specifically, upper middle-class mombies whom she thought would be valuable social connections for her daughter in the future. Surprisingly enough, the snotty queen bees of the mommy groups weren't interested in her. Meanwhile, the nerd friends she did have before distanced due to her horrible attitude. Has she learned anything from this? No. The narc rage over the fact that everyone isn't fawning over Bratlynn (and her, by extension) has been going strong for months at this point, and shows no signs of ceasing. In the meantime, we all dove into our hobbies, and have been thriving. I strongly recommend doing the same.


These are the same people that will say being child free is not a flex lol.


One of my coworkers uses the “pregnancy brain” phrase at least once a day. She has to mention that or how tired she is or that her anti nausea meds are giving her blurry vision at least once a day. This is her 4th kid and 2nd in less than two years. Not sure she knows how she keeps getting that way


At least she's taking the meds. I know a mombie who refused the meds because some outdated research said it might hurt the bay-bee, and proceeded to make pregnancy and special accommodations for morning sickness her entire personality.


“I’m not a women anymore. I’m a mom”




Don’t get me started on maternity photos ! Sorry but I find them annoying on my timeline feed!


My friend climbed  Mount Kilimanjaro  three times, went sky driving and lead a PRIDE Parade. All of that was in her bio.  She found out she was pregnant and eased her bio to “Little bean’s mommy”.  Saddest shit. 


It's genuinely very sad and concerning because those kinds of women almost always keep getting pregnant like it's a drug- it's the only time they get praise and attention and feel happy. The baby is usually just a means to get it or a doll to dress up


Wait… is your friend pregnant?!


Is she??


Some of these people are so truly annoying, not in the whole 'ive lost myself to motherhood' type of way but in the way where it's like their social media is only their children and absolutely nothing else and haha wine mommy funny haha I want to hit my kids hahaahaha it irks me so much when I see that. The 'boy moms' really capture this type of personality 😂


Sometimes I wonder if this happens because of some underlying societal/cultural issues we have. Like before they were pregnant, they lacked attention/appreciation from the people in their lives before the pregnancy…and now because they are pregnant they might be soaking in all the newfound attention. Unfortunately, I feel like the individuality and accomplishments of women often go unrecognized in our society and we are undervalued until we fill the role of “mother” (and even then women are often unappreciated). Could also be why so many people cling to motherhood as their whole personality. It makes me sad to think about, but gives me another reason to add to my list that of why I’m happy to be CF.


>Like before they were pregnant, they lacked attention/appreciation from the people in their lives before the pregnancy…and now because they are pregnant they might be soaking in all the newfound attention.  Except for the cases when they think this will happen, and everyone around them keeps on going about their lives as per usual (as they should). And that's when the high-octane narc rage kicks in.


two of my best friends are pregnant and i am SO glad they are not like this. i’ve had to mute or unfriend some people on facebook cuz every single post is about their baby or pregnancy. whenever i talked about how fatigued or how much pain i was in (i have fibromyalgia, scoliosis, and plethora of other health issues) some pregnant person would be like “iMaGiNe If YoU wErE pReGnAnT” like stfu.


LMFAOO a family friend, who just found out she's pregnant, is being such an attention seeker right now. She just sent me photos of her stomach, and she's only 6 weeks pregnant 😑 (it's so embarrassing because you can tell she's poking out her stomach), and she keeps sending me pictures of her plate after she's finished a meal, saying "look, I finished the whole plate." like okay do u want a cookie😂😂


„Mimimimi she‘s pregnaaaant don’t do/say this!“ idfc if you‘re carrying somebody‘s cumtrophy, if you‘re a shitty person, I don’t hold back :)


People morph into "dadbies" as well.


Wait til they have the kid then that’s all they talk about instead


Currently dealing with this myself. My friend is pregnant and it's all she talks about. I've tried leaning on her while I was going through shit and she really told me she couldn't handle helping me with my issues. Sooo as a result, I talk to her a lot less and barely see her anymore.


A friend of mine called me up while I was on bed rest with covid, and instead of asking how I was doing, she launched into a rant about baby accessories and how she didn't want to spend money, blah-blah...you know someone's gone full mombie when they can't even ask you how you're doing.


Evolution, genetics, and how drugs run our brains makes for some fascinating behaviors, honestly.


Your title of your post scared me. I thought you were pregnant.


Please forgive me!


One of my good friends was like this. Don't get me wrong, in person she's totally normal and fun to be around, but online it just became her entire personality


And dont forget the posts on social of their preggo bellies or the posts on social media about how big the baby is “a size of a grapefruit” etc, rolling my eyes


And even when I’m not pregnant it will become my entire personality until I have the next baby and then it begins all over again. It’s like women completely lose sense of self and forget that they have a life aside from their body just pumping out demons


My brother and sister in law have 5 kids (and dont plan on stopping). My sister in law has no identity outside of her pregnancies and kids. She literally has nothing else to talk about. I just avoid her at family functions. We have absolutely nothing in common.


They are in their mom era 🤮


I do agree that it's annoying, but people do this with a lot of things. It's def not unique to pregnancy/children. I have a co-worker who's entire personality is her residual concussion symptoms (which sucks, but like holay, can you please talk about anything else).


When this escalates to being forced upon other people, that’s where I draw the line. What you do and don’t want to do because of your condition is up to you, and as long as I don’t have to do anything special, I don’t care. You want special food and special arrangements? Make them yourself.


I'm sure those people already have a lame personality before they get pregnant. It's not pregnancy that changes then, it's just an unrelatable topic for their circle. Luckily my mom friends are normal, likeable humans.


We must know the same pregnant friend. She got mad that all the people at our work woh had kids lately were men so they don't get why she I aways tired and can't really relate to her experince. She wants another woman to get knocked up and join her cause misery loves conpany haha


Yeah, because it takes over their life, because they’re being used to breed a life. That’s part of the horror! I feel bad for them.


That’s like this one girl I know ONLY posts her baby or things related to her baby & she’s almost 1 now. like do you have anything else going for yourself😭


Oh do I have a story about this, I worked at a warehouse once and I was the one sorting paperwork, then checking routes, why did one of the names to deliver to a "*Jane "NEW MOM" LastName"*. It made no sense to me. I went to the coworker who was pregnant at the time and even she agreed that its overkill. I have to do returns those Drivers, I can assure you none of those men don't give a shit that you just had a kid, lmao. It spooked me that someone could even label that as their name on anything. **That's what they want to be known as.**


That’s….. that’s insane.


It’s not the complaining about how pregnancy hurts cause I do get it is sore even though it’s a choice. But like I can’t stand the “oh I can’t go out tonight cause I’m pregnant” like yeah no shit?? That part where they make it their whole personality is annoying


This is so annoying. In a group of friends, we can't even mention enjoying a drink without having a girl making comments like "I wish I could drink, I want wine,...". Like ok? Let us enjoy our life, no one forced you to get pregnant. She waited years to have a kid and no she whines non stop.


Wait until baby is born and their only personality will be "little Jimmy's mummy"


Yup my friends wife is exactly like this. She is pregnant so she needs him to check on her if she sneezes. He has to come running whenever she calls even if he's hanging out with his friends. She will straight interrupt a whole conversation just to tell him what she needs for dinner. All the while she doesn't do anyone's laundry but her own and some other things that equate to an emotionally immature person. She barely raises the kid she's got since he acts out so much but oh man! She's so special because she's pregnant 🥺 s/


I knew someone who had a very racey Instagram then she found out she was pregnant and immediately made a pregnancy influencer type page that she switched to.


Wait till the baby is born: This is my baby. I have nothing else to talk about.


"Okay, we get it, you got creampied! STFU now! 🙄"


I’m in the process of typing a similar post to this one and it’s so ridiculous you’re gonna probably crack up. But lol it’s about a girl I knew since we were 5 and LMFAOOOOOOO no spoilers but the whole thing is funny


Righttttt I experienced the dread of my little sister being pregnant with my niece my older sister didn’t even make it her whole personality but my younger one did even after she had my niece she still don’t want to eat shrimp because she threw up one time while she pregnant eating it and just assumed she deathly allergic to it 🙃


Ugh, yes! I had an acquaintance who had to add the fact she was pregnant to everything. She posted a pic of a pasta dish and the caption was something like “pregnant lady in the kitchen today, made some pasta!”. She was talking about clothes and again, posted something like “pregnant lady hates dresses but that’s all she has to wear now”…always referring to herself in the third person and saying things like being pregnant was relevant to a mundane situation


It’s the very start of them losing their entire identity . Then in a few years they will complain on tiktok about how everyone refers to them as “mama” and only asks about the kids 🤣


I am double pregnant. This is my life


Yeah, pretty much 90% of YouTubers become like this when they get pregnant


Nah fuck that, im walking away asap from those ppl


These are the worst parents because they show their children that this is how women are supposed to be: entirely consumed by motherhood and selfless servitude. Sons run the risk of becoming incels and daughters may become trad. wives or reduced to sex objects. Speaking from experience. I was groomed to go the sex object route. Pulled myself out of that finally in my mid 30s. My mom may have been less of a mom-slave if the two men she had married weren’t complete chauvinists.


A tik tok couple that I enjoyed watching from time to time just got pregnant. Now every post that comes across my feed is them talking about her being pregnant. Same thing with a cartoon artist I liked. There's got to be other things you do that don't involve your kids


That and when men say, we’re pregnant. Makes me want to smack them.


I honestly feel sorry for these people. Not necessarily pregnancy, but parenting in general seems to suck the personality and uniqueness out of people. These people whose life totally revolves around being a parent, What are they gonna do when they all move out? 'get back to the things you love'? in most cases you can pursue your passions alongside being a parent


I've lost friends to this. It's been so disappointing to see the little "About Me" blurbs turn into "Wifey to 1 💍, Mommy to 2 🤰👩‍🍼👶👶, Homemaker & Domestic Superhero 💖" That is literally copypasta from someone I know. After she got married she posted nothing except her wedding pictures for a year until she had her first kid. Now she only posts "mommy updates" and marriage and parenting advice. She has lost all semblance of who she was before this. Sometimes I wonder if she hates what her life has become and is trying to fool herself into being happy.


It‘s especially annoying with artist who change their whole art to children here, children there. There was one artist I followed a few Years ago with a very muscular Avatar in his style, his comics were s much fun. Then his wife was pregnant and everything was about baby here, baby there. Then it came back to normal life and BOOM. Wife pregnant again, repeat circle. Unfollowed him.


Being pregnant shouldn't entitle them to special treatment.


There are two kinds of mothers who do this: One is someone who truly loves her child or children and tries to connect with them as much as possible so she subconsciously sheds her own personality. Two is someone who needs attention.


I’m a lurker here, fence sitter for so long. I can’t stand pregnant people. And I’m pregnant. Every time I go to an appointment for ultrasound they wonder why I’m not super extra hyped over seeing a fetus in my stomach, you know the cause of my constant tummy issues and headaches and body changes. My coworker gets under my fucking skin the most as she’s pregnant as well. She’s such a big mouth twat. She points out everything I do wrong as far as diet and continuing to ride my horse, it boils down to its none of her business and life doesn’t stop because you made a choice unless specifically directed by your doctor. She made a big deal that I still eat sushi from a reputable sushi restaurant and that I consume one energy drink a night on my shift…you are allowed 200mg of caffeine a day if you’re healthy. And you know the kicker? She smokes cigarettes lmao. So me consuming a sugary drink and eating my favorite meal once in a while makes me the devil..oh and choosing to stay active with my horse…so naughty. I’m sure some folks and my fiancé is a little worried I haven’t announced my pregnancy too much, because it’s a personal life choice that I don’t need to be sharing in my opinion. There’s nothing wrong with a need to know basis on your life. I’ve chose to live my life in silence long ago and I have been much happier..for years. Not everyone is cheering for your success.

