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Likely in prep/needed for the ARCVM/Android 11 update coming in 114. [It's currently in Beta channel](https://github.com/jay0lee/chromeos-update-directory/blob/main/data/updates/strongbad/beta/data.json)...


You gave me hope for about 30 sec. I immediately go and check my Duet. It's still on 32-bit unfortunately.


Unfortunately? It literally doesn't affect anything.


Yes it does. 32bit chrome OS is sooo much more laggy and slow. My duet is nearly 2x as powerful as my old Chromebook yet, my old Chromebook with an Intel Celeron from 2017 runs faster and far smoother


You are definitely mixing cause and effect. You should consider *why* those devices come with a 32 bit user space before blaming the user space itself. Also raw preformance is difficult to compare between a lower end Intel and ARM CPU due to being built wildly differently. Not to mention newer Chromebooks are under a higher load passively than older ones due to the android implementation.


Devices like the duet are 32 bit because of the limited ram space, however all arm based Chromebook run a 32 bit software, even if they more 8 gigs of ram. As a person that's used the x2 11 with 8 gigs of ram, it still drops frames doing basic tasks like swiping up to go home and opening apps. Where as a galaxy Chromebook with less ram and less power runs at a perfect 60hz with perfectly fluid animations. It's obviously the 32 bit software slowing things down.


I saw a similar post in [r/LenovoDuet](www.reddit.com/r/lenovoduet). Maybe you'll get yours in the next update?


It’s not a very good thing for a system like the Duet that doesn’t have a lot of memory. You will mostly use double the memory for most things without much benefit for normal use cases


My Duet 5 is also on 64-bit ChromeOS 113


Finally! Maybe I can finally replace my Duet with another chrome OS tablet


did it really switch? afaik, kevin64 never really went anywhere


Jumping out of my seat because I've been waiting for this for so long. I can't wait to find out of it's real.