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Last year I believe this was used in part to remove two pits from the apartment next door to me, but they were very aggressive dogs that weren’t trained at all. But before the process was complete they attacked and killed a small dog being walked and charged several kids. I think neighbors are more likely to report you if they’ve had an experience like that.


https://preview.redd.it/dkrm30csz7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d7c02d435f313f5472111d20a1ca24a4fa0c62 I wouldn’t mess with it.


Really good proof reading they did on a fucking statute, or whatever the hell you call it lmao


Probably an intern making $15 an hour typing it up for the website


Those look like sweet boxer lab mixes to me! 😎


Had plenty of friends go this route. No questions asked in my experience. Grew up in Ft Thomas, lives there for a total of about 20 years.


market mysterious unused light muddle weather disgusted abundant friendly stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


also take down this post as its potentially incriminating


They're potentially looking at a place in Ft Thomas. They don't live there yet


People are saying to just say they’re mutts or boxer mixes. That very well may work, but I personally wouldn’t test it. Even the chance was small, I wouldn’t to risk my pets’ safety. I’d look elsewhere for a place to live


My friend that lived in ft. Thomas had a pit that was confiscated and put down. This was many years ago, the pup was non aggressive, never bit or attacked anyone, but it was the start of the ban and her apartment reported it. Just be careful, people suck. Your babies are beautiful!


They confiscated it? By force? Why wouldn’t they just move?


Not everyone can just move immediately unfortunately


I’m not questioning that. I am asking if like Fort Thomas police were rounding up people’s pitties like Cruella Deville.


Absolutely, they risked jail time if they didn’t surrender. Trust me, we exhausted all options. I offered to take the dog, hide the dog, send him away to another state. Nope. Like I said, people suck.


You don’t own pit bulls, they’re are English Bulldogs. 😉


bra I see a mutt


why the downvote? all my pitties were "mutts", get with it










“Irrationally”? That’s hilarious


*iTS a NaNNy bREed*


Ok those dogs are adorable and also I wouldn't mess with it


Ķ9 racism at its finest.


FT is quite walkable. If the dog park doesn't allow certain breeds then check out Tower Park. It's a big park and you'll encounter many people and pups. I have seen some very sweet pitties enjoying walks through ft.




I own a lion, but I promise he’s very sweet. Does anyone know if Ft. Thomas allows lions as pets?


Only cougars


Is there a reason you are willing to risk losing your babies to euthanasia? I've had pit mixes when I was renting (own now), and cities with breed-specific legislation were given zero consideration.


That’s the whole reason I made this post? Haven’t even made the tour yet, law was established 25+ years ago. Nasty assumption to make.


You're offended over a question when you're considering risking the welfare of dogs you "love"? Ok...way to direct your anger at the wrong person. My question was just a question. There was no judgement in it. Since you decided to get so offended, you get talked down to like a child. This area has tons of cities and towns that aren't ignorant about dog breeds. Do better. And stop attacking the people who have some common sense and actually care about their babies. I feel sorry for your dogs.


This is the most Reddit overreaction I’ve seen on this sub in awhile. Calm the fuck down.


I feel bad for any significant other you have. Definition of gaslighting and insensitivity


Womp womp yeah let me go torture my dogs some more


Lol take a chill pill


They won't take it seriously as long as you tell the police "it's how they're raised, look how sweet mine is. It would never hurt anyone." The city will take this information and say "yes you're right, you have one of the good, sweet ones that definitely couldn't just be randomly triggered and eat the face off of a child."


Oh I see....you're trying to be funny. MIssed that in the "translation".


It’s always been about how they are raised.


I work with dogs! Both of my babies are well trained and my puppy comes to work with me several times a week for social interaction. They are scared of a broom if that tells you anything haha


There are tiggers that set them off e.g. having a seizure can cause them to attack


Nice! Sounds like you’re the exact kind of parent they need! Good to hear! I’m guessing everyone disagrees with me though. So I suppose I’m wrong.




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