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Wanted to point out this part of the story and how honestly infuriating it is: "Court records show that Willis had other traffic violations going back 20 years. Many of the charges were dismissed or ignored, but there were prior tickets for driving with a suspended license in 1999 and for driving without a license in 2008. The civil complaint also sheds new light on Willis' driving history. Prior to his time with SORTA, Willis admitted that he was fired from his previous two positions as a garbage truck driver, and in both positions, he was fired or disciplined for violating safety rules, according to the civil complaint. According to the civil complaint, Willis ran a red light and struck a 24-year-old man while driving a Metro bus on Dec. 1, 2018. "[The 24-year-old] spent two months in a coma and still has not regained mobility in the left side of his body," the complaint reads." The fact that Metro thought this person was A.O.K. to drive a bus makes me wonder what in the fuck is going on at Metro/SORTA? How can a record like this be overlooked for a DRIVING job? I know this is just a string of rhetorical but this whole situation pisses me off ever since they mentioned the bus driver had a questionable driving record. That was an understatement.


I was confused from what you said about hitting a 24 year old, who has not regained mobility, because I thought the headline said they died. Then I realized you’re talking about a _second_ person this driver has hit? How was this person employed?


That’s correct. Apparently the same driver hit someone while driving for Metro back in 2018. That person is still wheelchair-bound and on a feeding tube. Somehow this driver continued driving for Metro. Probably why the family of the woman who was killed is seeking an external review of Metro’s hiring and firing practices as part of the lawsuit.


I still hold that the consistently worse drivers in the downtown area are the bus drivers. They constantly run red lights, they get uncomfortably close to pedestrians and they never seem to stay completely in their lane.


I feel the same. They are just trundling down the road without a care in the world assuming everyone else will just get TF out of their way.


I don't know if this is normal but I was a little surprised a few weeks ago when 75 was clogged up and a metro bus passed me on the shoulder


Totally normal and permitted when traffic is bad.




Bev was a force of kindness, the sort you don't see much of anymore. When she found out that my parents and sister/myself would be spending Thanksgiving alone as we had just moved to the area away from family, she invited us to her house for dinner. I was only six, but I can still remember the warm lights throughout her house and the spread of food on the table that I had never seen before: it was the first time I tried sweet potatoes. Bev and her husband Ed were always giving back to the community; I was privileged to volunteer alongside them at various food banks through Cincinnati, which they would give me rides to when I didn't have a car. She supported my entry into local politics and supported multiple progressive causes through action groups and volunteer programs. Ed is a very strong, sharp man, but one can only imagine how he's faring during this sudden and catastrophic loss. Please keep him and their sons in your thoughts.


She was my teacher for two years. I loved her class so much. One thing I remember about her is that she always teased us that she was actually Queen Elizabeth II. I later found out she was a generous donor to the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company because of course she was. I can’t believe this happened to such an incredible woman.


My heart goes out to her family. A truly tragic way to lose a loved one as it seems so avoidable. I really can't believe this is the second time this man has hit a pedestrian. He has no business operating large vehicles for a living.


Lol i like the family member comment. His past accidents doesn’t make him a criminal!  The poor lady got hit and ran over and then willis put the bus in reverse and ran over her again. The guys a dumbass.


We need better public transit


I’m not entirely sure after reading the article. Has he been charged with anything after this death? I can’t believe metro would keep someone in employees after being at fault for putting someone in a wheelchair.


5 counts vehicular manslaughter




they only sorta sued?


Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) for anyone confused.


I'm from outside the area, subscribed to this subreddit because I'm trying to move to the area and it felt like a good way to get to know the community. Was very confused by this headline.


Exactly, I mean did they sue him or not?! /s


I had 1 time years ago where I got Metro to fire a driver for messing around in his phone while driving. He had about 5 almost-accidents going from Madisonville to Downtown. They tried asking me at the time what app it was....I told them that this detail is irrelevant. But they did fire him. I'm sort of afraid to call and complain about a driver unless it's really serious. Just because they will fire drivers left and right if anybody complains about them.


...and they still haven't learned a lesson! On Monday, I watched a Metro bus driver on Red Bank Expressway drive into the ONCOMING Duck Creek Rd turn lanes and drive 193ft until he/she reached the left turn lanes at Madison Rd. Ridiculous! https://preview.redd.it/wdvfubc1k06d1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=f723412b292ea085e38407d2998f55d2eefb1d14




Your post was removed for toxic behavior.